Thursday 18 June 2015

Random Nonsense #4

     One of the reasons why I detest Shoujos so much, I think, is the tendency of cheesy romantic scenes to bring out the inherently girly side of me that I don't want to acknowledge. Ao Haru Ride, no matter how I look at it, is a very generic romantic drama, but even as I mock it, I instinctively react to it in ways that disgust me.

     I'm only at Episode 1 and I'm already being so girly with my reactions. For those who have not heard of Ao Haru Ride, which is quite the popular series within Shoujo fans, the story revolves around the female main character, Yoshioka Futaba and the main protagonist, Mabuchi Kou.

     Back in Middle School, Futaba had a crush on a guy named Tanaka Kou. She believed that boys were too rough and violent, but Tanaka Kou was the only exception. He was quite short, soft-spoken and gentle, not to mention, very shy. Futaba herself was a soft-spoken and quiet girl. It was unknown to her then that Kou liked her back. Due to unfortunate reasons (Kou's family issues), he was unable to attend the summer festival that he had invited Futaba too, after which, he disappeared from the school and town altogether.

     The anime starts three years later, with Yoshioka Futaba starred as a drastically different girl. No longer feminine or cute, she attempts to make herself as unattractive as possible, because her popularity with boys in Middle School made her an outcast. She sacrifices her true, girly self for her classmate's approval and hangs around friends that seemingly accept her.

     One day, she accidentally walks into a guy along the school corridor, who rudely calls her "unattractive bread". In her own words, "The voice...the height...It's all wrong...and I didn't see his face...So why did I assume that was Tanaka-kun?" Chasing after him, she finds out that he is indeed Kou, except that he had to change his name due to his parents divorcing. Mabuchi Kou, as he is now called, is also seemingly drastically different from his old self.

     His personality took a completely turn, for he is now more masculine, sarcastic and crude. In addition, he has extremely pessimistic views about his brother and himself. Upon meeting Futaba at the shrine at which they shared a sweet moment as Middle Schoolers, he is reminded that "Oh right, you hates all guys, right? You always have. Seems like you still do."

     Despite Kou being extremely different from the guy she knew before, with her newly gained courage, Futaba brings herself to confess (a little too late, my friend). "Yeah, I hate them, I always have," she admits, but adds that "You were different, Tanaka-kun." Revealing slightly that he has actually not changed, Kou covers his face with his hand (like he did in the past) and admits that "I felt the same way. I...loved you too."

     Even as I was squealing like a little girl at the cute scene...tearing a little because that's how easily I get dragged into this cheesy nonsense, I can't help but notice that he's referring to everything in the past tense. Just as you think, "Wow, it's a 1 episode-long Shoujo!", Kou drops the "We can't go back to that now, though. Things aren't like they were in those days - I'm different. you're different. Which means, that's in the past."

     Futaba's what makes me like her more than other Shoujo female characters. Does she cry and burst into tears, embarrassing herself? Despite all the hope she had in her heart that they could return to the past, and having all that crushed, she still thought about him - "Despite the cruelty in his words, there was something lonely in his expression." I know, it's still cheesy, but she's at least a few ranks higher than the other annoying Shoujo females who are either unrealistically strong or way too needy.

     Also, I like the rival guy character, who, in my opinion, is a much nicer guy than Kou. But, we all know who Futaba is going to end up with and it saddens me that poor Touma is going to have his heart broken...

     This guy is probably why I can find it in myself to dislike both protagonists so much. Touma isn't the third person in the love triangle who forcefully inserts himself between the two. Think Shintani Hinata from Kaichou wa Maid-sama and add a dose of gentleness and you get Touma. He is a very earnest person with a strait-laced and honest attitude - a goody-two shoes. Of course, he would suck as a main male protagonist, but he makes for an awesome third character. 

     He does confess and ask her out, supporting Futaba and giving her confidence even while knowing that she still has feelings for Kou. Even then, he doesn't try to persuade her away from those feelings and even encourages her to accept them instead. It's always sad to see characters like this, who have no ill intentions for the main couple, sacrifice themselves for one of the character's happiness. Once again, Shintani Hinata. Although Shintani is probably an Extrovert while Touma is either an Ambivert or Introvert.
Touma and Shintani...why do I always like the side characters more than the main couple?

      Also, Ao Haru Ride has an amazing soundtrack. The Opening isn't too good, in my opinion, but the soundtrack is awesome. It's perfect for a romantic drama like this...although I'm still quite embarrassed that I'm being entertained by a cheesy show like this. I'm certainly not watching the Live Action series though...certainly not (now I'm tempted).

