Sunday 20 September 2015

Random Nonsense #22: Pokemon Version Preferences

     I feel like Math Paper 2, i.e. the statistics paper, is that kind of paper that becomes easier as you practise it. And so, that's what I've been doing the past three a quite rigorous pace, in fact. It's not to say that Paper 1 doesn't require practice, but I've noticed that most people find Paper 2 to be easier to understand than Paper 1. Since my niche, per se, when it comes to studying lies in understanding things almost immediately as they are taught, Paper 2 becomes a disadvantage because I am less differentiated from the rest. In other words, because Paper 2 is easy in theory, I can't just use my theoretical knowledge to pull me forward.

     But I'm taking a break tonight, only to resume tomorrow. It's just Correlation and Regression, which is much much easier than Permutations and Combinations, which can be very confusing and requires a lot of systematic thinking, or Hypothesis Testing, for which the formula is very easy to remember, but H2 Math brings along an element of needing to understand. After all, if you are given the choice of using a z-test and t-test, there is already the minimum requirement of understanding when and why each test should be used. Still, I need to go through the topic and familiarise myself, so that I can have more than for P&C and figuring out how many millions of ways I can sit people around 3 differently shaped tables. ...Honestly, what is the practical reason behind learning this topic...besides to train systematic logical thinking? It's not like I'm going into business of arranging people in a line, or letters into words. In fact, these words aren't even real words...just made up gibberish of letters.

     Anyway, onto the topic of today. My preference of Pokemon game versions and the reasoning behind it. Often, my reasoning comes from the version exclusive Pokemon, which also affects the starter I get to choose, because I am very annoyed with overlapping types. Things like double Ground types are fine, but double Fire/Water/Grass is a problem to me. Of course, in certain games, e.g. Emerald/Sapphire, I don't mind two Water types because they don't share weaknesses, i.e. Swampert with Ludicolo, but for the most part, I go by which version has a Pokemon I want and the resulting starter I can choose. I'll structure this part by generations, with the latest game as the basis of comparison.

Pokemon Version Preferences
1. Generation I - Pokemon FireRed vs Pokemon LeafGreen (RBY Remake)
a) Version Exclusive Pokemon (Final Evolutions)
(i) FireRed: Arbok, Vileplume/Bellosom, Golduck, Arcanine, Cloyster, Scizor, Electabuzz, Quagsire, Murkrow, Delibird, Skarmory, Deoxys Attack
(ii) LeafGreen: Sandslash, Victreebel, Slowbro/Slowking, Starmie, Magmar, Pinsir, Azumarill, Misdreavus, Sneasel, Octillery, Mantine, Deoxys Defense

b) Version Preference
     Well, since most of the version exclusives can only be obtained after the Elite Four, my version preference is determined by the first few Pokemon listed. Pokemon FireRed is the preferred version and it comes down to Arcanine vs Ninetales and Vileplume/Bellosom vs Victreebel. While I admit that I prefer Victreebel over Vileplume because it is faster and more aggressive, I like Arcanine way more than Ninetales. Ninetales was good back in the original games, because its Special stat, which combined Special Attack and Special Defense, as well as Speed was high. However, when the new generations came, it got a high Special Defense and Speed instead. Which makes no sense. Arcanine is a relatively good Special Attacker and Physical Attacker and while it is mediocre in the current generation, those kind of stats were quite impressive back in the day of Generation III, i.e. the remake generations.
     Once upon a time too, Arcanine used to be one of my Top 3 favourite Pokemon, before Weavile and Greninja kicked it out by taking 3rd and 2nd respectively. It's the mixture of a wolf and a sabre cat, what's not cool about it? Furthermore, its species is typed as Legendary's not even pseudo-legendary by game standards, but earns that species name? That's impressive.

