Friday 22 May 2015

Top 5 Favourite Cat and Dog Breeds

     I have a huge backlog of MBTI stuff from Tumblr, mostly on INFJs, but I think I'll do a post on that tomorrow instead. I'm going to try something a little different today, by trying to link my preferences of animal breeds with personality. Sure, it may just be a simple list of favourite cats and dogs by appearance or something, but even among animals, there are stereotypes of each breed's personality. I'm not exactly sure what each of my favourite breed reveals about my personality, but that's the purpose of this post. I'm going to figure it out as I go along.

     Before I start though, here are two Japanese songs I have been quite obsessed with for the past few days. I have listened to these songs before, yes, but after a long time of staying off them, they seem to return anew.

Dear You (Higurashi no Naka Koro Ni [When Cicadas Cry])

      The manga for Higurashi no Naka Koro Ni is probably the thing that scared me the most in my entire life. I'm not good with horror to begin with, but with my brand of curiosity, I can't help but read through the whole of Higurashi, trying to figure out what's going on. What resulted from it was almost 3 whole weeks of sleeping with the lights on. I get scared easily...unlike what people may think, especially with these kind of sick psychological horror that isn't just pure exaggeration. But the song is pure gold and quite deceiving if you think it reflects the series.
This is the most tame one I can get.

You Are My Love (Tsubasa Chronicles)
      I love this anime and the manga. I don't want to say anything more than that, because Tsubasa Chronicles has a shockingly complex plot, especially nearing the end. Spoilers would just ruin the whole show. But be prepared for a mindfuck. Also, Fai D. Flourite is such a cutie...The character that smiles a lot but hides even more.

Top 5 Favourite Cat Breeds
#5. Munchkin
      Come on, they are little cats who are vertically challenged! That's adorable! Also, they resemble ferrets, so that gives them extra points! I think the Munchkin can represent all short me. They are surprisingly fast and agile, not to mention that the gene is extremely rare. Just like how shortness is actually a recessive and not a dominant gene (although height is a continuous trait).

     Munchkins are inquisitive, playful and independent. I don't think anyone with a heart can stand the sight of a short little feline prancing through their house. I'm usually against pampering pets too much but a Munchkin may tempt me into doing so.

#4. Somali
      The Somali is like a fox and a fox is like a combination between a dog and a cat. That's like a prize-winning combination for me. I love foxes, less than wolves and tigers and eagles, of course, but they are still wonderful animals. Sly and cunning aren't bad traits at all, regardless of how children's stories often portray them as the villains. Also, I've always liked villains more than the heroes because they seem to have more character depth. 

     Somali's have that alert look about them and are able to use their paws like hands, those are some amazing traits right there. I often like animals that look alert, rather than those lazy-looking Basset Hound types. The colour of the Somali, an almost amber-brown to a dark chocolate-brown, that's a very beautiful combination.

#3. Highlander
      It's a charismatic cat with a huge personality, that makes them amazingly desirable. Even as kittens, Highlanders are stereotyped to be one of the most independent cats who would assert their dominance over their owners. As grown up cats, they are powerful and muscular, a force to be reckoned with. Also, look at those ears! Aren't they just super adorable?

     It's actually a cuddly cat? So it's like a Tsundere cat? That's almost perfect right there!

#2. Bengal
      It's a gorgeous cat, not because of its colouring or its body shape, but because of the way it presents itself. The way a Bengal walks, sits, breathes, etc has a proud yet elegant feeling to it. They are like little leopards, not just in appearance, but in personality. They are lively and active, like wild leopards, and are extremely athletic and lithe.

      And listen to that little bark! Uniqueness is something that interests me very much, especially in cats. Possessing immunity to feline leukaemia? That's something hugely amazing squeezed into such a tiny body!

#1. Russian Blue
      This is where personality comes in big. I believe that Russian Blues, by stereotype, are INFJs. They are quiet and reserved, fearing strangers. They bond with few but are devoted to the ones they trust. They dislike loud noises and prefer a calm and comforting environment. If INFJs were a cat breed, we would be Russian Blues.