     Now for MBTI stuff, YAY~

1. MBTI Types When Drunk
     I don't think that just being drunk...I think that's being high too. That's like...on drugs or something. Scary...ENFJs are known for being surprisingly crazy when they actually manage to go crazy. Next level shit right here...

     I wasn't trying to take your freedom, man, none of us were. Calm down. If ENFPs are very hyper and scatterbrained to begin with, I shudder to think what a drunk ENFP is. I'll just stand in my safe corner and don't come close until you're sober enough to talk.

     Now that's just depressing. I know ENTJs are probably very stressed and everything, but don't turn to alcohol for stress relief. It's going to make you do something absolutely retarded and you will regret it.

      Probably the only one out of the four that have been revealed that I would go drinking with. It'll be quite hilarious to see these people drunk since they probably don't pose a danger to society or themselves. They are probably just completely out of it in a funny, non-dangerous way.

     OH MY GOD, these ExFJs. Crazy people, I tell you. In normal everyday life, they are all sane and perfect and everything nice, and then they get drunk and do the weirdest shit. If you know an ExFJ, probably make sure they stay at least 10M away from the nearest cup of alcohol. You don't want to handle that...Green Man.

     Please don't get me involved in your "YOLO" nonsense. It's precisely because I only live once that I will never do stupid shit like having one night stands, hooking up with multiple people (yes I know what those are called), smoking weed, etc. I will attempt to persuade these people otherwise but once shit goes down, I'll be out of there real quick.

     Girl, is that a challenge? Bitch please, is that water you're drinking? I bet you that I can out-drink you by at least 4 shots. ...I'm probably going to get myself into trouble for this, aren't I? Still, I think ESTJs are probably going to be sane enough not to get both of us into trouble anyway.

      So your profession is to shorten your life? Great. Still, they probably won't go bat-shit those ExFJs over there (I think I need to call the cops on them soon), or the ExFPs (who are getting themselves into all sorts of nonsense I don't even want to know).

     I don't know what this is supposed to mean. That we INFJs don't get drunk and are just happy to drink with you guys? Well, that's what it is for me, I guess. People drink to get drunk and to get rid of their problems, but I clearly can't do that with my alcohol tolerance and even if I could, I certainly wouldn't. Also, I guess having shots are pretty fun...who drinks alone? Drinking is for bonding and socialising.

10. INFP
     Ermmm....are you okay there? You don't look so well...Don't walk into that wall there now! These are the people I'll get the most worried about because I'm not sure if it's going to drive them into self-destruction or something. ExFJs are making a fool of themselves and I'll keep away from them, but INFPs are another story. Legitimately worried about them.

11. INTJ
     Well, here's our Ni buddy who doesn't seem to agree with our "drinking for socialising" tagline. INTJs do strike me as the type to drink to drown out their emotions and...I don't approve, but it's their choice. I'll continue listening to whatever you have to say...just don't throw up on me and no, I'm not going to drink and encourage you any further.

12. INTP
     That one friend that trips over themselves while drunk...probably pretty funny to watch. The worst thing they can do is to become a catalyst for the other types to do something stupid.

13. ISFJ
     NONONO, STOP THAT ISFJ, STOP LISTENING TO ESFP AND COME BACK HERE! Seriously dude, don't get carried away with all the stupid things ESFP tries to get you to do. You're going to regret it and I know you probably won't do this if you were sober. Sigh...why can't you guys hold your alcohol as well as we do?

14. ISFP
     If you are drunk and you think you are feeling love, that is definitely not love you feel. Alcohol, like most aphrodisiacs, work by increasing the bloodflow in your body, so that is not love, that is lust, so get your ass back out here and stop walking into pubs when you're upset. You're free to drop by for a talk though, if you want. I have Vodka, Gin, Rum, Tequila, etc limited amounts.

15. ISTJ
     You're trying too hard, ISTJ, but I guess this is a good change from your usually uptight stuff. Just don't get yourself in trouble, okay? Stay away from the ExFxs and stay around the rest of the Introverts or ExTxs and you'll be relatively fine. And that wink isn't working out for you, stop trying. If you get a guy with that, he's not going to be a nice guy, so please.

16. ISTP
     *Glances sideways* Ermmm...someone please call the cops. We have crazy ExFJs in need of mental rehabilitation and a creeper ISTP who is giving everyone perverted looks. Seriously, that face! Argh.

