Wednesday 10 June 2015

Random Nonsense #1

     Let's just go right into things. I'm bored and I need things to talk about.

1. INFJ and Depression
     INFJs with depression are often, but not always, in a Ni-Ti loop. Sometimes they're even in the grip of their inferior functions. Let me go through the functions and explain ways the depression could manifest in them. These are all the unhealthy ways to deal with depression, although each function could also be used to better an INFJ with depressions.

Ni: The INFJ with depression will overanalyse everything in their life, often assuming negative things about how people view them/their own abilities and importance based on little to no evidence. They will extrapolate their current situations to long-term future situations (they may believe that since they feel sad now, they will always feel this way and they may become convinced that they will never feel better). They generally look at things as absolute truths: life is meaningless, I am not a good person, etc. and tend to look at things in black and white (and usually come to the conclusion that things are "black").

     Oh wow, it really does take an INFJ to know an INFJ, doesn't it because this girl is on point. My Ni's failure has little to do with the fact that I mistyped myself, but rather that Ni under depression causes overanalysis. In my calmer moments, I know that many of the things I say about myself is actually not true and it's almost masochistic how I continuously put myself down. And those "absolute truths"? - I'm a horrible person unworthy of love. I will never become anything useful. I'll be a burden as long as I live. The world is a better place without me. And then the "black and white"? Same thing. Although the white is my assertion that all humans are inherently good and that "white" is a belief I hold regardless of depression. The "blacks" however...INFJs are pessimistic, yes, but our pessimism reaches a whole different level when paired with depression.

Fe: The INFJ may suppress this function in an unhealthy way, by shutting themselves off from others, refusing to share their feelings with those around them, and generally not dealing with their feelings in a healthy way. Instead, they will continue to stew in these feelings in their head, and ignore their desire to share these and feel understood by others. In addition, they may become very sensitive to others' opinions of them. They will become hypersensitive to criticism.

     Yeah, I've experienced that before and so I am hyper-aware that no matter how clingy or dependent I may seem when sharing my feelings, it is ultimately necessary if I want to be functional. If I withdraw myself again and refuse to accept the emotions of others, then I'm just not fulfilling my purpose in life at all. If I don't want to kill myself or I'm scared to do so, then I'd better find some way to deal with my emotions so I don't become even more of a burden. Still, I don't like making others share my burdens and indeed, INFJs are walking contradictions. INFJs want people to understand them, but at the same time, we fear being understood, because of the emotional bonds you end up forming that are way too fragile and unbalanced. Still, I have few choices. I cannot end myself because I have not cut all bonds I hold and once again I'm contradicting myself because I am, at the same time, desperately trying to thicken and create bonds.

Ti: INFJs with depression may use their Ti function a lot, become outwardly serious, critical, cold, etc. Or they may completely reject this function, failing to apply any logic to their situation and instead becoming overwhelmingly emotional.

     Welcome to INFJ's moodswings where we are fervently discussing a viewpoint one second and then suddenly bursting into tears/anger the next. I cannot abandon my Ti because I need it for school and so there is this brand of cynicism that I have that I think all NFs possess, although it is more common in INFJs and ENFPs, apparently. After all, there is this quote that says that "Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist." 

Se: INFJs in an unhealthy state of mind will often overuse their inferior function. There, the INFJ may become overly indulgent and hedonistic in practices such as drinking, partying, hooking up with people, etc, in an attempt to "drown out their sorrows". They may also result to unhealthy practices that are tangible, physical, etc, such as cutting, restricting their eating, etc.

     *Raises hand* Guilty. And guess what's worse? When I finally gets out of those moments and realise what I had done, the kind of guilt I get drags me deeper into the depression, further solidifying the belief that I'm a bad person. I play hook up with random guys, in the attempt to find company that doesn't threaten security, attempting to drown out my inner voices with their shallow nonsense. And then I come home and immediately feel bad because I shouldn't be leading people on like that and I feel horrible that I listened to someone talk just to make myself feel better. Selfish. 

     This person didn't explain the Ni-Ti loop but I think it's common sense. Ni in depression creates overanalysis and channelled into Ti created overthinking. Overthinking then creates even more overanalysis and since both Ni and Ti are introverted functions, this creates a mental loop for an INFJ. In other words, that's what our "inner voices" are. And since Fe is a function that innately adds more emotional pressure, we flip and turn to Se for release, after which we feel guilty for doing so.

