Saturday 4 July 2015

Random Nonsense #7: These Animes...Seriously...and MBTI

     In one day, I finished two relatively short animes - Ao Haru Ride and Ano Hana. To be fair, I really didn't expect that much from Ao Haru Ride, given that I've already finished the manga and the anime doesn't even cover the whole story yet. Still, it managed to get me annoyed at the characters all over again. Ano Hana is another story has the distinct ability to make me cry at the same thing with the same intensity over and over again. Angel Beats did get tolerable after the millionth time I've watched it, but Ano Hana, seriously. This show. I cannot even.

1. Ano Hana: The Flower We Say That Day
     This anime, in a way, is more emotional than Angel Beats and Toradora and all those other famous Shoujos that are famed for being very touching. I think the differences lies in that the ending for this anime only resolves the problems between the main character and the one he loves and the entire resolution isn't all that happy either. The other characters, like the relationship between Tsurumi/"Tsuruko" (2nd from right) and Matsuyuki/"Yukiatsu" (1st from right) is never resolved. It is never clear at the end of the anime whether Yukiatsu continues to obsess over Honma/"Menma" (3rd from left) and whether Tsuruko continues to be his crutch. 

     Even between the main characters, Yadomi/"Jintan" (3rd from right) and Menma, their story doesn't end with a happy reunion, getting together or marriage or whatever happy ending that is ideal. Instead, the two confess their feelings for each other (which debatably makes Jintan feels even worse) and the spirit of Menma finally departs into the afterlife. 

     For those uninterested in watching this extremely short anime, here is the ending scene:

Brief Plot Overview:
     There was a group of 6 friends named the Super Peace Busters who were together since Elementary School - from the picture above, left to right, Tetsudou Hisakawa "Poppo", Naruko Anjou "Anaru", Meiko Honma "Menma", Jinta Yadomi "Jintan", Chiriko Tsurumi "Tsuruko" and Atsumu Matsuyuki "Yukiatsu". As children, they often played hide-and-seek together in a temple near their secret base and were the closest of friends. One day, when Jintan was asked whether he liked Menma, he replied "Who would like a ugly girl like her?!" and ran out of the secret base. He regretted his insensitive words that night and vowed to apologise the next day.

     But the opportunity never came. Menma had died in an accident on that very day.

     Things were never the same again after that. The Super Peace Busters separated and in the time line of the actual story, all of them have seemingly changed from their original self. For example, Jintan, who was the proud and slightly obnoxious leader of the Peace Busters, became a hikikomori or a reclusive teen. He withdrew from all social interactions and immersed himself in gaming, trying to keep away from reality. Even when the ghost of Menma appeared to him, he was unsurprised and believed that he was just hallucinating - as if it were a normal occurrence to him.

     The other members of the Peace Busters have changed as well. Poppo travelled abroad and was never heard from until the day Jintan stumbled across him in their old secret base. Anaru became a girl obsessed with shallow relationships, changing drastically from the sensitive and sensible girl she once was. She was also in love with Jintan and while openly believing him to be a disgusting person, she blamed herself for his state. Yukiatsu, the cool-headed boy who was secretly in love with Menma, became obsessed upon her death, cosplaying as Menma to keep her memory. Tsuruko, who was with him the whole time, entered the same prestigious school as Yukiatsu, keeping other girls off him and becoming his crutch - because she has a crush on him that was hidden because of her awareness of Yukiatsu's obsession over Menma.

     However, when Jintan found out from Menma's spirit that her ghost came to him to seek the fulfillment of one final promise, this inevitably brought the 6 friends back together. The relationship issues between the other characters are not solved explicitly, but Menma finally confesses to Jintan, who admits that he returns her feelings. She then vanishes, with the promise to reincarnate so that she could spend more time with them.

      The music for Anohana isn't all that good when taken out of context of the anime, but conversely, when taken into context, it is one of the most nostalgic and sentimental pieces of anime music I've ever heard. It reflects the kind of innocent love Jintan and Menma had for each other, the childhood all the Peace Buster members shared, which emphasises the loss that descended upon them.

