Friday 22 May 2015

Profile of the INFJ #4 and Other MBTI Stuff

     To be honest, I'm just burning away time until everyone vacates the house and I'm left with a conducive environment for studying. Yes, I'm studying, because as stupid as I think GP is, I still need to prepare some things. Seriously though, I don't understand the need to teach GP because it seems like a subject much more suited for self-learning, at least for the essay section. Even for comprehension, the ability to comprehend a passage comes from reading and while skills may be useful, it doesn't make up for how many hours we have wasted having lessons for the subject. Still, this is Singapore, a country with an education system that believes in teaching everything until it can't be taught anymore.

     Since I'm already insulting our system and entertaining the idea that I may be jailed for my insolence, why not push it further? The one reason why I have not yet posted a single post dedicated solely to religion is because I don't want to get into trouble with legal authorities. I feel like the moment I open my mouth in criticism of any religion, no matter whether offence was intended, I'm going to find myself in deep shit. And yes, I did not name the post wrongly...I just want to rant for a bit.

     If I could turn back time to the time when religion became part of humanity, I'd probably be the kind of person to start a religion of my own...except I can't base it off of logic and science. My "religious" belief revolves around the theory of Conservation of Energy. For anyone who doesn't know the theory, aka people who didn't listen in Physics, the Conservation of Energy is a theory that forms the basis of many discoveries in science, including Quantum Physics, thermodynamics, etc. To put it simply, the Conservation of Energy dictates that:

     "Energy can be neither created nor be destroyed, but it transforms from one form to another, for instance, chemical energy can be converted to kinetic energy in the explosion of a stick of dynamite. A consequence of the law of conservation of energy is that a perpetual motion machine of the first kind cannot exist."

     In fact, think about it. Don't speculate about whether your soul goes anywhere after death for as far as science is concerned, the existence of a soul is not yet proven. You do have a conscience but whether it is the indication of a soul or whether it is simply the consequence of humanity's evolutionary process is a debate that has been going on for too long. Given the imperfect knowledge we have on the field, I don't think it's worth me debating.

     In my theory, when you die, you return to the earth. As part of Mother Nature or whatever you call it. The energy you possess becomes part of a larger "ball of energy", providing sustenance for plants and fungi in the form of chemical energy, which is later transferred to secondary consumers. When a child is born, the energy is transferred from mother to child and this energy is derived from food, which is derived from the energy of those who have died. It creates a perfect cycle of energy continuum in which no energy is lost or created in the equation.

     However, the flaw in my theory is way too obvious and is something I'll be pursuing an answer for for the rest of eternity. Where does this energy come from? Food. Where does the energy in food come from? The nutrition in the soil. Where does the energy from that come from? The bodies of the dead. Where does that energy come from? Food. It's circular reasoning. Circular reasoning creates the foundation of the energy cycle, but it doesn't explain the creation of this thing called energy at the very beginning of time.

     I do believe in the existence of a supreme being, because of that flaw, because I think there has to be something that transcends beyond the laws of nature to create the energy that was inherently existent in the universe. Not the Big Bang. That's stupid. For something to explode and give energy, there must be innate energy in the first place. It's the law of Conservation of Energy.

     But am I going to call it God and give it a human face? No. Because I think that if there's a supreme being capable of defying the laws of nature, it is probably a force so powerful and grand that it really shouldn't take the fact of a human. In fact, it should take the appearance of a creature that a human mind cannot comprehend. Does this supreme being define how humans should behave? No. It simply creates the conditions in which life is allowed to thrive but does not interfere. To put a being so far beyond human comprehension may offend some religions, but think about it.

     A supreme being beyond human comprehension, defying the laws of nature and reaching a state of perfection. Is that not what humans ultimately thrive towards? Perfection? If we feel within us that there lies a power that perfect, it makes sense why humans thrive for that same perfection. In fact, all creatures strive towards that, but we are the most evolved. What all species thrive to do is to reach that state of perfection, which would give us a sense of peace and finality. That's my theory, at least. Maybe at the end of my journey, I will end up with the same beliefs as certain religions, but that's the point. It's not the end, but the discovery of the truth. I'm not a person who can just accept a religion like that without questioning. After all, isn't it better to belong to a religion not because you were forced to, but because you genuinely believe in it with the basis of spending your life discovering that truth? I was given this freedom as a freethinker and I'll treasure it by honouring that freedom for discovery. Faithless bastard is right, but do you think I mind, really?

     Before I can go on ranting any longer, let's turn to MBTI, since the most of what I have to say is already said.

