Friday 12 June 2015

Random Nonsense #2

     This is incredible. How is it possible that listening to music can get me all teary and emotional? Hey, but it's Lord of the Rings. That trilogy has the most amazing soundtrack I've ever heard anywhere and it's so full of nostalgia I just want to go rewatch the 10 hours worth of movies again.

Lord of the Rings Medley Violin

1. My Top 5 Favourite Lord of the Rings Soundtrack
     So I thought, why not do one of these Top 5s? I may have been a Harry Potter fan for much longer than I have been a Lord of the Rings fan, but I must say, the latter has substantially better music. That's subjective, I know, but I like this style of music. Sue me.

a) Concerning Hobbits - The Shire

     I think everyone who has watched Lord of the Rings knows this song. It's the most nostalgic song in the entire series and it just fills me with so much peace and wonder at the same time. It's sort of like combining the light-hearted and tranquil nature of the Shire with the sense of impending adventure. Damn it, I'm going to cry for no reason. It's just so...beautiful. Screw all you people who say INFJs have underdeveloped Se (although I think this is more Fe than Se right now...given that I'm tearing up).

b) May It Be - Enya

     This is, to me, the song of the Elven races, although I think it fits the Lothlorien elves more than the Rivendell or Mirkwood elves. Bitches please, go pick yourself up a Silmarillion first before trying to do any Lord of the Rings racial talk with me. It bothers me a lot when people cannot tell the different Elven types - e.g. Silvan, Noldor, Lindon, etc etc. Also, please do not tell me that Legolas is Silvan. The Mirkwood elves are primarily Silvan, yes, but both Legolas and Thranduil are Sindarin elves.

      It's quite obvious how much I like Elves in Lord of the Rings...I have a frigging English-Elven dictionary even. "Mornie utulie" = Darkness has come. "Mornie alantie" = Darkness has fallen.

c) The Council of Elrond - Enya
     The first time you lay your eyes properly on Legolas? *Massive nosebleeds* *Dies of excessive blood loss*
     Pretty boy with the nicest shade of blonde hair tied in nice plaits and has stunning blue eyes? Is he girly? Yes. Do I care? No. I know my mom really liked Aragorn because he's all heroic and manly and stuff, and she tried to make me like Aragorn too. But nope, I was all hyped over Legolas instead, even as a 6 year old watching Lord of the Rings for the first time. I come back 8 years later to rewatch the series and once again...he's gorgeous. He's like the Draco Malfoy of Lord of the Rings, equally arrogant but much better looking actually. Would be a Slytherin in Hogwarts, because you know, the best House ever? Just kidding, I like Ravenclaw more.

d) Return of the King - Aragorn's Song
     It's not just the song, sang in Elvish, but the entire scene as well. The resolution of the amazing trilogy, the Elvish song sang in welcome of the Elvish party and Arwen. I think this scene speaks for the song well enough, I don't have to say anything more.

e) Into the West - Ending
     If anyone doesn't know the lore of Lord of the Rings, basically all Elves will depart across the Sea to the West, where they live out the rest of their immortality. I don't know why but the Elven races seem much more aligned with the kind of ideals I possess, probably why I like them. As taken from the Lord of the Rings Wiki, as adapted from the Silmarillion:

     "The Elves came into existence before Men, and when Elves die, they pass to the Halls of Mandos in Valinor. After a long period of waiting, the Elf (unless unwilling to return to life or judged a perpetrator of unforgivable crimes) will be reincarnated.

     For Elves, sex and marriage are one and the same, and it is that bodily union that achieves marriage. Elves lose interest in sex after they've had children. They do not consider the day a child was born as the moment they came into existence. Instead, they celebrate the day the child's parents begat them. Elves come of age at around fifty years old and generally marry around this age. Elves can tell in the eyes and voice of another Elf whether they are married and it is against an Elf's nature to take another by force; one so forced would reject bodily life and die. Because of the union of souls that occurs when Elves marry, and because of the eternal nature of Elven souls, they do not divorce or have multiple marriages. Elves have a taboo against incest, but marriage among second cousins is seen as acceptable."

     So clearly, the Elves have it right. 

     Also, I cannot resist smacking this clip here:

2. The Intuitive Bias
If you are...

ENTJ: You are an amazing lightning-calculator of optimal allocations of capital and labour resources in grand global corporate or military undertakings. Your only weakness is that you are just so amazing and competent at everything that you often lose track of your feelings.
ESTJ: You can be middle-management of an assembly line or a construction foreman or something.
Yeah well, I don't like people who order others around in general, so I don't like both of these types. Still, ENTJs are supposedly more competent and since I'm an intuitive myself, I do have deeper connection with intuitive types. 

INTJ: You are a strategic mastermind, quietly manipulating the course of external events from the shadows, smirking as your enemies trap themselves in your cleverly-laid invisible snares. Your mind is a labyrinthine complex of contingency plans and flexible strategies that allow you to overcome any challenges or obstacles.
ISTJ: You like to follow rules and you can organise calenders of whatever.
The thing is, even if intuitives have deeper understanding of fellow intuitives, it doesn't mean I always prefer N to S, especially since being an INFJ means I don't like how N types can see through me with less effort. Especially NT types since they're usually up to no good.

ENFJ: You are a giver, a wonderful friend, a diplomat using his intuitive understanding of interpersonal relations to manipulate the feelings and crowds for the greater good.
ESFJ: You're good at organising office birthday parties and book clubs.
Well, I think as an FJ, I'm supposed to treat both of these types favourably, although INFJs are not supposed to get along well with ESFJs. I don't know, these two types feel pretty similar to me, although the ESFJ is usually more oblivious to certain things that are obvious to ENFJs. ESFJs are supposedly more responsible though.

