Saturday 22 August 2015

Random Nonsense #20: MBTI Stuff

     So I was going to do a post about my favourite Pokemon of each type...but there are 18 types and I'm way too lazy to go through all of them. I get exhausted doing posts involving the 16 types in which I have to give comments for all of them - imagine the frustration by the time I'm done going through all 18 Pokemon types.

1. The Types as Mothers
ESFJ: The one who's a mom to you, your friends and your friends' moms.
In other words, the mother who does not understand the meaning of privacy and "Yes, mom, I know. No, mom, you don't need to tell my friends too. They also have mothers."

ISFJ: The one who makes cookies every Friday for you to have when you get off the bus.
I mean I appreciate the effort and the kind of feelings you put into baking these but...I'm kinda sick of eating the same thing every Friday? Nonono, don't look like that! I'll still eat them!

ESTJ: The one who has a chore chart with great rewards, like going to theme parks, because that's what they had as a kid.
I'll take myself to the theme park. Ain't nobody gonna tell me what to do, not even my mom!

ISTJ: The one who always helps you get your projects done on time, offer hot cocoa periodically as you finish certain sections.
...Mom, why are you not asleep yet? It's 3am. GO. TO. SLEEP.

ENTP: The one who helps you name your ideas and lets you go to special schools that concentrate on your interests.
If this applies to fathers too...I really need to make an order for an ENTP real soon. The best kind of father you can have for your kids.

INTP: The one who lets you help them with their interests, and teaches you all about the subjectivity of the world.
......I suppose if you want my help...

ENTJ: The one who always has a plan for how to have the most awesome summer ever.
No mom. I have my own plans. We can compromise but if you don't want to, then I won't either.

INTJ: The one who never lets you win games; instead, they wait for you to be good enough to legitimately beat them because they know that's more satisfying.
......Am I an INTJ now? I feel like I will be that kind of mother who wants a son so that he can play video games with me, and then I'll beat him at everything, like how I beat his dad at everything. HAH.

ESTP: The one who totally endorses you learning extreme sports, and learns them along with you.
YES! YES PLEASE! Can I finally take Advanced Muay Thai? And skateboarding? OH, CAN I DO SWORDSMANSHIP TOO?!

ISTP: The one who loves playing catch or frisbee with you in the backyard, and always has a fun new idea of something to do.
My mom in a nutshell. I think 90% of the casual conversations we have involves her trying to drag me out of the house to exercise. Look, I love team sports where I can beat the crap out of someone, but there's only two of us.

ESFP: The one who turns the basement into a theatre so you and your friends can put on plays, complete with sets.
....That won't be necessary.

ISFP: The one who never makes you feel bad about crying, and always has a joke to make you better.
Awwww......that's like a cute and mild-mannered mom. But I want to keep my very short-term memory, hyper and practical mom.

ENFJ: The one who's always got your back, and always lets your friends stay over for five more minutes, and then dinner, and then for the whole night.
So basically the mother I will totally take advantage of. Don't worry, my friends will be over everyday...since you don't mind. You don't do you *smiles* See, I know you won't. stop holding my hand, I can do this myself.

INFJ: The one who never makes you feel like you're crazy, and is always interested in your ideas about the world.
Oh please, I need this. My mom does not want to entertain my crazy ideas or theories. 

ENFP: The one who always wants to go on adventures with you, and loves cuddling after the adventures.
*Sniff* This is so beautiful. I can't decide whether ENTP is more beautiful or ENFP. Please hug me?

INFP: The one who goes out and buys those empty books from the craft store and lets you write and illustrate your own stories.
....I don't need these...

2. Things the Types are Always a Slut For
ENTP: Irony
OHHHH~ I like them too!

INTP: Aliens
....why? Because you are one of them?

INTJ: Their laptops
My best buddies on earth, understand me so well.

ENTJ: The mafia

ENFP: Adderall
That's...that's not very nice to say about someone.

INFP: Tumblr
Lasts for about an hour, I suppose, when I'm extra bored?

HELLO?! Another one of these shippers again? If you want to ship our types, can you at leat present me with one first?

ENFJ: Cult leadership

ESFP: Pissing off their parents
*rolls eyes* Childish.

ISFP: Lana Del Rey
LOL, really?

ISFJ: The food network
Funny, because the one ISFJ I know can't cook or bake to save her life.

ESFJ: PTA Meetings
Really? REALLY? And she's the daughter of a teacher too! How fitting.