2. LOL, This Post.
Q: I am an ENFJ and I was wondering if you had any tips for an ENFJ to get their crush to notice them? I'm super shy around my crush and was wondering.

Person 1 (ENFJ): Just keep being yourself. Seriously. You're an extroverted charmer.
Person 2 (INTJ): Exactly. You people flirt with everything, even inanimate objects. I'm sure even that chair over there is charmed by you.
Person 1 (ENFJ): We don't flirt!
Person 2 (INTJ): Uh huh, sure. What do you think INFJ?
Person 3 (INFJ): *blinks* Yeah well, INTJ is right, you do have the habit of flinging your charm everywhere.
Person 1 (ENFJ): Not you too!
Person 3 (INFJ): What do you mean "not you too"? Did you expect me to lie?
Person 2 (INTJ): Oh, xNFJ fight!
Person 1 and 3: ...We're not fighting. We are just talking.
Person 2 (INTJ): Sounds like a fight to me. Let me grab popcorn.
Person 1 (ENFJ): *turns back to Person 3* I didn't mean that I wanted you to lie...I just-
Person 3 (INFJ): Yes, yes. You ignorant fool.
Person 1 (ENFJ): ...Ignorant?
Person 2 (INTJ): *thumbs up to Person 3* That was the word I was looking for.
Person 3 (INFJ): *ignores them both* *addresses the question*  So yes, just be yourself. I can guarantee you that your crush already likes you back but if she hasn't said anything...she's probably an Introvert.
Person 1 (ENFJ): Why?
Person 3 (INFJ): *blinks* *ignores question* Anyway, she probably thinks you treat everyone the same way and that's why she isn't saying anything. Or she's just really shy too.
Person 1 (ENFJ): I was supposed to answer this question.
Person 2 (INTJ): No, the more competent one is supposed to. *smirks*
Person 3 (INFJ): *smirks* *hi-five*

3. MBTIs at a Party
     I think this is bloody hilarious. Also, INFJ, the only one drinking TEA at a party with alcohol, seems appropriate, also very me. I would like to keep my mind clear, thank you. ISTJ is like completely stunned while INFP is thinking about the dance. Meanwhile, INFJ and INTP are probably coming up with new theories. See, they are just going at it.

     ENTJ and ESTJ fighting in the background because neither are the types to back down. ENFJ and ESFJ being all extroverted but not crazy while the other extroverts are either fucking shit up or fucking themselves up. Very appropriate. I would actually prefer sitting down and talking to some interesting people then be on the dance floor with madmen.

     Also, this is from an ENFJ blog so I don't know why the ENFJ ain't doing shit. Oh, they are flirting with the beer bottle. Got it.

4. The INFJ: Dealing with People
How other should deal with this type:
     When dealing with an INFJ, it is important to remember that the INFJ is an idealist with a focus on self-development. They strongly identify their character with their ideas, which means that they often confuse critique on their work as critique on their person. Because of this, they can get hurt easily and retract from a conversation. To avoid such misunderstandings, it can be helpful to let the INFJ know that you are not criticising their person by introducing your concerns with a compliment and toning down your critique. As intuitives, INFJs have a good capacity to integrate your arguments and adapt their ideas, however, as they are also Introverts, they should be given some time to work through one issue at a time. INFJs have great talents in mediation, but they can draw physical illnesses from being subjected to hostile environments for prolonged periods of time, which should thus be avoided.

     Okay...the compliment and critique part. Yes, you need to tone down your critiques, but do not throw in a compliment because it will arouse suspicion, especially if already perceive that compliment to be untrue and forced. Also, I know I'm a great mediator since that's the role I automatically take up in large-scale MUN councils, like the General Assembly. Often in larger councils, there are already a lot of powerhouses. Chairs then focus less on the powerhouses because they often create conflicts that delay resolution and aggravate the chairs. Mediators, in these councils, are highly prized for being able to undo the deadlock and provide a compromise for the council to further resolutions. However, when I find myself playing mediator for too long, the tension between the powerhouses can wear me down and I'm very aware of it. Even playing mediator at home is something that wears me down over time.