1. MBTI - Common Pet Peeves
INTP: When people say that super serious things like racism are their pet peeves; like, pet peeves are supposed to be something that you're irrationally annoyed by. Keyword: IRRATIONALLY. World hunger can't be your fucking pet peeve.

Now that I think about it, INTPs make a lot of sense. Pet peeves aren't meant to be things that are generally negative in the world, but things that just annoy you for no logical reason.

ENTP: When your mom cleans your room or goes through your stuff, and now you don't know where anything fucking is. Like, your room was never a "mess". You know exactly where everything was. So WHY?

Well, if I had a choice in the matter, every single thing in my room will be labelled. This shelf is for fiction books in this genre and that shelf is for this subject. Sadly, since I share my room with my cousin, I come home to "where did everything go" every weekend, only to just give up on being tidy.

INFP: When people keep talking to you even though you clearly have earbuds in and don't want to frigging talk. It's worse when you take them out and ask, "What?" and they're like "Oh, nothing." LIKE I TOOK MY EARBUDS OUT FOR YOU, SO TALK, BITCH.

An angry INFP may be quite scary, but that's overreacting. Just shrug it off and put the earbuds back on. And also, I never turn my music on that loud when I know there are people around who may want to talk.

ENFP: People who "borrow" things from you but forget the "giving it back" part of the deal. I was nice enough to let you borrow it; that does not make it yours. Stop.

It's really easy to deal with, so I don't know what's the issue here. Just keep pestering them in real life and over the phone until they remember. And don't lend them anything in the future without them signing a contract to say that they will return it in __ amount of days.

ISTP: People who chew with their mouth open. Like, did you parents teach you NOTHING?

That is actually what my mom thinks. She gets so annoyed when we talk while eating or shake our legs when sitting. It's like a small motion of my leg under the table can throw her into full-on rage mode.

ESTP: People who laugh or talk really loudly/obnoxiously in the middle of a movie. Control yourself.

Sadly, I'm that person. "OMG, LEGOLAS SO COOL~" "OMG, CHARLES~" I'm sorry, some characters that make me so excited that there's hardly a single well-written character that isn't fascinating.

ISFP: People who curse every other word. Like, CALM. DOWN.

I'm calm, but I just like to swear. Unless you want me yelling the house down, tolerate my swearing because that's the only other way for me to show my displeasure without raising my voice. The silent treatment doesn't work on everybody, or else I wouldn't be swearing.

ESFP: People who click their pens. And then you tell them to please stop. And they keep frigging doing it.

Not a problem, just snatch their pens and throw it somewhere. I did warn you. 

INTJ: When people interrupt you. I was talking; wait for your goddamn turn.

It will be my turn one day, so INTJ, just calm down. For once, it's ok to let someone interrupt and wait for them to finish before you continue.

ENTJ: When people who are clearly wrong keep insisting that they're right. Will you shut up for just one second so I can explain to you how WRONG you are?

When stubborn people refuse to listen, just let them. If you already tried three times, it's not like it's likely to work the fourth time. Some people just like living in their illusions so allow them that comfort.

INFJ: People who say, "I'm not racist but-" or anything of that variety. If you're not racist, you better stop talking right now.

Exactly. If you are going to start a sentence with "I don't mean to offend you-" or "I don't mean to be racist-", you are going to be offensive and racist. If what you say isn't going to be either, then there is clearly no need to start the sentence like that. So you'd better shut up and come back with better phrasing some other time. I'm such a hypocrite though.

ENFJ: People who respond to "Can I ask a question" with "You just did lol" or "Can I go to the bathroom" with "I don't know; CAN you?" Fuck off, mate.

It's a small pet peeve though. It is annoying, but I'll just not ever ask that person again. Like, dude, I'm legitimately trying to get an answer and I don't need your unwanted sarcasm at this seriously inappropriate time. Just answer me, mate, and stop being a douche.

ISTJ: People who take your things without asking. Did I say you could use this? No, I did not. Just keep your hands off my shit.

This depends entirely on what they took. If' it's something I need immediately, then yes, I would be pissed, but if I don't need it that urgently, sure, have it, but just return it when you're done.

ESTJ: When people misspell everything in a sentence. Who the hell decided that was a cool thing to do? WHO? I want names.

Depends on the context. If you are writing a story or an essay, you'd better not spell anything wrongly or there will be so much silent judgement coming your way. But if it's a text or something more casual, spell it however you want, as long as I can read it.

