Friday 10 July 2015

Random Nonsense #8: Avoiding Homework

     It always scares me more when a certain Math topic feels easier than other people say it is. There are classmates complaining about Complex Numbers, but it feels very straightforward and I fear that I don't actually understand the topic well enough to see it's difficulty. It is our last Math topic; it's not supposed to be that easy. But Complex Numbers just feels like normal Algebra to me, with an element of the Imaginary Number, i, and the ability to solve quadratic equations where discriminant is negative. The Argand diagram also feels quite easy...there's certainly something I'm not getting then...

     But, I'll do that later. There are only 5 questions in Assignment for Complex Numbers I and I'm sure I can finish it in less than 20 minutes. So, on with MBTI. With the small break I took, there are more posts up now.

1. The Most Attractive Thing About Each Types
ESFP - Your confidence
     You're sexy and you know it. It's not just that you have rock-hard abs (though you usually do), the ease with which you attract your gender of choice is apparent in everything you do. You are effortlessly personable and the confidence you have in your own people skills is irresistible.
     Is that a challenge? I'm very sure that I am completely immune to the charms of the ESFP because I will take one look, raise an eyebrow at the obvious peacock-like flaunting and roll my eyes. These are the kind of guys that hit on me at conventions and got the cold-shoulder because, if you want to persist, don't blame me if I damage your male ego beyond recognition.

INTJ - Your intelligence
     It's no secret that you usually have the highest IQ in the room. Everything that comes out of your mouth is an educated, thoroughly analysed opinion and it's difficult to champion your knowledge on almost any topic. You know your stuff inside out and backwards -- and it's hot.
     Okay, I will admit that I like intelligence almost as much as I hate flaunting. It's not that I discriminate against people of lower intelligence. Of course I can't, or I'll be discriminating over more than 95% of the population considering the tier level of my IQ (it's a joke, calm down). These people make for good conversation partners, but you probably can't rely on them.

INFJ - Your intensity
     There is nothing meek or helpless about you. You are a highly intelligent, highly perceptive individual who understands others on a deep level. This gives you the unique ability to connect quickly with new people. It's an intense experience for those on the receiving end of it and it makes everything about you seem hella sexy.
     Well, thank you. I must add though "ability to connect quickly with new people" should come with "when I want to" at the end. I know that with our perceptiveness and all, INFJs are excellent at flirting but really, what if I don't want to? I know I have many phone numbers that I obtained through very minimal flirting (because it's not difficult to see what people like), but often it is the people I don't flirt with that I'm more interested in. If I flirt, it means I just treat it as a game of manipulation, which is rather fun and serves to indulge my Se if I need to.

ENFP - Your enthusiasm
     You care more about your latest idea than most people care about everything else in their lives combined. And the energy's contagious. People admire the positive vibes you bring to the table and they want to share in whatever it is that you're so pumped on - hell, they want to be the next thing you're excited about.
     And then I become confused why INFJs and ENFPs are good matches. Enthusiasm is something that needs to be moderated because a person radiating such energy usually wears me down. INFJs are highly realistic, despite out lofty ideals, and are thus very pessimistic people when we realise our ideals cannot become reality. Then comes along the ENFP with his/her ridiculously oversized and unrealistic plans and it's like...dealing with a kid.

INFP - Your depth
     There is infinitely something more to you than meets the eye and your slightly mysterious vibe is compelling. People who meet you for the first time want to know more about what's going on inside your mind -- and it keeps them coming back for more.
     Certainly an interesting specimen to study then. Also female INFPs tend to give off a feeling of vulnerability and helplessness, perfect for the MBTIs out there who want to play hero. Certainly fun to stick around them just to watch the drama unfold and be amused at how I can just predict everything that will happen.

