Monday 22 June 2015

Random Nonsense #5

     I accomplished a miracle today. I found a fellow INFJ, and on top of that, a male INFJ. That's like...around 1% of the world population. Can't believe I got lied to this whole time though. I've never known him particularly well, since he's the friend of a friend, but still...I thought something was off when he said he's an INTJ. You can't be an INTJ and be so understanding towards my bizarre problems and/or not mock them. That's just not possible.
I can't believe it! Senpai is an INFJ too! 

     I guess it was stupid of me not to predict it earlier. It was quite hilarious how from the first time we met, there's this kind of "I know that feel bro" relationship between us (given that our mutual friend was completely lost as to what was going on half the time). It's not even the "I'll try to understand you" kind of feeling that the other NFs give off - it's that we COMPLETELY get each other. It's kinda freaky, but kinda cool too. Though it's never good to leave 2 INFJs alone for too long or they will abandon all life responsibilities and go contemplate the meaning of existence in some remote corner of the earth.

      And so I was inspired to go read more INFJ stuff, of course, with other MBTI types distracting me everywhere. I was inclined to just make this a pure INFJ post, but meh, I have time and I'm bored.

1. So Apparently the ENFP/ENTP Match is Dependent on Gender
     Okay, that's great. So tell me where, WHERE is my ENTP? Excuse me? I think I'm missing my order of 1 male ENTP and I would like to demand that my order be attended to as soon as possible. There has already been a delivery of one female ENTP, an order which I did not make, and I am very satisfied with the quality of the product. In fact, I think I want to subscribe to the ENTP channel for more of such products so HURRY UP. Tch, seriously. I hate it when those personality websites are all like "You're compatible with ___" and my answer is "That's GREAT! I don't know anyone like that!" *claps and cries*

2. Something Wrong with This Chart, Seriously
      Would someone like to explain why for NFs, it's either "It's Got a Good Chance" or "Uh-Oh, Think This One Through"? So basically it's either, "Wow, such a good match you are probably the OTP of everyone you know" or "Your best friend, your best mate, your mom, your dad, your grandma, and everyone you know strongly disagree with this relationship". On the other hand, NTs don't have any bad matches? Seems legitimate. Also, here's that INFJ with ENTP/ENFP bullshit again. Thanks guys, I need to be reminded about how I don't know anyone typical of those 2 types. THANKS. 

     Also, good job ENFJ, going beyond the NF stereotype and taking a chunk out of the red. I hope you're proud of ruining the nice red rectangle. Wait...INFP and ISFP...does this mean that ENFJ likes the cute, innocent and super loli types? Can I now assume that every anime character with "Little Sister Complex" is an ENFJ?

3. MBTI Asshole Index (NFs)
Disclaimer: This is a personality test for the sick ones, the mentally sick ones. [OMG, they made this for me!]

     Slightly hippyish, the ENFP is often one to black out after one drink. They will not stop pestering you with their ideas and they will usually not understand your feelings either. Very common, these idiots are not ones to bother with being consistent in their statements, and arguing with them will be frustrating as they've forgotten the beginning of the issue once you've explained why they're wrong about the tangent they brought up. The apt animal comparison would be "goldfish". Nothing fazes them and everything is interesting as long as it's in sight.
I don't think that's bad. I mean, the dumbest and most easily distracted people are often the happiest people and it's good to be happy. It's a refreshing change from the usual kind of people, you know.

     They are usually happy, not having found anything to be unhappy about. Spending time with an ENFP is difficult, considering not many have the patience to listen to their stupid ideas. These are the people who get tribal tattoos and think that makes them part of a tribe. ENFPs are like reverse nihilists, in that they believe in everything you tell them.
Perhaps why they are compatible with us. INFJs easily depressed and it's good to have such an optimistic person in our lives. Also, tribal tattoos? No, I think all INFJs will be willing to listen if an ENFP has something to say...they are very fascinating in their own ways (because you know - How are you that happy?)

     Being in a relationship with an ENFP is a challenge; expect to do all the work for little reward. While you might find that, during an initial period of falling in love, you really do connect with an the ENFP, this is just due to them being so plastic and vapid that anything deeper than, say, an army boot is too hard for them to understand, so they'll just parrot whatever you said. You are probably an INFP since you didn't notice this.
Hmmm...I don't think anyone can be that shallow and still be alive on this planet. But it's supposed to be a harsh post criticising every MBTI type at their negative extremes.