INFJ: You have the righteous introspection of Jesus, the charisma and principles of Gandhi, and you are amazing at internalising the pain of others and empathising with their true struggles. The only dark side is that you might be so good at this that you become Hitler because you're so devilishly smart and amazing.
ISFJ: You can bake cookies and take care of gardens.
Hey, that's quite mean! ISFJs are much better than that, so don't go around dissing their potential. Also I take offence to the second part of the INFJ one. Although INFJs like to huddle in the MBTI corner of Tumblr, I personally don't think that this person is an INFJ...probably an INTJ. I get the INTJ or INTP vibe.

ENTP: You are a clever, quick-witted inventor, endlessly creative with loopholes in systems of logic and always fast with a joking retort during a debate. You're a whiz-bang lawyer or a famous entrepreneur, following your amazing vision.
ESTP: You can do extreme sports and be a club promoter.
There's nothing wrong with pursuing sports or recreation as a career. Yeah, I'm sure this poster is an INTJ or INTP, probably the former.

INTP: You can be an Einstein, a Darwin, a Dawkins, an amazing thinker, producing a formidable corpus of thought and theory that will influence science and philosophy for generations to come.
ISTP: You can fix cars.
Just because ISTP are more hands-on and practical doesn't mean they aren't smart. Seriously, if the whole world was just N types, I don't think anything will actually get done...except maybe ENTJ and ENFJ. Everyone else will just be living in their own worlds with no cares given to "responsibilities".

INFP: Your richly developed inner values can blossom forth in an explosion of extraverted intuition to create new worlds and universes of indescribable beauty and reveal an understanding of the workings of human feelings and ethics that is unrivalled. You are a beautiful soul that few can understand.
ISFP: You're really sensitive and you can paint pictures.
Well, I think INFPs will make amazing authors or playwrights. I mean my fanfictions and writings are decent, but they are way below the INFP's Ne abilities. My writings are often quite cliched, so I don't know what's so good about them. On the other hand, those really creative works are probably by INFPs. Also, ISFPs are artists, that's something worthy of respect. I feel like art is a lot about talent because my sister took art for 5 years and she still ain't drawing at my level when I was her age.

3. How Each Types Reacts to Authority
ENFP: "Oh my God, is someone in-charge?"
You and I, ENFP, we will become the best of friends. Overthrow this corrupt bullshit. I will give you all the freedom and space you want.

ENTJ: Started talking and somehow accidentally became the authority themselves.
If I were a snake, I would be hissing. If I were a wolf, I would be growling. If I were a cat, I would be bristling. Why? Because these types are the ones that fucked up this world.

ENFJ: ENTJ's assistant, in charge of making sure the ENTJ seems nice.
You'd better do your job properly. If you don't, then you are implicated, you are an accomplice, and you shall be brought down as well. 

ENTP: Has a standing appointment with the authority figure so they can brief their boss on what's wrong with the company this week.
I guess we can be good friends too, ENTP. I will give you feedback and you will revolutionise this company inside-out. Down with this corrupt capitalist bullshit.

INFP: Sitting behind the ENFP and didn't look up until ENFP said something. Also did not realise that there was an authority in place. guys. How can you not see the evil in front of you? We shall purify it together. Come here, INFJ, once we succeed, I'll make sure everyone gets taken care of properly!

INFJ: Fucking corrupt as shit power structure.
OH MY GOD. I'm right on point, aren't I? I swear I'm just commenting as I go along so I actually did not see this before the comments above. But yes, the current capitalist system is extremely corrupt and I'm not just going to sit around like the rest of these potatoes and bow to the system. Overthrow that bullshit.

INTP: Quietly observing every move of the authority figure, carefully noting all mistakes, not so they can do anything about it, but so they have something to complain about later.
Complaints? Please feedback them to me and join in my cause. Don't you want to pursue your own interests, INTP? ENTJ can't give you that, so let's overthrow him!

INTJ: Makes a mental map of every rule in place in order to find every possible loophole. Exploits them all at once, causing the structure of power to fall apart. Laughs about it later, probably.
You people make the best allies at these times. Since INTJ and INFJ are supposed to have telepathic links through their Ni, I don't think I need to tell you my already know it.

ISTJ: "Thank God somebody here has a system in place."
Oh, but is it a good system? Can we have a better, more idealistic system?

ISTP: "I don't like this rule. Here are 6 alternatives for your consideration."
How about you join my cause and I'll be more accepting than ENTJ? I know what you need - space for your individuality to flourish, materials for you to pursue your own interests, no emotional obstacles. By any luck, ENFJ has not yet understood these yet (their Ni is secondary after all), so come here and join us.

ESTJ: *Eyes begin shining* "I can manage the shit out of this."
These are difficult people...they would take the ENTJ's position if they had the ability and yet...they would actually make worse leaders. Probably appeal to their superiority complex and get them to overthrow the ENTJ before locking them up. I'm sorry, YOU CANNOT RUIN MY PERFECT WORLD. *INFJ World Domination mode activated*

ESTP: Fuck these fucking rules; who the fuck are you and from where does your authority derive?
Good for standing in the front lines of opposition, not so good later on.

ISFJ: Weirdly loyal to authority figure despite being somewhat afraid of them.
If you join my cause, I ensure you that you need not be afraid of me. I will attend to your needs, even the emotional ones, since ENTJ can't handle those.

ESFJ: Does everything their boss says without complaining until they ask them to fire someone, at which point they quiet to avoid doing it.
If you join my cause, I will never make you do anything that will make you feel bad. I, we INFJs, will bear the brunt of the negative emotions and INTJ will bear the burden of doing unpleasant duties. We will give you the security you need, the concern you want to feel and at the same time, allow you to care for others.

