Sunday 31 May 2015

To Distract Myself with Light-hearted MBTI Stuff

     Studying has proven itself to be the worst distraction. It doesn't take enough brain power or brain capacity and it unfortunately leaves me with enough of both to drive myself insane. And so I tried my hand at a free-form poem. I can't do a proper poem because I've never taken Literature as an elective subject in Secondary School and is a thus a complete amateur at poetic forms.

I sat there,
On the cold marbled floor.
I held it there,
Gripped tight in my hand,
Steel and shine.

I looked to my arm,
then to my hand.
Took this device
And swiped it across my flesh.

It began to bleed.
Red. Warm. Life
My pain suddenly floated away
And it felt okay for one,
To watch it bleed away.

I smiled to myself,
Thinking this feeling would last forever.
The pain was horrible,
But I just felt so alive.

I decided to cut once more.
I want to see that colour again.
So red, so warm, so full of life.
If one felt good,
Two would take my problems away.

And so I sit here,
On the cold marbled floor.
A flash of bright metal.
Cold against warmth and then
Warmth against cold.

A trickle of red, of warmth, of life
Taints the bright silver
As I close my eyes.

     I am going to end up thinking I'm an INFP at this rate, being the emo poet and stuff. I need, at this moment, to distract myself, to tap into my worst habit to save myself from the worst situations. Laziness to stop myself from hurrying too quick to make a move, to give myself time to calm down. Not time to think. Never that. Thinking laced with feelings often leads to disaster.

     It feels like the word "regression" was created to describe my life. It feels like, as a kid, my intuition worked miracles and my ability to empathise with others was also used at its full potential. I had come across a picture one day, of the time when I was about 4 or 5 years old. I was hugging one of those blind men that often inhabit the underground tunnel linking Northpoint and Yishun MRT. Apparently, as a kid, I wasn't exceeding Extroverted, but just less sensitive to personal boundaries. I was one of those weird kids who would go up to an adult and ask them what's wrong because I just feel like something isn't right. That picture was taken when I went up to the man and gave him my whole week's worth of allowance and hugged him. My grandma was the one who took the picture, but let's just say my dad wasn't as happy. Apparently I got scolded for it.

     Let's not dwell on that too long because the point of doing this post is for me to distract myself from self-deprecating thoughts. They will return once I run out of things to do, or simply cannot do anything (like before sleep), but for now, I'll distract myself in hopes that I can at least calm my nerves down. It's not good that I'm starting to think that I'm just insane.

1. MBTI Types in a Horror Movie
ISTJ: The one in denial that there's actually a killer.
Wait, so you think people just fell over and died? Come here and let me hug you, you fool.

ISFJ: The one who calls out "Who's there?" as if the killer will answer.
You know, it's better if you don't alert the killer to our presence.

ESTJ: The one who tries to tell everyone else what to do.
And causes a commotion, attracting the killer's attention. Yup, I'll stay far away.

ESFJ: The one who screams at everything.
Please calm down. This ain't helping.

ISTP: The one who finds a really good hiding place.
Can always rely on these types to keep their survival instincts huh?

ISFP: The one who dies first.
Wow, but that seems quite reasonable. It's ISFP the one who is quite careless and has no intuition.

ESTP: The one wondering around without a flashlight.
You are going to die. Unless the murderer can't see then it's a blessing in a disguise.

ESFP: The one who tries to hook up with the killer.
That's one way around it, I guess.

INFJ: The one who knows what's going on but no one will listen to them.
Sighhh...I'll be here if you need me I guess.

ENFJ: The one who keeps saying "It'll be ok" even though they don't believe it
Well, that doesn't help solve the situation but it'll calm people down, I suppose.

INFP: The one who sacrifices themselves.
You didn't need to do that because we are still stuck with the murderer and frankly, I would rather not have anyone sacrificed...besides me.

ENFP: The one who figures out who the killer is a little too late.
Yeah, right in front of you, genius.

INTJ: The one who everyone thinks is the killer.
I mean why not. It's probably them.

ENTJ: The one who tries to fight back but ends up dead.
Well, at least he tried.

INTP: The one who created the monster. of your experiments gone wrong again, INTP?

ENTP: The one who makes it until the end.
I assume I probably killed myself? Well, ENTPs are smart and merciless, so I supposed they would be the ones to survive.

