Sunday 31 May 2015

MBTI Stuff #7: I'm Too Free

     I didn't think that my study schedule would only take me 10 minutes to write out. Why am I so bad with time? I always arrive 15 minutes early for everything even when I try not to be. I always give myself too long of a time to do something. Like even for essays. I give myself 3 hours when I'm usually done in 1.5-2 hours and that's when I need to do research. Essays without research can be done under 1 hour. But I don't let to stress myself out, so I guess that's why I always try to give myself a lot of buffer time.

     Anyway, I'm super free these few days and that's not good. I can't understand why people's response to "I'm bored" is "Go study", because studying makes me even more bored. So I'm sitting here reading random documents that I'll forget to save, but I'm so impatient that I just end up making this post. Also, I've finished a 200 page report and now I'm bored again. I'll fish through my contacts and go on a "date" one day, but I'm probably going to be bored within 20 minutes anyway. Why do I even bother? Oh, I know, because I can't talk to myself!

1. MBTI Types as Nights
INFJ: The nights outside with a friend just lying down and staring at the stars.
It's fine even if there isn't conversation. I think just the presence of someone I trust next to me as I stare up at the open sky and let the stars inspire my thoughts is enough. It does paint a very beautiful scene.

INFP: The nights picnicking in the summer besides a lake.
Picnicking though? Can we just not do anything or talk instead?

INTJ: Wandering through the city when no one is awake and the lights are out.
Sounds like a good solitary walk. I do still prefer the idea of lying on a grassy slope staring up at the stars though. The empty feeling of a city may become overwhelming.

INTP: Staying home with a great book and so many thoughts in your head.
That is the worst idea. In the first place, I don't read fiction because it doesn't require that much attention and I'm left with my thoughts, which can become self-destructive when no good company is around.

ENFJ: Campfire nights with friends.
Can we just not light the campfire and sit in the dark instead? And not have too many people? Oh well, extroverts.

ENFP: On a road trip in the car with friends all night.
And at one point I will blow up at someone because they won't shut up.

ENTJ: At a party at your best friend's house meeting so many cool people.
Erm, no. I don't want to go to your party, I'm sorry.

ENTP: On a big social event with fireworks and fascinating people to talk to.
The second part is fine but how do you hear them over the fireworks?

ISFJ: Reading your favourite book to someone you love in the night and sleeping in their arms.
Well I'm frigging sorry that I can't do that! It does sound nice, but you know, I still prefer lying down on grass at night because it's probably a nice kind of chilly and breezy.

ISFP: Watching your favourite movie again with popcorn and a very good friend.
I'll be down for that!

ISTJ: Climbing a tree in the night and watching over the peaceful forest.
That sounds not bad. Can I bring a friend?

ISTP: Rewarding yourself with things that you love like a bath or something you always wanted to do because you deserve it.
Eh, I'd rather lay back and do nothing? I'm not too into material stuff.

ESFJ: Trying out a new club in the area and dancing all night.
Eww no. At one point you're going to get drunk and then you are going to end up doing stupid shit. There isn't interesting company there, I presume, just a bunch of disgusting guys trying to rub up on every girl in a 10m radius.

ESFP: Going to a concert of your favourite band.
No. Too many people. Too noisy. I want to go somewhere quiet.

ESTJ: Playing truth or dare at a party where everyone's laughing and all having fun.
Truth and dares never end well. Someone will suggest something stupid at one point and everything will go to shit.

ESTP: Sleeping in a cabin in the woods with a bunch of friends.
Change that to "a few friends" and that's fine.

2. Most to Least Independent
10. ENTJ
11. ISTJ
12. ESFP
13. ESTJ
14. ISFJ
15. ENFJ
16. ESFJ

     Wow, look at those needy people at the bottom. And I think it's hilarious how my mom and dad are #1 and #2 respectively. I'm like there, in the middle, completely undecided. Okay, it's inclined towards the less independent side but still, at least I'm not at the bottom.

3. MBTI Raging
Erm, Einstein? Would you like to calm down over there and tell me what's wrong? I'm sure I can help you if you'd stop yelling at the top of your voice...

I-I was just trying to help. I'm sorry...

INTJ: YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW EVERYTHING! You can't even talk to people properly or articulate a damn argument.
I was just asking for your advice! I guess I'll take my emotions elsewhere, you shithead.

INTP: Dude...the only reason people don't want to date you is you have a fucking neckbeard and pretend like immaturity is cool and fuck everyone else. You can't say fuck everyone else and expect them to like you.
I approve of your reasoning, INTP. Go ahead.

Erm yeahhh. I always understand "me" better than anyone else, even if I don't even know "me" that well.

INFP: You guys can't even wipe you own asses without validation. Why the hell should I respect your "well-researched" moral high-ground?
Well, just listen, INFP. You don't have to agree but they are entitled to their own opinions, you know.