ISFP: "What is an authority figure, I have never met one of those."
You are my best friend. I will send you out on the front lines. 

4. The Dark Side of INFJ
     Descriptions of the INFJ personality type often emphasise our peaceful natures and point out that we have a hard time dealing with conflict. For example, one of the reasons a commenter on my INFJ Loki post argued my typing is inaccurate was because he couldn't imagine INFJs" carrying a constant fight with everyone around you for the majority of your existence". INFJs are also described as disconnected from the world and unlikely to feel involved in the reality of what's going on around us. Though both of these can be true, we're not completely harmless. Every personality type has a dark side, and INFJs can be very scary people.

INFJ Shadow
     Types with dominant Se use it effectively, but shadow functions are underdeveloped and so INFJs are not comfortable when forced to use Sensing. On a small level, making a "sensing mistake" that involves facts or details can make us "annoyed or defensive". On a larger level, times of stress trigger what is called a "grip experience", where the inferior function takes over.

     For INFJs (and INTJs, who share Se as a shadow function), stress causes an "obsessive focus on external data", an "overindulgence in sensual pleasure," and an "adversarial attitude towards the outer world." The first one can make us irritable and obsessive. The second often takes the form of overeating, shopping for things we don't need and generally becoming self-centred. The third is a defensive response to feeling like the entire world is spinning out of control. 

     "Their hypersensitivity to potentially dangerous surroundings can promote uneasiness about people as well. ...An INFJ said she "becomes suspicious. Usually I'm tolerant, curious, and compassionate, so 'out of character' for me means I'm unaccepting and frustrated with the world"...

     The altered state of any inferior function is typically accompanied by a lessening of social controls and therefore more frequent expressions of anger. However, the character of that anger may be different from different types. For INTJs and INFJs, the "cause" of distress is often one or more "objects" in the environment. The anger directed at either things or people may therefore be more focused, intense, and extreme than with other inferior functions."

INFJ Anger
     Stress isn't the only thing that can bring out an INFJ's angry side. Jenn Granneman, the INFJ blogger of "Introvert, Dear" wrote an excellent article that address this issue. Here's a quote:

      "Don't underestimate my gentle nature. I'm not all warm fuzzies and smiles. If you cross one of my deeply held inner values, I become extremely outspoken and crusading. If I see someone else being hurt, I'll have a strong urge to be their protector and defend them. An angry INFJ can deliver a wrath and intensity you've probably never experienced before. Think Jesus in the temple with whips, turning over the money changers' tables."

     One of the odd things that results from INFJs generally peaceful nature evaporating once a deeply held value is crossed is that some people might be clueless about how we really feel about them. An INFJ won't share their real self and inner thoughts with a casual acquaintance and will go along with most conversations and suggestions just to avoid conflict. That can continue until the other person says or does something that crosses a line the INFJ has drawn in their minds, e.g. an INFJ woman being friendly to a guy she doesn't really like up until the point where he actually asks her out. I imagine it's pretty puzzling for people who think they're getting along just fine when suddenly an INFJ blurts out "I don't agree. And by the way, here's everything else you've done over the entire course of our relationship that irritates me."

5. How INFJs Deal with Conflict: 10 Confessions (Don't Worry, Just a Few More Pure INFJ Stuff)
     I could feel the hurt in my stomach, a burning ball of lead in my gut. I lay in bed, blankets wrapped tightly around me. I couldn't think, I couldn't speak and even though I wanted to, I couldn't cry. My eyes were open, but I was too inside myself to notice anything around me.

     It was just a fight.

     Conflict makes us peace-loving INFJs very uncomfortable, because we crave harmony in our relationships. But conflict is inevitable, so how does an INFJ deal with conflict?

1. I take conflict personally.
     We always blame ourselves. Even if, deep deep inside, we know that we aren't the ones at fault, we will still blame ourselves. As long as we were implicated, as long as we had the power to influence, it was our fault that the conflict happened. Husband cheated? My fault for not catering to his needs and probably not being there enough. Friend heartbroken? My fault for not intervening. The phrase "there's nothing you could have done" does not apply to us. There is always something you can do, it's just whether you chose to or not. So, it is our fault.

2. I'm a gentle soul.
     We don't like it when people raise their voices and we would prefer not to either. Even then, we are the most wrathful types (along with INTJs) when truly angered and guess what? We feel extremely bad about it afterwards.

3. If you yell at me or insult me, I will be wounded for a long time.
     And that's why parents of INFJs find their children to be truly weird but still well-behaved. We ask the most otherworldly question as children - Why is the man begging, mother? Why isn't anyone helping him? What is life, mom? But we are very disciplined children. Why? Because we get hurt when we are scolded. We feel sad for days, weeks and months. Even when a teacher yells at a fellow student, we can feel their embarrassment, their hurt, so much that the teacher might as well have been yelling at us. Unlike ST types children, who can get over a scolding in minutes, INFJ children will probably remember every single scolding for life.

4. There's a side of me you'll hopefully never see.
     The vengeful, aggressive, destructive side of an INFJ that is so hard to pry out because we feel ashamed to even have such a side to us. We are the Protectors, but we don't want to resort to violence, but as children, even if we INFJs could talk things out, sometimes others just don't listen. And then we feel bad, because we don't want to hurt others. As we age, this violent side of us gets increasingly more hidden, but that also means that it's even more startling when it explodes out and we feel even more guilty. 