2. 28 INFJ Problems According to Twitter
1. Because our brains don't have an "off" button.
"The amount of self-reflection I do is ridiculous and I wish my brain would shut up."

2. We live inside our heads.
"Asking me not to think is like me asking you not to breathe."

3. "Be more spontaneous", they said.
"It's hard to be impulsive when every potential scenario is ceaselessly unfolding in your mind."

4. So much for sleeping.
"Why are my thoughts 1749592 times deeper after my bedtime??"

5. Expressing our complicated thoughts can be difficult.
"After trying to explain a complex though: ...It made more sense in my head."

6. Because there's a lot to think about.
"I'm sorry. My mind was elsewhere."

7. We don't swim in shallow waters.
"I need something deeper. I need someone to challenge me intellectually."

8. Sometimes there are no words.
"When you can't find the words to say because the emotion is too deep to be spoken."

9. "Living in the moment" isn't really a thing we've mastered yet.
"Another day, another struggle to stop dwelling on the past and hypothesising about the future."

10. The feelings? They're in there, we promise.
"I may look totally disengaged, but I'm actually so deeply emotionally involved that I'm dumbstruck."

11. We can be both loners and social chameleons.
"I don't really fit in anywhere and yet, I can sort of fit in just about everywhere."

12. You'll only know our true thoughts and feelings if we trust you.
"I will not sit in a circle and share. Unless we're sharing pizza. Then I'm in."

13. We have a strong need for meaningful work and authenticity.
"Five days a week in a corporate setting can unleash my evil twin."

14. Our values and causes mean everything to us.
"It isn't easy for me to find things I'm passionate about, but once I do, I fight for and believe in it like nothing else."

15. We're nicknamed the Counsellor for a reason.
"That strong feeling like you have to somehow make something better. Like a bad environment at work or a good friend who's sad."

16. And we really can absorb other people's emotions.
"When you take on the emotions of someone you've never met before, but want to give them encouragement somehow."

17. Sometimes we find ourselves in one-sided relationships.
"Sometimes I feel like a shrink. I listen to other people's problems all day and am never asked about mine."

18. We often put other people's needs before our own.
"Cancelled some plans today and really feeling guilty about it. Blast this 'please everyone' character trait."

19. We see fake people.
"I see through you. I know what you're up to. I'm pretending I don't."

20. Our superpower is getting inside your head and understanding you.
"I'm not quiet. I'm just really aware of who you are."

21. Sometimes we have trust issues.
"They are two reasons why we don't trust people. First - we don't know them. Second - we know them."

22. High standards? Yeah, we got 'em.
"People expect a lot out of me because I expect a lot out of myself."

23. Obsessed? Maybe. Perfectionistic? Definitely.
"I'm in constant search for perfection. Even though I'm well aware it doesn't exist."

24. People who know us well, know we're truly introverts.
"I experience a feeling of being out of balance when I do not have enough time to myself."

25. But others may mistake us for extroverts.
"I'm an outgoing introvert, not an ENFJ."

26. We like people. A lot. Seriously.
"How can you be friendly and call yourself an Introvert?"

27. In fact, most people don't see just how much we care.
"I have so much love to give, but it's so hard to show it."

28. Being an INFJ? It's a blessing and a curse. It's...complicated.
"I think too much, I feel too much, I write too much. I don't speak enough."

3. INFJ Trying to Save INTP
INFJ: You don't deserve to be hurt. When somebody is such a bastard, that he hurt you that way, then there is no place in your mind for him. Forget them, leave them, show them that you don't care, laugh at their face! Show them that you are strong and they are idiots!

INTP: *dead stare and complete silence*

INFJ: I just want to don't need a psychologist. If you have any kind of trouble, just tell me. Really...I'm you're friend. I'm here for you whenever you need. If there's something bad happening in your life, I'll listen to you.

INTP: *dead stare and complete silence continues*

INFJ: Well...ok. Anyway, I just want you to know.

Week later...

INFJ: *feels terrible, crying in bed* Oh no, I just need somebody to listen, somebody who will really care...If I just could tell at least INTP...*got scared* OH NO, IT'S ME WHO NEEDS HELP!!!

4. First Things That Comes to Mind
INFJ: Stars. Satin. Your favourite playlist repeating over and over again. Obsession.
WHAT. Obses-I don't have obsession. Excuse me. That is bloody rude. Do you hate us or something?

