Sunday 7 June 2015

MBTI Stuff #9: And A Lot of Rambling

     I don't even think this is purely masochism or sadism anymore. I know that my tolerance for anything horror-related is extremely low, yet I continue to read Japanese horror manga. I can't even stand those cliched American horror movies and I subject myself to the notoriously Top 10s of Japanese psychological horrors. Is it somewhat hilarious to scare myself? Yes. So is that being sadistic or masochistic?

     Seriously though, Jisatsu Circle (Suicide Circle) is just disturbing, but stuff like Ibitsu is just that kind of manga that makes you want to sleep with the lights on for the next month. But I suppose for a country like Japan, which is notorious for having the most perverted genres known to humanity, Ibitsu is a good way to deter males from getting into Little Sister Complexes.

     An urban legend in Tokyo states that at midnight, a girl dressed as a lolita will appear and ask you one question. You mustn't answer this question, however, for if you do, the girl will come to be your younger sister. She will say that she has finally found her big brother and insinuate herself into every aspect of your life, until she finally gives you a "twisted" death.
     Kazuki, a young college student living in a small apartment building, is taking out his trash one night when he sees a dishevelled young woman dressed in lolita-style clothing sitting in the street by the neighbourhood trash pile. Unnerved, he tries to ignore her and pass by, when she asks him a single question: "Do you have a younger sister?" Surprised, he answers honestly that he does, before running off to the safety of his apartment. Passing it off as an isolated encounter with a strange woman, Kazuki decides to think nothing more of it.

     But then he starts to see her more and more, and each time her behaviour and appearance seem more unusual than the last. When he learns that she's been going through his trash and has even found a way into his apartment by passing herself off as his younger sister while he's at school, he begins to fear that she may even be dangerous. After hearing about the legend, he becomes determined that she is a threat and attempts to get rid of her. 

     *Spoilers* The manga unravels quickly as the lolita finds out about Kazuki's actual younger sister and after many attempts, ends her life by hammering her to death with a sledgehammer while she was late in school. Meanwhile, Kazuki and his friends try to uncover the means to break him out of the "curse", but both of his friends mysteriously disappear and are murdered by the lolita. He stumbles across the diary of the mad doctor who had inhabited the haunted building they were exploring and supposedly uncovers the identity of the lolita as a younger sister who was abused by her psychopathic older brother.

     Just as she is about to kill him, Kazuki tries to follow in the doctor's footsteps by acknowledging her as the "ideal younger sister", after which she lets him go. However, it doesn't end there. The next morning, he wakes up at home to a comforting breakfast with his parents, thinking that everything is back to normal. But the lolita suddenly appears and when he goes back down to meet his parents, both had met their deaths in her hands. He tries to escape, but the lolita had locked him firmly in the house and declared that now that she is an "ideal younger sister", they have to become "ideal siblings". At the very end, as Kazuki faces his final moments, it is revealed that the lolita is a woman that steals the identity of every little sister she comes across by killing them and forcing herself onto the big brother. Every big brother before, including the mad doctor, were victims who eventually died after being unable to be the "ideal big brother".

     I have a bloody headache and probably suffered a series of panic attacks while reading the manga, but did I stop? Nope. I just read through the whole thing in one afternoon and despite it being really warm, I was shivering like it's winter. I really don't know why I put myself through these stuff. On the other hand, Jisatsu Circle was just interesting...not that scary. It wasn't meant to be, I think.

     Ibitsu tells the story of a yandere little sister, an excessively yandere little sister. That reminds me of another yandere, who is regarded as the origin of all yanderes, but she is no where as creepy as the little sister. Gasai Yuno from Mirai Nikki, everybody! The creator of the yandere pose and the second most awesome character from the series because the main character is a wimp.

I believe my reaction is very appropriate.

        On the other hand, we have Uryuu Minene, who is bloody awesome, because you know, she's a Tsundere? Tsundere's are often very bad-ass, in Shounens at least. And she also gets married in the end, in the alternate world, that is. Oops, spoilers! But you can see Nishijima in this scene, so...

