Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Weekday Rants #17

     I'm actually making really good time on my revision, though my hand really hurts after practising Economics Essays all day. I've never done such hardcore mugging in my whole life, but since A levels is in 5 weeks or so, there hasn't been a better time than now. Still, I managed to sneak in a little bit of gaming time. Seriously, I don't even want to go back to school. I see no point in it, besides going through the papers, since I've always appreciated independent self-studying. It gives me an advantage, because I am more self-sufficient than most, while being less able to utilise school-given resources such as teachers. I've said it before. If exams were things you were only given 1 week to prepare for, with no assistance at all, then I have no doubt that I'll round up in the top percentage. It would be unfair though...and rather arrogant of me.

     Anyway, I made some progress on my backup file on Pokemon ORAS. Okay, it's Pokemon Omega Ruby. I don't have Alpha Sapphire. I'm not that rich...or that careless with money. Also, whoop-de-doo, I'm a girl and I know how to make backup save files for my games that are NOT on Steam, because Steam is nice and does the backup for you (although sometimes it doesn't frigging port properly). It's actually very simply and it would be really stupid if you can't figure out just by examining your 3DS. You must be like...super tech un-savvy to not be able to tell what you need and the different methods for backup.

     So on that particular save file, I started with Treecko...because I wanted a main team that I can easily breed for competitive use. I'm not a famous Streamer or Youtuber or anything, so it's difficult for me to gain excess to all the Pokemon listed in the Pokedex, or get perfect IV shiny Pokemon. It takes intensive breeding, hours of DexNav usage, etc etc and the least I can do for myself is to get a starter that actually can be used competitively.

      Blaziken is banned and since I don't want to soft reset for months on a Legendary to get perfect IVs, I am not playing Ubers. Swampert is popular, I know, but I've said before that I don't like running through the game with painfully slow Pokemon. Also, I like to have a useful ability when I Mega-evolve my starter. You can't expect me to bring Rain Dance everywhere, or detach the rain from Route 119 and Route 120 and place it around the whole of Hoenn. Also, I am playing Omega Ruby, meaning that the overriding weather effect during the Groudon event is Sun, not Rain. Furthermore, the best teammate for Swampert as a Rain Dance user is Ludicolo, but that is Alpha Sapphire exclusive. That said, I do have a Lotad I got recently in a Wonder Trade, but I am not going to sit at the beginning of the game for hours, catching Ralts and Wonder Trading, praying for good RNG.

     Right now, my team is mostly competitive in structure. I don't have the best movesets and if you have ever played an actual game without cheating, you know why. You can have a frigging Mega Sceptile whose best move is Leaf Blade because Leaf Storm is at Level 69. Also, I had people ask me why the hell I run certain moves on certain Pokemon in an actual run-through of a game, hack or no hack (Hint: I'm referring to an occurrence while talking about a hack). Don't be idiotic. I know Close Combat is flipping awesome, but it has base 5 PP. It is not going to last you a lug through a whole route! I know Flare Blitz is boss, but recoil is NOT appreciated when the main game prioritises stamina over power. So without further ranting, this is what my current team looks like at Level 50.

1. Sceptile/Mega Sceptile
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Overgrow/Lightning Rod
Moves: Leaf Blade, Dual Chop, Hidden Power Fire, X-Scissor

     I know, I know. I should be running Adamant or Jolly since it looks like a Physical Attacker, but like I said, this is NOT competitive. I mean, it doesn't even have perfect IVs and it will be used for breeding once I finish the game. I reset for a female Treecko with either +Attack or +Special Attack without reduction is either. In other words, I needed a female Treecko with Naughty, Lonely, Mild or Rash nature. 

     Why female? Because when breeding two Pokemon of different species, the child takes the species of the mother. Why different species? Well, you don't know much about breeding then, which is a very intricate process. Given that I obtain a lot of Pokemon through Wonder Trade, I'll probably get a Pokemon in the same Egg group as Treecko - Dragon or Monster 1 - from a different region. I'm using the Masuda Breeding Method, which you can research about yourself. Basically, the method dictates that if you breed two Pokemon of the same egg group from different regions (i.e. from the French version, German version, etc), the chances of obtaining a Shiny is higher.

     Why Sceptile? Well, it works brilliantly with my Manectric, which has Discharge. Why not Thunderbolt? Are you daft? I don't get to CHOOSE what my Pokemon learn levelling up. I've got to live with what I'm given. Since there are so many double battles, these two make a great pair. Discharge gets absorbed by Lightning Rod which boosts Special Attack, which will become very useful once I get Leaf Storm and breed for Dragon Pulse. 