INFP: Wings. The sound of a piano. Glass reflecting light. 11:11. Long scarves.
For once someone has a better opinion about INFP than INFJ. I'm annoyed.

INTJ: Perfect structures. Rain. Skyscrapers. Crystals. Sarcastic jokes.
I like rain, I guess. Most of the other stuff are quite artificial.

INTP: Blank notebooks. Park benches. Dusk. Smell of newly-cut grass.
I really like those! Except the first one. The others paint a very nice picture - sitting with someone on a park bench at dusk with the smell of newly-cut grass? I approve.

ENFJ: Cocktail dresses. New messages. Late-night talks. Smirks.
Oh lol, the first two NO, the last two YES. Dresses...I hate dresses. I won't wear one unless I absolutely have to.

ENFP: Clear lake. Daisies. Glitter. Giggle. Summer breeze.
Remove "glitter" and "giggle" because they are very obnoxious. Summer breeze is tolerable but it's my least favourite season. Daisies are fine, I guess, but I do prefer more purplish flowers. Clear lakes are awesome.

ENTJ: Smoking. Dawn. Maxiskirts. Miniature chess boards on a trip.
2nd one and last one is fine with me. 1st and 3rd is a NO NO NO. Triple NO.

ENTP: Shorts. Infinity. Fire. Passionate kisses.
FIREEEE. Yeah I like that element. Infinity sounds cool too, the others are quite meh.

ISFJ: Fast sketches of nature. Waterfalls. Catching your breath after a run.
The first two are things that I really love but...the last one. I wouldn't be running in the first place.

ISFP: Little poems. Art galleries. Gentle touch. Cats.
Oh, I love the last two. The first two are a little boring and not my style, but gentle touches and cats? YES PLEASE. Actually, just the cat. Don't fucking touch me.

ISTJ: Museums. Handwritten postcards. Rings. Finally understanding something.
I like the last one and that's it. ISTJs are such inflexible and unoriginal people though...

ISTP: 3D. Graffiti. Black holes. Lavender. The Atlantic Sea.
And lol, my mom's favourite flower is the Lavender. I don't like the smell because it tends towards the musky side rather than the usual sweet floral scent. Random fruit blossoms are often better with me.

ESFJ: Fresh scents. Holy festival. Sunflowers. Crowds. First kisses.
First one is a definite yes. 2nd and am I supposed to know? Haven't experienced either. I bloody hate sunflowers and crowds because they are equally obnoxious.

ESFP: Road trips. Bubblegum. LED signs. Soft drinks.
Well, it seems we have a winner for the "I don't like any of these" award.

ESTJ: Red docmartens. Family heirlooms. Bright smiles.
The bright smiles prevented ESTJ from getting the award.

ESTP: New sneakers. Smoke. Lightning. Running through the peaceful forest.
Can I just lie down in the forest and not run. Sit down and relax. Hyperactivity stresses me out.

4. Four Stages of an INFJ
Idealistic: What are you doing? This world could be perfect if you, you screwed up a good thing.

Neurotic: Why am I different? No one understands me.

Frustrated: Why does no one listen to me? Don't they know what's going to happen? I told them what would happen.

Jaded: The world's going to hell. Why bother? I think I'll just mope around at home.

Why the confusion?
     If an ENTP is rather shy or more introverted and has well-developed Fe, they may resemble an INFJ. This seems to occur rather frequently, resulting in a case of mistaken identities.

How to differentiate?
     Observe in a debate. Under stress, they will revert to their most natural form.

The ENTP: Ne-Ti
     Takes off their Fe "gloves", appears to thrive on aggressive, fast-paced intellectual banter, well-placed factual jabs; when backed into a corner, comes out swinging with off-the-cuff argument, seemingly pulled out of thin air, which may or may not result in a knock-out; audience applauds stunning, eloquent closing statement.

The INFJ: Ni-Fe
     Mirrors movements, respecting opponent; assumes defensive stance; appears too calm, docile; surprisingly effective counter-punches; innovative hooks, steps, turns; a complex strategic attack based on meticulous research and practice of past ten years; maintains calm; slow accumulation of points results in good showing; lack of low-blows; audience pleasantly surprised - didn't see that one coming.

Debate Summary:
     The ENTP gets really witty and smart. Maybe even appears annoying. Thrives on intellectual banter.