2. Do the MBTI Types Want to Build a Snowman?
INFJ: Hmmm...yes, what's his name? Can he wear a blue scarf?
ENFP: *sings* Come on let's go and plaayyy I never see you anymoreeee come out the door, it's like you've gone awaayyyy
INFP: Can't we just stay inside and read and drink hot chocolate?
ENTJ: No, I'm busy!
INTJ: Do I have to? *pets cat* Actually, maybe the snowman would be better than people are.
ENTP: Yaaas
INTP: Yes! Actually, I thought of a better way of build a snowman than ever before! Ever!
ESFJ: Yes, but don't forget your scarf!
ISFJ: Yes! I always built snowmen growing up!
ESFP: No, snow angels instead!
ISFP: Only if it can have button eyes that are two different colours.
ESTJ: Sure. You, go get the sticks! I'll make the base.
ISTJ: If someone knows how to and can tell me how...
ESTP: No, it's time for snow tag!
ISTP: No, don't want to.

What Actually Happens
ENFJ: Stays inside to keep INFP company while she reads. Actually more of a bother than good company. Wants to go out but takes it upon himself to stay with INFP. A good guard dog against the others inside. 
INFJ: Trying to teach ISTJ who refuses to start without instructions and keeping an eye on INTJ in case he goes back in the house. Occasionally snaps at ENTP, who keeps bothering her with pranks. Sad that her brother chose to stay inside.
ENFP: Just prancing around and singing. Only difference is that she is now outside.
INFP: Like she said, she stayed inside to read while drinking hot chocolate. Oblivious to the noise outside and frequently annoyed by ENFJ's questions.
ENTJ: Working away on some huge project in his room.
INTJ: Dragged out by INFJ, who he thinks is rather good company, as long as he is allowed freedom.
ENTP: Pranking INFJ to get her attention and prancing around with ENFP.
INTP: Helping INFJ with the snowman and glaring at her ENTP brother, who isn't being subtle at all.
ESFJ: Ends up making multiples trips back to the house to get hot chocolate.
ISFJ: Follows her ESFJ sister around and brings the cookies.
ESFP: Making snow angels by himself while trying to get ISFJ to join him.
ISFP: Silently watching INFJ put together the snowman, smiling when INFJ remembers the buttons.
ESTJ: Helping make the separate parts of the snowman to be put together at the end. Teaching ISTJ when she comes around to help him.
ISTJ: Going between INFJ and ESTJ to help them with the snowman.
ESTP: Grumbling about the fact that no one wants to play tag with him, but ends up helping ESTJ and INFJ anyway.
ISTP: Somewhere in the house...nobody actually knows where.

     Okay, so for some reason, my Tumblr just went down. I don't know how. Maybe it's a sign I should use other things for once, so I'm looking at this Personality Type List thing. And I'll do one, because it can help me with future posts.

Zodiac Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini (dad) | Cancer | Leo | Virgo (sister) | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn (mom) | Aquarius | Pisces

MBTI: ESFP | ISFP | ESTP | ISTP (mom) | ESTJ | ISTJ | ESFJ | ISFJ | ENFJ | INFJ (the real deal, not the INFP thinking she's an INFJ thing) | ENFP | INFP | ENTP | INTP (dad) | ENTJ | INTJ

Four Temperaments: Sanguine | Melancholic | Choleric | Phlegmatic (by like a few percent above Melancholic)

Enneagram: The Reformer (Type 1) | The Helper (Type 2) | The Achiever (Type 3) | The Individualist (Type 4) | The Thinker (Type 5) | The Loyalist (Type 6) | The Enthusiast (Type 7) | The Leader (Type 8) | The Peacemaker (Type 9)

Cattell's 16 Factor Test: Warmth | Intellect | Emotional Stability | Aggressiveness | Liveliness | Dutifulness | Social Assertiveness | Sensitivity | Paranoia | Abstractness | Introversion | Anxiety | Openmindedness | Independence | Perfectionism | Tension

Celtic Zodiac Sign: Birch (The Achiever) | Rowan (The Thinker) | Ash (The Enchanter) | Alder (The Trailblazer) | Willow (The Observer) | Hawthorne (The Illusionist) | Oak (The Stabiliser) | Holly (The Ruler) | Hazel (The Knower) | Vine (The Equaliser) | Ivy (The Survivor) | Reed (The Inquisitor) | Elder (The Seeker)

Soul Type: Hunter | Caregiver | Creator | Thinker | Helper | Educator | Performer | Leader | Spiritualist 
1 point less for Spiritualist, OMG, I was so close to being like...NOPE, taking this again.

