Friday 14 August 2015

Random Nonsense #17

     This time, I really cannot afford to waver in my decisions. I have previously stated, on numerous times, that I will pursue a policy of non-intervention for this issue I have aptly named "anagnorisis". But I feel like I am being awfully selfish and it is, to me, not right to stand back and wait for things to resolve themselves. When I still have power over the situation, I will exercise it and I will not, for the second time, relinquish that authority to fate.

     My resolve has to be strong - I have to tap into the resolve of a Taurus, unmoving and exceedingly stubborn. What is at sake here is the happiness of another, one that I care for, and I will hesitate to turn towards the INFJ's innate ability to manipulate into to reach that end. Am I snatching power away from this person? Yes. But it is for the best. "Those who cannot recognise the own authority has no authority at all". 

     Have I chosen to quicken the anagnorisis? No, that would be selfish of me - because it is in my self-interest to hasten it. I will not take away another person's freedom to make decisions just to further my own interests, even if it may be aligned with that person's interests too (although if the interest is acknowledged, the anagnorisis is already reached). Instead, I shall choose to alter the path through the INFJ's brand of manipulation.

      It hurts me too, perhaps not as much as I have inflicted pain and for that, I feel extremely guilty. It makes me doubt the rightness of my decisions, it pains me to see the kind of pain I have caused. But in the long-run, this will benefit the person I intend it to benefit. Will I be happier? No, obviously not. But I shall find some sort of contentment in the happiness I will bring.

"INFJ: Most likely to manipulate others emotionally, possibly in order to fulfill the INFJ's vision of what is best for the other person. Reading the other person's emotions, they will use their intimate relationships to take actions to effectively shift the other person's mindset. They would probably only do this if they felt it was best for the other person; If someone was hurt by their actions, they would feel bad, but the farsightedness of Ni often reminds them of their convictions and that the pain would only be temporary - the rewards are worth the sacrifice."

      It is exactly what I am attempting to do. On one hand, I hope it works as planned, but there is some part of me, a very selfish part, that hopes that it doesn't. Well, it will anyway. Call it Ni or anything you want, it's predictability of reactions and taking the actions that would most likely result in these reactions. It is manipulation, I am aware of it. I'm using my knowledge of the person's typical reactions against them - is this not manipulation? 

     Trust me. I know what I'm doing. It may not be for the best, but it will be better than my other alternatives. I will not hasten the anagnorisis, not on my life. I will not sit and wait for fate to decide when anagnorisis to come, because there is a high chance of protracted pain coming along with it. Tell me, am I expected to sit by and watch, knowing that it was my inaction that made it such that I was not able to protect those who I care for? At least when I take matters into my own hands, I can alter and control the situation.

     The fact that I'm writing this reflects my doubt on the situation. I have regretted many times, just in the span of a few short days, but I recognise that I'm not doing this for me. I know who I am doing this for and I must be resolute. If I keep faltering and returning myself to square one, who knows when the ability to control the situation will be taken away from me? 

     Writing this here may ruin my plans, but...I am an INFJ. If I'm not sure about everything else, the only thing I am sure is our ability to pull strings behind the scene. The function stack is Ni-Fe and when both functions are developed properly, Ni is on a mission, Fe knows how to manipulate emotions. Together, this plan will work. It will probably hurt a lot after this, maybe I'll end up hurting forever - but really, I think it'll be worth it.

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