5. I tend to internalise conflicts.
     It's not enough that you are hiding the conflict. we can feel it in the air, the atmosphere. The air feels a little too stuffy, the whole atmosphere becomes charged with tension. The S types look at us and wonder what's wrong and meanwhile, we feel like aliens because "Am I just imagining the tension?" No, we are not. We just feel tension much more intensely than other types. INTJ has Ni too, but their Te auxiliary function acts as cushioning against strong emotions. Meanwhile, Fe increases sensitivity to emotions outside ourselves and worsens the vibe obtained through Ni. ENFJ has Fe and Ni too, but in opposite order (Fe before Ni), so the grasp on the atmospheric tension comes slower and is less internalised. It is both a gift and a curse, because we can judge relationships so accurately (at least on the emotional spectrum), but at the same time, it adds a lot of pressure. INFJs are Introverts precisely because of that - being around people means we absorb too much of the atmosphere around them.

6. I'll still be thinking about what was said during the conflict even after its over.
     We'll reply the words over and over again, feeling the same emotions again and again. Heartbreaks, anger, sadness, loneliness becomes more and more intense as they go through the Ni-Ti loop, with Fe bringing in more pressure from the outside. Ni and Ti, analysing and assigning meaning again and again and again. Our minds become so busy and that's why INFJs are the types most prone to insomnia. We can spend hours and hours rolling over one little thing in our heads. If it was a conflict, it wears us down gradually.

7. It takes a long time for me to calm down.
     We can't just "snap out of it". We are Introverts, after all, and we process emotions internally and deeply. We aren't like our extroverted cousins, who are open and chatty and well-liked. We withdraw, we hide, we bury. We aren't ever calm, actually, because if we are, then something must be wrong with either our Ni or Fe, or the Ni-Ti loop is broken.

8. Sometimes I bottle up my feelings for too long.
     We're afraid to say how we really feel. We are insecure, but it's not because we don't trust people. It's precisely the opposite. INFJs are the type to preach incessantly about the goodness of others and as children, we are very trusting. It is only when we grow up, when we realise that telling sad things to others make them sad too, that we come to the conclusion that if we tell you how we really feel, we might hurt you. That the last thing an INFJ would ever want to do - hurt. We will willingly take all the hurt in the world, as long as we think we can bear with it without it spilling out. We want to be the only people in the world to feel hurt because it gives us purpose to see others happy. This loops back to the first point when eventually we realise that there's a limit to how much we can bottle up. We get angry at ourselves and whatever conflict results from the spilling over is taken with a huge dose of guilt. We should have been more competent and held out for longer. But as our Ti will silently whisper, "It's not possible for you to hold that much inside."

9. Conflict is overstimulating for my sensitive, introverted system.
     This is known as the "INFJ freeze" when we are hearing everything around us, but our minds are so paralysed that we don't know what to say back. There's too much hurt coming from outside, inside, everywhere. We fall absolutely silent, because something inside short-circuited. We hear you, alright, as you continue to talk, but our feedback channels are broken. We just trail after you, or sit there, in completely silence.

10. There is a thing called the "INFJ Door Slam", and unfortunately, it is very real.
     This is when someone has hurt us so deeply that we no longer invest any of our energy in them. We have come to learn to hate, to resent; and honestly, it makes us feel horrible that we can no longer see the good in someone. However, there is a certain point that we mark out very clearly and to us, if you value us, then you should never step past that point or promptly back out once we have warned you. The problem is that once you get past that point, it is hard for us to let you back, because a very basic and fundamental trust that INFJs carry, for all human-beings, was broken. 

6. MBTI Squads Walking in Public
Don't touch me! squad: INTJ, ENTP, ISTP
Wait, I'm not under "Don't touch me!"? I guess it's "public" so if they accidentally bumped into me, it would be extremely unreasonable for me to snap at them. I guess that's why my mom's type is there. She will glare at the person so hard until that person bows and apologises. 

Why is everyone walking so slow? squad: ENTJ, ESTJ, ISTJ, ESTP
Counter-question. What are you in a hurry for? This isn't the last train on the planet or for today! Just wait for 5 minutes. You don't need to run for it.

Spaces off and runs into someone squad: INFP, INFJ, ISFP
*Turns to look at something* *Proceeds to run over 50 million people* I-I'm so sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! *Trips over own feet* GODDAMMIT. *Bumps into person walking right next to them* EEK, I'M SORRY!

Smiles at everyone and wishes people a good day squad: ESFJ, ENFP, ENFJ, ESFP, ISFJ
*Backs away and awkward smile, eyes darting* H-Hi? Good day to you too?

This would never happen to because they never leave their house squad: INTP
That is actually what my dad does. Even if he leaves the house, he refuses to be around people. I get it that he doesn't like people or company, but still, it's bizarre. People are so fascinating and interesting, the whole point of life is to know and improve people.

7. And That's Why I'm a Bloody Failure

8. Enneagram for Type Twos (Correction: I am actually 1/2 not 2/1 [added after I finished this portion])
Correspondence with MBTI: ESF (ESFP, ESFJ), ISF (ISFP, ISFJ). While ENFJs and INFJs may also show many Two characteristics, their preference for Intuition makes them more likely to score higher in other Enneagram zones.
      Yeah well, I'm an Enneagram Two with a One-Wing

Type Two in Brief
     Twos are empathetic, sincere and warm-hearted. They are friendly, generous and self-sacrificing but can also be sentimental, flattering and people-pleasing. They are well-meaning and driven to be close to others, but can slip into doing things for others in order to be needed. They typically have problems with possessiveness and with acknowledging their own needs. At their Best: unselfish and altruistic, they have unconditional love for others.
     Wait, shouldn't possessiveness be a trait for Fours and not Twos...given that INFPs are common Fours. Please, this is so ENFJ and INFJ, but since it has no mention of intuition, xSFxs fit as well.