ENFP: You can wipe your asses without validation, but I'm still pissy over your high horse. Also, it isn't cute to be morally belligerent.
That sounds better than INFP...but not much. If they want to sit on their high horse, then just ignore them?

ENFJ: Just cause I don't want to date you doesn't mean you should drop off the face of the fucking planet and stop being my "best friend"! What, you were only my friend to fuck me?!
Oh wow. I mean I would be really pissed too, but it's understandable? Note to self: ENFJ is second least independent. Oh right, that explains things. But ENFJs don't get angry usually, so I don't know?

Okay, then don't. Just don't burden anyone ok?

Wait, is that good or bad? I'm sickly sweet but I'm two-faced? Are you implying that I'm just taking advantage of you? I'M NOT. I'M INFJ, I DON'T DO THAT SHIT. How dare you think you know me better than I do!

Yo calm down there law enforcer. As long as I'm not hurting anyone, it should be fine, dude.

ISFJ: We should not do something inefficiently because that is "how it's always been done." Also, STOP SHITTING ON MY DREAMS.
Well I agree, but no need to get so riled up about it.

ESFP: Stop giving so much of a shit about what you "homies" think of you.
I can't. Your "homies" are your friends and you don't stab them in the back, neither do you piss them off.

ISFP: It isn't cool to be fucking lazy and ignorant.
I'm sorry. I know I am lazy and ignorant about some things, but don't over-generalise, you shit.

ISTP: Dude, I'm sorry I'm not as logical as you are in the exact same way as you.
Nah, it's fine. It's ok to not be logical.

ESTP: No one gives a shit how many awards and competitions you've won. GO HOME.
Just let them boast. Just shut their voices out. It makes them happy to brag, you know.

4. INFJs Being Rejected (On the Outside and On the Inside)
On the Outside: Nah, I'm fine *smiles*

On the Inside: OMG, THE PAIN!!! Kill me now.

5. MBTI on a Lame Vacation
ISTJ: Reorganise everyone's luggage and begin repacking early
I would rather you not do that, only because I'm an idiot and I probably won't be able to find shit later. But if you want to, go ahead.

ISFJ: Start making a scrapbook with the few pictures and momentos they have.
Scrapbooks are really not my thing. I get bored with them after using them twice.

INFJ: Sit in the hotel lobby and watch people.
And when I'm older, I think I can be a legitimate stalker. We are NOT that creepy.

INTJ: Plan what they'll do when they get home and just hope it passes quickly.
Oh wow, you guys are boring.

ISTP: Go off on their own to try to find any interesting places in the area.
Cool, but I don't want to move.

ISFP: Sit in their hotel room and watch TV all day.
Hey, can I join?

INFP: Spend their time journaling by themselves.
Hey, hey, talk to me! Yo! The journal isn't going to give you feedback, you know?

INTP: Find some exhibit or museum in the area and go visit that.
Can I come?

ESTP: Try to find dangerous pranks and dares to do to pass the time.
...I'll call the ambulance to be on stand-by...and please don't involve me.

ESFP: Spend their time at the hotel pool, getting hit on every five minutes.
Oh wow, jock type. That will eventually get boring, no?

ENTP: Wander around the area, studying whatever history and culture it has.
Tell me when you come back?

ESTJ: Organise a few group photos so they can all look back on them later.
I hate cameras and I will destroy them if you make me take a photo. Please stay far away from me.

ESFJ: Make it their personal mission to befriend all the other guests in the hotel.
Well, I can tell you what their general personalities are like if you want.

ENFJ: Organise some fun activity for their group.
No. Seriously, fuck off. Making something less "lame" does not involve dragging me into stupid, brainless activities. I know what you're trying to do, but fuck off. 

ENTJ: Google activities and make a list of possibilities for their group.
Yeah, you go join ENFJ over there and leave me alone. These people walking around are a million times more tolerable than you guys.

6. Cool INFJ Stuff #1 of Infinity

7. MBTI Types Locked in a Mall
ISTJ: Keeps repeating the fact that they aren't supposed to be here and runs around trying to open all of the doors.
Hey, relax dude. If it didn't open the first 10 times, it probably isn't going to miraculously open without a cause. Sit down and let's chat.

ISFJ: Collects blankets and pillows to make a very intricate fort and bedding for everyone to sleep in that night.
Thanks, Mrs Beaver! I wouldn't have minded sleeping on the floor, but this is awesome!

INFJ: Thinks about what would happen if they were isolated forever and takes bets on who would survive the longest/turn against the others.
Hmm, I would bet on ENTP and ENTJ because they are charismatic and probably are merciless enough to try to kill others for survival. Yup, my bets are on them. ENFJ may keep some semblance of order by dissuading violence, but that will only last for that long. Plus ENTP and ENTJ may actually get more annoyed and kill ENFJ first...hmmm...

INTJ: Begins preparing their food rations and plan of survival just in case no one ever comes to rescue them.
If it's isolated survival, I would have bet on INTJ, but no. You need defence against others as well.