ENFJ - Your attentiveness
     You have this very specific ability to look someone in the eye and make them feel as though you're staring straight into their soul. The presence and introspection that you bring to the table is rare gem and it's unnervingly attractive.
     Or just plain unnerving. Really, I don't think INFJs, in particular, like the feeling of being looked through. That's our job. Also, I think it's fair to say at this point that the difference lies in how ENFJs externalise a lot of what INFJs internalise. For example, we are said to see through people too, but people don't feel like we are trying to see through them. Somehow, an INFJ's contemplative stare is not as unnerving or obvious, thus making us the flirting experts even though we aren't the extroverts. I think the saying that you feel daggers in your back comes from an INFJ under the scrutiny of an's unnerving.

ENTP - Your wit
     It's not just the quick, clever jokes (though it's also those) -- everything about the way your mind works is both refreshing and compelling. You establish dominance almost accidentally through your intellectually rebellious nature and it's insanely attractive.
     Yes, wit is insanely attractive. I prefer wit over intelligence because there is something so subtly attractive about intelligent humour and the ability to react with sharp and well-constructed comments. I suppose INFJs do like ENTPs for their wit...I mean, what's more attractive than a guy who can sense that you are playing mindgames and can respond with equal competence?

INTP - Your indifference
     I hate to admit it, but one of the most attractive qualities someone can exhibit in the 21st century is simply not giving a shit about the dating game. You'd genuinely rather be left alone to your thoughts and to the many emotional masochists out there, you're the very definition of a challenge.
     It is simply very unwise to go after these people because all you're going to do is get hurt. Conversely, because these people obviously do not give a shit, it is probably very easy to get over a crush on them because...well...there isn't any guilt involved since they aren't going to give a shit.

ISTJ - Your reliability
     You are the definition of the strong, silent type. People are attracted to your no-fuss-no-muss attitude -- they want someone they can rely on and you're the definition of dependable. Plus your dry humour doesn't hurt.
      Well, I found what all insecure girls are looking for. I just don't think ISTJs are reliable in the way that I want it and I do not like dry humour. Dependability is also no where near the top of my list of qualities because the idea of leaning onto someone so completely without allowing them to lean back is quite disagreeable with me. ISTJs strike me as the type to not know the difference between being dependable and being straight-up annoying.

ESTP - Your nonchalance
     You are personable, capable and confident -- all seemingly without trying. We don't know how you pull if off, ESTP, but your cool as a cucumber attitude is alluring and absorbing. Something about you just dares us to put ourselves on your radar.
     Or something just dares me to try to knock down your cool. Hey but if INFJ specialises in intensity, then ESTP's cool as a cucumber attitude is clearly something that we dislike and is also the completely opposite.

ISTP - Your aloofness
     Your offbeat, somewhat distant attitude is endearing at worst and insanely attractive at best. Despite the fact that you're somewhat reserved in conversation, it's obvious that you're a Jack-of-most-trades who can take care of yourself with ease. Your aloof independence is hot.
     Again, this contrasts with intensity. I really don't have much to say about STs, do I?

ESTJ - Your decisiveness
     It's difficult not to respect your frank, assertive nature. You go for your goals with no holds barred and you don't care who or what tries to stand in your way. Your confidence in what you want makes others want to be the thing that you want.
     No. I don't care to be the thing that you want and neither do I want to be the thing that you want. Assertiveness and inflexibility are horrible qualities to be in taken in combination. Frank means lack of tact and while INFJs appreciate honesty, there is a certain level of tact we still expect people to keep - the social norm level of tact.

ESFJ - Your togetherness
     You somehow manage to always be miles ahead of the rest of us when it comes to general adulting. You've got your ducks in a row and you're looking for a partner who can measure up. People are attracted to you when they're looking for a partner who's got their shit together and pulls it off with style.
     Sadly, INFJs probably possess some hero-complex as well, though not as much as the extroverted FJs, so I do not care if your have your shit together. While I do not intentionally go for people with their shit all over the place, because that is 1. intrusive and 2. unwise, I don't mind having to help people get their shit together if my assistance is required. I do not need the kind of inflexible stability offered by an ESFJ and it's honestly quite overbearing.