     The INFJ gets really nice and calm. Maybe even appears passive. Deceptive: hyper-aware and clear-thinking.

6. INFJ and Relationships (I wanna see how accurate this is)
What do INFJs look for in a partner?

     "The Ni/Fe function pair serves as a very powerful screening tool for the INFJ in everything from friendships to romantic relationships. INFJs are constantly evaluating their relationships, keeping at least one finger on the pulse of the relationship at times. It is my experience that most INFJs (wisely) won't even bother to invest in a relationship if they sense someone is lacking in authenticity and/or has major ego defensive issues. The exception to this rule is the INFJ that is attracted to the idea of making a "project" out of a relationship -- taking on an egoistic partner as a challenge, someone in need of enlightenment, etc. This, of course, is a risky and inadvisable move; one that I believe is unhealthy for the INFJ."

      So far, that is correct. Constant evaluation and thus constant worrying about whether I have said anything wrong, done anything wrong, what I can do more, what I can do less. Where exactly do we stand. Where do I want this to go. How comfortable the other person is with where I want to go. Whether I should push or relax. Too many considerations over and over and over. It's also true that people lacking in authenticity and with major ego defensive issues are often kept at a safe distance. I won't kick them out, per se, just far enough.

     "If an INFJ is working from a healthy position, (s)he will likely be looking for these qualities in a relationship: openness and honesty, patience, genuineness, a minimum level of intellectual compatibility, good communication, friendship, perceptivity and receptiveness from his/her partner, some level of interest in social issues, and , if we're being honest, thanks to the influencing powers of the inferior function (Se), physical attractiveness can and often does play a role."

     Let me just say that the last part is absolutely false. I have reached a point where I think that attractiveness usually goes inversely proportionate to intelligence. Someone with lots of muscles and drool-worthy abs will probably open their mouths and then send me walking in the opposite direction within 2 seconds flat. Okay, it's more about how much attention they lavish upon their looks. The more a person worries about their outer appearance, the more likely they are to be stupid and shallow. So I really don't think physical attractiveness matters to me at all, at least in relationships. Do I still enjoy looking at hot guys? Yes. I'm female and I possess healthy amounts of hormones.

What do INFJs need to feel satisfied in a relationship?

     "Communication. Communication. Communication. They really struggle with partners that either cannot or will not communicate. This isn't necessarily limited to the expression of feelings, thought this is important, but thoughts, ideas, insights, etc. Conversely, they also need to be able to feel comfortable communicating with their partners. INFJs are surprisingly verbal (more so than any of the other introverts) and they need clearance to speak candidly about their perceptions, even at the risk of offending their partners. This is why a lack of ego defensiveness in their partners is so important."

     Really though, what is the point of a relationship of any kind without communication? What are you good for if not for communication? To stare at? Then I can just bloody skin you and hang you on the wall. Takes less effort emotionally and physically. And yes, INFJs tend to become very, very talkative...when they trust someone. If not, well, let's just say that for people we trust, we say 1/100 of the things we think, but for someone we don't trust, that denominator is too huge to be typed out. Also, you need to be able to take some hits and not get offended so damn easily. Yes I will try to repair the wounds I tore, but it reflects openmindedness, which is more common in P types.

     "Communication takes precedence - the idea being that with open and honest communication, almost any other challenge can be navigated - but other things that INFJs need to be satisfied in a relationship include respect (especially for their Ni insights), semi-regular expression of love/affirmation, willingness from their partner to devote time and energy to work on the relationship, a high level of trust, and some level of willingness to try new things and share new experiences."

     And so I go and hug my polar bear every night because I want it to give me that semi-regular expression of love/affirmation. Just because I don't like being touched doesn't mean I don't want a hug sometimes. I think it's difficult because most people aren't comfortable with hugging themselves and...there's no telling whether I would break a jaw or hug back. INFJs are really demanding, huh? But really, I do believe communication to be important. Even a couple with extreme differences can get along if they are willing to notify each other when things go wrong, or when they feel insecure, etc and sit down to talk it out.

What should INFJs avoid in relationships?
     "Again, ego defensiveness is number one. An ego defensive partner can also induce ego defensiveness in the INFJ. When the relationship starts to go down that road, it can be extremely destructive. INFJs tend to do very poorly with passive-aggressive behaviour, which can quickly lead to the erosion of respect and love in the relationship. They are not like Fi types who can internally manage their feelings. Instead, INFJs actually do better when they keep their feelings out in the open where they can be appropriately managed and dealt with. If their partner can't handle this, then it might not be the right relationship."