Basic Fear: Of being unwanted, unworthy of being loved
Basic Desire: To feel loved
Enneagram Two with a One-Wing: The Servant
Enneagram Two with a Three-Wing: The Host/Hostess
      I am under the impression that ExFxs are more Three-Winged while IxFJs and ISFPs are more One-Winged. I'm not that educated on the Enneagram though, but I know I am a One-Wing. "Servant" sounds perfectly fine to me.

Key Motivations
     Want to be loved, to express their feelings for others, to be needed and appreciated, to get others to respond to them, to vindicate their claims about themselves.
     Now I'm confused. Am I a One with Two-Wing or a Two with One-Wing. One with Two-Wing is called the Advocate, which is one of the MBTI names for INFJ. However, apparently xSFJs are more likely to be One and INFJs are very rarely Ones because Twos and Fours are more common. I can't be a Four because my Two is too dominant and Four doesn't come with a Two Wing.

The Meaning of the Arrows (in brief)
     When moving in their Direction of Disintegration (stress), needy Twos suddenly become aggressive and dominating at Eight. However, when moving in their Direction of Integration (growth), prideful, self-deceptive Tows become more self-nurturing and emotionally aware, like healthy Fours.
     I'm definitely a Two then. I was extremely prideful during Primary School but gave way to the more emotionally aware and sensitive self hidden behind the arrogance and aggressive as I progressed through my early teenage years. It's exactly how a Two moves towards Four in growth.

Video: Russ Hudson Explains Type Two (I'll type the stuff out for people who can't watch)
     Two is the part of us that is aware of heart connection, is aware of relatedness, of how none of us is alone and we're here to take care of each other, to address each other's needs, to be sensitive to the needs of others. So Two is the part of us where our heart goes out to others, so for people who are Twos, that's a primary value. Twos are the kind of people who are thinking about other people. They are people who are focused on the needs of others. They are people for whom love and kindness are of huge value. When Twos are in their power, they are just amazing at being sensitive to people and what's needed and what will help the relational world work. Their challenge though is that they can get so focused on that, that they forget to take care of their own needs and the more they do that, the more that tends to disrupt their relationships - it makes it difficult to stick to what they need and it causes them to do things for people that they don't necessarily want or require. Of course, that can make things quite painful for the Twos and very difficult for the people that they care about.
     That sounds exactly like xxFJs. You can't even deny it. These are the things people say about INFJs, ENFJs, ISFJs, ESFJs, all the time. I don't know why ISFJs and ESFJs are more common in this type when it seems to me that the description is almost cut-and-paste from INFJ and ENFJ descriptions.

Type Two Overview
     We have named personality type Two The Helper because people of this type are either the most genuinely helpful to other people or, when they are less healthy they are the most highly invested in seeing themselves as helpful. Being generous and going out of their way for others makes Two feel that theirs is the richest, most meaningful way to live. The love and concern they feel -- and the genuine good they do -- warms their hearts and makes them feel worthwhile. Twos are most interest in what they feel to be the "really, really good" things in life -- love, closeness, sharing, family and friendship.
     Nonono, you can't do that. You can't just take my quote on the purpose of life and pass it off as a Two thing. Tch. My dad sees it as a foolish way to live - too dependent on others than on the self, but aren't humans social animals? If I cannot improve the lives of others around me, then I might as well not be here. It's a belief I hold deeply, as INFJs tend to do, but also like INFJs tend to do, I won't impose it on others. Still, it annoys me how those words feel like they were taken right out of my mouth.

      When Twos are healthy and in balance, they really are loving, helpful, generous and considerate. People are drawn to them like bees to honey. Healthy Twos warm others in the glow of their hearts. They enliven others with their appreciation and attention, helping people to see positive qualities in themselves that they had not previously recognised. In short, healthy Twos are the embodiment of "the good parent" that everyone wishes they had: someone who sees them as they are, understands them with immense compassion, helps and encourages with infinite patience, and is always willing to lend a hand -- while knowing precisely how and when to let go. Healthy Twos open our hearts because theirs are already so open and they show us the way to be more deeply and richly human.
      I take offence to this greatly. It is like saying that INFJs are unhealthy Twos while ENFJs are healthy Twos because INFJs are anything but open with their own emotions. This description is for the outer appearance of an ENFJ and the hidden inner world of an INFJ. It feels too extroverted for the type to even be vaguely suitable for Introverts. I don't think INFJs attract people...maybe people in need, but not people in general. Attracting people is an ENFJ and ESFJ thing, while INFJs and ISFJs create the feeling of silent companionship more. But people do think Extroversion is better than Introversion, so I understand why the description is the way it is. I wouldn't trade being an INFJ for being an ENFJ because I don't want to swap my functions around (Fe-Ni-Se-Ti feels weird and I like my Ni-Fe-Ti-Se more), but I'll concede that they make better Twos.

     However, Two's inner development may be limited by their "shadow side" -- pride, self-deception, the tendency to become over-involved in the lives of others, and the tendency to manipulate others to get their own emotional needs met. Transformational work entails going into dark places ourselves and this very much goes against the grain of the Two's personality structure, which prefers to see itself in only the most positive, glowing terms.
     Now it feels more appropriate for ESFJ and ISFJ than for ENFJ and INFJ because the NFJ types are very self-defeating. It is very common for NFJs to beat themselves up over something. We see others in positive terms, but not ourselves...especially INFJs. We, and INFPs, are the emo MBTI types.