How INFJ should deal with others:
     As an INFJ, you should remember that not everyone has the same motives and beliefs as you and that critique on your opinions is not critique on your person, but helpful insights for the development of your ideas. If people cannot disagree with you without hurting your feelings, they have to tiptoe around your ego, which can be very stressful and tiring for others. Finally, diversity in beliefs and motives is very important for the development of humankind because it constitutes a natural system of checks and balances. Thus, it is neither necessary nor beneficial to try and convert everybody to your ideas and you should try to leave people around you more room for criticism and retaining their own beliefs, whether or not you disagree with them.

     I'm doing quite well in these fields...I think.

5. MBTI Love Squads
Waits for their love to come to them squad: INFP, ENFP, ISFJ, ENFJ
Yeah you are going to die lonely, you shits. Get up and get a move on! In life, you can't just sit there and wait for things to come!

Goes and gets the person they love squad: ESTP, ENTJ, ESTJ, ESFP, ESFJ
Awesome people. I approve of your courage.

Afraid of the person they love squad: INTP, ISFP, INFJ
Yeah well I at least don't sit around shaking my legs waiting for things to happen. Might be scared as hell but will still try to muster some courage and take action.

WTF is love??? squad: INTJ, ENTP, ISTP, ISTJ
These'll do me good to keep away from them.

6. I Love These Scenario Things (Comments inserted in Italics)
INFJ and ENFJ who are friends

*ENFJ and INFJ are sitting in the library pouring over the notes that one of their friends took and trying to decipher his messy handwriting*
No talking in the library!
INFJ: My gosh. Does INTP write in Mandarin or something?

INFJ: Not that Mandarin looks like incoherent scribbling! It's actually a fascinating language, with great cultural depth and --
Cover up. Cover up. I didn't mean to insult or anything...
ENFJ: *smiling* It's okay, INFJ.

INFJ: Okay. Heh, sorry. *flips a page*

ENFJ: *gasping* Look at this! He was doing his AP math homework in the margins.

INFJ: How very characteristic of him.

ENFJ: Right?

ENFJ: *looks up at INFJ* are things?
OH NONONONONO. So it's an ENFJ thing huh.

INFJ: Just generally? They're alright. .....I do have an enormous test tomorrow though. *groans*

ENFJ: In Physics?

INFJ: Mhm. *Tilts her head towards the notes, grinning* How did you guess?

ENFJ: Just read it through the magical window in your brain, I guess. I've been told I'm veeery perceptive. *taps on her head* Oh wait, that's you.

INFJ: *smirking* Very funny, ENFJ. And how are you?

ENFJ: I'm running two clubs, and it's exhausting. But, as cliche as it sounds, they're both worth it!

INFJ: That doesn't sound cliche at all.
Of course it doesn't sound cliche. I mean I get why it would be cliche but still...why?

ENFJ: Thank you! So, want to bring those notes back to INTP?

INFJ: *glances at her watch* Darn it, I have to go. Do you mind taking them back by yourself?

ENFJ: It's fine with me. Seeya tomorrow!

INFJ: *Pivots to walk away, then freezes*

INFJ: Waaaait a second...

ENFJ: What? What is it?

INFJ: *narrowing her eyes and turning back around* I feel like I'm forgetting something, but I don't know what it could be.
That's me when I leave my house in the morning having that distinct feeling I forgot something...most of the time, yes, I actually did forget.

ENFJ: Want me to help you look?

INFJ: That would be great. *smiles*

*The two friends check under the table, in the bookshelf where they sometimes store their things and near the computers. Eventually they give up and walk back tot he table they were sitting at*

INFJ: Well, we didn't find anything. *uncertainly* I guess I'm just imagining things...
As an INFJ, you should know that if you feel like you forgot something, you did indeed forget something.

ENFJ: Wait. INFJ, didn't you have a binder tucked under your arm when you came in?

INFJ: *eyes widening* Oh, yeah! The blue one that's so full it looks like it's going to explode?
My maths file?

ENFJ: That's the one.

INFJ: Huh, I wonder where I could've put it...

ENFJ: *suddenly* Um. INFJ?

INFJ: Mhm?

ENFJ: I see it.

INFJ: Oh! Where is it? *glances around*

ENFJ: INFJ. You're standing on it.
---Erm. Yeah. That time when I was talking to someone on my phone and then asked where my phone was? How about the time I was holding my wallet in one hand and thought I lost my wallet...YEAH.

INFJ: Good grief! *shakes her head in disbelief* I can't believe it was literally under our noses the entire time.

ENFJ: *giggling* I blame it on sleep deprivation.

INFJ: I second that!