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw (I cheated on Pottermore, I'm sorry) | Slytherin

Alignment: Lawful Good | Neutral Good | Chaotic Good | Lawful Neutral | True Neutral | Chaotic Neutral | Lawful Evil | Neutral Evil | Chaotic Evil
I'm actually very surprised. I scored 32 on Lawful Good, 1 point above Neutral Good. Between Law and Chaos, I had 11 Law, 10 Neutral and 3 Chaos. But what's extremely surprising is that between Good and Evil, I got 21 Good, 14 Neutral and 0 Evil. 0? watch me. I can do something evil.

MOTIV: Materialist | Offbeat | Thinking | Intimate | Vital
Okay, so segue time! Just some simple explanation for MOTIV and my results as well!

MOTIV Basics + My Results
     The purpose of this test/system is to help make you more aware of what you perceive to be rewarding and hopefully examine whether those things actually do, and whether you want to continue with your current MOTIV profile.

1. Materialist
My Score: 13% (That's...that's really bad)
Average Score: 54%
Perceived reward: Being more attractive makes me happy
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: Elitist, shallow, fake, external validation addiction
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored low: Failure to connect to others, society and the world

2. Offbeat
My Score: 56%
Average Score: 48%
Perceived reward: Being unconventional makes me happy
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: Putting yourself at too great a risk, endangering your life
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored low: Playing it too safe, being resistant to change

3. Thinking
My Score: 46%
Average Score: 51%
Perceived reward: Being planned out makes me happy
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: Sticking with plans/systems/routines that don't work
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored low: Inability to make or complete long term goals/plans

4. Intimate
Average Score: 56%
Perceived reward: Serving others makes me happy (Well...IT DOES)
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: Being taken advantage of, ignoring self, too nice (1. I don't mind being taken advantage of, if it helps you 2. Being self-centred isn't exactly a good thing 3. No such thing as "too" nice)
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored low: Refusal or inability to see other's perspective/needs

5. Vital
My Score: 36%
Average Score: 54%
Perceived reward: Being alive makes me happy (if I'm alive and I ain't doing shit, then I'm not happy)
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: Overcontented-ness, overconfidence 
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored lowly: Depression, poor mental and/or physical health (oops, too late)

Global 5: Social (34%) | Reserved (66%) | Limbic (60%) | Calm (40%) | Organised (50%) | Unstructured (50%) | Accommodating (90%) | Egocentric (10%) | Non-Curious (48%) | Inquisitive (52%)

Holland Code: Realistic | Investigative | Artistic | Social | Enterprising | Conventional

R-Drive: Narcissism | Unconventionality | Empiricism | Vitality | Othercentricism | Independence | Integrity | Intellect | Stoicism | Orderliness | Dynamism | Activity | Romanticism | Hedonism
Another segue~

R-Drive Basics + My Results
     R-Drive serves the same purpose as MOTIV and they are often used as companions to each other.

1. Narcissism
My Score: 44%
Average Score: 60%
Perceived reward: External validation makes me happy
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: Elitist, shallow, fake, external validation addiction
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored low: Failure to connect to others, society, the world

2. Unconventionality
My Score: 68%
Average Score: 64%
Perceived reward: Being unconventional makes me happy
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: Abandoning all reason, practicality, security
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored low: Not following your intuition, your internal self (I'm an INFJ, what did you expect from a category to do with intuition?)

3. Empiricism
My Score: 27% (This isn't even the worst)
Average Score: 61%
Perceived reward: Being planned makes me happy
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: Sticking with plans/systems/routines that don't work
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored low: Inability to make or completely long term goals/plans

4. Vitality
My Score: 16% (...I have some sort of depression, okay?)
Average Score: 59%
Perceived reward: Being/knowing who I am makes me happy (I hate being me)
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: Overcontentedness, overconfidence
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored low: Depression, poor mental and/or physical health

5. Othercentricism
My Score: 100% (Amazing...and I wasn't even trying. It's not supposed to be a good thing though.)
Average Score: 58%
Perceived reward: Helping others makes me happy (My life motto right there, hello?)
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: Being taken advantage of, ignoring self, too nice (I already argued this)
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored low: Refusal or inability to see other's perspective/needs