     INFPs are not concerned with the material world, anything that matters to them happens inside their heads. They are the kid in the back of the class who understands nothing and believes themselves to understand it all, which is why they never ask questions, and always make assumptions. If you correct their assumptions, they are likely not to hear you.
Again, I don't think that's possible. If you can retain that kind of personality after this many years alive, it's a talent.

     In the grand scheme of things, INFPs forgive everyone, perhaps because of the lingering doubt that anything they perceive is truly there. Their animal totem would be the stupid, drooling, cute dog.
Oh, you mean the spirit animal of their most compatible type? *snickers* Yeah, figures. 

     Sometimes, the actual real world penetrates the foggy glass of their John Lennon-style rose-coloured shades, and they are prone to extreme depression when this happens. Usually, the best way to get them out of this is distracting them with something shiny, or make a doll of the friend they lost they can keep as a substitute. Since you considered doing this creep thing, I can but assume you're an ISFJ, so get away from me, get far away.
Yandere? Anyway, that's not too bad. Prone to extreme depression when this happens...well, at least you aren't depressed all the damn time. Seriously, I think if you take an average of the extent of depression an INFJ and an INFP experience in their lifetimes, it would be the same. Except that for the INFJ, it's constant, but for the INFP, it's periodic and much stronger. 

     They are likely to find meaning in meaningless things, and relationships with INFPs end typically because of imagine sights or the realisation that nothing you've said for the last fourteen months have even been processed by their brains. If you leave, it might take them up to three weeks to notice, had you been living together.
Hey, this actually makes me want to comfort INFP even more. Come on, just because the INFP sees meaning in something you can't see meaning in does not necessarily make it universally meaningless. Also, this is the kind of people I worry about excessively when they get into relationships because they are 1. very hopeful (as all NFs are, admittedly) 2. very delusional 3. prone to extreme emotional breakdown + outburst when things go wrong.

     Like rattlesnakes, the animal associate with them, the ENFJs have an inexhaustible patience. They give the air of being a wise mentor, when really they just want you to do their bidding. They often run several schemes at once. They do not consider you a friend, even though you might consider them one. They consider you an asset or, at most, an acquaintance. 
Perhaps this is why ENFJ and INFJ are one of the E-I pairs who don't get along. Whereas INFP and ENFP spells disaster for other people besides themselves, I think all INFJs are inherently fearful of ENFJs. INFJs are paranoid and ENFJs are known for the being the type with the most hidden agendas. You can see how that works out brilliantly.

     Adept at manipulation, the ENFJ has gone far as to make themselves believe whatever it is they are saying, fooling lie detectors and even the greatest mentalists. They can usually do this as they have a hollow where their soul should be, and it can easily be filled with fakes. Pretending to be otherwise is easy for them. They do have feelings, such as "I'm worth all the money in the world," or "everything I see is mine."
That's a little too harsh...maybe? I don't know. If they can fool the best lie detectors, INFJs are the best lie detectors and I'm a shitty INFJ, then how am I supposed to know whether this judgement is too harsh or I'm just too naive? I mean ENFJs are associated with "Hero Complex", which in itself means that their "heroic" deeds are fake or exaggerated. 

     In an office workplace, the ENFJ is the snitch you never notice. The ENFJs are drawn towards jobs without glory, such as paparazzis, where they can observe the people who do feel love and destroy it for them.
Now THAT is too harsh. Though...I suppose they'll make the perfect villains then.

     INFJs are fond of themselves. They try to have friends but they often do not get past the "hello" phase". They prefer non-interactive media, which is why they predilect for poetry and prose. They fucking paper will not fucking talk back to them.
Oh, then I must be a really healthy INFJ since I dislike poetry, prose and prefer talking to actual people than writing. Nice.

     In the rare occasion that they do manage to befriend someone (after alternating between telling a potential friend too much and then too little about themselves, perhaps they found a balance for once), the INFJ listen to others and then they pretend that the anecdotes relayed to them were the ones they experienced themselves. This way, everything can be about them.
Hmmm, the thing in the bracket is true but besides that, I can't even relate. Isn't the pretend to understand anecdotes an INFP thing, not an INFJ thing? Also, I would really not want to pretend I experienced the anecdotes myself because I'm depressed enough already.