7. MBTI When Stressed
INFP: Diligently ignores problem until it's too big to manage
See, that's why you two...sigh. If only you guys were willing to talk things out!

ESTJ: "Exactly as I say, or else"
Or else what? You wanna fight?

ISFP: lists and lists and lists and lists...
Ermmm...are you ok? Are you actually going to follow this schedule?

ESFJ: Vocalises everything they're doing
Stop reading the bloody answers you are writing! Geez.

ISFJ: Move bitch, get out of the way~
Hahahaha, that's hilarious.

ENTP: Too interested by the options to do anything
Do you want my help?

ISTJ: Cool-headed, but harsh like ice
Dude, don't be so mean.

ENFP: Heart rate over 9000
Hey, calm down. Do you want to talk to me about it?

INTP: Never does anything despite completely understanding the problem.
It's understandable I guess. Can I help?

ENTJ: Step aside or get crushed underfoot.
I'll like to see you try!

ISTP: Nothing like a full-blown crisis to get back into the zone.
I find this pretty hilarious too.

ENFJ: Assumes responsibility and approaches with logic
Okay then bitch, I suppose you don't need my help. Weirdos. I knew these people were from Mars.

INFJ: Adrenaline rush or completely paralysis.
Either rush like mad and get an expectedly good grade or refuse to do anything.

ESTP: Acts first, figures out later.'re going to dig your own grave.

INTJ: Devises a universal system to resolve the problem for all time.
Heh, cool. Don't mind if I poke some holes in your "system".

ESFP: Needs space to figure things out.
And I will gladly give you that space. I'm here if you need me.

      If I didn't like ENFJs before this, this ENFJ blog has me disliking them a lot...hate, I think, would be appropriate in this scenario. In fact, ENTJ and INTJ are earning more favour points with me, surprisingly. 

8. MBTI and the Six Types of Love
a) Pragma
Basis: Practicality
Description: This style of love is very practical and realistic. People who prefer this style approach their relationship in a "business-like" fashion and look for partners with whom they can share common goals.
Best types for ensuring the survival of the human species?

b) Storge
Basis: Friendship
Description: This style of love grows slowly out of friendship and is based more on similar interests and a commitment to one another rather than on passion.
Ermmm...why am I not under this? Although I think the focus for me is more towards the devotion and sacrifice in friendship than the sharing of similar interests. 

c) Ludos
Basis: Conquest
Description: This style is used by those who see love as a game and want to "win" as many partners as possible. The focus is on having fun in the moment and therefore relationships of this sort tend to be very short.
This repulses me. I shan't say more except that this kind of love disgusts me.

d) Mania
Basis: Obsession
Description: This style usually flows out of low self-esteem and a need to be loved by one's partner. Lovers of this sort usually become very possessive and jealous.
Possessiveness can be disturbing but I suppose these people need the support and I'm willing to offer it. Still possessiveness and jealousy are not very pleasant, are they? You need to learn to subvert those or overcome them with more positive emotions.

e) Eros
Basis: Romance
Description: This love style is the one most commonly portrayed in Hollywood movies. Also known as "love at first sight", it is based on "chemistry" and a strong physical and/or emotional attraction.
Love at first sight is bullshit. Because for me, that's just another way of saying "physical attraction". You can't possibly know a person from one glance and if you fall in love from one glance, then it just means that what you like is what you see at that one moment. That's...something that I cannot agree with too. Though this is substantially less disgusting than Ludos.

f) Agape
Basis: Selflessness
Description: The word in Greek means "love: esp. compassion, forgiveness, charity; the love of God for man and of man for God". In this style of love, the individual is willing to sacrifice anything for their partner. It is based on an unbreakable commitment and an unconditional, selfless love.
     What the actual fuck? Am I born in the wrong family or did I mistype myself again? Why is INFJ always the one under the religious stuff. I totally agree with this love style. It goes perfectly in sync with what I think about love in general. BUT STILL. Why?! This is like that post where they are all like "Oh INFJs should be religious workers". I can't. WHA- I DON'T EVEN. CAN'T EVEN COMPREHEND. Yeah, that up there is my reaction. First panel for the definition part and then the second panel when I read the rest.

9. Digimon MBTI
ISTP: Rika (Tamers)
She is my favourite character in Tamers! She's bloody cool but...quite (very) cold-hearted.

ESTP: Tai (01)
NO. This Symbol of Courage guy.


ESFP: Davis (02)
I dislike him even more than Tai.