6. Independence
My Score: 60%
Average Score: 54%
Perceived reward: Being independent makes me happy
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: No person is an island, trust issues, avoidant
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored low: Overly codependent, can't work/function alone

7. Integrity
My Score: 72% (Oh, wow, surprising)
Average Score: 53%
Perceived reward: Being honest/forthcoming makes me happy
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: Can make yourself enemies
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored low: Pathological dishonesty, self-serving, vanity

8. Intellect
My Score: 77% (Hell, yeah~)
Average Score: 70%
Perceived reward: Intellectual complexity makes me happy
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: Impracticality, alienation from others
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored low: Under-developed mental abilities/capability

9. Stoicism
My Score: 50% (Me?)
Average Score: 49%
Perceived reward: Being calm makes me happy
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: Not caring what others think, egomania
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored low: Erratic emotional system, useless in crisis

10. Orderliness
My Score: 61%
Average Score: 48%
Perceived reward: Being structured makes me happy (Doesn't make me's necessary)
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: Excessive rigidity, inability to be spontaneous
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored low: Excessive disorganisation, inconsistent productivity (I think I scored wrongly)

11. Dynamism
My Score: 78%
Average Score: 48%
Perceived reward: Change makes me happy
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: Not sticking with things, living a transient existence
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored low: Inflexibility, closed off to change

12. Activity
My Score: 27% (lol, I refuse to move)
Average Score: 52%
Perceived reward: Physical exercise makes me happy
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: Exercise addiction/overtraining, body narcissism 
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored low: Obesity, health problems, lethargy (......)

13. Romanticism
My Score: 58%
Average Score: 52%
Perceived reward: Romantic love makes me happy
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: Being codependent, lacking an individual identity
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored low: Fear of authentic intimacy/commitment

14. Hedonism
My Score: 33% (Unromantic and not passionate. OKAY, THANKS TEST)
Average Score: 50%
Perceived reward: Being "high" makes me happy
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored highly: Substance abuse problems, alcoholism, thrill-seeking
Dangerous flaw(s) if scored low: Fear of losing control, pleasure-less life (Yes, I dislike losing a problem with that? Control freak? Yes I am, over myself)

Dark Triad: Narcissism (1.2/4) [6%] | Machiavellianism (1.9/4) [17%] | Psychopathy (1.1/4) [4%]

Archetypes: Creative | Athlete | Rebel | Caregiver | Visionary | Royal | Performer | Spiritual | Tastemaker | Explorer | Advocate | Intellectual
My face right now...Spiritual. Should have seen that one coming really. Segue but a small one, because this Archetype thing is actually very very extensive.

Archetype Basics
My Types:

1. Caregiver
Archetype Family: Caring
Other Expressions: Nurturer, Mother, Lover, Sister, Teacher, Rescuer, Homemaker, Heroine, Best Friend, Companion
Life Journey: Care for others in ways they are unable to care for themselves
Unique Challenge: Fear of being thought of as selfish
Lesson to Learn: Learning to help when it's really needed 
Defining Grace: Compassion
Challenge to Self: How can I dedicate more time for myself so I have more stamina to care for others? Can I give myself the freedom to explore what truly makes me happy?

2. Spiritual
Archetype Family: Spiritual
Other Expressions: Mystic, Healer, Seeker (given that INFJ = Mystic, INFJ = Healer, I'm not surprised anymore)
Life Journey: To discover the meaning and purpose of life
Unique Challenge: To create a life that balances my spiritual, emotional and physical needs
Lesson to Learn: To be truthful with myself about who I am and what I believe; to recognise when I'm resisting change in order to remain comfortable
Defining Grace: Humility
Challenge to Self: I will tap into and trust my intuition, and be conscious of where I position matters of the spirit among other life interests

3. Advocate
Archetype Family: Advocate
Other Expressions: Naturalist, Defender, Champion of a Cause
Life Journey: To act as an agent for positive change
Unique Challenge: To find causes that engage my strengths, not my personal agenda
Lesson to Learn: To do what I can, even if it doesn't feel like enough
Defining Grace: Hope
Challenge to Self: I will commit fully to a cause, even if it means pledging my time, energy and money in order to make a difference

     Actually, my 3 types make a very good combination, in my opinion, at least for what I see as life's purpose. The Spiritual family for me to find a larger meaning and purpose of life for all, Advocate to bring that meaning to the people around me and Caregiver to ensure I'm not being a tyrant while advocating. Seems very ideal to me. I like it. Not everyone has more than 1 type, I just scored evenly in all 3. Also, I wonder what's the different between Advocate and Visionary.

