Friday 21 August 2015

Weekday Rants #8: Some Smite Updates

     I swear, I have not been so excited by a Smite Top Plays video, but this week's one is bloody amazing. I have not seen such an amazing Athena play, ever. The first three are a little underwhelming, despite having a pro player in the third one (it's MLC!), but I promise, the Top 2 plays are things of legends.

     And there was a remodel for Loki! Finally! I was waiting for this God of Mischief to actually look like a God of Mischief. Oh, might I mention, he was also the first God I mastered and while the connection lag (as expected since I'm playing from Asia and there are no Asian servers) deterred me from playing Jungle roles for a while, I still have sentimental attachment to Loki.

     This was what Loki looked like before, with the gold skin. Notice how underwhelming and not-very-threatening he looks.
     And this is what he looks like now. Perfection.
     I just saw the video displaying the two new skins for Hou Yi and Chang'E have to see it for yourself. It's a little ridiculous, but it does fit Chinese mythology. For those who don't know, here is the background to their respective mythological tales:

     Hou Yi, the Defender of Earth, is a Chinese God. A long time ago, ten suns shone in the sky above earth and the heat ravaged the earth. The people prayed to the Emperor-God Di Jun who called the great archer, Hou Yi. With a mythical red bow and a quiver of white arrows, Hou Yi fired at the sun - a warning shot. When the suns impassively remained, he shot down the suns, leaving only 1 in the sky. Fearful of his archery, the last sun set below the horizon.

     Chang'E, the Faerie of the moon, was once among the immortals that lived in the Heavens and was the most elegant dancer. She drew the affection of the hero archer, Hou Yi, and the two were soon married. Yet, the suns which Hou Yi had shot were the ten children of the Jade Emperor and after Hou Yi's deed, they were both punished and made mortal. Chang'E grew melancholy and danced no more. To restore their status in the Heavens, Hou Yi found the Elixir of Immortality, but while hiding it from thieves, Chang'E had no choice but to drink it. It gave her immortality, but she was also banished to the moon, forbidden to see her husband, with only a Jade Rabbit as her companion.

     Yes, Hou Yi, very philosophical words - "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."

     Now for some MBTI stuff. I have a whole backlog of these.

1. MBTI Squad
People think they care and they do: INFP, ENFP, ISFP, ESFJ, ENFJ, INFJ

     Oh really. I just reached a sudden realisation today that I am a very compulsive liar and a pretty good actor too... In fact, I take pride in how my genuine lies have never been seen through before and that my acting is always on-point.

People think they don't care but they do: INTJ, ENTJ, ESTJ, ISTJ

People think they don't care and they don't: ISTP, ESTP, ESFP

People think they care but they don't: INTP, ENTP

     *Stares* Darling, is that true?

2. How to Tell When Each MBTI Type is at Their Angriest
ENTJ: They just bought all your shit and liquidated it just to see you have nothing, they show you everything you did wrong up to this point and make you eat it.
Biggest asshole ever. They basically leave you with absolutely nothing, although it's all material stuff so I guess they can be replaced with time.

ESTJ: You're fired, from everything. Also loud screaming about how you are a failure.
Okay, goodbye and good riddance.

ESTP: They're on top of you, pummelling you senseless.
You want to fight? You real bro? I will beat you up and watch you crawl home on your sorry knees!

ISTP: A swift punch to the face, then they walk away, without seeing if you're alright.
Okay, that was weird.

ENFJ: None of your friends talk to you anymore, they've manipulated them all into hating you.
Oh shit. That's actually legitimately the worst thing to do. Come to think of it...was that girl in Primary School an ENFJ because that's literally what she did to me...It was fortunate that I did find people who believed in my innocence, but oh boy was she amazing at turning people against me.

ESFJ: 5 hours of straight yelling and screaming until your ears bleed.
This is when earplugs from live firing with assault rifles in NCC becomes useful. 

ESFP: They scream at you in front of everyone, then break down and cry making you look like the monster.
Are you serious? I have half a mind to kick you in the face...or concede (for now).

ISFP: A swift punch/slap to the face, then endless tears.
Now I feel bad. Also, girls, don't slap. I know girls, for some reason, prefer slapping but that does not hurt as much as punching does and slapping hurts your own hands. I recommend a well-aimed kick between the legs, or if you're like me, beat them legitimately first and then kick them there. 

INFP: When you feel an Fi bullet go through your chest from 10km away. A single sentence that hurts you in a way you never thought possible.
Oh you think this is bad. Wait till you see the INFJ's. INFPs are being way too merciful. One shot isn't enough - it's too quick. 

INTP: They become a psychopathic mad-man swinging around an Fe knife wildly. They become a child throwing a tantrum, suddenly uncomposed.
An Fe knife doesn't sound too bad actually. It's just a childish outburst of anger.

ENTP: They've twisted your words and actions into a gauntlet of your demise.
Yes, this is a very admirable way to deal with people you hate. Well done, ENTP.

ENFP: They play devil's advocate and feed on your insecurities and turn them on you until you hate yourself.
Nice...breaking people from the inside-out, very sneaky.

ISFJ: They take you on the worst guilt trip of your life, laying out everything they've done for you and telling you they regret it.
That's like low level anger in an INFJ.

ISTJ: They walk away and refuse to come back. You're not worth their time anymore.
But've gotta come back if you two are stuck in the same location...just saying.

INTJ: They make you see how stupid you are, as if they are shoving a cats face in its own urine stain.
Once again, massive respect for our fellow Ni-dom, though it's not the kind of attacking method I would use.