     Which means it is inevitable that I have to pile my emotional burdens onto another person? That sucks. How about I don't get into a relationship then? Then that can be avoided, no? What a burden. 

     "INFJs also need to be wary of the pitfalls that are specific to their inferior sensing function. It is important that they not be blinded by physical attractiveness, sexual compatibility, or material wealth to the potential character flaws in their partners. Placing these factors ahead of other more substantive N traits (like intellectual compatibility, mutual respect and understanding, etc) should be avoided."

     Nah, there's no worry with that one. 

Are certain personality types more compatible with INFJs?

     "As a general rule, I don't pitch the "this type should never pair with that type" philosophy. However, it is true that certain pairs will naturally have more rapport than others, making the relationship easier to navigate on the whole. Sharing absolutely no function pair in common is a set-up fro a relationship that's going to require a great deal of work on the part of both partners in order to understand and appreciate one another. Additionally, in my experience, having conflicting judging function pairs is more problematic than conflicting perceiving function pairs (i.e. partnering an Te/Fi with an Fe/Ti is usually more problematic than partnering an Ne/Si and an Se/Ni)."

     Wait for it...

     "That said, INFJs seem to do well with NTP types, either INTP or ENTP, thanks to shared judging systems (the Fe and Ti combo, just in reverse). Additionally, the preference for intuition creates a special bond with respect to discussing the metaphysical and theoretical together. INFJs have also been known to partner with ENFPs, INFPs, and sometimes ENFJs. Because intuition is so dominant in INFJs, they are usually fairly reluctant to get involved with other S types (though, again, there can be an intense initial attraction to Se dominant types thanks to the inferior function). They can usually maintain a fairly positive friendship/acquaintanceship with STP types, but it's not likely to extend into a successful long-term romantic relationship."

     And that's why people ship INFJ and ENTP across the bloody skies. I know, for one, that I get along with the one ENTP I know wonderfully and the amount of trust she earned is insane. Within about 5 minutes of talking, I felt secure because ENTPs are more understanding towards INFJs than any other type. They are the one Extroverted type that understands the value of secrecy, thus ensuring that I'm not afraid to share. They also possess an Fe function that can be developed but doesn't overwhelm, unlike the xNFx who may react too violently to INFJ's emotions. ENTPs are also famous for being able to give counsel to INFJs simply because they are naturally rational. It's surprising, because usually you pair NF with NF, but with INFJ, ENTP is the best one. And while in INFP, ENFP does relatively well, ENFJ and INFJ can actually be rather problematic, when their emotional states build on top on each other's without being alleviated.

     "Lastly, I would say it's very uncommon to see an INFJ partner with an Si type. This combination is the most likely to run into problems because the gap in understanding between INxJ and ISxJ types is almost too great to overcome, at least not without a great deal of work. As it usually happens though, Ni and Si types tend to have such an aversion to each other at first meeting that it's unlikely they'll have the initial attraction required to get a romantic relationship off the ground anyway."

     That is absolutely true. Let's just say within 5 minutes of talking to an Si type, I get bored because we don't share similar interests. He thinks I'm crazy, I think he's too close-minded. I get bored and I wonder why I decided to play around in the first place. Oh right. BECAUSE I'M BORED. Seriously, I'd rather talk to an Si type than the wall because they are a little, just a little, more receptive to my crazy ideas.

7. The Many Faces of INFJ (Very Long, Interesting I Suppose)
     The INFJ personality type is by far the most misunderstood type. This is mainly to do with the incompetence of MBTI implementation, by introducing personality types by a single description. Nobody was ever meant to match up perfectly to a single description. The MBTI descriptions are really only describing what the personality type will be like if they have only their top two functions developed. You see, if a personality has well-developed lower functions, or a well-developed Tertiary and under-developed Auxiliary, then they will contradict the description. They only real way to grasp a personality type is if you took a whole free range of many different models of said personality type and let people swim around in it. But you can't really do that on the Internet, or in a book now can you?