      These lines particularly - "This is a gentle, clean and loyal little cat who is sometimes wary of strangers. But once he knows you're his trusted pal, which of course he will decide, there will be no going back on the relationship." Is that not a clear indication of INFJ-ness?

Top 5 Favourite Dog Breeds
Australian Shepherd, Siberian Husky, Border Collie, German Shepherd, Saluki
#5. Saluki
      This dog has history and I think, is even part of Egyptian mythology. In fact, the breed has a striking resemblance to Anubis, the Egyptian God of Death. Of course, Anubis is meant to be a jackal, but Salukis are close enough. Also, the fact that a dog can be considered sacred in a religion that typically find dogs dirty makes Saluki one of the best of its kind.

     The one downside is actually its looks. I like bulky and muscular dogs, not excessively so, but Salukis are a little too lithe and skinny. But I know that the Saluki's looks are actually revered by some, so it's just a personal opinion.

#4. German Shepherd
      The German Shepherd is your typical good-looking guy who is tan and friendly. However, because German Shepherds are so popular, they end up dropping a little on my list because the hype is too much. It's an amazing dog who is shocking brave and devoted, but there's a little too much attention given to these dogs.

      There's not much to say about German Shepherds because they already have amazing reputation.

#3. Australian Shepherd
     If anyone has watched Marmaduke, the movie about a Great Dane with that name, I would like to mention how Mazie, the female tomboy character in the movie, is my favourite character and is an Australian Shepherd. I find the merle coat of Australian Shepherds to be amazingly beautiful. It isn't even, it isn't a pure colour, but it's often a fun and creative mesh of two beautiful colours. Australian Shepherds are also the breed with the highest rate of heterochromia, or the condition of having eyes of different colour. 

     My love of Australian Shepherds come mostly from my love of the character Mazie. She was the first, to accept Marmaduke, after he was humiliated by the purebreeds. She stood by him the whole time and when he betrayed her for a "prettier" purebred, she confronted him but was eventually willing to forgive him. She is also a tomboy who has a surprisingly girly stance when it comes to romance. She's an amazing character really.

#2. Siberian Husky
      It was really difficult for me to make the decision between first and second place. Siberian Huskies are amazing dogs which bear the closest resemblance to the wolf. And the wolf is my favourite animal, since a long long time ago and it isn't going to change anytime soon. Instead of barking, Siberian Huskies howl, which brings them even closer to their wilder cousins. This is one reason why I dislike small dogs - they are way too noisy. Pomeranians and Chihuahuas like to yap and yap and yap, which gets annoying. I like quiet and composed big dogs with a sense of duty.

     Siberian Huskies are sport and fit, with amazing cool looks. The black on the white colouring is my favourite, because I like to go for contrasts. Siberian Huskies can have brown and green eyes, but the most common colour - blue - is both my favourite colour and a beautiful colour to have with black and white. But it still loses out to the first place breed, by a small margin.

#1. Border Collie
      This species is known for advancing human understanding of canine intelligence. There are other smart breeds, sure, but the Border Collie outranks them by a huge margin. Border Collies are incredibly difficult to train if you're a beginner, but because of their superior intelligence, you can teach them any trick and they'll probably get it. In fact, in dog sport competitions, Border Collies are usually the champions not because of their fitness, but because of their incredible intelligence that allows them to follow orders swiftly and accurately.

     In fact, the most intelligent dog in the world, Chaser, who has the vocabulary rivalling that of a human child, is a Border Collie. Border Collies aren't that good-looking, not at all, but they are probably the most fascinating and attractive dog because really, you don't get dogs for their looks. It's like a person. Once you stay with a person/dog long enough, you get used to their looks and it's what's inside that matters more at that point. Even the ugliest dogs are considered cute by their owners, so looks really shouldn't matter, unless its unique or exquisite. Border Collies aren't either, but their intelligence is outstanding.

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