Type Two with Three-Wing (The Host/Hostess)
General Description
     Average 2/3 is more outward than 2/1. The ambitious vanity of Three combines with Two's desire to be loved and the result is someone who is not afraid to step into the spotlight. 2/3s usually have a seductive, playful side, unlike the more serious 2/1s. The Three-Wing gives them a showy, mainstream kind of appearance-consciousness. The Twoish desire to please others is stronger than the Threeish desire to be admired, although both desires are present.
     Like I said, ENFJs, ESFJs and ESFPs.

Balanced and Transcendent States
     Healthy 2/3s get beyond the immediate desire to please. Image-consciousness and pride drop away and they become able to experience real, heartfelt love. They no longer need the constant reassurance of someone else's admiring gratitude. Two integrates to Four, opening up new realms creative expression, while the Three goes to Six, bringing in a deeper appreciation for the value of belonging to a real community of friends. They become genuine, loving companions.
     Oh my God, I need to go fish up my "How an ENFJ develops" post from Tumblr...somewhere. This is almost the exact thing I read from that. "Reassurance of someone else's admiring gratitude"? Remember the post on MBTI and what they want in love? "ENFJ: Admires me". Yeah, ring a bell yet? "ESFJ: Embraces me". Yup, 2/3 is definitely ENFJ and ESFJ.

     An extremely awake 2/3 is someone whose generosity is so continuous and so genuine that it seems to be an inseparable part of the personality. Never is there even the tiniest hint that anything is expected in return -- in fact, extremely advanced 2/3 sometimes becomes so good at giving that the recipient never finds out where the help came from (or even that it has happened). 2/3 saints somehow encourage the universe to shower gifts on others. Generosity comes through them, not from them.
    It's so Extroverted, I can't even comprehend the Introverts being over here.

Unbalanced and Unhealthy States
     Unhealthy 2/3 becomes less able to restrain repressed desires. In a misguided attempt to get others to meet their (unspoken) needs, they manufacture more imaginary needs to fill for others. Their intrusive, self-satisfied help causes others to move away. 2/3 may hide the resulting loneliness and anger behind an outwardly carefree appearance, but others can usually see there is hypocrisy involved.
     *Sniff* One of the top pet peeves of INFJs: hypocrisy.

     In the end, very unbalanced 2/3 may break down under the stress. Suddenly the truth will pop out from under the increasingly strained wrappings of self-delusion, and in a desperate effort to paste over the comfortable vision, they may fly into an Eightish homicidal hysteria or sink into Nineish psychotic withdrawal. The repressed feelings of a lifetime may spew out in days or weeks. Relationships that have lasted for years might be discarded like used tissue, leaving others desolate and grief-stricken.
    What, so you pull out the rug that you placed under someone's feet? That's...not something I think an INFJ will ever do. We will drag ourselves into withdrawal, but pulling the rug from under someone's feet is just...disgusting.

Type Two with One-Wing (The Servant)
General Description
     Average 2/1 combines Oneish judgement with Twoish people-pleasing. 2/1s are tighter and more rigid than 2/3s but less exacting than 1/2s. They regulate their behaviour carefully, in order to stay polite and proper. Overall, they want to put on a happy face, because of repressed anger (from the One-Wing) and repressed person needs (from the Two), their happy face is sometimes pinched with tension. They are less interested in appearing glamorous than 2/3 and are more interested in becoming indispensable than 1/2.
     Okay, I need to address at this point that INFJs are supposedly polite and tactful. I'm not. I swear like a sailor, but I've been told by parents that I'm very polite...probably because you don't go around swearing in other people's houses. So it depends on the situation. Also, repression of emotions...INFJs?

Balanced and Transcendent States
     Healthy 2/1s almost always find that their true calling involves helping others grow, often children. They become able to help themselves as wisely and lovingly as they help others. They enjoy watching people find their own calling, accepting the delightful differences among us. Sevenish joy from One's integration combines with Fourish depth and empathy from the integration of Two. The result is tolerant, patient celebration of growth and diversity.
     That's ISFJ, not INFJ at all. INFJs rarely love themselves, ever. We think ourselves as shitty people, or just not as good as others and that helps us want to make the world even better. Liking children is also more of an ISFJ thing and INFJs see growth more in the sense of emotional growth. Growth as an individual, as part of a society, of society itself. ISFJ see growth as the growth of a child, maturation, learning, etc. So I think 2/1s are actually more ISFJ than INFJ. I think INFJ, because of the N, are actually the more advanced in both healthy and unhealthy states.

     Advanced 2/1s are in contact at the same time with deep love and inspired wisdom. They are especially good at helping those who are in the most desperate possible situations. They plunge boldly into terrifying scenes and bring glorious hope, love and healing with them. Usually, it is the least self-sufficient who benefit the most from their endless charity.
     There, like I said, INFJ is the more intense one. That's why ISFJs are great kindergarten teachers, teachers in general, while INFJs are counsellors, social workers, etc. We INFJs don't understand the meaning of "chill" in emotional situations. We don't treat material things with intensity, not at all, but when it comes to emotions and working with empathy, we don't understand how you can NOT be intense. If you aren't intense, you aren't being sincere enough. However, I predict that INFJs will also end up on the extreme end of Unhealthy Twos.

Unbalanced and Unhealthy States
     Unhealthy 2/1s lose the ability to sense their own needs, and become more likely to actually speak their negative judgements of others. Their increasing self-criticism usually gets repressed, because the vain-glory of the Two is more powerful in them than the guilt of the One. Their inner conflict is as dangerous and powerful of the 1/2, but less visible because it is heavily repressed by self-deception. The most obvious sign of the inner struggle is the increasing tension in their bodies.