ISFJ: People who stop walking in the middle of a crowded area to check their phone or something. Like I AM SORRY, I THOUGHT THE SIDEWALK WAS MEANT TO BE WALKED ON. MY BAD.

Huh, I haven't seen such a reaction in her before, probably because I don't stop in the middle of nowhere for a text. You either continue walking or wait until you aren't in everyone's way.

ESFJ: When you're talking to someone, and they're not listening whatsoever. Fucking RUDE.

But ESFJ, you need to realise that you need to shorten your stories. Every single time you want to tell me something, you end up narrating a 15 minutes story for which 90% is totally irrelevant. I will lose my concentration at one point, especially if we're in public because there are interesting people around. I am listening, but please, cut it short.

2. Loving an INFJ Woman (I refuse to give my opinion on this one, but it's from a fellow INFJ..who is probably older and more experienced with life)
a) Trust and safety are essential
     This can be applied to any woman, but INFJs take it to a whole other level. By trust and safety I mean being able to be completely at ease with you as a person. The INFJ woman's intuition is her life. You've ever heard of "Mother's Intuition"? Well, INFJ women have that times ten. I can pick out which guys are true creeps and which are diamonds in the rough. On a side note, chances are if your INFJ has already agreed to hang out with you or talks to you on a regular basis, she probably doesn't think you are a serial killer. If she did, she wouldn't be there.

     To be honest for the most part, I feel as though I constantly have to watch after myself. I always have my shield up to avoid getting hurt. I've been around a few guys that I feel I could truly let down my guard. That feeling is euphoria. Feeling safe around a guy makes him ten million times more attractive to me. I begin to feel like he's going to be there for me. I feel I don't have to fight anything anymore. He's there. He will keep me safe. I can finally live in the moment because my worries are gone. It's so liberating.

b) Honesty is a must
     So you might be wondering how you can achieve a level of trust with an INFJ. The answer is honesty. Be open about who you are without any consequences. What I mean is when a curious INFJ asks questions about you (which is a big deal, because it puts us out of our comfort zone) don't rebuke her if she wants to know something. Have you ever been around someone who just cuts you off after you put yourself out there? Yeah. It just hurts. And INFJs are extremely sensitive which just adds to the humiliation.

     If she asks questions, she truly wants to get to know you. Believe me, she's already gathered information from the way you treated the waiter, how you reacted in traffic, and how you looked at her when you saw her in her new dress. She is a sponge at this point. Don't let this intimate you or lie about who you really are. Just be unapologetically you. Honestly will take you past several layers of the INFJ and it encourages her to reveal more things about herself that other dates probably haven't had the opportunity to see. And by the way, the way you sweet talk your dog or how you visit your mom every weekend and cook with her will be very endearing. INFJs love quirks because we are quirky people. Go ahead, kid. Let it all out.

c) Don't give up
     This is probably the most essential point of the list. Remember all those outgoing, partying, cheerleading types of girls? Forget all of that. An INFJ doesn't care for superficial things which means most people don't care to get to know them. This causes the INFJ to sink deeper in themselves. If she looks wrapped up in her own thoughts, it's because she is. Why? Because for years they have been her only true friends. Once she starts letting you in, it will be gradual. Why? Because she's not used to someone truly wanting to know how she feels and what she's thinking. She may have difficulty putting it in words, but just giver her a moment to gather her thoughts. Some days she won't feel as open. Don't worry; it's nothing you have done. Some day's she will want to cry and let it all out. Just be there. Some days, she'll hate how "weird" and "dysfunctional" the world thinks she is. Be her friend. Sometimes the listener needs to be listened to. Some days she will draw away from you in her own little corner. But don't worry. She'll be back.

     Once an INFJ loves you, she won't stop. You are literally ingrained in her heart. She won't leave you even if you take her down. She is the definition of unconditional love. Just hold on. Don't give up. It is hard to say goodbye to someone who won't leave, if you know what I mean.

3. INFJ - Universal Icon for the Strength in Sensitivity

4. The INFJ and Conflict
     And that's why I'm desperate for people in conflict to work things out and not allow the conflict to escalate. Because as well as you guys think you're dealing with it or concealing it, it's as bright as daylight to me. You guys aren't happy and you are allowing it to boil inside. It's not healthy and frankly, it scares me because I know it won't end well.

5. The INFJ and Conversation
     Exactly. To be able to talk without restriction, so deeply and so meaningfully, without fear of being judged - it's something I think is mostly impossible. Even the most non-judgemental people will judge. Even the most open-minded people have their limits. And everyone has limited time. You can't just sit down with me and converse for hours. Like I think for INFJs, we aren't interested in sex at all. defying all laws of hormonal spikes. We would rather pay a prostitute to sit down with us for a cup of tea and discuss their life.

