Wednesday 1 July 2015

Post-Exam Joy

     I know the next exams are in about 2-3 months' time and I really shouldn't start slacking,'s me. I screwed up the exams this time, not because I didn't study enough (although "enough" is very subjective), but because of my own stupidity. Also, it didn't help that I was a little more nervous than I usually am in an exam environment. In fact, I think I was so prepared to take A Level Econs that that became the reason why I just went ahead and did a combination of 3 questions based on the A Level style of "minimum 1 question from each section, to a total of 3".

     Out of all the papers, I actually had the most fun with Literature and the least fun with Math. It's weird because I spent about 1.5 weeks on Math in total and a total of less than 2 hours on Literature. It was more light-hearted and slow-paced and when compared to History and Econs, I had more than enough time to think about my answer before writing it. On the other hand, the other two papers required me to read the question and immediately start writing because I as hell can't plan and write an essay in 45 min. It's as if they expect everyone who takes the A Levels to have the ability to plan while writing.

     If Literature exam rules stated that I could not bring in my books, it would be a completely different story. I have no idea how many people are stupid enough to not realise that half the answers for "All My Sons" are found in the Introduction. The entire point about Joe Keller being short-sighted and uncaring about humanity in general, thus undermining the goodness of his intentions and thus making him a villain, is found on page 3 of the Introduction. I just copied the entire thing down, inserted a quote and analysed the quote. Didn't even have to think of the phrasing myself. 

     Well, resourcefulness has always been a strong suit of mine. I remember those days in Secondary School where we had so many random assessments that gave you a period of 1-3 weeks to hand up a project. Yeah, I always did them in 3 days and people are shocked by the amount of information I have inside. "Really? All I did was to type in ___ in Google..." How is it that the search engine likes me more?

     In fact, the Literature paper was so slack for me that I ended up thinking about things other than the answer. For example, the only useful quote I remembered was from Lady Windermere's Fan, in the first act, in which Lady Windermere goes - "It (Life) is not speculation. It is a sacrament; Its ideal is Love and its purification is Sacrifice." This quote is meant to be an expression of her naive idealism, and to some extent, her moral absolutism, when paired with the quote that comes after during the "If the husband is vile - should the wife be vile also?" part. The scary thing I realised during the paper was that...I think I do agree with that statement. Does that mean that I am equally naive?

     "Its ideal is Love." Well, it is. If everyone in this world possess unconditional love for everyone else around them, then yes, I do believe that this world would be a much better place and thus, Love, of the unconditional variant, is an ideal. "Its purification is Sacrifice." That's also true. Sacrifice, to put it in another way, is to be limitlessly selfless and to always prioritise the well-being of others. So, when considering the capitalist culture of the world today, which exacerbates the issues of being selfish, uncaring and material/profit-driven, Sacrifice thus purifies the corruption of capitalism. 

     Oh no. Here I am, criticising Lady Windermere on her naivety and praising her progress throughout the play (of course, arguing that at the end, she physically escapes reality by going to Selby and isn't exposed to the entire truth, thus undermining the extent of her progress) and I'm actually believing in the same things. Is she an INFP? I think she's an INFP. Her decisions are a little too rash and her actions are a little too contradictory to her beliefs to be an INFJ, but I think INFP is fair judgement.

     Math was just nightmare. History killed my arm and then Math killed my brain. It is not a good idea to have a Math paper after any paper because I think Math is a subject where you cannot have your energy drained. You need full energy. I feel asleep during the paper, for like 15 minutes and barely had time to finish. Well, at least I did finish the paper... Also, people are going to hate me for this, but I really wished there was more calculus because I know I'm better at it than others and it will differentiate me. Statistics is overwhelmingly simple, and I'd probably lose out to some people because of that. There was only 1 bloody question for Differentiation...but it was quite difficult.

      History was quite fun too, but it didn't have the light-heartedness of Literature. I was very on-task, since I recorded down the time I took for each essay and they had a mean of 45 minutes with a variance of about 5 minutes. Thus since n = 4<50, variance and population is known, by Central Limit Theorem...Nah, I'll stop there. Anyway, the questions are relatively simple and straightforward, except for that SEA Hist question on idealogical differences. 