ISTJ: Kenta (Tamers)
I can't even remember him LOL.


ISFJ: Matt (01)
Angsty teen who is quite like Sasuke...before Sasuke went batshit crazy. So that means like him...a lot hahahaha. But his younger brother, T.K., turned out cooler and more likeable.

ESFJ: Sora (01)
She's cool! Favourite female character in 01! Symbol of Love sounds lame, but it actually isn't.

INTP: Izzy (01)
He's a nerd. A cool one.

ENTP: Ryo (Tamers)
I can't remember him.

INFP: Jeri (Tamers)
She's so adorable and cute haha. I feel like a pedophile saying that.

ENFP: Takato (Tamers)
He is retarded, but he's one of the more likeable main character (e.g. Tai, Davis)

INFJ: Ken (02)
OH, I REALLY LIKE KEN! Symbol of Gentleness and Stingmon! Plus he was the villain for quite a bit so he's that villain with inner conflict that I like in every show!

ENFJ: T.K. (01, 02)
Really? ENFJ got my favourite character? I mean he was like a 5 year old or something in 01 but he was so badass in a good way in 02. All the Social Justice Warrior thing he does...oh yes, that's quite ENFJ isn't it. Tch.

     In fact, let's do a little dedication post to T.K. I'm real upset that ENFJ got T.K., but it doesn't mean he's not an awesome character. Doesn't possess that much character depth as Ken, but I like him nonetheless, because he's all self-sacrificing, justice-seeking and all that crap.

Digimon 01: Angel Awakens - Angemon vs Devimon (Start at 4.05)
     Yes, a flying hamster turned into an angel. Don't ask me how that works. But I cry at this scene every single time.

Digimon 02: HolyAngemon vs BlackWargreymon - Protect the Holy Stone (Start at 3.10)
     BlackWargreymon...badass as hell. Come on, evil Digimon with inner conflict? Even better. Pure good characters are boring because their mantle hasn't been tested.

10. I Don't Know What to Name This
ESFP for sensation
ESFJ for tradition
ESTP for thrill
ESTJ for efficiency
ENFP for fun
ENFJ for justice
ENTP for debate
ENTJ for being right
ISFP for art
ISFJ for compassion
ISTP for "why the hell not"
ISTJ for rules
INFP for passion
INFJ for the humanity
INTP for exploration
INTJ for science

11. MBTI as Villains
INTP: The evil genius to whom scheming comes very naturally.
ENTP: The one who never stops playing games with the hero and is probably the biggest advocate of anarchy.
INFP: The person with one event in their life as the primary motivation for every bad thing they have ever done.
ENFP: The one who started off with a cause but is honestly just having fun messing with people at this point.
ISTP: The one who takes "Keep your enemies closer" to heart and befriends the squad trying to catch them
ESTP: The who does cliche villain things for the irony and no one knows how to catch them. Meanwhile, they're just in their house laughing their ass off.
ISFP: The one who gets manipulated into revealing their entire plan because they think they've already won. And sometimes, they win anyway.
ESFP: The one who's always giving out motivational speeches to get people to join their cause and fight for them.
INTJ: The mastermind behind the chess board, controlling everything.
ENTJ: The leader of a questionable organisation that probably has many, many pawns.
INFJ: The person who honestly thinks they're doing it for a good cause and probably has a Redemption Arc.
ENFJ: The one that will never let their plans slip and it's always questionable what they're really after.
ISTJ: The one with a very detailed, sometimes convoluted, plan to get to where they want to be.
ESTJ: The person probably aiming for world domination.
ISFJ: The one who does little things to piss the hero off like leaving messages behind and flashing them a smile.
ESFJ: The one who maintains a facade of being good to be loved by a lot of people, so they'll have an army to defend them if they're ever accused of anything.

12. A Little Rant about Love vs Infatuation
     So I was reading this Tumblr post on MBTI love styles (not the six love styles thing) and I can't find it anymore. I've been scrolling through these results for the past 2 hours and I can't find it so I'll just do it by memory.

     The thing I wanted to talk about with that post was the difference between the INFP and INFJ styles. INFP was listed to be prone to infatuation, after which they develop an obsession. INFJ, instead, falls in love slowly, after which they also develop somewhat of an obsession. And then I asked myself what was the difference between infatuation and love, and it's not as simple as it being one-way or two-way, that's requited and unrequited.