6. MBTI Types Around Somebody They Hate
ESTP: "Yep, outta here!"
ISTP: *layers and layers of ironic insults* *sees how obvious they can get without the other person noticing*
ENTP: *nods and smiles until the person goes away, internally disproving everything they say*
INTP: *shuffles feet*
ESFP: *Welp, I gotta go, I have plans with that girl--didn't I tell you that ealier? Ooops! Bye!"
ISFP: *silence*
ENFP: *makes subtle snide comment* *makes completely unsubtle rude comment as soon as the person leaves*
INFP: "Please leave me alone..."
ESTJ: "You're going it wrong."
ISTJ: *moves away*
ESFJ: "Um...the thing you's just really...not right. Sorry..."
ISFJ: *sighs a lot*
ENTJ: "Okay, stop speaking. You're done."
INTJ: "Goodbye."
ENFJ: *searches for the person's good qualities in vain*
INFJ: *says nothing in the moment but discusses the hated one with their one trusted friend later*

7. Types Encountering a Cute Animal
ESTJ: *momentary d'awww* Okay back to work!
ESFJ: Do you think it needs a home? *picks it up and squeezes it*
ISFJ: *picks up the animal and goes home* Mine now.
ENTJ: Okay then.
INTJ: Meh.
ENTP: Ahhh look at it! I wonder if it can run faster or slower than me...
INTP: I wonder if it wants to help me with my latest project...yeah, I'm taking it home.
INFP:'s adorable! *snuggles the animal*
ENFJ: Ohhh, look how sweet! You need a family, don't you? Come on, follow me home...
INFJ: *sits next to the animal silently for a while* Hey. I wonder what your story is... *picks it up and holds it* *keeps sitting*
ESTP: Heck yesss this seems cool
ISTP: What do I do with this.
ESFP: AWWWWW I love animal
ISFP: *dips the animal's paws in paint* *makes pawprints* See, you made art!

8. MBTI Types as Greek Gods/Goddesses (With Smite pictures of most similar Gods, if possible)
ESTP: Ares, God of War
Ares (Destroyer Skin) - Guardian - Melee, Magical - Support

ISTP: Hephaestus, God of Fire, Metalworking, and Crafts
Close enough to Vulcan (Roman, Smith of the Gods)
Vulcan (Default Skin) - Mage - Mage - Ranged, Magical - Mid

ESFP: Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty
Aphrodite (Default Skin) - Mage - Ranged, Magical - Solo

ISFP: Poseidon, God of the Sea
Poseidon (Default Skin) - Mage - Ranged, Magical - Mid (Top 5 Most Popular)

ENFP: Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, Wilderness and Animals
Artemis (Default Skin) - Hunter - Ranged, Physical - ADC

INFP: Apollo, God of Music, Poetry and Archery
Apollo (Default Skin) - Hunter - Ranged, Physical - ADC

ENFJ: Hermes, God of Travel and Communication
Close enough to Mercury (Roman, Messenger of the Gods)
Mercury (Default Skin) - Assassin - Melee, Physical - Jungler

INFJ: Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and Intelligence
Athena (Winter Olympian Skin) - Guardian - Melee, Magical - Support (Top 3 Most Popular)

ESTJ: Zeus, God of Law, Order and Weather
Zeus (Thunderhead Skin) - Mage - Ranged, Magical - Mid

ISTJ: Hera, Goddess of Marriage and Empires
No equivalent God in Smite.

ESFJ: Demeter, Goddess of Agriculture and Growth
No equivalent God in Smite.

ISFJ: Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth and the Home
No equivalent God in Smite.

ENTP: Dionysus, God of Wine, Parties and Chaos
Close enough to Bacchus (Roman, God of Wine)
Bacchus (Default Skin) - Guardian - Melee, Magical - Support

INTP: Hypnos, God of Sleep
Close enough to Kumbhakarna (Hindu, The Sleeping Giant)
Kumbhakarna (Default Skin) - Guardian - Melee, Magical - Support

ENTJ: Nike, Goddess of Victory
Close enough to Guan Yu (Chinese, Saint of War)
Guan Yu (Default Skin) - Warrior - Melee, Physical - Support/Solo

INTJ: Hades, God of the Underworld
Hades (Soultaker Skin) - Guardian - Ranged/Magical - Mid/Solo

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