     This brings me to another issue. Why do people go for consults? What is the purpose of consults if I remember the teacher's instructions better than you do even after you have went for consult. She has said at least 3 times that if the question asks about "idealogical differences", you focus on that and don't spend half your essay addressing other factors. Really, I remembered that after the very first time she said it and I got the structure for those kind of essays too. Why do people go for consults and not remember such things? Bizarre. But then again, I have never, in all my years in school, needed consults.

     Also, I have a certain distaste towards people who go for them. It's just the notion that 1. The teacher has done her part in teaching and revision should be my responsibility. The teacher does not need to entertain me if I failed to listen in class. And half the time, the things she say in consults are whatever she has said a million times in class already. 2. I actually need help. 3. That people would seek help from teachers without first studying by themselves.

     I know I'm a very proud person and it's against my pride to ask teachers for help. I have went to school in China for a term and I know that teachers there do not give a shit about whether you understand. Singaporean teachers hold your hands like nothing else I've seen. Even the kindergarten teachers in China don't hold you hands that much. Honestly, in China, teaching is their job. They have taught everything already and it's your problem if you didn't listen and you didn't understand. Take some damn pride in yourself and use your damn brain to figure things out if you don't understand. If your brain can't figure it out, the consults are unlikely to fix that.

      Furthermore, it angers me when people who don't usually study go for consults. Seriously, when my friends who study their asses off all day go for consults, I have no problem with that. It's the feeling that they have already tried their best and devoted a lot of effort into it. Thus they have reached a very well-established conclusion that they need help. People who don't usually study that go for consult - people who have no pride and no respect for hard work. If you never even tried, don't you dare go for consults, you lazy piece of shit! Have some goddamn pride in yourself and try by yourself first. I'm sure no one in the future will hold your hand unless you manipulate them to. In which case I know what MBTI you are then.

     I think the only time I came close to a consult was the time when I spent about 6 hours one night trying to figure out a question. Even then, I never EVER take other people's answers as the correct one. It is against my pride to copy Math answers, because it's the admittance that 1. I am inferior to you. 2. I am incapable of just admitting my failure outright. I never ask for the answer, unless I've already solved the question. If I can't solve, I'll just ask the teacher for a prompt - for the direction of thinking I should take and go from there. It angers me and disgusts me when people just take answers as they are without thinking or even trying. If you don't want to use your brain, dig it out and bury it. At least then it's doing something productive, like providing nutrients for the soil.

     Now for MBTI on Tumblr stuff. If I rant anymore, I'll just end up getting myself annoyed at people.

1. MBTI Arguing Squads
Would start crying during an argument squad: INFP, ISFP, ENFP, ESFP
I used to cry when I argued with my dad, but it was that kind of uncontrollable tears because my dad, until this day, has the belief that because he is older than me, everything I say is wrong and everything he says is right. But crying during an argument is the worst way to state your point, because to me, crying will always be a sign of weakness. You are more likely to trust in the opinion of someone who states it confidently, rather than someone who is breaking down.

Didn't realise they were in an argument squad: ENTP, INTP, ESTP, ISTJ
Really? Did you not feel the spike in tension? Do you not feel the plunge in the mood?

Knew they were arguing and meant to make the other person cry squad: ENTJ, ESTJ, INTJ, ISTP
How can I like ENTJs and INTJs less than I already do? This is what makes me hate them so much. You argue to state a point and I often withdraw when I see I've pushed the other person too far, regardless of who I think is right. I don't want to win the battle, but lose the war. In contrast, these people will go to any extent to make you admit that they are right. Disgusting. It disgusts me to think that people believe that it's more important to prove the rightness of your opinion than to ensure the well-being of the people around you. Just because you are an insensitive jerk, doesn't mean everyone else is like that too. These people...I don't ever want to know them particularly well.

Is comforting the crying person squad: ENFJ, INFJ, ISFJ, ESFJ
I have done that more times than I can count...especially since I often find myself trying to mitigate arguments between two very emotional parties. One person would break down crying and while I'm comforting them, the other one breaks down because they think I'm being biased. I don't mind comforting them, but I would rather not have a situation in which people are crying in the first place.

2. Four Seasons Squad
I like spring, because stereotypically, it's the season of new beginnings. Of course, like the poem I have mentioned thousands of times, that may not be the truth of the season, but when the majority of people believe in that connotation and become happy with the arrival of spring, then it really doesn't matter. People are happy during spring and that's what matters.