Other Types:

4. Creative
Archetype Family: Creative
Other Expressions: Performer, Creator, Storyteller
Life Journey: To explore the heights of imagination through new forms of creativity
Unique Challenge: To overcome the fear of being unoriginal
Lesson to Learn: To develop artistic gifts rather than ignoring them
Defining Grace: Creativity
Challenge to Self: I will develop my talent and express myself without letting fear of failure hold me back and stand by my artistic point of view in the face of criticism

5. Athlete
Archetype Family: Physical
Other Expressions: Competitor, Sportsman, Outdoorswoman
Life Journey: To discover a sense of personal power and identity through developing my body
Unique Challenge: To understand that the body has limits; to pay attention when I'm feeling off-balance and do what I need to get back to my core power zone.
Lesson to Learn: To confront physical vulnerability and accept the reality of aging
Defining Grace: Endurance
Challenge to Self: I will explore my strengths beyond competition

6. Rebel
Archetype Family: Rebel
Other Expressions: Maverick, Feminist, Femme Fatle, Sex Goddess
Life Journey: Break barriers that restrict the human spirit
Unique Challenge: Discover a creative, dynamic and productive way to make your voice heard
Lesson to Learn: Avoid engaging in power struggles as a way of expressing authority. Know the difference between rebellious reactions and rebellious decisions.
Defining Grace: Justice
Challenge to Self: Understand when the rebel in me is controlling my emotions

7. Visionary
Archetype Family: Visionary
Other Expressions: Entrepreneur, Innovator, Pioneer, Guide, Dreamer
Life Journey: To bring the future into the present, and sense the changing impulses of society
Unique Challenge: To remain committed to a new vision in order to bring it to fruition
Lesson to Learn: To believe in my vision, however great or small, and my creative potential to change lives.
Defining Grace: Courage
Challenge to Self: I will envision new possibilities for humanity and recognise when an idea is worth rearranging my life for.

8. Royal
Archetype Family: Royal
Other Expressions: Executive, CEO, Leader, Chief
Life Journey: To learn to use power wisely, productively and responsibly
Unique Challenge: To identify the causes in which to invest my power and influence
Lesson to Learn: To differentiate between authentic and illusory power
Defining Grace: Generosity
Challenge to Self: I will share power in a close relationship, and commit to cooperation and compromise

9. Performer
Archetype Family: Entertaining
Other Expressions: Entertainer, Bon Vivant, Actor, Headliner
Life Journey: To use charm, humour, and wit to enjoy life to the fullest and convey that joy to others
Unique Challenge: To stay the course and not follow each enthusiasm, impulse or emotion
Lesson to Learn: To use excitement and fun to find new and different ways around obstacles
Defining Grace: Exuberance
Challenge to Self: I will keep my drama from veering into melodrama

10. Tastemaker
Archetype Family: Fashion
Other Expressions: Host, Stylist, Goddess, Diva
Life Journey: To become comfortable in my own skin; to derive power from self-esteem rather than the clothes I wear
Unique Challenge: To cultivate my individuality; to form a stylistic point of view that reflects my whole being
Lesson to Learn: To recognise when I'm being judged superficially
Defining Grace: Exuberance
Challenge to Self: I will keep an authentic life that reflects my individuality and empowers me as a person.

11. Explorer
Archetype Family: Discovering
Other Expressions: Adventurer, Trailblazer, Traveller
Life Journey: To follow paths that are self-discovered. Inspire others to explore uncharted territory.
Unique Challenge: To be unafraid to commit: to settling in one place, with one person, and one style of life; to recognise that exploration can be emotional as well as physical
Lesson to Learn: To take the initiative while coordinating with others to break barriers and accomplish great things
Defining Grace: Self-Motivation
Challenge to Self: I will climb every mountain, feel every moment.

12. Intellectual
Archetype Family: Thinking
Other Expressions: Professional, Student, Scholar, Judge
Life Journey: To pursue knowledge for the sake of discovering the truth in all areas of life
Unique Challenge: To recognise when I've locked myself into a line of thinking based on my education or experience; to remain open to new ideas
Lesson to Learn: To learn to listen to my gut, and to discern the differences between reason and rtuth
Defining Grace: Wisdom
Challenge to Self: I will avoid paralysis by analysis

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