2. Ao Haru Ride - Why I Got So Pissed Off
      Yeah, so there is this love triangle in Ao Haru Ride between the main characters Mabuchi Kou, Futaba Yoshioka and Makita Yuri. Following Yoshioka's awareness that she was being friends with the wrong group, for the wrong reasons, she becomes kind towards Makita Yuri, who she sees as being very similar to the girl she was before. The two become very tight knit friends, but one day, Yuri admits to Yoshioka that she likes Kou, who Yoshioka has likes as well. At this point, Yoshioka enters into a dilemma, between choosing the happiness of her best friend and letting go of the one she loves.

      Why did I get so annoyed? Probably because I completely disagree with the way Yoshioka went about the whole thing. Her dilemma does show that she feel torn over the decision and that she does sincerely care about Yuri, but I believe that that care becomes undermined when it became obvious at the end that, in her heart, she had already made her decision - she will not give up on Kou. It disgusts me, probably because of the hard-lined stance I take towards such situations. 

     Also, it does not help that, in the manga, Yoshioka "taking advantage" of Touma Kikuchi's feelings towards her to recover from Kou's rejection makes me dislike her character even more. Tumblr explains this second relationship perfectly.

     I cannot find a clip for this on Youtube, but this particular scene is what annoyed me the most. This scene shows the final decision of Futaba Yoshioka in deciding whether she wants to give up pursuing Kou so that she doesn't hurt her best friend Yuri. 
(italics - inner thoughts)

*The two are at the train station, Kou gets on first and Yoshioka holds back*
Yoshioka: Kou, I forgot something. After that...if Kou doesn't get off the train...I'll give up on him.
Kou: You forgot something? Seriously?
Yoshioka: If he does get off...I'll love him.
Kou: I see.
Yoshioka: If he doesn't get off, I'll give up. If he does, I won't. If he doesn't get off, I'll give up. If he does, I won't. If he doesn't get off, I'll give up. If he does, I won't.
*Train announces departure*
*Train doors start closing*
Yoshioka: Please get off!

      Hello? Am I the only one who thinks it's absolutely stupid how this is the way she decides to make her decisions? This is worse than making the choice for Kou! You are basically making him make a choice without him even knowing that he's making a choice. Hello? Are you an INFP? Because that's an INFP thing to do - to make a decision based on an unconscious choice made by another. Seriously, is Yoshioka a bloody idiot? And then this line that follows:

"I'm a liar, I guess - Wondering "what should I do". I pretended to be struggling with it, but I'd already decided what I wanted to do."

     You're damn right, bitch! Were you sincerely considering Yuri's feelings, because if you were, you didn't even need to do that stupid scene on the train platform! She is your best friend, for goodness sake, the one person who befriended you after your "fake" friends threw you away! And you repay her by snatching away the one boy she can even trust? Seriously. I know you are the main character, but you're making it really difficult to sympathise with you!

      Let me not mention how Kou is a bloody idiot too. He rejects Yoshioka about a million times and finally, when Yoshioka accepts Touma's confession, he then realises that he does like her. Dude, it's too bloody late. There's a time and place for everything. She has confessed to you multiple times and on every occasion, you have rejected her. You cannot expect her to continue to cling onto you when you made it absolutely clear that you aren't interested! The only reason why you two even worked out in the end is because Yoshioka is a little bitch who accepts Touma's feelings only so that she can heal the hole you put in her. 

     What the hell is wrong with these two characters?! And people always ship them?! The most ridiculous couple ever, topping every other couple that I find ridiculous, including Suzaku x Euphemia and that's only because I'm jealous as heck of the pink-haired girl!

3. MBTI Stuff YAY
a) Most Likely to Least Likely to Care About Other People's Opinions
10. ENTP
11. ESTJ
12. ESTP
13. INTP
14. ISTP
15. ENTJ
16. INTJ

     Oh my, look at all those piled up at the top. I thought I was bad but apparently I'm not even that bad. I think coming out from a Science class does give me the retained impression that I'm the most sensitive person in class, but coming into an Arts class does change that. Somehow, I know all 3 of the people above me and as much as I don't like to say this...INTJ-sensei, please, teach me how to not give a fuck. Apparently my mom is brilliant at it too.

b) Styles of Handwriting
Thinks much faster than they can write so their handwriting comes out as hieroglyphic scrawl: INTP, ENTP, INFJ, ISTJ, INTJ, ESFP
This may come as a surprise, but yes, it's very true. While I am very meticulous at the beginning, the further I get into an essay and the faster my thoughts start flowing, the more and more untidy my handwriting becomes. If my essay is very tidy under exam circumstances, then it means that I didn't know what to write because, trust me, by the 15 min mark in every essay, my thoughts are flowing in so many directions that I'm struggling to keep up. I usually have the entire essay done in my head by the 20 min mark and my hand is just trying to pump it all out before the end. 