I hate summer. Worst time of the year. It's hot, it's stuffy and it's what Singapore has all year round. The trees are too green with too little variation, people are too loud and too boisterous. It's a chore to be in summer. It's the transition between my two favourite seasons that I have to bear with.

The most beautiful time of the year. I like the feeling of autumn a little more than spring. Spring is too optimistic, too ideal and as the most realistic type within the idealists, INFJs are the most drawn towards melancholy and the beauty of it. While the other NF types avoid unpleasantries, INFJs often find beauty in them. The coming of winter is usually not something people enjoy, but it is beautiful all the same. Leaves turn into fiery red, warm orange and brilliant gold, the chill of the wind as it ruffles the red-orange-gold. The image of a world of pure-white that awaits after autumn. It's a transitionary season that is all too melancholic and beautiful at the same time.

Winter, here, is associated with cold-hearted types. I can't agree any less. People see summer as a happy season and winter as a sad one, but I think summer is superficial and fake, and true beauty lies in winter. Winter the season where everything gets covered in a layer of pure-white, almost like the purification of nature, waiting and preparing for a new year ahead. Also, it's the end of the year, a time for families to meet once more and celebrate the festivities of winter together. This, in comparison with the frivolity and superficiality of summer, makes winter an amazing season. So yes, I just really hate summer.

3. MBTI and What They Thrive On
ISTJ: Duty
     "The Logistician" take pride in their high sense of responsibility and ambition to make the most out of their knowledge.

ESTJ: Leadership
     "The Executive" is in a comfort zone when they know they are in control of their surroundings, as they enjoy establishing orders and their own visions.

ENTJ: Challenge
     "The Commander" has high self-confidence and are more than willing to test others' limits, sometimes even their own, to prove competence.

INTJ: Understanding
     "The Architect" has a brilliant mind that craves depth and truth in every aspect, thus they have a natural sense of wanting thorough explanantion.

INTP: Knowledge
     "The Logician" take pride in their quick and curious minds, whose thoughts can only be settled once they process answers.

ENTP: Leisure
     "The Debater" is only able to process information clearly and put their knowledge to its best uses when their minds are at ease.

ENFP: Discovery
     "The Campaigner" is gifted with powerful curiosity and nothing satisfies more than answers and proof to feed their never-ending thoughts.

INFP: Harmony
     "The Mediator" is guided by their principles to communicate with depth and find the true meaning of people and peace.

INFJ: Altruism
     "The Advocate" has a heart of gold and a natural sense of giving that root from their immensely caring trait.

ENFJ: Reliability of others
     "The Protagonist" is known to have strong leadership qualities that are able to inspire others who are willing and leave their authentic legacy behind.

ESFP: Positive attention
     "The Entertainer", as told by their name, enjoys spending time and energy to make their dear ones crack a laugh or two; it can only be encouraged by openly appreciating their efforts.

ISFP: Flexibility
     "The Adventurer", owning up to their title, loves immense exploring and would be comfortable to know they have just the space to do so.

ISTP: Adventure
    "The Virtuoso" enjoys physical exploration of their surroundings and is a carefree creature who can't be stopped once adrenaline pumps.

ESTP: Freedom
     "The Entrepreneur" needs to know they're not tied down and are able to choose what goes on in their surroundings, or they might just get out of hand.

ESFJ: Status
     "The Consul" knows exactly how they'd like to be perceived as and will go miles to uphold their good name.

ISFJ: Affection
     "The Defender" is a sensitive soul who would appreciate a reciprocation of their kind trait.

4. INFJ-INTP on Psychology
INFJ: I didn't know you were interested in Psychology as well.

INTP: I find it to be fascinating, the human mind is indeed the most complex system there is.

INFJ: Have you any interest in becoming a psychiatrist?

INTP: *stares at him incredulously* Me? A psychiatrist?

INFJ: *raises an eyebrow* You seem to be rather invested in Psychology and Psychiatry is a bran--

INTP: Psychiatry entails prolonged interactions with human beings, most of which don't have a legitimate ailment - well, at least one that is more serious than the death of their goldfish. Do you actually expect me to sit there and empathise with such trivialities?

INFJ: I thought the human mind was a fascinating, complex system?

INTP: It is! I want to understand it - to experiment on and explore its capacities and capabilities. I'm not interested in helping people.

INFJ:*stares at him thoughtfully*

INTP: Stop profiling me.