       Okay, so let's move on to MBTI stuff, before I start imagining the lolita everywhere and scaring myself into a state of insanity or immobility, or both. I have the habit of just sitting crouched in a corner when I'm traumatised. I really want a hug right now, NOT from the lolita. *cringes*

1. MBTI and Mostly Likely Crimes
INFP: Defamation
ENFP: Vandalism
ISFP: Public intoxication
ESFP: Indecent exposure
INFJ: Treason
ENFJ: Identity theft
ISFJ: Accessory to a crime
ESFJ: Perjury
INTP: False accounting
ENTP: Jury tampering
ISTP: Aggravated assault
ESTP: Extortion
INTJ: Conspiracy to commit murder
ENTJ: Premeditated homicide
ISTJ: Insurance fraud
ESTJ: Fraud by abuse of position

     This is surprising if given the common stereotypes of the MBTI. I would think that INTJ and ENTJ are the most likely to commit serious crimes that have huge impact. But then it feels like the INFJ and the ENFJ commit crimes that are much more likely to have a large scale impact. Treason is often tied to the overthrowing of dynasties and rebellions alike while identity theft can allow one to assume a position of much higher authority, and thus accomplishing similar results. These two crimes, when compared to something like indecent exposure, do seem very serious, don't they? The world should be glad that INFJs and ENFJs are not commonly evil-doers. All the more reason not to piss us off.

2. Most to Least Romantic
10. INTJ
11. ENTP
12. ESTP
13. ESTJ
14. ENTJ
15. ISTP
16. INTP

     Why am I at the bottom of the F pile? Excuse me. I am so bloody romantic, okay? No, actually. If I were to dig up a post from way back when, there was a specific part where a certain INFJ pointed out that we are the F type least susceptible to sappy romance, probably because we are such suspicious people. Most F types love compliments but when an INFJ gets complimented, we will thank the person and then give them that suspicious side-glance that says "No, I don't agree. What is your purpose?"
      Let Hermione Granger from the first few movies express that look for us. To an INFJ: "You're actually quite cute." INFJ: "Thank you? Now, what do you want from me?"

     Also, in that post, the example given was "giving flowers to INFJ". Yeah, we don't fall for that kind of things. Giving flowers, presents, cards, etc is the icing on the cake. The cake is the relationship between "us" and if that relationship isn't good, the cake sucks and no amount of icing is going to make it taste good. If the cake isn't even existent, then why the icing? Not a fan of frosting without the base.

3. Most to Least Charismatic
10. ISFP
11. ESTJ
12. INFP
13. ISTJ
14. INTJ
15. ESTP
16. INTP

      Hell yeah~ We are top of the Introvert pile, guys! Hi-five! I'm not even going to comment on the top 3 because that was so expected, I saw it 100 miles away. Still, I'm not supposed to be that surprised that we topped the Introvert list because of the INFJ's ability to put on different facades. Yes, everyone has a variety of different faces they put on in different situations, but INFJs are supposed to be the master of disguises. Hmmm...let me think. Since I'm playing this role this time round, I think I'll go for an ENTJ mask. Let me go construct one.

4. MBTI Fantasy Archetypes
ENTJ: Necromancer
INTJ: Wizard
ENTP: Technomancer
INTP: Alchemist
ENFP: Warrior/Princess
ENFJ: Paladin
INFP: Elemental Mage
INFJ: Monk
ISTP: Ranger
ISFP: Druid
ESTP: Pirate
ESFP: Bard
ESTJ: Dragon Lord
ISTJ: Ninja
ESFJ: Knight
ISFJ: Archer

      Excuse me. EXCUSE ME. We have a bloody Dragon Lord here and I'm a Monk? A MONK? Of which bloody temple serving what bloody deity now? You'd better tell me that I'm the head Monk of frigging Mehrunes Dagon's favourite cult because I refuse to be a Monk unless I'm serving the amazing Daedric Prince of Destruction, Change, Revolution, Energy and Ambition. Monk...seriously. I want to be a Ninja, or a Ranger or a Necromancer, but noooo...I get my least favourite RPG class. A Monk. I'd even be a Monk for Hircine because then, at least I get to be a werewolf.