Flawless penmanship. How do they do it?: ENFJ, ISFP, ISFJ, ESFJ
How? How does a person's hand keep up with their thoughts? I always come out, of every single exam, having more ideas to write down and despite the amount of scribbling I did, I can't do it. And then there are these people whose essays are like...pieces of frigging art...and they say my handwriting is tidy. Really? I can't read that word I wrote myself! But...girly handwriting much? Though, to be fair, most of these types are dominated by females and thus the stereotype that girls have much tidier handwriting than guys. ...I also find it quite adorable when a person's handwriting is hilariously messy too.

Hadnwriting looks like some weird font no one ever uses: INFP, ENTJ, ESTP, ISTP, ENFP, ESTJ
Ah, these are the kinds of handwriting I love. It's messy, but you can't exactly say it's "messy" because it's a style on its own. It is unique and while you may think that as a J type, I would like tidy things more, but that would just be an incorrect assumption. I find in messy and unique handwritings a certain charm that tidy handwriting doesn't have. Tidy handwriting is standard, boring, but messy handwriting is sometimes creative and expressive, even when it's not meant to be.

c) Anime Stereotypes
Tsundere squad: INTJ, ISTJ, ENTJ
No wonder I never like the Tsundere guys. Tsundere girls are fine and I have a lot of INTJ female friends, but Tsundere guys? Nonono, please no. Anyway, these characters are more common in Shoujo than anywhere else. Too easy...think Alice from Pandora Hearts, Shin from Amnesia, Subaru from Diabolik Lovers, and on and on...

Kuudere squad: INFJ, ISTP, INTP, ESTJ
I'm surprised that I'm here with all the other T types. Anyway, Kuudere refers to a character that is cold and cynical on the outside, but warm and loving on the inside. The difference between Kuudere and Tsundere is that the former is often much more detached while the latter is usually very violent. If you're still confused, think C.C. from Code Geass, Kanade from Angel Beats or Kuchiki Byakuya from Bleach.

Deredere squad: ESFJ, ESFP, ENTP
Surprise, surprise! I like Dere-deres. Dere-deres are characters who are hyperactive and lovey-dovey inside and out. By me liking them, I mean in Shoujos, because often in Shounens, I base my judgements off how cool or tragic the character is. In Shoujos, I go with how their personality translates into real-life. Think Kise from Kuroko no Basket. These characters are rare, because it's hard to give them a second-dimension without overlapping into other "dere" types.

Dandere squad: ISFP, INFP, ISFJ
Dandere means a character who is socially introverted. They may resemble Tsunderes or Kuuderes but the main difference is that Danderes are more noticeably socially awkward or withdrawn. Meanwhile, Tsunderes are violent to the point of being a little extroverted and Kuuderes are a little too cold and uncaring to be classified as introverted or extroverted. I don't know any of these off the top of my head but they are usually bespectacled.

Yandere squad: ENFJ, ENFP, ESTP
Oh fuck. Run. On the count of three, run for the hills. The word Yandere brings along so many characters from psychological horrors. Shion and Rena from Higurashi, Yuno from Mirai Nikki, Kotonoha from School Days. These characters that evoke nightmares with the extent of their clinginess and their obsession. *shudders*

d) MBTI as Beverages
ESFP: Cotton Candy Frappuccino. Contagiously sweet and tends to be quite popular.
I don't like things that are overly sweet. Sweetness should be soothing and uplifting, not something that completely drowns your sense of taste.

ISFP: Pomegranate Juice. Basically Van Gogh's Starry Night in a bottle.
I am partial to pomegranate. In fact, for a long time, I've eaten that fruit without knowing it's English name.

ESFJ: Black tea. Warm, yet can be stoic and inflexible. Very strong and unwavering. Add the right amount of sugar and it sweetens considerably.
Funnily enough, the one ESFJ I know does not like black tea while I do. Black teas are very strong and perfect for the purpose of keeping one awake. However, if drunk in any other situation, it becomes rather overbearing.