5. MBTI and College Majors
ESFP: Communications
ESTP: Criminal Justice
ISFP: Animal Science
ISTP: Computer Science
ESFJ: Nursing
ESTJ: Business
ISFJ: History
ISTJ: Public Policy
ENFJ: Education
ENFP: Languages
INFJ: Psychology
INFP: English
ENTJ: Political Science
ENTP: Philosophy
INTJ: Chemistry
INTP: Physics

6. INFJ Rage

7. How to Attract MBTI Types
ENFP: Flirt with them once and then act completely unattainable. ENFPs love a challenge.
That isn't that hard to do. No wonder these people are so easily taken in with others.

INFP: Act like you have a deep, brooding secret that you're too guarded to reveal. The INFP will not sleep, eat, or breathe until they've broken down you walls.
......Wait, isn't that an ENFJ thing to do? No wonder they are so compatible. They are both not breathing, trying to figure each other out. Weirdos. If they don't tell you, then it's not your place to know. When they are ready to tell you, they would.

ESTP: Act sweet, wide-eyed and impressed by everything they do. Their ego will respond well to your fuel.
Sorry, I'm not that desperate and I'll never be that desperate.

ENTP: Challenge their logic and rebut their manipulative tactics.
Gladly, come here and fight me ENTP.

INTP: Take initiative. Take initiative again. Repeat until INTP notices your existence. Then take initiative again.
Tell me why I shouldn't just date my bed then. I think my bed is more responsive.

ESFP: Look good, make it clear that you're available and then just hand around for a while. Their natural "people curiosity" will eventually drive them to come after you.
And there, ladies and gentlemen, is why both ESFPs and ENFPs are rather multi-timing people.

ISTP: Infiltrate their social circle, see them regularly, match their level of nonchalance and then put sex on the table.
Sadly, I will only be willing to perform the second action of seeing them regularly.

ESTJ: Have excellent hygiene and constantly tell them they're right.
If you're wrong, you're wrong. I won't tell you you're right when I know you can take the opposition.

ISTJ: Be bubbly enough to warm their hearts but scattered enough to imply that you need their help.
And that type would be...? INFJ? Probably not but yeah. 

ISFP: Be adventurous and playful and take an interest in them - then give them space to sort out their feelings and come to you.
Here, ESFP and ENFP, I found your perfect match!

ENFJ: Act like the stereotypical bad boy/bad girl but show glimpses of deep emotion - they'll clamour to figure you out and bring out the best in you.
Conversely, you could make them watch every other American drama because that's basically the storyline.

ISFJ: Act like a superhero, but one who needs to be taken care of. They'll jump at the chance to nurture your reckless spirit.
I thought that was ESFJ? But yes, that's probably a shared trait between the two of them.

INFJ: Be one big, walking paradox. Look them deep in the eyes and tell them that you "need them" to help figure yourself out.
Wait, you need my help to find yourself? Gimme a second, I'll pack my bag and everything and I'll be right with you. You know what, scratch that. I'm right with you NOW.

ESFJ: Be popular among your mutual peers but make it clear that you often forget to eat lunch or get enough sleep. They'll lust obsessively after the chance to be the one who takes care of you.
This is why you find yourself in deep shit. These people are trouble.

ENTJ: Assure them that a relationship with you is a low-risk investment that will yield a sizeable emotional return. Be strong in your character, but not stronger than them.
Bitch, do you think you are worth that much effort? Nope, so screw off.

INTJ: Present them with a completely unprecedented way of thinking about something they were previously decided on. You'll shake their foundation and win their admiration.
It's actually quite easy to do this...except that I don't really like INTJs in general. You would think Ni-dom buddies and all, but no.

8. Honest Opinions of the Types (INFJ Edition)
     I honestly love you people so much. You wouldn't think that INFJs and ISTJs would be that compatible but the ones I have met are not at all how they are portrayed in stereotypes. One of them is one of the nicest, warmest, empathetic and caring people I know in this world. I love your dedication to tasks, especially when that manifests as doing your duty to complete goals that benefit other people. You can actually be so weird and open and honest with me and I am so thankful for it. I feel like you guys stand out in this sort of solid way. Like your presence really sort of grounds me. Not in a rigid way, but because you're focused, determined and aware of rules and deadlines and structure I feel more at ease.
     So I think my on-the-spot decision to classify that one friend as an ISTJ is actually correct. Awesome, my Ni coming into play I think.