     Now while just about every type is in some way misunderstood to the vast majority of the MBTI community, the INFJ in particular was hit the hardest. There is an interesting phenomenon with the INFJ that I am pointing to: Depending on how an INFJ has developed, they can express their use of cognitive functions in ways that are radically different from other INFJs. There are INFJ that seem like T's or S's, INFJs that seem like Extroverts or even Ps. INFJs that want to go out and save the world and then INFJs that just want to shit on everything. The purpose of this thread is to introduce you to to the possible models that INFJs in the world can turn out to be. Some of them good, some of them bad, some just plain weird. While I am splitting INFJs into sub-types in this thread, keep in mind that none of them are a single sub-type. Some of this sub-types mark only a single ability that every INFJ has access to.

The Academic:
     This kind of INFJ is more often than not, confused for an INTJ, or even INTP. They still want to change the world and progress mankind in some way, but sometimes you got to play by science's rules to cover any ground. While their focus in some way is usually still on people, they approach their research from a very academic and scientific standpoint, without necessarily going out to personally teach the world in the INFJ mentor-like way you would expect. Naturally, these INFJs have a very well-developed Ti, so well-developed that they themselves would consider themselves thinkers before considering themselves feelers. But make no mistake; this is not Ni-Te they are using. Ni-Fe has a very distinct perception of world view, and it can be sensed out in a very logical manner using their Ti tertiary. But it is still just Ti'ed Ni-Fe. The Academics often do not use their Fe as warmly as the others might, this is for two reasons: Academia is serious business and when delivering facts and upholding an aura of authority, you don't want to look like a used car salesman. This is also because while they are talking, they are often running what they are going to say through Ti in real time, just to make sure everything is locally coherent. When you use Ti, it withdraws us from the world of personal connections, so it will actually deadpan and drop the emotion from your face. If you grew up around a lot of Ti users, you are probably going to come out pretty similar to this, as an INFJ. Considering from day one, you really needed to have your theories tightened up in order for anyone to take you seriously. Sure, it might have been brutal at first, but look on the bright side, now you have a really sweet Ti to help you take on the world with!
Fictional Examples: Professor Charles Xavier (X-Men) [WHAT, I WANNA BE ACADEMIC NOW.]
Real-Life Examples: Dr Drew, Paul Eckman, Carl Jung (he called himself an INFJ, cue controversy)

The Method Actor:
     This one right here, my friends, might just be the reason you INFJs have been documented as the rarest of types. Oh, the power of the persona. When you project an image, people will create your identity based on that image, regardless of what is actually going on in your head. This marks an extremely uncanny ability that you INFJ folk have. The INFJ can invent a character within their Ni-Fe. They can write an entire story of their life, their family, their experience, their fears, their motivations, their quirks and mannerisms all within their Ni. Then when the time comes, they can channel that character into their Fe and Se to perfectly embody that role, in ways that can be so nuanced that you might not even know you are looking at the same person. Even if acting isn't your thing, every INFJ still has this in them and it often comes out in other ways. An INFJ could enter a completely foreign country, and within weeks, or even days, completely master their culture, and maybe even accent.
Fictional Examples: Song (M. Butterfly), Kirk Lazarus (Tropic Thunder)
Real-Life Examples: Sasha Baron Cohen, and anyone who can properly play the Master of Masks prestige class in Dungeons and Dragons (What, lol)

The Guru:
     Whether they are aware of this or not, just about every INFJ is in some way in search for enlightenment, some of them actually find it (Well, at least they think they did), and these are the Guru INFJs. The mentor instinct runs strong in the INFJ breed, and the sage illuminates those that surround her. So the next step is to use that collection of Ni natural law to progress the consciousness of the rest of humanity, by teaching it to the world...or a handful of disciples. Now hopefully what they teach is something that can be applied to all personalities, and not just their own; I'm looking at you Eckhart Tolle, you German bastard! Just because you are an INFJ doesn't mean we all are! You can't just send any personality type to the desert for a few days and expect them to come back thirty years older and with a boat-load of insights of natural law, like the INFJs can. What is up with that anyway? I swear, you INFJs could stare at a chair for an hour and end up seeing the meaning of life somewhere in it. [My friend, it just means you aren't thinking hard enough. You can see the meaning of life in a cup of water.]
Fictional Examples: Jesus (If any Christians are reading this, then I am totally kidding. If not... Yeah...) [Yeah you better cover that up real fast. And I hold no responsibility for this, I did not make this post, I just copied it. Please, don't kill me.]
Real-Life Examples: The Dalai Lama, Timothy Leary, Thich Nhat Hanh