     Eventually, the breaking point is reached. When Two goes to Eight, violence erupts. In the name of love, manipulation turns into physical coercion. Self-deception reaches amazing levels as destructive acts are rationalised in hard love. Fourish guilt is submerged and converted into further denial. I am doing this for your own good and it hurts me more than it hurts you. In the end, "loving confrontations" may generate such hatred and fear in others that psychotic 2/1 may become the target of violence, as well as the origin.
    I TAKE THAT BACK. I'M A 1/2, NOT A 2/1. WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL. Is this super Yandere mode or something? I really don't think that unhealthy INFJs start taking things out on others, it feels more INFP than INFJ. Even for INFP, they don't go to such extents because they are very gentle souls. I need to go research 1/2 instead because the Unhealthy 2/1 seems very, very wrong.

    WAIT, I AM A ONE. OK, I'LL DO SOME POST ABOUT THIS TOMORROW. 1/2s are commonly mistaken for 2/1s. 1/2s fall into extreme guilt when unhealthy. YUP, TOTALLY INFJ.

9. MBTI and Candy
ESFP: Cotton Candy
I like watching those street vendors in the theme parks make cotton candy and they're fun to eat, but too sweet.

ENFP: Gummy Bears
I LOVE GUMMY BEARS. Come on, ENFP, can we swap? I don't even know what mine is yet, just swap! I like chewy candies and gummy bears do get too sweet after a while...but they are cute.

ESFJ: Laughy Taffy
Oh, those are really fun to eat too, but once again, way too sweet. Doesn't get as sticky as cotton candy though and doesn't get all over your face.

ENFJ: Gumdrops
I like those really sour ones! Sour candies are great, but are all gumdrops sour? I'm not sure. But this is the kind of candy I have next to me while on the computer and end up overeating because sour sweets are deceptive like that.

ESTP: Air Heads
Those things come in really bright and weird colours...I don't like them.

ENTP: Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
Oh my God, it's diabetes candy! I frigging love it. Do I love it more than gummy bears? I don't know. But I really like it. Once again, it's one of those candies you can't eat too much of because you are probably quite aware that you're eating them. I don't think people pop Reese's into their mouths without thinking.

ESTJ: Dark Chocolate
Please, give me all the dark chocolate. 65-80% dark chocolate please. These are like the gumdrops, except they are bitter, not sour. Because they aren't that sweet, you can eat a lot without getting sick of the taste!

ENTJ: War Heads
I don't like this MBTI, but I sure love the candy! Sour candy is best candy.

ISFP: Hershey Kisses
Depends on the variant. White chocolate. No. Cookies and Cream. No. Original. Maybe. Slightly Dark. Yes. Dark. YES. Come on, I feel like white chocolate cheats me of my money. I bought this bar of chocolate so that I can have some cocoa. If I wanted diabetic sugary milk, I can drink a carton of milk and then take spoonfuls of sugar. That is precisely how you make milk chocolate by the way.

INFP: Tootsie Roll
Oh, you mean that candy that cheated my feelings because I thought it was going to be toffee but it's super sweet? Yeah, I hate it.

Once again, depends on the variant, but this time, it's the filling. I like chocolate with nuts.

INFJ: Gobstoppers
Okay, I said I like soft candy, but this one is an exception. I frigging love gobstoppers, especially the ones that is multilayered and multicoloured. But it's not a good candy to just eat randomly.

ISTP: Lollipop
If there's a candy I dislike more than that white chocolate that cheated me of my money and tootsie rolls that cheated my feelings, then it's lollipop. It's annoying to eat. You have to hold it while you eat or you'll drool everywhere. You look disturbing eating it. And it doesn't even taste that good.

INTP: Nerds
I like Nerds! I prefer the grape flavoured ones but I think all the flavours are good.

ISTJ: Smarties
NO. I really dislike that brand.

INTJ: Robots don't eat candy.
Suit yourself then! I don't have that much of a sweet tooth since I prefer sour and bitter, but still, candy is candy and it makes people happy.

10. MBTI Gifs
ENFJ recovering from depression
     Ermmm...welcome to the INFJ club? Enjoy your stay while you're here and don't try to pry? We are always glad to see our extroverted cousins join in our little group once in a while. I don't know. You guys aren't really welcomed in our Introverted corner over here. Please return to your Extroverted station over there, you seem to be lost.

ENTJ when they win
     What a little bitch! I know you guys are smart, popular and everything, you don't have to flaunt it! And go and develop that F function of yours before you try any leadership position, please?

ENTP during an argument

ISFJ and INFJ best friends

ESTP Trying to Befriend INFJ

ENFJ-INFJ I Don't Even Know
     I was laughing so hard when I first saw this scene in High School Musical because I was silently wishing that he was accidentally fall into the lake. Also, I thought I needed to contact the mental hospital. Well, I can watch this GIF for almost 5 minutes, so it's that funny.

INFP-INFJ Crying Together

When an INFJ Meets Another INFJ (More Rare than A Shiny Pokemon)
     INFJ males - less than 0.5% of the male population. I'm screwed. INFJ females are apparently 4 times more common than INFJ males and we are already very rare. NOOOOOOOOO.

ENFJ talking to ISTP
      If I had to translate the ISTP's reaction, it says "Bitch, IDGAF".