     I want to type gibberish from smashing my keyboard with frustration. I feel like we're sort of twins but from parallel universes. When we met, we're so friendly to one another, we're aware of social cues that others don't notice and we both try to include and lead people. We can open up to each other quickly and get on really well from the get-go. But, something always happens with me and you guys. After a while, I feel like we sort of don't really understand each other as much as I thought we did. Also, I know you're busy but seriously you're so bad at non-face-to-face communication. Just. Message. Me. Back. Straight. Away.
      I don't know any ESTJs, but I know I'm annoyed by the last part. It isn't that I don't understand that you're busy, but I understand social cues well enough to know that there's a limit to how much I can pester someone before it's regarded as being clingy. So stop being an asshole and just reply RIGHT AWAY.

     Perfect, motherly, kind-hearted but vicious, blunt and realistic. I will get to my one issue further down, but I first must succinctly describe just how wonderful you are. You get me, mostly. Which is more than I can say for the other types. You notice people and look out for the harmony of people. My best friend and I are so painfully aware of when someone is breaking the social rules or just being weird or negative and knowing that you're there to vent my frustration about how people behave is so comforting. You are the most loyal friends, you express you souls the same in person as virtually and it's a beautiful skill most people don't have. You get 90% of the things that I complain to you about and it makes me feel so much less alone. The only thing that annoys me about you guys is your dislike of conflict. It's not all the time, and to varying degrees, but sometimes when someone is being a dick to you, I wish you could lash out at them and stick up yourself because you are too good to be trampled on when all you do is care and suffer for others. You are surprisingly analytical and intuitive and I want to crush you with hugs because we get each other.
     And I can vouch for this. You would think ISFJs are not intuitive because they are S types, but the one ISFJ I know, who is very close to me, is surprisingly intuitive for an S type. I can get a lot of things by the detection radar of S types, but ISFJs are slightly better than the rest.

     I'm sort of just warmly indifferent. I love we can clean things together because I don't think the other types understand how calming it is. You can be nice and there for me, but there's really nothing else there. I want to understand you and appreciate your kindness for other people but often you come off as shallow and fake, but I know that's not really you and I just feel sort of alien with you. I don't think you realise, as ironic as it is for your type, how uncomfortable I am sometimes. Maybe that's because the thins you usually accommodate and apologise for are more physically obvious and like "normal". Feeling out of place and lonely and all the other things INFJs feel isn't something you're used to dealing with probably and I don't think you can sense it.
     The advantage I have, I suppose, is that my ESFJ friend actually opened up to me deeply enough that I can very very easily see beyond what INFJs see as "fake" in the ExFJs. Because I know the kind of things you've been through and how affected you are, I understand the sincerity of your gestures, which is shocking because technically and theoretically, INFJs should be more understanding of ENFJs than ESFJs, because by function resonance, we don't really have that much resonance with ESFJs (there's the Fe-dom with Fe-aux + Ti-inf x Ti-ter and that's all) compared to perfect resonance with ENFJs (on every function basically, since dom-aux and ter-inf are reversed).

     I feel like many people hate you and you hate many people. But I appreciate your quietness and resourcefulness and doing what you want. You have a dark and rebellious energy that is attractive to me, but also quite intimidating. I don't know if you're nicer on the inside but probably not. I really don't know what you want out of life and that makes making conversation with you difficult. I sort of just observe you but I know I could never really get what your purpose is or what your life is like inside your head.
     Again, I have advantage because my mom is an ISTP. Yes, my mom is the kind who has a lot of friends on the outside (especially for an ISTP), because of her naturally playful nature. It's a little sad that she cannot understand a lot of deep emotions and the kind of sentiments I possess. My dream of improving the world to her is ridiculous, naive and unrealistic. Whenever she insults someone behind their back and I tell her off for it, I'm seen as no-fun and too rigid. It's a difficult relationship, to be sure, especially since she just wants to experience and have fun in life. Quite hedonistic, I believe.

     Chill. Like I know inside for sure you're actually like a stoic intellectual for your few technical interests but outside you have the loudest energy. Also, I'm not going to pretend that all the shallow, pointless things you do like constantly getting drunk and accidentally hurting yourself don't make me die inside. You're so awkward too? Like how is that for popular fuckboy extroverts? Like you're that attractive guy that is always at parties and is popular, but you're not a complete meat-headed jock all the time, like I don't hear you speak of your own accord that much surprisingly. I feel like if I met one of you who was a bit more aware of people's feelings I could be friends with you, but for now, I'll just cringe at the awkward and stupid things you do to have fun.
     I don't know this type, but I can agree to the fact that I don't think I'll like them that much.