     INFJs often want to change the world, but what they don't realise is that they, themselves, need to change. The INFJ animal is a badger. Badgers are dumb. Badgers won't fucking let go if they bit you, much like an INFJ. INFJs are prone to biting people, the freaks.
Well, I hope you have a nice day too, a day as nice as your attitude. I do realise I need to change, thank you, perhaps that's why we are a suicidal type? I personally think people who haven't gotten close to suicide are either so ignorant of their own flaws they can just live happily in their self-imposed blindness or are really that capable. Badgers are cool, I guess and I'm prone to biting? Well, I hope you enjoy me ripping your arm off then.

4. MBTI Types on the Last Day of School
ISTJ: Double and triple checks all of their graduation forms and papers to make sure they didn't forget to do anything.
That's cool. Hey listen, after you're done with all that, would you like to consider my offer to work as my secretary? 

ISFJ: Makes sure to take a bunch of pictures that they can look through and reminisce in years later.
How about you put down that camera (before I break it) and we just enjoy our last moments together? Pictures can only capture so much.

INFJ: Starts envisioning what everyone is going to be like at the ten year anniversary.
Bitch please, I'm already doing that and we still have 4-5 months to go. Also, there are 2 assumption there: 1. I will actually be alive to envision anything 2. I will be alive in 10 years

INTJ: Is already mentally preparing for college too much to care about what anyone else is doing in the meantime.
Admittedly the most logical and reasonable thing to do actually.

ISTP: Grabs the mic at graduation, yells something obscene, and then drives off into the sunset on their motorcycle.
Hahahaha, these people are so cool. Erm, just take care and don't get yourself into an accident or something, okay?

ISFP: Has an extremely cute decoration for their graduation cap that is way more artistic than everyone else's.
Awwww...that's so adorable. I think they are the Makita Yuuri of real life, aka real Lolis. 

INFP: Sings a song at the graduation ceremony that has extremely emotional and poetic lyrics.
Really, INFP? Aren't they too shy to sing in front of people?

INTP: Gets very confused as to why everyone is crying at graduation and tries to run away from anyone who tries to take a picture with them.
Well, figures that these people don't understand the idea of sentimentality and stuff like that. But still, take me with you! I don't want to take pictures either!

ESTP: Strips nakes and runs across the field during the graduation ceremony. 
Do you want to get castrated? Because that's how you get yourself castrated. Put on some clothes you social disgrace!

ESFP: Does some sort of performance/speech/etc. at the graduation ceremony and then gets extremely drunk at the parties later that night.
Probably the type that will get you into trouble, but fun people to stick around with anyway. They will make the last night of your school life memorable...just make sure you don't get drunk.

ENFP: Immediately embarks on a road trip right after the graduation party, after which they are never heard from again.

ENTP: Is the main person in charge of coming up with ideas and a plan of action for the senior prank.
That's why ENTPs are such lovely people. Light-hearted pranksters who are extremely smart. What's not to like about them...except them not understanding emotions...Oh well, they are optimistic enough to chase away whatever pessimism, I suppose!

ESTJ: Is very fastidiously organising the graduation ceremony, making sure everyone goes at the exact right time they are supposed to.
Thanks boss, just tell me what I need to do and if you need help, okay! I'll just sit here and daydream in the mean time. 

ESFJ: Hosts a graduation party that night that everyone in the school ends up at because they are so popular.
Meh...I'll think about it. Too many people - too noisy, but it's a graduation party.

ENFJ: Delivers a perfectly emotional, sweet speech at graduation that makes all of the parents cry.
While the students below scowl and roll their eyes. INTJ's probably already snuck out of the hall and gone to I don't know where. TAKE ME WITH YOU. I don't like sitting through this cheesy shit. Is it normal for an INFJ to feel like this kind of speeches are disgustingly fake and would rather tear their ears off?

ENTJ: As part of the student council, organises the graduation night and most of the other activities.
Why are you guys always so serious. Sheesh. I don't like you people.

     Actually, I have a texting conversation right now. So I'll just leave this here.

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