ISFJ - Your composure
     You are polished, composed and incredibly humble to boot. You don't demand attention but you attract it through your put-together attitude. People are attracted to your stability and grace -- whether you realise that you possess it or not.
     So what I can gather now is that Ni makes you unstable or something because the SFJs seem to have it together more than NFJs do. Still, yes, I do see those qualities in ISFJ, but really, once again, I don't care much for those qualities. Do I think it's extremely adorable when a guy is very awkward around girls? Yes. Is that stability of any kind? I think it's rather the opposite. But do I think it's attractive for a guy to be completely confident? No. I just think it's fake.

ENTJ - Your aggression
     You don't mess around when you see something you want. You are assertive, direct and smart about getting what you want and it's a purely irresistible quality. Your dominant nature is hot. And you make sure that whomever you're going for knows it.
     There's something so very charming about someone who is so dominant that I just want to rip away that dominance and enjoy the few moments of grovelling they will do after that. Does that make me a control freak? Maybe. I don't really care. I don't like ENTJs, but if I had to choose a type as a fun challenge, I would go for ENTJs. 

2. Strengths of the Types
- They relate to others easily and like to establish goodwill and harmony
- Dislike conflict
- Curious personality
- Live in the moment and are warm and relaxed
- Have a vivid imagination
- Are able to show their creativity in tangible ways
- Under their shyness, they feel intensely
- When doing something interesting and exciting, they go at it with their whole heart.

- Have a strong sense of duty and strive to meet their obligations
- Seek harmony and care about others' feelings
- They are social, well-liked and comfortable
- Good at connecting with others
- Are very trustworthy and loyal to the people around them

- Sees the big picture and connections easily
- Are original and abstract thinkers
- As long as theories are supported by facts and logic, they are open-minded and receptive to new ideas
- Have a big imagination and are highly intuitive
- Have the belief that the truth is important, making them straightforward and honest
- Enthusiastic about new ideas

- Enjoy experimenting with new ideas and solutions
- Direct way of speaking
- Natural leaders, very sociable
- Love to put new ideas to use
- Energetic and full of life

- Are energised by leading others forward toward their plans and goals
- Very strategic thinkers, checking out every angle of the problem
- They don't give up when things get tough
- Rising up to their obstacles is satisfying to the ENTJ
- Dislike inefficiency, seeing it as a form of laziness and irrationality. They are efficient people.
- Have trust in their abilities and opinions

- Those close to them will admire their belief that there's good in everyone and everything
- Their inner morals give them resiliency during hard times
- They value harmony
- Passionate when it comes to things they love, whether it be people or projects (anything that grabs their heart)
- Open-minded, flexible and open to life
- Creative, intuitive and have the ability to make connections easily

- Very honest and direct, they go with facts rather than opinions or ideas
- Extremely honest. Their answers are straightforward and informative
- Dedicated to the tasks in their life and will not stop due to difficulty or boredom
- Like to create order, favouring security in their environments
- They will defend their ideas and morals strongly, making them very strong-willed
- They keep their word. They're responsible members of their families and communities
- Capable and confident leaders

- Those around them find them intriguing as the INTP is witty and great with words
- Love to learn new concepts (especially abstract ones)
- Able to create original, innovative and new ideas
- Very quick thinkers
- Can analyse problems from many angles to come up with the best results
- Energetic and enthusiastic

- They see through dishonesty and deception
- Are insightful and can see how events and people are connected
- Are able to follow through on their ideas. They have the willpower and ability to plan complex projects and follow through to the end. They act on their insights.
- Determined and passionate when they believe something is important
- If they are proud of what they are speaking of, they'll speak with passion and warmth
- They want to make the world a better place

10. ENFP
-  Spontaneous and adaptable, they are friendly and easy to get along with
- They are observant and believe there's a hidden meaning in everything
- Energetic
- Like to share their new ideas and connections
- Good people skills and great at communicating