The False Guru:
     Again, the search for enlightenment and the mentor drive is pervasive among the INFJ. But not all that glitters is gold, and with all due respect, some of them are completely full of shit. Some of them are even aware that they are full of shit, and some are not, either way, these are the False Gurus. Just peruse the New Age movement for a little while and you are bound to see quite a few of these. They are usually surrounded by a cohort of poorly-developed personalities (mainly NFs and SFs, but I have seen many others in these circles, even NTs) because all of the strong personalities who can smell their bullshit a mile away, leave. Which is all the better. Weak minds don't ask questions, which is perfect because the False Guru can't answer them. All they can really do is sound really mystical and witty and charm the hell out of you. [I thought that was ENFJ! Wow, so we are capable of that too.] Generally speaking, this is mainly the result of an INFJ who avoided their Ti, and are scared to death by the rest of the Ti and Te in the world, so they make sure they surround themselves with people with even weaker abilities than they have. [That's rather mean to speak of people this way.] While most False Guru's teachings are pretty benign, some of them are very dangerous (Google the word Breatharianism [That thing is fucking retarded and not even logically sound!]), and could lead to cults as well as very destructive behaviour. There is also the breed of False Gurus that are deliberately manipulating and lying to people, just so they can be validated and worshipped as messiah. [Wow, where do I unlock this hidden potential? Where's the bloody code?] Watch out for them. They are nothing more than energy vampires feeding off the praise of the faithful. So the next time you hear a Guru trying to tell people about the world, you really need to think critically about what they are saying. Nature wouldn't have given us judgement if we were not expected to use it.

     You didn't really think I would have only good things to say about types of INFJs, right? Where light is cast, there will always be shadows. Don't think for a second that just because Kiersey decided to call your kind "The Protectors", it means you are all going to be a bunch of goddamn do-gooders. Ni with Fe can give extremely powerful abilities [I may I mention ENFJ is Ni with Fe, just the other way round? But I suppose they are generally insulted enough.], and with great power comes great responsibilities. Sometimes, this power falls into the wrong hands, and that is why there is a light and dark side to Ni.
Fictional Examples: I got nothing.
Real-Life Examples: Jazmuheen

The Cobra:
     INFJs are not necessarily only good for long-range planning and being a visionary. They can be pretty damn scary when using that Ni and Fe for manipulative purposes.

     The Cobra uses their Fe to be playful and seductive to get people to disarm and loosen up, all the while keeping a close Ni look on what is going on, drinking in as much information as possible with Se, and reserving their actions until their Ni tells them the perfect time to strike. [Since the reference is Ni, Fe, Se; the conclusion should be that ENFJ does it better you know.]  And when they do, they go straight for the jugular. The name "Cobra" comes from the posture they sometimes take with their head upright and eyes narrowed, still, and looking straightforward at their prey. Cobras make perfect secret agents and interrogators, which is why many of them are. They can read their subjects with uncanny accuracy and know just what to say and exactly how to act to get what they want out of anyone. [But you know, you really shouldn't force things out of people like that...Go check your moral compass, fellow INFJs.] Sometimes, they can even get people to admit to crimes they didn't even commit; luckily, they know when they are lying too. Ever heard a person who would talk their way out of being charged for murder? They were probably a Cobra INFJ. [OR AN ENFJ, dude seriously, manipulative business is better in the hands of ENFJs.] Don't get charmed by the smile, watch the eyes, if you get strung along by their hypnotic Fe display, they fucking got you where they want you. All INFJs have a little bit of Cobra in them, what you do with it is entirely up to you. [Even when I want something really badly, I don't think I'll ever resort to such measures. But sure, I do know certain ways of working around certain people.] For the most part, it is actually a defence mechanism and INFJs will embody the Cobra for a quick escape when the trouble arises. [Oh, I remember now! The millions of times I slithered my way out of being scolded for not doing work! I love how so many teachers can be fooled by an "apologetic expression" that is slightly teary-eyed. It was funny because I thought it was so damn obvious!]
Fictional Examples: Col. Hans Landa (Inglorious Bastards), Jarlaxle Baenre (Forgotten Realms, The Dark Elf Saga), Bill (Kill Bill) [I have no idea what all these are]
Real-Life Examples: Bjork [What?]

