Sunday 16 August 2015

MBTI Stuff #11

     It is rather obvious from my relentless posting that I'm extremely perturbed. But what can I do? Being all contented and letting things take its course, knowing full well that I'm blinding myself to possibly terrible consequences - that made me restless. But now that I've acted, I'm filled with doubt and a nagging sense of regret. Is this regret a selfish reaction, or is it my intuition telling me that this was the wrong course of action? I can't tell. It sucks that I have no one to consult for this... My friends are divided into 1. people who think I'm taking their advice for my own good, or 2. people who don't know about the situation. My usual consult and confidante, on the other hand, has become the main subject of the issue and it defeats the purpose if I seek advice.

     What a horrible situation. I've rarely felt so unnerved.

     I will act accordingly, since I'm going back to school tomorrow, and from there, I will decide on my course of action. I fear I may actually be doing things wrongly - that I'm acting on emotions rather than intuition. I really can't tell. And what if it's too late? That my plans have succeeded so well that I've pushed him away too far? ...What a headache-inducing situation.

     So I'll use these kinds of things to appear as if I'm doing something useful while thinking.

1. The Types and IKEA
ENFP, INFP, ISFP: Any reason is a good reason to go to IKEA. Even if the reason is actually non-existent. Now they probably want to go to IKEA.

INTP, ISTP, ESFP: Will go to IKEA just to buy food or eat at the restaurant.

ISTJ, INTJ, ESTJ, ENTJ: Avoids IKEA unless they actually NEED something.

ISFJ, INFJ: Avoids IKEA because they know they'll want to spend their entire paycheck.
That's actually very true. The reason I dislike IKEA is because I want all those nice-looking furniture. Once I do go in, I don't want to come out until I've given my house (or my room for now) a nice makeover.

ENFJ, ESFJ, ENTP: Types most likely to plan an IKEA hide-and-seek event.

ESTP: The one everyone forces to "help" build their IKEA furniture.

2. Who/What Each MBTI Hugs
ISFJ: Anyone who needs a hug

ISFP: Their best friend

ISTJ: The rules

ISTP: Independence

INFJ: Just people who they really love
"Ermmm...hug, please? C-can I hug you, please?"

INFP: A tree or something like that

INTJ: Their computer

INTP: Prefers not to hug

ESFJ: Friends + family + class/workmates + people they just know

ESFP: The person they love

ESTJ: Their mother is the only person who has the right to ask them for a hug.

ESTP: Adventure

ENTP: Their enemy

ENFJ: Just people who they trust in

ENFP: Absolutely everything

ENTJ: Their boy/girlfriend

3. MBTI Starting Conversations
ENFP: Will start the conversation, and probably guide it too. They know what they want to talk about, and it's probably something fun.

INFP: Probably won't start the conversation unless you share a similar interest, or they know for certain you want to talk to them.

ENFJ: Will definitely start the conversation. They're warm and encouraging, but they can come across as a bit overbearing.

INFJ: Won't start the conversation. They will watch you from afar, mysteriously.
"Hmmmmmm......." *STARES*

ENTP: Will start the conversation, and probably end it if they feel it's not going the way they want it to.

INTP: Might start the conversation...though, if they're busy with something else, they may not notice you.

ENTJ: Will start the conversation if you catch their may be doing something they dislike though, so be prepared to run.

INTJ: Won't start the conversation. Probably looks angry. (They may not actually be angry, but still...approach with caution)

ESFP: Will talk to anyone and long as they haven't deemed you too intimidating to approach.

ISFP: They may start the conversation if you seem safe to talk to...or if you have interesting hair...or if you're really good-looking...

ESTP: They'll talk to you whether you like it or not. Look out world.

ISTP: They don't want to talk to you. They have better things to do. (Like be a spy...but you won't even know it...)

ESFJ: They're so friendly, and inviting you'll love talking to them. They're like the mom, they're the mom friend.

ISFJ: They may talk to you, but they can be kind of shy. Try approaching them, you won't regret it.

ESTJ: They'll talk to you if you're pissing them off. Please. Stop.

ISTJ: They may be preoccupied in whatever they're doing...but talk to them while they're not busy. You'll have a great time.