11. ISTJ
- They are proud of their knowledge. They are able to apply themselves to many different situations, applying data and absorbing the details of the situation.
- Have their feet on the ground. They make rational and clear decisions.
- They want to be effective in what they've chosen to do
- They are good at creating and enforcing order
- They value honesty
- Very loyal and responsible to the people they've committed themselves to
- They stay focused on their goals and work hard

12. ENFJ
- Can take up leadership roles easily, being positive and having a strong personality
- Can be counted on (they hate letting people down)
- Patient; can listen to others' differing viewpoints
- Selfless, warm and altruistic
- Able to capture an audience and pick up the atmosphere of the room, they are charismatic people

13. ISTP
- Creative and spontaneous, they usually enjoy little physical risk and aren't afraid to get involved when the situation calls for it
- Optimistic and good-natured, they hardly ever get stressed out and like to go with the flow
- Flexible and rational, they are able to switch mindsets to different types of situations
- Live in the moment and they don't worry about the future too much
- They know how to prioritise
- Have a great mix of creativity and practicality

14. ISFJ
- Observant of other people's emotional states and are able to step into another's shoes
- Imaginative, but have their feet planted on the ground
- Very supportive and helpful to anyone who needs it
- Favour win-win situations and are empathetic
- Form emotional attachments to the things they've dedicated themselves to, making them loyal and hardworking
- Enthusiastic toward their goals
- Meticulous and reliable, they take a steady approach to accomplishing their goals
- They care about things being done to their highest standard

15. ESFP
- Enjoy paying attention to others and have great people skills
- Treat life as a performance
- Observant of tangible, real things in their world
- Can step out of their comfort zone to experience everything they want to
- Like to experiment with new styles

16. INTJ
- Are intellectually receptive
- They are open to new ideas that are supported by logic
- When something gets their interest, they can be very dedicate to their work
- Capable of doing anything they set their minds on
- They have quick minds and have an ability for strategic thinking. Curious, they can see things from many perspectives
- Highly decisive and independent

3. MBTI as Shoujo Anime (x - I've watched it and I have a favourite character/s)
ISTJ: Ouran High School Host Club (x)
ISFJ: Kimi ni Todoke

ISTP: Clannad

ISFP: Full Moon wo Sagashite

INTJ: My Little Monster (x)

INFJ: Kobato

INTP: Say I Love You

INFP: Cardcaptor Sakura

ESTJ: Kaichou wa Maid-sama (x)

ESFJ: Itazura Na Kiss

ESTP: Special A (x)

ESFP: Skip Beat

ENTJ: Toradora (x)

ENFJ: Ao Haru Ride (x)

ENTP: Wolf Girl Black Prince

ENFP: Fruits Basket

4. Why You Should Listen to an INFJ
INFJ: Hey, you should watch out how you act around ENFJ. I think he's beginning to like you.
ESFP: Oh, INFJ-dear, you worry too much. I'm sure he doesn't like me at all!
*2 weeks later*
ESFP: So I really think ENFJ likes me and I don't even know how it happened? I don't know what to do!
INFJ: ...You know I did tell you to watch out a couple of weeks ago...2 weeks exactly.
ESFP: Oh, you did? I totally don't remember!
INFJ: .........*sigh*

5. MBTI Truth or Dare
ENFP: They have been preparing this game for months. They will ask you the most difficult questions and dare you to do terrible things.
      You are the reason why I dread Truth or Dare, because I spend 90% of the time doing forfeits.

INFP: Reveals a surprisingly reckless side after accepting a dare.
      I'll be there when they start regretting it later. Honestly, if you don't want to do it, just make it extremely uncomfortable for others to pester you. Act like they committed a serious crime and you'll be let off just fine.