     I think of infatuation as a negative term and I define it simply as being selfish while love is selfless. Using an INFP I know as an example, infatuation is when you are more obsessed with your own feelings than you are with other person's. Even if, on the inside, you do care about their feelings too, it is often how YOU feel about a situation that you express, in hopes of getting the response you want. It's not intentional and I think it's just an INFP thing - their need for affirmation + tendency to show strong emotions in outbursts.

     INFJs are said to fall in love, not infatuation. Where INFP seeks for affirmation, INFJ seeks understanding. Where INFPs express their emotions, as seen from their ability to "mirror"; INFJs instead keep their emotions to themselves, hoping to hold the burdens of someone else's emotions instead, as seen from their ability to "absorb". As an INFJ, I find the INFP style to be very selfish, although I cannot fault them for it.

     In what way is infatuation selfish? Well, like I said, when you are infatuated with someone, you are more obsessed with how you feel in the relationship than how the other person feels. When something bad occurs in the relationship, the emphasis in on "me" rather than "her/him". I saw that in the particular INFP although I did not point it out. It would have been very insensitive of me to do so. 

     I was asking him how he felt about their relationship and he started ranting about how she had hurt his feelings. Confused and, of course, a little outraged, I asked him if he didn't think he had hurt her too. He conceded, only for a few seconds, before turning back to repeat how he was hurt. Through what I know from interacting with him and getting information on the issue, I've gathered that his way of making up for something is to show the person how much she had hurt him. As an INFJ, as a person, as...anything, I find that to be ridiculous. You should be asking how she feels and attempting to make up for it, instead of telling her that SHE had caused him pain. It's almost like guilt-tripping.

     On the other hand, a person in love should care more about the other person's feelings. You basically shut up whatever pain you are feeling and strive to make the other person happy. If you can't make the person happy, then make way for someone else to make him/her happy. There's a selflessness and sacrificial notion to love that infatuation does not possess.

     Take envy for example. An infatuated person, when envious, will attempt to hurt the relationship, or become extremely hostile. It is an aggressive reaction. An infatuated person would try to antagonise whoever is "stealing" the one they are interested in or try to make their lives a misery. On the other hand, a person in love will probably take a step back. Why? Because a person in love goes through the train of thought after which they conclude that "If Person A (the person they like) really likes Person B (the person they are envious of), then Person B will bring Person A happiness. More happiness than I can bring." A kind of sacrificial act comes in and the person in love backs away, making way for a romance they perceive to be more beneficial to the one they love.

     Then isn't it a bad rep for INFPs to have? I guess they can't help it either. I wonder though, since the INFP is supposed to have firm personal values too, isn't selflessness listed as one of those values? If they are individuals that stick so firmly to personal values, then what inspires them towards infatuation instead of love? Perhaps I'm just drawing conclusion from one situation I did not even experience first-hand, but the issue is that I knew that he was serious about it. Then if he's that serious, why can he not see past his own emotions into what she needs? Of course, she needs to see to his needs as well, but since he is the one who feels more strongly, then why can he not see past himself?

     The J and P really makes a difference, more than most people would think. I mean, it's the same for ENFP and ENFJ, because they are very different people despite one letter. I think it's because J and P difference usually makes all your functions different. e.g. INFJ - Ni Fe Ti Se, INFP - Fi Ne Si Te. Basically we share no functions and so, INFPs seem very strange to us. Selfishness is not something INFJs are not used's just that we would think that INFPs are not very selfish people and just cannot help it.

13. A Stupid Rant about Eye Colour Before I Rest
     I was thinking about the whole concept of "Mutant and Proud" from X-Men and it occurred to me that, in some ways, Caucasians are sort of like mutants in 2 ways - 1. Asians are more common and thus the majority, like normal humans are in X-Men 2. Eye and hair colour differentiations from brown are mutations. 

     And then I was thinking about how people often describe eye colours. Blue as the sky, blue-green like the ocean, green like the forest, silver like metal, etc etc. And then I'm sitting here like, look at my shit-brown hair and mud-brown eyes. I know the colour of my hair is supposedly chestnut brown or some chocolate thing (since my mom uses hair dyes so much), but it looks like mud to me. My eyes are so close to black that it's difficult to even give it a nice comparison. What? Black like the void? Am I dead?

     Then you have those Caucasians with stunning blue eyes. Goddammit, you and your mutations. I want to be mutant and proud too!

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