INFJ brain-fart when trying to talk

INFJ being subjected to small talk

INFJs when they get a book they like

11. MBTI and Hogwarts Houses
By order of preference in the series: Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff
By order of preference in real-life: Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor

INFJ: Ravenclaw (YES! I'm Slytherin on Pottermore but I prefer Ravenclaw by traits alone)
ESTP: Gryffindor
INTJ: Slytherin or Ravenclaw
ESFP: Gryffindor
INFP: Gryffindor, maybe Hufflepuff
ESTJ: Slytherin
INTP: Ravenclaw
ESFJ: Hufflepuff
ISFJ: Hufflepuff, maybe Ravenclaw
ENTP: Ravenclaw, maybe Gryffindor
ISTJ: Ravenclaw, maybe Hufflepuff
ENFP: Gryffindor, maybe Ravenclaw
ISFP: Gryffindor, maybe Hufflepuff
ENTJ: Slytherin or Ravenclaw
ISTP: Ravenclaw
ENFJ: Hufflepuff, maybe Gryffindor

My Housemates/Potential Housemates: INFJ, INTJ, INTP, ISFJ, ENFP, ENTJ, ISTP

For Those Sad People who Never Watched/Read Harry Potter
House Colours:
Crimson/Scarlet and Gold



Bravery, Nerve, Chivalry, Courage, Daring, Strong of Will

Godric Gryffindor - "We'll teach those with brave deeds to their name."

Unique Item:
Sword of Gryffindor

Slytherin - sneaky, back-stabbing, elitist

Hufflepuff - honestly, acceptance, kindness

House Colours:
Green and Silver



Resourcefulness, Cunning, Ambition, Leadership qualities, Self-Preservation, Determination, Cleverness, Fraternity, Power

Salazar Slytherin - "We'll teach just those whose ancestry's purest."

Unique Item:
Locket of Slytherin

Gryffindor - unrealistic, mudblood (non pure-blood), foolish

Ravenclaw - intelligent, wit, elitist

House Colours:
Blue and Bronze



Intelligence, Wit, Wisdom, Creativity, Originality, Individuality, Acceptance

Rowena Ravenclaw - "We'll teach those whose intelligence is surest."

Unique Item:
Diadem of Ravenclaw

Hufflepuff - foolish, weak-minded, weak-willed

Slytherin - elitist, intelligent, shrewd

House Colours:
Yellow and Black



Dedication, Hard Work, Fair Play, Patience, Kindness, Tolerance, Unafraid of Toil

Helga Hufflepuff - "I'll teach the lot and treat them just the same."

Unique Item:
Cup of Hufflepuff

Ravenclaw - proud, boasting, elitist

Gryffindor - brave, loyal, chivalrous

Sorting Hat's Song
1991 Song:
Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you can see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means
To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hand (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!

1994 Song:
A thousand years or more ago
When I was newly sewn,
There lived four wizards of renown,
Whose names are still well known:

Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor,
Fair Ravenclaw, from glen,
Sweet Hufflepuff, from valley broad,
Shrewd Slytherin, from fen.

They shared a wish, a hope, a dream,
They hatched a daring plan
To educate young sorcerers
Thus Hogwarts School began.

Now each of these four founders
Formed their own house, for each
Did value different virtues
In the ones they had to teach.

By Gryffindor, the bravest were
Prized far beyond the rest;
For Ravenclaw, the cleverest
Would always be the best;

For Hufflepuff, hard workers were
Most worthy of admission;
And power-hungry Slytherin
Love those of great ambition.

While still alive they did divide
Their favourites from the throng,
Yet how to pick the worthy ones
When they were dead and gone?

Twas Gryffindor who found the way,
He whipped me off his head
The founders put some brains in me
So I could choose instead!

Now slip me snug about your ears,
I've never yet been wrong,
I'll have a look inside your mind
And tell where you belong!

1995 Song:
In times of old, when I was new,
And Hogwarts barely started,
The founders of our noble school
Thought never to be parted.

United by a common goal,
They had the self-same yearning
To make the world's best magic school
And pass along their learning.

"Together we will build and teach"
The four good friends decided.
And never did they dream that they
Might some day be divided.

For were there such friends anywhere
As Slytherin and Gryffindor?
Unless it was the second pair
Of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw,

So how could it have gone so wrong?
How could such friendships fail?
Why, I was there, so I can tell
The whole sad sorry tale.

Said Slytherin, "We'll teach just those
Whose ancestry's purest."
Said Ravenclaw, "We'll teach those whose
Intelligence is surest."

Said Gryffindor, "We'll teach all those
With brave deeds to their name."
Said Hufflepuff, "I'll teach the lot
And treat them just the same."

These differences caused little strife
When first they came to light.
For each of the four founders had
A house in which they might

Take only those they wanted, so,
For instance, Slytherin
Took only pure-blood wizards
Of great cunning just like him.

And only those of sharpest mind
Were taught by Ravenclaw
While the bravest and the boldest
Went to daring Gryffindor.

Good Hufflepuff, she took the rest
And taught them all she knew,
Thus the houses and their founders
Maintained friendships firm and true.

So Hogwarts worked in harmony
For several happy years,
But then discord crept among us
Feeding on our faults and fears.

The Houses that, like pillars four
Had once held up our school
Now turned upon each other and 
Divided, sought to rule.

And for a while it seems the school
Must meet an early end.
What with duelling and with fighting
And the clash of friend on friend.

And at last there came a morning
When old Slytherin departed
And thought he fighting then died out
He left us quiet down-hearted.

And never since the founders four
Were whittled down to three
Have the Houses been united
As they once were meant to be.

And now the Sorting Hat is here
And you all know the score:
I sort you into Houses
Because that is what I'm for.

But this year I'll go further,
Listen closely to my song:
Though condemned I am to split you
Still I worry that it's wrong.

Though I must fulfill my duty 
And must quarter every year
Still I wonder whether sorting
May not bring the end I fear.

Oh, know the perils, read the signs,
The warning history shows,
For our Hogwarts is in danger
From external, deadly foes.

And we must unite inside her
Or we'll crumble from within
I have told you, I have warned you...
Let the Sorting now begin.

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