ENFJ: Trying to keep the peace as the game gets too intense to handle. Their questions are mediocre but appreciated.
     Where was the ENFJ when we needed him/her the last time I played this game? Honestly, half the nonsense we had to do...there's a reason why I always sit out of games like this. I refuse to go grind up on anyone or anything, thank you.

INFJ: Chooses dare then asks for it to be modified multiple times before finally switching to truth and revealing something terrifying.
     This game was not made for us. We refuse to do anything stupid and we refuse to reveal anything, for your good of course. Every single game of truth or dare I've played was done unwillingly and with endless complaining inwardly.

ENTP: Finds a loophole to all the dares. Some are quite impressive.
     When my luck is good, I like playing with these people. They make for a very entertaining game.

INTP: Chooses dare to avoid having to answer questions.
     I would do that too if I wasn't so conscious about doing dares.

ENTJ: Asks all the really uncomfortable questions, Everyone's afraid of them.
     The person I want to ban from the entire game because I know they are going to ruin things.

INTJ: Quits the game halfway through. It's too uncomfortable.
     I'll be right with you. I don't want to sit through this torture either.

ESFP: Chooses truth, but they are so open about everything that nobody is ever surprised by what they have to say.
      The person way too eager to open up and honestly, at this point, I don't care anymore.

ISFP: Asks the deepest questions and kills the mood.
      Ermmm...ISFP? *whispers in her ear* You can come over here and talk to me about it.

      The one who does on-the-mouth kisses without flinching. The one who actually agrees to grind up on someone (and I had to be the pole and I wanted to die). The one who did commando pushups while eating chicken rice with only his mouth. Yeah, get away from me. Traumatising memories.

ISTP: Keeps a cool exterior throughout the game and chooses dare.
      Also a fun person to play with...but they may suggest things to me that I won't do.

ESFJ: Started the game of truth or dare, and is probably begging the INTJ to join back in. Chooses a healthy balance of truths/dares.
      Since I'm sitting with the INTJ, NO. I refuse to participate in this bad idea and I'm going home. This game does not encourage bonding and it just makes it very awkward for all involved.

ISFJ: Chooses truth everytime just to talk about their crush.
      As opposed to the INFJ. I would probably avoid truth everytime to avoid having to be cornered into answering such questions. But let me assure you, people have ways of going around that too, by shaping it into a dare instead.

ESTJ: Gets into a competition with the ENTJ to see who can ask the most uncomfortable questions. Loses, but it is still terrifying.
      Yeah, I'm going home. I refuse to participate in stupid activities that cannot possibly end in anything good. It doesn't take an intuitive to see the horrors of what could happen.

ISTJ: Is only there to make sure the ESTP doesn't do anything illegal.
     You can join us in the sidebench while we watch the extroverts tear one another up.

5. MBTI as Japanese Cuisine
ISTJ: Miso Soup
Meh, Miso soup is kinda nice but...the ones that are not professionally prepared tend to be too salty.

ISFJ: Okayu
Japanese porridge is actually extremely delicious. I prefer it to Chinese porridge (Shhh...don't tell my dad or I'll be in my grave soon).

ISTP: Udon
I do not like fat noodles. End of story.

ISFP: Takoyaki
I like traditional takoyaki that comes with non-excessive shell crusting and nicely grilled and substantial octopus inside.

INTJ: Nigiri Sushi
Can you remove the rice? I just want the raw seafood (i.e. sashimi) and tamagoyaki (i.e. egg) on top.

INFJ: Dango
Where do you get Dango in Singapore? It's my favourite Japanese snack. It's just glutinous riceballs, I know, but I like them in green tea flavour so much I could sit there for days eating the same thing (although the traditional is plain [white], green tea [green] and red bean [red]). They are usually eaten with Maccha, which is a Japanese green tea that differs in usual green tea in its preparation method [where usual green tea leaves are dried, green tea leaves in maccha are steamed].

INTP: Okonomiyaki
This thing is delicious and for those who don't know, okonomiyaki is a savoury pancake with a variety of ingredients, usually with egg as a base.