2. Gardevoir
Nature: Mild
Ability: Synchronise
Moves: Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball, Calm Mind

     Yes, after I got a whole box of Ralts just after starting the game, I finally settled for a Mild Ralts. I did get a Modest and a Timid one, but they didn't have 2 stars on the DexNav. For those who don't know, the DexNav will show a certain number of stars for a Pokemon you are searching for, from 0 to 3, indicating the number of perfect IVs the Pokemon has. I haven't checked what my Gardevoir has perfect IVs in, but it's better than nothing. Also, if you have ever played through ORAS, you know that Ralts and Kirlia are a pain in the ass to train. They have extremely low EXP gain rates and are very weak (attack and defence), until it evolves into Gardevoir at level 30 and get Psychic and start wrecking everyone.

      Don't you dare ask me why not Moonblast. If you would like to tell me how to get Moonblast on my Gardevoir, just after reaching Mossdeep City, please let me know. If not, shut up, and let me just be happy about having Dazzling Gleam over Draining Kiss (that base 50 power was giving me cancer). I will be getting the Gardevoirite from Wanda in Verdanturf Town, but that comes after the Groudon event, along with a lot of other Mega Stones.

3. Infernape (via Wonder Trade)
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Iron Fist
Moves: Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Close Combat, Mach Punch

     So my lucky ass got an Iron Fist Chimchar from Wonder Trading a box full of Ralts. I feel pretty bad for the person who got that shitty Ralts while distributing his perfect IV hidden ability Chimchar. Hey, but I was all concerned about how the hell I was going to deal with getting a Fire type since I didn't want those slow Fire types that are available in the game (Torkoal, Camerupt, Marcargo). Also, this thing came with Thunder Punch and Fire Punch. Like holy RNG-sus, thank you! The only problem with this piece of shit is that it levels up way too fast, with Infernape's naturally moderate EXP gain rates and the boosted EXP from being a traded Pokemon.

4. Gyarados (Shiny!)
Nature: Hasty
Ablity: Intimidate
Moves: Aqua Tail, Ice Fang, Crunch, Dragon Dance

     Yes, Aqua Tail, because I still have a while to go until I get my HM for Waterfall. I'm not sure how to get Bounce on Gyarados either, probably an egg move or something, but for now this is nice. This is probably my go-to for the Delta Episode against Zinnia's full Dragon team. Anyway, this isn't luck from RNG-sus, if anyone knows anything about the Generation VI fishing mechanics. It's this thing called Chain Fishing.

      Chain Fishing happens when you stand still on one patch of water and keep successfully fishing. It's not as easy as it sounds. Firstly, there is a possibility of getting the message "nothing is biting" or something like that, which breaks your chain. That is super frustrating. Having a Pokemon with Sticky Hold can raise the chances of getting a bite, but even that isn't 100%. Another thing is that you cannot miss a catch, which is actually harder than it sounds. Then, you cannot move, at all. Chain Fishing is the phenomenon where when you do whatever I said above for 20-100 times, you start getting shinies. I got a Shiny on my 97th try, which is actually really bad RNG.

     I do have a Gyaradosite, but I actually prefer regular Gyarados. Mold Breaker isn't that useful in the main game.

5. Manectric/Mega Manectric
Nature: Mild
Ability: Lightning Rod/Intimidate
Moves: Discharge, Volt Switch, Overheat, Hidden Power Grass

     Yes, once again, RNG-sus is kind and I got a good Hidden Power. I always end up with Ice or Grass, which are the best ones for Manectric. This is my other commonly used Mega, my other Intimidate-user and other Lightning Rod. It's actually quite cool because if I have to switch into a powerful Electric move with Gyarados out on the field and my Sceptile is not Mega evolved, then I can just send Manectric in to get a Special Attack boost. If I need a second Intimidate on a powerful Physical attacker, I can just Mega evolve and Volt Switch out into Gardevoir or something. Volt Switch is the TM given by Wattson, by the way. I think I do get Thunderbolt from him later on, but not yet as of now.

     So yes, my team is actually pretty awesome. 2 Intimidate users and since Defiant and Competitive are rare in-game, it's a brilliant strategy. One of them is a Physical attacker in Gyarados, while the other is Special, in Manectric. I have 2 Special Attackers in Manectric and Gardevoir, 2 Physical in Infernape and Gyarados and one mixed, in Sceptile. Why is the 6th slot empty? Two reasons. 1. In anticipation for Bagon, once I get Waterfall and gain excess to the back chamber of Meteor Falls. 2. Because I refuse to let my main Pokemon learn useless HMs. I wouldn't even let Gyarados learn Surf. I have Surf, Cut, Rock Smash and Strength on Linoone (it's Pickup is great too). Fly and Surf is also on Pelipper for travelling around. After that, I'll probably get a Wailmer for Rock Smash, Surf, Dive and Strength for underwater segments. I usually plan my team very well, after all. I'm pretty damn proud of it.

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