ESTP: Gatorade
No, I don't need your energy drinks.

ISTP: Hunting their prey
...Mom? What are you doing?

ISTJ: The honour roll

ESTJ: Capitalism

3. Intuitives Expressing Love (with Anime Pictures of Guys I Fangirl Over for Those that Apply)
ENFP: I love you! *hugs tightly* Hey, you want to go skydiving together? They say the view is amazing!
Number one, you almost killed me when you hugged me. Number two, no, I don't want to die, thank you.
Kise Ryouta from Kuroko no Basuke

ENFJ: *Lots of hugs* You're really special to me, I really hope you know that!
Holy shit, let go of me! And bitch, of course I'm special, do I look/act like anyone else? Don't say redundant things!

ENTP: Where do you want to go tonight? I was thinking of somewhere...quieter, so I can hear you better.
Oh? Hmmm~ What do you have in mind, sweetheart? Aren't I saying your name loud enough already~ (hehehehehehe...two can play at this game)

Tyki Mikk from D.Gray Man

ENTJ: *hands you the remote* It's alright, I'll watch whatever you want, as long as we stay here together.
What a rare occurrence! You should do this more often.

INFP: *stargazing together* All these you know how many there must be? But you know, i prefer it here in our little planet...because you exist only one this planet.
*Backs away* ......Ermmm...alright, I ermm...gotta go?

INFJ: For tonight, I was wondering if we would just hang out together, I miss you.
See, we are normal! Straightforward and normal. No creepy INFP bullshit or too much physical contact. Though I won't like to date an seems like ENTPs are the most entertaining and charming.

INTP: *silently sits beside you* ...Uh, hey, how are you...? *gently holds your hand*
*Looks up in surprise* *Blinks* ..... *Smiles* Do you have the time?

INTJ: *sighs* I keep telling you to be careful when you're running like that *treats your wound* you better stop getting hurt because then I have to keep treating you.

Kanata Nanami (representing Pisces) from Starry Sky

Starry Sky Characters
Spring Characters
Suzuya Touzuki (Cancer), Nanami Kanata (Pisces), You Tomoe (Capricorn)

Summer Characters
Kinose Azusa (Sagittarius), Ryunosuke Miyaji (Scorpio), Homare Kanakubo (Taurus)

Autumn Characters
Iku Mizushima (Gemini), Kotarou Hoshizuki (Libra), Naoshi Haruki (Leo)

Winter Characters
Kazuki Shiranui (Aries), Aozora Hayato (Virgo), Tsubasa Amaha (Aquarius)

4. MBTI and Four Elements
     But my star sign is Taurus and it's the most Earth sign of the Earth signs!

5. INFJs Under Stress
Ni: OMFG, my future is fucked. My future is SO fucked. I have to fix it. I have to fix it RIGHT NOW.


Ti: This new information doesn't match what I already thought and now nothing makes sense and I have to change my ENTIRE WAY OF THINKING because it MUST MAKE SENSE and I am FREAKING THE FUCK OUT.

Se: 420 blaze it.

5. Intuitives as Cats or Dogs
ENFP: The dog that is always super excited to see you and even more excited when you bring friends home.
Awwww....a little too noisy and obnoxious, but adorable all the same.

ENFJ: The dog that insists on stopping to interact with every other dog you encounter on a walk.
Right to behavioural training for the dog and on the way to get a shorter leash.

ENTP: The dog that likes to challenge younger children/dogs. They will grab their toys and run away just to see how they will react.
....I actually think that's pretty funny. Shhhh...

ENTJ: The dog that may not always be the biggest but is surely the leader in any situation. Whether it be in a dog park of deciding where to sit to watch TV.
Behavioural training for this one too. Too dominant and assertive could lead to aggression.

INFP: The cat that loves to cuddle, they slowly crawl up to you when you are alone and rub their noses on your hand for attention.
*Squeals* That's...that's so adorable.

INFJ: The cat that loves to lay down across the keyboard while you are furiously trying to finish a paper. They demand attention and love when they get it.
Wow, I'm that kind of obnoxious cat. *Purrr~* Scratch me behind the ears human and let me rub up on you. Stop moving.

INTP: The cat that loves to explore the house, is always trying to learn new things and create new beds.
Don't buy it a cat bed. Get it some things to make one.

INTJ: The cat that only comes out at night and stares at you, unmoving, as you begin to doubt approaching them.
WORLD DOMINATION. I think this is what the INFJ cat is like at night too.

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