INFP: Taiyaki
I love traditional red bean taiyaki. Cheese and chocolate and whatever, those are fine but red bean Taiyaki? Best thing in the world...after Dango.

ESTJ: Onigiri
It depends on the quality of the rice, the seasoning of the rice, the filling of the onigiri. But generally, the slightly sour rice with tuna filling is really good.

ESFJ: Sukiyaki
I'm not a huge fan of sukiyaki, surprisingly.

ESTP: Temaki
Temaki, or handrolls, that are made professionally are often very good. However, the ones you get at convenient sushi stores are generally not that good.

ESFP: Curry Rice
I love Japanese curry. It's not as spicy and it's quite sweet. Of course, I do like spicy curry too. I think it's just the spice that I like.

ENTJ: Maki Sushi
I don't actually like sushi. I like the ingredients inside the sushi but not the sushi itself. Too much rice, in my opinion, limits the amount of other food I can eat, like raw salmon and raw tuna.

ENFJ: Anpan
Again, something you rarely see in Singapore, but I've eaten the traditional ones. They are just red bean buns but ya know...I have an obsession with red bean as much as I have an obsession with tea, so yes, I like Anpans. 

ENTP: Yakisoba
Stop with the damn soba! Also, I don't like noodles dry.

ENFP: Omurice
It actually just tastes pretty average. It's rice in an omelette, but I guess the way people decorate it is nice. Also...Boy Love Cafe Omurice anyone?

6. MBTI Types as Ace Attorney Roles in a Trial
Defense Attorneys: ENTP, ENFJ
Prosecutors: ISTJ, ENTJ
Defendants: ESTP, ISFP
Witnesses: ESFJ, ENFP
Judges: INFJ, ESTJ
Defense's Assistants: ISFJ, INTP
Victims: ESFP, INFP
The ones that actually committed the crime: INTJ, ISTP

7. MBTI and Inside Out

8. MBTI Hide and Seek
ENFP: Hider - Can find some of the least conventional hiding places, but often get bored halfway through and start making loud noises
INFP: Hider - They are quiet as fuck, but they tend to come out of hiding too early, thinking the game is over
ENFJ: Seeker - Their excellent leadership qualities can convert found hiders into seekers, but the second guess themselves with obvious hiding spots
INFJ: Seeker - They know where all the good hiding spots are, but are too diplomatic of a player and allow found hiders to escape
ENTP: Hider - Like ENFP, are able to find the best hiding spots, but they are absolutely terrible at controlling their laughter
INTP: Hider - They never come out of hiding (ever) but this concerns other players and the game ends abruptly
ENTJ: Seeker - They are ruthless and won't stop until every hider is found. Unfortunately the hiders are well aware of this and avoid them. Most likely to turn on other seekers and threaten the INFJ in order to find out where the hiding spots are
INTJ: Hider - Their willpower will keep them in the game as long as possible, but they can become easily annoyed by other players and quit
ESFP: Hider - They pick spots so obvious, they aren't obvious. But they can't stay hidden for more than 3 minutes. It better be a short game.
ISFP: Hider - They're excellent at camouflage, but they like to hide in trees, despite having no balance. They often fall out of these trees.
ESTP: Seeker - Their magnetic personality lures people out of hiding, but they'll probably quite when the game stops being fun.
ISTP: Hider - They can easily switch between hiding places without seekers noticing, though, they tend to leave the game before it's over
ESFJ: Hider - They often refuse to reveal their teammates hiding places, but that being said, they always hide around other people
ISFJ: Hider - Their patience puts them ahead of the others, but they're much too trusting of seekers and are often lured out of hiding
ESTJ: Hider - They're determined to be the last person hiding, but once found, their bitterness will often drive them to reveal their teammates' locations.
ISTJ: Seeker - They know everything there is to know about hide and seek, but often refuses to convert found hiders into seekers out of fairness. 

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