     I want to love you and shelter you from the world, but there's something not quite right about your energy. Like inside, you're hiding a really evil plot of mass murder or something and it unnerves me. Overall though, I think you are innocent but extremely easily influenced by others and you can play the victim very well and make me feel guilty as hell. Keep on dancing with fairies and being a smiley weird cutie.
     That's exactly how I feel about ISFPs too. I have the impression of a cute little bunny that is soft and fragile, but also those kinds from horror films with blood-shot eyes and are actually demon-possessed. Call it paranoia or INFJ's just unnerving.

     For real, I know know if you were isolated from other people, other than going insane, you wouldn't be fake or bitchy. I can pick up the internal nerdy things you think about that others don't catch and I don't know why you don't talk about them. Is pleasing people and having shallow relationships that fun? I'm probably jealous because I could never get high and make out with 15 people and crowd surf at a concert; be thankful you can have fun without a care in the world.
     I agree, completely. I know ESFPs are supposed to be the most unthinking type who are hedonistic, careless and all those things INFJs don't stand for. But like I've said, no one in the world is shallow, it's just how much of their depth they 1. can accept and 2. are willing to show. Some people aren't even aware of the depth of their own thoughts and sacrifice that for shallow relationships...I cannot sympathise.

     You actually get my deep inner world and my constant analysis of everything. You can sit quietly with me and talk about other people and I literally fly away from the world. I can only feel your energy and it's insane and I love it. But then you have to ruin it with your weird extremist political views and annoying intonation patterns. I know you don't know how aggressive you come off about your opinions and it makes me so tense. Also, pretty rich coming from self-righteous martyrs like us, but you are able to admit when you're wrong and change you mind, you know! One day, I will probably end up with one of you, but hopefully one with affection for humanity, morality and maturity.
     I do wish I don't. My dad is an INTP and I cannot understand his completely distancing from humanity. It's not even in the Joe Keller sense of being short-sighted and unaware. My dad understands and recognises the impacts each action has on humanity at large, but he doesn't care. Love is reduced to a chemical compound that ensures survival and selfishness is wisdom for survival. I know guys usually like girls who are like their mothers and girls like guys who are like their fathers, but as long as my consciousness and wisdom remains intact, I would be a fool to end up with an INTP.

10. ENTP
     For the longest time, I didn't understand why people always cite the ENTP-INFJ power couple thing. You come off as absent-minded, annoyingly forgetful and thoughtless rude assholes. But I know when you're in a good mood, we can have abstract conversations until the sun comes down and we can have the same sense of humour and really laugh about other people. If you've got a developed Fe, I'm quite happy to talk to you, but if you're a less mature ENTP and you think turning everything into an argument and being a dick is funny, please just know you sometimes deeply hurt my feelings and I want to kick you in the face.
     I don't know, but I think since I'm in the school I am in, I either have to deal with the less-mature ENTP or the less-mature ESFP. Why? Because the ones who are smart cannot seem to understand that I'm NOT trying to start a debate and I don't want to argue with you. They end up making a situation in which I wanted comfort to one where I'm just scolding myself for thinking that a guy can even help with stuff. Then there's the jock group, who are rather nice and indulgent towards their female friends, but are so retarded and unaware of their own thoughts that it annoys me to no end. If only I swung the other way, life would really be a much easier thing to deal with.

11. INTJ
     I don't know if you're all dark murderous villains or putting it on to seem mysterious but I see past it quite quickly. I know deep down how much you care about me and about changing things and justice. It makes me like you less when you act all superior and evil and I don't know why you do it. I think you're extremely hard-working and creative in ways people cannot appreciate or understand. I love how your mind works too.
     Thank you for confirming my beliefs, fellow INFJ. I know for sure that the many INTJs I know aren't all cold-hearted and under that nonchalant and uncaring exterior, they possess a love for their friends that is almost comparable to the F types. There is something about those moments where they show their care that really throws me off, because it's so uncharacteristic of that mask that they wear. So whenever I get angry over their insensitivities, it always worries me, because I suspect, with good reason, that I may have perhaps hurt their feelings too and they are just too upset to apologise first.