ISTP: Steals all the food and important items in the mall and builds themselves a barricade in some abandoned corner of the mall.
The under dogs. I nearly forgot about them.

ISFP: Spends half the time running around with ISFP and half the time in the corner brooding about their feelings.
You wanna come here and take a bet first?

INFP: Sits in a corner and cries, convinced that they are going to get arrested and go to jail.
*Sigh* Come here, you. We'll be fine. ...I'll protect you if you want?

INTP: Spends a lot of time considering what food will be good and for how long, taking into account its nutritional components and all the things that could possibly have occurred to it.
It isn't going to save you if the others try to kill you though.

ESTP: Finds the escalator and tries making makeshift skies/sleds and riding down it in extremely dangerous ways.
First to die, by own stupidity.

ESFP: Takes the opportunity to throw a party, encouraging everyone to go crazy and run through all the stores.
Leave me out of this, or I will kill you first.

ENFP: Gets really excited about all the exciting things they could do in the mall, then gets bored and keeps complaining about how they want to go outside.
Yes honey, you've said that ten times already. No, I don't know anything interesting you can do, unless you want to change your bet. Now shut up because my ears are ringing.

ENTP: Spends the night jumping out from behind dark corners and scaring the other types.
So if we end up having to kill one another, these people will turn into ninjas.

ESTJ: Organises a fashion show with all of the clothe from the mall, forcing everyone to participate and to enjoy it.
No, I don't want to participate. But go ahead.

ESFJ: Sings the Robin Sparkles song on repeat for the entire night.
Well, you would win because I'll kill myself if you don't shut up.

ENFJ: Keeps talking about what a great bonding experience this is and hugging everyone incessantly.
Firstly, stop touching me or I'll cut off your arms. Secondly, stop talking because ENFP is already noisy enough. Thirdly, please go somewhere else if you aren't taking a bet. If you want to stay here, make meaningful conversation instead.

ENTJ: Takes charge and tries to organise the entire group to create an efficient plan of escape.
See, my bet was accurate.

8. The Types Fucking Shit Up (Or Not)
"Let's fuck shit up" squad: ENTP, ENTJ, ESTP, ISTP, ESFP
Guys, please, we are going to get into trouble and I don't want any part of that. Let's just be clear that I am not in support of this, neither am I responsible for this shit going out of hand, ok?

"Sits by and watches all hell break loose" squad: INTP, INTJ, INFP, ENFP
Is this fun to watch? Really?

"Cleans up everything afterwords while bitching about both other squads" squad: ESTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, ISFJ, ISFP
Wait, where am I? Hmmm...never mind. Thanks for cleaning up and...I'm not involved ok. *points at ENTJ* He suggested it and didn't listen to me.

"Gets everyone to settle down afterwards meanwhile evading responsibility for partaking in the fucking up of shit" squad: ENFJ, INFJ
Oh, hahahahaha. I told you, I had no part in this. I tried to stop it, it didn't work, but it did eventually. So clearly, I am not responsible for *this*.

9. Types of Anger
The explosive in-your-face angry squad: ENTJ, ESTJ, ESTP, ESFP
WOW, calm down. I'm sorry. I said I'm sorry. Sheesh. *mutters* Asshole.

The cold you can feel the ice piercing your heart, they might murder you in your sleep type of anger squad: INTJ, ISTP, ENTP
Remind me not to piss off my mom again? I don't want to die in my sleep. ...No wait, I do. Let me try to piss her off then.

The passive-aggressive, would they please just tell me what's wrong already, angry squad: INFP, INFJ, ISFP, ISFJ, ENFP
No. You should understand your own mistakes. If you cannot or if you aren't going to ask me, then I'm not going to stop being angry. But hey if you realise what you did wrong, "TA-DA" I'm not angry anymore...not at you at least.

The you will never know they're angry squad: ESFJ, INTP, ENFJ, ISTJ
OH. NO. Shit, did I say something wrong at one point? Crap. I'll never know, will I. Shitastic. Still, why is my dad here? His anger is so obvious that I think everything in a 10m radius sets on fire and explodes.

10. MBTI as Pokemon Legendaries (w/ Pics because I can!)
ISFP - Mew

ESFP - Ho-Oh

ESTP - Mewtwo

ISTP - Genesect

ISFJ - Lugia

ESFJ - Latias

ESTJ - Rayquaza (Hey, that's my favourite! Give it here.)

ISTJ - Zygarde

INFP - Xerneas

ENFP - Latios

INFJ - Reshiram (Hell yeah~)

ENFJ - Cresselia (Moon Duck Friggin Cunt, the bulkiest asshole wall ever)

INTP - Kyurem

ENTP - Zekrom (Oh lol, you just had to give INFJ and ENTP the matching pair huh?)

INTJ - Yveltal

ENTJ - Arceus (Wow)

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