INFJ: They take your emotions and just relentless cut them and eviscerate them until you are irreparably broken, with such accuracy that it must have been meticulously planned.
So just a note of warning, if an INFJ truly gets angry to that extent, first, record it down in history, because that is an extremely rare occurrence. Then, get as far away as possible because we will make you hate your very existence, down to the very last detail.

3. Ni Problems
1. Your friends get annoyed when you predict what will happen in a movie, including the ending.
"I told you so! Wow, why am I even watching this?"

2. Knowing something and not knowing how you know it.
"What if you're wrong?" "I don't know! I just...know?"

3. Getting annoyed and confused when someone jumps from one unrelated topic to another.
"Okay, look. This is irrelevant. This belongs in topic A, but that belonged in topic B and there isn't a link between them. You stop talking right now."

4. You're constantly inside of your head. It's not surprising for you to zone out and lose your sense of self and the physical reality.
"You know you can just say it right." *Silence* I actually just had the entire conversation in my head so I don't need to say anything anymore.

5. Planning is a necessity. You just don't do spontaneity.
"No, we aren't going to meet 'when we are free'. You tell me what time, what place and you make sure you are there." "No, I'm not studying __ today because I had planned to study __ and nothing will make me change my plan."

6. You love metaphors and symbolism.
With my constant mentions of anagnorisis and tragedies, and a whole lot metaphorical bullshit that sounds fancy as hell.

7. You remember exactly how you felt at an event and what impression it made on you, but you can't for the life of you remember the colour of the walls, what food was served there or the name of anyone you met.
...Now that I think about it...yeah. I remember how this delegate was so nervous that I started fidgeting too...but I can't remember what school, what name or even...what colour his tie was. It was just this really, unsettling kind of nervously that makes the air stifling.

8. As far as planning goes, everyone else is 5000 steps behind you. The problem? Nobody seems to care about catching up.
Like you know, the anagnorisis? I have the entire bloody plan done for whatever I will do for each scenario and what to do for each separate developments including the scenario. But guess what, nowhere close yet.

9. You cannot live in the moment. You cannot.
Well unless my life is only in this second, which it is NOT.

10. Having an incredible epiphany in the middle of nowhere with nowhere to write it down and nobody to tell.
Oh my, so I'm not crazy. I have random realisation and theories from out of nowhere on trains, while walking, in class, etc and I have no idea how I even thought of it.

11. Liking a movie or book simply because it actually did something you couldn't predict.
That is one reason why I don't read fiction anymore. At a certain age, I think around 9, I read the first 3 chapters and immediately go read the last page. And I'm just like "Yup, I knew it. How boringly predictable."

12. One of your predictions turn out wrong and you are confused and angry at yourself.
Come on, intuition is like our primary sense. It's like me telling you that the colour purple you are looking at isn't actually purple but was green all along. It's like me telling you that even though you feel like you're sitting on a chair, you are actually not. Intuition, especially those about the larger scheme of things, has rarely been wrong. That's why I think the matchmaking service is actually not a bad industry to get into.

4. The Types as Coldplay Songs
ESFJ: A Message

ESFP: Green Eyes

ESTJ: Princess of China

ESTP: Hurts like Heaven

ENFJ: Viva la Vida
Frigging graduation song, walking into the amphitheatre with shiny ribbons of green-black-white tied around ponytails, class group-hug with us EXCO in the centre, etc etc

ENFP: Magic
I like this one~

ENTJ: In My Place

ENTP: Talk


ISFP: Every Teardrop is a Waterfall

ISTJ: Violet Hill

ISTP: Glass of Water

INFJ: Paradise
*Gasps* I actually got my favourite one! YES! I love this song so much!

INFP: Yellow

INTJ: Warning Sign

INTP: White Shadow

5. What the MBTI Types Want the Most from Others
ESTJ - Respect
"Your hard work and dedication is admired by us all and you have earned our respect. How would you like to lead this project?"

ENTJ - Submission (in a good way)
"I have complete trust that you are doing what is best for us, the decision is in your hands and I'll follow your lead."

ESTP - Admiration
"That was really cool, what you did back there! I'm very impressed with you and all the rad stuff you do!"

ENTP - Awe
"That's did you pull that off? Your mind never ceases to amaze me, you are truly very intelligent and marvellous."

ESFJ - To be liked
"You're always so nice to everybody! You really bring all of us together! Everything just feels so much happier and more harmonious with you around!"

ENFJ - Love
"I love you (ENFJ), you're really important to me, your companionship means a lot to me, thank you for always being so giving and thoughtful."

ESFP - Applause
"*Crowd goes wild*!!!!"

ENFP - Acceptance
"You are an inspiration to me. You brighten everyone's day; Keep being the unique and special person you really are."

ISTJ - Trust
"Your work ethic and consistency says volumes about your character. I know that I can trust you with even the toughest and most important tasks going forward."

INTJ - Peer-review
"I learn so much from you with every passing conversation. You are free to pick my thoughts any day, as well, if I learn anything new, you'll be the first to know!"

ISTP - Confidence
"You got this, you've proven your ability to thrive on your own and we're always impressed with the results you deliver."

INTP - Autonomy
"Have as much freedom as you need. Your worth is based off of your own merits and no one can take that away. Your mind is unique, beautiful and deserves space to breathe."

ISFJ - Thanks
"You are always so kind, patient and giving to everyone. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Not a single good work goes unnoticed."

INFJ - Understanding
"You are a special snowflake of wonder and are truly real in a rare way. The same understanding you give everyone should be given to you as well. I will do my very best to understand you."

ISFP - Acknowledgement
"These artistic expressions are wonderful! You make this world more beautiful. The world would be a cold colourless place without you."

INFP - Sincere Validation
"Your emotions are real and they matter. Your values, ideals and expression matter. What you and what you are matters."

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