12. ENTJ
     Please stop talking about yourself at some point. I really want to like you, sometimes we have little moments of pity and being fed up with other people's incompetence and stupidity, but other times you are oblivious and I can sense your ruthless power-hunger. I feel like we could either be friends leading people, or scrape out each other's eyes in a bid for the throne. I do appreciate your connections and the effort you put into projects.
     I wasn't wrong. INFJs cannot get along with ENTJs. It's not like we are polar opposites but we get along worse than INFJs get along with ESFPs or the more theoretically incompatible types. I guess we just fit at the wrong places so that our uneven parts scrape together roughly. You are too harsh, we are too soft. You are too dominating, we are too submissive.

13. INFP
     You are so inconsistent, in every sense! Not only do you not follow your own values when it applies to other people, but you look like you're about to break something when you're probably really happy inside. I want to love you and I love the intensity of the emotions you feel, but you seriously need to work on the expression of such emotions outwardly. Do you not see the harm you are inflicting on others?
     Wow, so I was absolutely right. The kind of sadness and melancholy I saw within that one INFP was enough to make me want to care, but he chooses to express it in such a way that harms those around him. The kind of affection and infatuation he had as well, but how does it translate into actions so terribly? You promise never to hurt her and that's what you did at every turn. Would you please hold on tighter to those values and mean what you say?

14. ENFP
     I love you, I really do, but you're not the most reliable friends. You're so nice and energetic and you give me really warm vibes and we get along so well as soon as we meet each other and you get my sense of humour and my annoyances about other people. You appreciate when I help you and it feels my soul, but ignoring my advice makes me feel like you don't really listen. You are known to give the most authentic and accurate compliments that make me feel so good about myself and I just love your presence.
      Hello? I would like to take an order of a normal ENFP guy please. This seems like a very good idea for an INFJ, but sadly, I don't know a lot of ENFP guys and those I know are not even stereotypical ones. As far as I'm aware, all the ENFP girls I know are very much ENFP and they bring me a lot of joy. They are understanding and caring, in the way only a fellow NF and be to an NF, but unlike INFP, they aren't inconsistently unreliable and unlike ENFJ, they seem to be able to lift my mood like no one else. It's miraculous even.

15. INFJ
     I will write this myself. I love my own type, almost to a fault and the one INFJ I know personally, who is a guy, is like a miracle. How can a person, after talking to me 5 times, show that much care and concern despite the very very very concealed conversations we had. I revealed next to nothing and somehow it clicked within his mind every single sensitivities I had. It's relieving to know that I never had to say anything out loud and he doesn't pry. Ok, it's not that he doesn't pry, he just does it our INFJ way. ENFJ prying is to ask verbally while INFJ prying is just observation and deep analysis. It is, in some ways, more intrusive, but it does feel less intrusive. It was liberating to know that I'm not crazy and that someone, without me explaining in detail, can understand every single one of my views and agree with them. Sadly, as INFJs come, they are so very rare and also, when you have two people of the same type together, it becomes overwhelming at one point. Strangely enough, there is nothing beyond platonic feelings, probably because an INFJ and INFJ relationship is too much of a brotherly feeling.

16. ENFJ
     You think you're so perfect...and you are, and I'm so envious of it. You can be really fake, but I know you are genuinely extremely kind and beautiful and even though you're popular, we both see through each other's masks and our connection is deep and strong. The moments I've shared with you have filled me up with bliss and our intuitive mind-reading abilities in conversation and shared opinions are magical. You make me feel whole and loved and understood, but I do get jealous of how many friends you have, it makes me feel less significant to you, but I know that's how you are and it doesn't change our individual relationship.
     If I have to state it theoretically, it's basically a more connected ESFJ-INFJ relationship with a lot more understanding for each other's actions. The first part is true, I intuitively sense that the connection is deeper and more concrete despite the relatively shorter period of interactions. However, I think because the ESFJ I'm referring to has revealed to me and trusted in me so deeply that it's easy to say that I'm more convinced of her sincerity than the ENFJ's sincerity. I am also acutely aware that the ESFJ has no where near as much manipulative potential as the ENFJ and my relationship with the ESFJ is sustained by very concrete and frequent confirmations. But yes, it is always a beautiful moment when someone comes much closer, though still not close enough, to understanding me.

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