5. How They Would React If Someone Told Them They Can't Accomplish Something
INFJ: Anywhere between condescension and derision
ESTP: Laughing
INTJ: Sarcasm
ESFP: "Watch me"
INFP: Either they get more determined out of spite, or they get really hurt
ESTJ: Either calmly do exactly what they were told they couldn't, or they are filled with rage
INTP: Vaguely wave the person off and go back to whatever they were doing
ESFJ: Either diplomatically say "well, that's your opinion" or condescendingly smile and prove them wrong
ISFJ: Pretty similar to ESFJ, but with more subtlety and sarcasm
ENTP: They barely care enough to roll their eyes
ISTJ: Diplomatic, passive-aggressive sass
ENFP: "Fight me"
ISFP: Probably hurt by what the other person said, but they cover it up with sarcasm
ENTJ: Stare the other person down, then do what they supposedly can't. Always that chance of them punching a wall though.
ISTP: Glance up at the person, which is enough to get them to shut up
ENFJ: Sickly sweet smile, then they go and prove the person wrong

     I think when these things happen, I start activating my inner ENFJ or something. I won't be like ESFP and say "Watch me" outright, but I'll be chanting that in my head the whole time. And when I finally manage to do whatever you said I couldn't, I will come back and rub it so hard in your face, it will merge into your pores. But at the moment of being insulted, I will deride you. The difference between derision and sarcasm is subtle (INFJ vs INTJ), but I think the latter is a form or humour while derision is just pure disdain and "I'll make you feel horrible". Oh and I'll come back later when I succeed and make you feel even worst, because bitch, YOU DON'T KNOW ME BETTER THAN I DO.

     Has happened before so yes, I do know I have that inner ENFJ reaction. My teacher-in-charge and coach for my CCA showed disapproval to me wanting to quit the CCA saying "You need our recommendation to get into a good school. Right now, I don't think you can't get into ___." I remembered just smiling at them and doing exactly what they said I shouldn't do - submit the letter in their face. And once my PSLE results came back, I didn't approach them but waited until they approached me and smeared it all over their face. BITCH, YOU DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME. ONLY I CAN UNDERESTIMATE ME.

6. MBTI Soulmates
INFP: Loves me
INFJ: Sees me
ENFP: Fascinates me
ENFJ: Admires me
ESFJ: Embraces me
ISFJ: Comforts me
ESTJ: Values me
ISTJ: Respects me
ISTP: Excites me
ESTP: Invigorates me
ESFP: Uplifts me
ISFP: Inspires me
INTP: Feeds me
INTJ: Balances me
ENTJ: Challenges me
ENTP: Surprises me

      WHAT. This makes us sound so bloody pathetic. "Sees me". Because most people don't see me? Well...I'm not that interesting or that smart so...I guess. I don't even know why people talk to me. I don't even know why people notice me! *Identity crisis moment* STILL. That makes us sound very pathetic. Meanwhile, ENFJ needs to get their head out of their asses, because it's so high up there I'm surprised they haven't found their brain yet. "Admires me"... Meanwhile we INFJs are just like "SENPAI, NOTICE ME!" because apparently we don't get noticed...But why would you notice us? Sighhh...thanks for ruining my mood, post.

     But reading ENTP's one makes me want to use this video. I don't know why I watch such trash.

7. 2-Word MBTI Stereotypes
ISTJ: Loves rules
ISFJ: Polite caretaker
ESFJ: Popular friendships
ESTJ: That boss
ENFP: Happy procrastinator
INFP: Angsty poets
INFJ: Perfectionistic humanitarian
ENFJ: Personal cheerleader
ENTP: Makes explosions
INTP: Absent-minded professor
INTJ: Badass mastermind
ENTJ: World domination
ESFP: Dramatic spotlights
ESTP: Adrenaline junkie
ISTP: Quiet explorer
ISFP: Observant artist

The "Going to Heaven" Squad: ESTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, ISFJ, ENFJ, INTP, ENFP, INFP
The "Straight to Hell" Squad: ENTJ, INTJ, ESTP, ISTP, ESFP, ISFP, ENTP
The "I Bathe in the Blood of Pure-Hearted Virgins to Remain Ever Youthful" Squad: INFJ

     What is this even hahahaha. It's hilarious but I don't know why we get a whole category to ourselves. A bullshit category at that. It's like "Wait, where am I?". Oh, so I'm not dying, apparently. I'm going to be magical and youthful forever~

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