The Gypsy King:
     The Gypsy King (or Queen) actually goes hand-in-hand with the Cobra, because they are really two sides of the same coin; the twin masters of INFJ trickery. However, the Gypsy uses their manipulation tactics for outright conning people. Now there seems to be an association with the ESTP and confidence artistry. I would say it is pretty undeserved; when it comes to manipulation, the sharky used car salesman ENTP, is child's play when compared to the cunning foresight and hypnotic charm of the INFJ. The Gypsy King can figure a person out within seconds. A tattoo, a bruise, dark circles under the eyes, person looks down an to the left while talking, an expensive watch, tan lines on arms, all kinds of these random details that they take in through Se are their gateway into the minds of people, and then with a little speculation out of their Ni-Fe and Ti, they can have your whole life figured out within a blink of an eye, and know exactly how to approach you. Have you ever been to a psychic, who seemed to know everything about you? Things they couldn't have known? Yeah, you just got INFJ'ed, Gypsy style. Conning people isn't all malicious either, sometimes it is just good entertainment. That is why many of the Gypsy INFJs are Magicians; casting spells of perceptual redirection with displays of Fe and Se, to distract the audience in order to miss what is happening behind it all.
Fictional Examples: Shawn Spencer (Psych)
Real-Life Examples: John Edward, Criss Angel

The Revolutionary:
     Hell yeah! What would this guide be without the INFJ  Revo-motherfucking-lutionary?! The Revolutionary aspect is to the INFJs, as Superman is to the Superfriends, INDISPENSABLE! I mean, this isn't even a face of the INFJ, this is the INFJ. The INTJs might have been nicknamed "The Mastermind", but being a mastermind really comes from being an Ni dominant more than it does from being a Thinker. The INFJ Revolutionaries are masterminds in their own right, visionaries of the people. Literally beginning as children, INFJs go through life observing the world. [And thus leading to my parents thinking that I'm mentally ill because I kept asking them what life's purpose was as a 5 year old. Apparently that's not normal.] The inner workings of society, human behaviour and natural law become clear to them through their observations and experience. Naturally, their Ni begins expanding as their world view expands, and through it they acquire a future vision of what the world should be like. The world would be so much better if it worked the way it did in their Ni, but it doesn't, and that just fucking pisses them off. [Or sends them into depression. Same thing.] This deep dissatisfaction for the world as it is now is what fuels the revolutionary fire that burns in the hearts of INFJs. Because the solutions to all of the world's problems are obvious, so obvious that it is maddening to think that they and a few others are the only people who can see it. [Yeah! People need to be less selfish, more caring, more forgiving. That's it. Not that difficult!] This dissatisfaction for society creates a certain adversarial nature for the INFJ, it is them against the world. But no matter, if the world we live in sucks, just make a new one! [Wow wow wow, that's too much. Calm down.]
Fictional Examples: V (V for Vendetta), Drizzt Do'Urden (Forgotten Realms, The Dark Elf Saga)
Real-Life Examples: Che Guevara, Martin Luther King

The Destroyer of Worlds:
     The adversarial nature and discontent with society is natural for the INFJs. However, at times, their adversarial world view can become so strong that it turns to hatred and the point of view that humans are just too stupid to live up to what they think they should live up to. [Nah, if things don't turn out correct, it's probably my fault and not the world's fault.] The worst cases are when INFJs are also not in touch with their Fe. [How? I would like to know how because my Fe is causing me a lot of pain, welcomed pain, but still pain. I would very much like an on/off switch with that.] Their Ni will continue growing, and their Ti will make sense of it, but because they never get that push back from Fe, their world view just becomes more and more detached and distorted from reality. This only perpetuates their hatred, because at the times they do try to articulate their distorted world view, they are met with resistance from other people. Which leads them to a perspective that no humans are worth saving, they are all just mindless idiots. Obviously, these are very extreme cases, but make no mistake; they do exist and have always existed. The Destroyers might even gain enough power to lead their own revolution, but it will be a revolution of hatred, destruction and death. These kinds of INFJs also make some of the best villains in fiction, which everyone mistakes for INTJs on the forums. Apparently evil = T.
Fictional Examples: The Joker (Batman), Rorchach (The Watchmen), Tyler Durden (Fight Club), Light Yagami (Death Note)
Real-life Examples: GG Allin, Hitler

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