ISFJ: Decaf coffee. Rich and interesting, yet the flavour is endearingly predictable.
Shhh...don't tell her that I completely agree with "interesting, yet...predictable". I don't like decaf coffee because it seems stupid. You drink coffee for the coffee, if not go get some hot chocolate or something. Drinking tea and coffee is a skill and to me, a reflection of how refined your taste is. The ability to appreciate and describe the taste of these two beverages also reflects how deeply a person contemplates simple activities like drinking.

INTP: Lemon iced tea. Tangy and bitter at times, but can reveal unexpected pockets of sweetness. Classically brilliant.
Not those water-downed and bottled ice lemon tea. Those freshly-brewed ones are full of surprises. They are sour, slightly bitter, but unexpectedly sweet. However, whether it fits the INTP...I don't know.

ENTP: Strawberry smoothie. Dense and fruity, yet good at retaining information.
Once again, too sweet. Smoothies are less overwhelming than that Cotton Candy bullshit, but still, they are often very sweet and don't contain any other tastes for it to be a refined drink. Simple, I guess.

ENTJ: Eggnogg. Frothy, traditional, and full of life.
I just don't like it, just like how I just don't like ENTJs.

INTJ: Caffeinated peach tea. Energetic when working for a cause they believe in, yet untraditional. Added bonus: goes perfectly well with a library full of books and a crackling fire.
I actually love this a lot. Peach tea itself is nice, but a caffeinated version gives it a kick and a surprising after-taste that is unexpectedly enjoyable. Just like an INTJ, I suppose. Once you learn to appreciate what they are good at, they do have that "kick" to them.

ESTJ: Black coffee. Can be a bit bitter, much like that INTP, but more so. However, tastes very favourful without being too much. Added bonus: consistent.
Hmmm...I always take my coffee with milk and no sugar, so black coffee can be a little too much. ESTJs can be a little too much for INFJs to handle, so I guess that fits.

ISTJ: Chai tea. Soothing and uniform, somewhat less energising and caffeinated than other types of tea.
In other words, it is cheating me of my money. I'm trying to get a caffeinated drink because I want that kind of powerful effect they contain, whether to sooth or to kick me awake. Don't ever half-ass your coffee or your tea, for goodness sake!

ESTP: Energy Drink. Energising and bold, much like the name, and very flavourable.
Useful for after physical exercise and becomes an unhealthy drink in every other an ESTP too. Those energetic people whose goal in life is to be active.

ISTP: Tiramisu Frappuccino. Seems like a risky combination, but in reality tastes delicious. Almost cool-tasting, despite the fact that it's a hot beverage.
Sounds absolutely amazing. I don't exactly like Frappuccino because it's like a half-assed coffee, but Tiramisu is my favourite cake because it isn't that sweet and contains a certain alcoholic taste to it. Must be an amazing drink, though it's probably a once-in-a-while kind of drink.

ENFP: Caramel Latte. Enthusiastic and warm, with just a kick of caffeine to energise you.
Ah, with how much shit I give to these kind of half-assed coffee, I have a certain affection for Caramel Lattes, just like how INFJs usually have an affection for ENFPs I suppose. It's a drink that's a little on the sweet side, but if very uplifting, just like how an ENFP is good for lifting one's mood. Also, it's the drink that got me into drinking coffee, so it's sentimental too.

INFP: Boysenberry Iced Tea. Subdued-tasting at first, but very flavourful and distinct once you develop a taste for it.
An acquired taste? Since I usually don't drink a beverage twice unless I like it the first time, it's unlikely I ever like this then.

ENFJ: Hot cocoa. Warm and soothing, with a definite rich chocolatey tone.
Just like ENFJs, I suppose. Who dislikes hot cocoa? It is literally impossible to dislike it. Yet at the same time, I don't think anyone who has a developed taste for a variety of beverage can ever list hot cocoa as their favourite. Everybody's friend but nobody's best friend - a drink everyone likes, but no one loves.

INFJ: Mint tea. Warm, tangy and sharp beneath the cool exterior.
I think this reflects how INFJs are so multi-layered and to like ALL of them is a very difficult thing. Mint teas are teas that aren't usually enjoyed because the clash of the cooling effect of mint and the fragrance of green tea and the warmth of the water clash in a weird way. But I love it because you can't get tired of it. Black teas get too hot, Chais make sooth you too much, Mint is somewhere in the middle. Still, not many people get to that point of appreciation of mint tea, just like how many INFJs are not appreciated for who they are.

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