4. Types on an Airplane
ENFP: Unintentionally flirting with the flight attendant

INFP: Has created a blanket fort, and is pissing off other passengers

ENFJ: Trying to talk to the sleeping person next to them

INFJ: Gets hit by the drink cart 20 times
Story of every INFJ's life. *Trips over stairs* *Trips over curb* *Trips over absolutely nothing*

ENTP: Trying to get away with violating safety procedures

INTP: Calculating every possible way the plane could crash (and terrifying the person sitting next to them)

ENTJ: Being angry at the lack of leg room

INTJ: Trying to sleep next to ENFJ (and becoming very irritated)

ESFP: Accidentally ends up making out with the pilot

ISFP: The flight attendant (who's very flattered, but not interested)

ESTP: Intentionally flirting with the flight attendant

ISTP: The pilot

ESTJ: Being annoyed by INFP (trying to read a magazine)

ISTJ: Rereading the safety instructions over and over and over again

ESFJ: Smiling at babies from across the aisle

ISFJ: Stuck next to INTP and feeling quite ill

5. MBTI and Loud Noises
Searches for the source: ENFJ, INTJ, ESFP, ISTJ


Ignores it: ISFJ, ENTJ, INFJ, ISTP
*stares* *looks back* "Whatever. Too noisy."

Was the loud sound: ENTP, ESTJ, ESTP, INTP

6. MBTI as Deadly Chemical Compounds
ENFP: Ricin
A highly toxic, naturally occurring lectin (carbohydrate-binding protein) produced in the seeds of the caster oil plant. It inhibits protein synthesis when ingested, leading to slow death.

INFP: Sarin
A colourless, odourless liquid, used as a chemical weapon owing to its extreme potency as a nerve agent and has been classified as a weapon of mass destruction in UN Reso 687.

ENFJ: Carbon Monoxide
A colourless, odourless and tasteless gas is slightly less dense than air. It is toxic to humans when encountered at concentrations above 35ppm. Most common chemical used for suicide purposes. [How poetically fitting, isn't it?]

INFJ: Digitalis
A genus of about 20 species of herbaceous perennials, shrubs and biennials commonly called foxgloves. Overdosing on Digitalis is toxic and leads to a slow and painful breakdown of the immune system.

ENTP: Ethylene Glycol
An organic compound primarily used as a raw material in the manufacture of polyester fibres and fabric. Has a sweet taste, but is moderately toxic.

INTP: Sodium Cyanide
An inorganic compound that has a high affinity for metals, leading to the high toxicity of this salt. It is also highly reactive and when treated with avid, forms the toxic gas hydrogen cyanide.

ENTJ: Strychnine
A highly toxic, colourless, bitter crystalline alkaloid used as a pesticide, particularly for killing small vertebrates such as birds and rodents.

An extremely toxic substance that has no known uses except in chemical warfare as a nerve agent. The VX nerve agent is the best-known of the V-series of nerve agents and is considered an area denial weapon due to its physical properties.

ESFP: Botox
Infection with the bacterium may result in a potentially fatal disease called Botulism. It is the most acutely lethal toxin known, with an estimated human median lethal dose of 1.3-2.1 ng/kg.

ISFP: Tabun
A clear, colourless and tasteless liquid with a faint fruity odour. It is classified as a nerve agent because it fatally interferes with normal functioning of the mammalian nervous system.

ESTP: Hydrogen Peroxide
Pure forms of this chemical will explode if heated to boiling and will cause serious contact burns to the skin. Can set materials alight on contact.

ISTP: Batrachotoxin
An extremely potent cardiotoxic and neurotoxic steroidal alkaloid found in certain species of frogs, melyrid beetles and birds.

ESTJ: Asbestos
Prolonged inhalation of asbestos fibres can cause serious and fatal illnesses including malignant lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis.

ISTJ: Nicotine
The stimulant effect is a major contributing factor to the addictive properties of tobacco and smoking. Nicotine is associated with cancer, cardiovascular disease, potential birth defects and poisoning.

ESFJ: Cyanide

ISFJ: Arsenic
As the symptoms of arsenic poisoning were somewhat ill-defined, it was frequently used for murder until the advent of Marsh test, a sensitive chemical test for its presence. Owing to its use by the ruling class to murder one another and its potency and discreteness, arsenic has been called the "poison of the kings" and the "king of poisons".

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