2. Generation I - Pokemon HeartGold vs Pokemon Soulsilver (GSC Remake)
a) Version Exclusive Pokemon (Final Evolutions)
(i) HeartGold: Primeape, Arcanine, Omastar, Ariados, Gliscor, Mantine, Donphan, Sableye, Claydol, Armaldo, Kyogre
(ii) SoulSilver: Ninetales, Persian, Kabutops, Ledian, Skarmory, Ursaring, Mawile, Swalot, Cradily, Groudon

b) Version Preference
     Once again, the reason for the version preference is partly because of Arcanine. However, for a larger part, the problem isn't because I like Arcanine over Ninetales. It's because of the rarity of Fire Pokemon in the two versions and my strong preference of Feraligatr over Typhlosion. It's surprising, because back in Primary School, many of my friends and classmates played Pokemon and it was a widely regarded trend that girls preferred Fire starters and boys preferred Water starters. However, apart from Blaziken, my favourite has always been the Water starter (especially Feraligatr, Empoleon and Greninja). Yes, Arcanine does play a part in the choice, but you know, I could pick Feraligatr and Ninetales. The difference is that in HeartGold, I can replace my Fire Pokemon with Ho-Oh. Yes, I'm such a noob, using legendaries, but seriously, there are so few Fire Pokemon lines (the only other accessible one is Flareon, and I prefer Jolteon/Espeon). So the mascot for this preference is Feraligatr and Ho-Oh.
     Feraligatr is also Silver's choice of starter in the Pokemon Adventures Manga series and Silver happens to be my favourite character, in both the games and the manga. Okay, I do like Zinnia from ORAS a lot too, and N, for being all philosophical throughout BW and BW2, but honestly...ORAS has too many things I like...and I dislike Generation V the most. BW always seemed to frustrate me because I found it to be ultra boring...mostly because I liked none of the Pokemon in the first routes.

     I like Ho-Oh more than Lugia. Sue me. It seemed to me back when I first played Gold and Silver that most people preferred Lugia's design. I don't know why. I was the rare kind of player who liked Ho-Oh's design more (stats and competitiveness were not a thing back then) and Raikou more than Suicune (again, it's a bloody sabre cat!).

3. Generation III - Pokemon Omega Ruby vs Pokemon Alpha Sapphire (RSE Remake)
a) Version Exclusive Pokemon (Final Evolutions)
(i) Omega Ruby: Groudon, Latios, Mawile, Shiftry, Solrock, Zangoose, Ho-Oh, Palkia, Reshiram, Tornadus, Kabutops, Bastiodon, Archeops, Dragalge, Throh
(ii) Alpha Sapphire: Kyogre, Latias, Sableye, Ludicolo, Lunatone, Seviper, Lugia, Dialga, Zekrom, Thundurus, Omastar, Rampardos, Carracosta, Sawk

b) Version Preference
     Long before I even bought the 3DS needed for the games, I already decided on Omega Ruby and it was an incredibly easy choice for me. I played Pokemon Showdown before the games were released and I found myself loving Mega Mawile much more than Mega Sableye, not to mention that I liked Mawile more than Sableye ever since RSE. If you played the games, you understand my annoyance at Sableye. The bitch goes for Detect no matter what. Also, Zangoose over Seviper anyday. I hate snakes and on the other hand, Zangoose is quite an adorable Pokemon, if only it didn't look so threatening...which made it super cool. The deciding factor though, apart from Mawile, was Latios. I like the brother of the Eon duo more, which is actually the generic choice. Also, Groudon over Kyogre anyday, even without Primal evolution. I just think its cooler to have a beastly pokemon with sharp claws berserking around compared to a goddamn fish.

     Mawile represents the idea of deceit in Pokemon. That cute and adorable face that hides a pair of hideous and lethal jaws behind. I simply love it. I don't like snakes, like I've just said, but that's not because of their stereotypically sly nature. I love cunning animals, wolves and foxes especially. I know Mawile is neither, but isn't it kinda like a tiny baby fox...with gigantic shark jaws?

     There's this person in my class, who has a Latios plushie keychain and I have to try very hard not to try to steal it from under his nose. That tells you how much I love Latios. Latias is cutesy and stuff, but Latios always gave off this kind of aloof and arrogant kind of aura. He's like...the INTJ anime character that I always end up having a crush on by Episode 3 in every generic Shounen.

4. Generation IV - Pokemon Pearl vs Pokemon Diamond

a) Version Exclusive Pokemon (Final Evolutions)
(i) Pearl: Slowbro/Slowking, Pinsir, Mismagius, Houndoom, Stantler, Walrein, Salamence, Bastiodon, Purugly, Palkia
(ii) Diamond: Dewgong, Scizor, Tyranitar, Mightyena, Aggron, Kecleon, Rampardos, Honchkrow, Skunktank, Dialga

b) Version Preference
     This is the hardest decision for me. The problem with these games is that if you don't start off with Chimchar and get an Infernape, you have only Flareon and Rapidash left as the choices. Houndoom is Pearl exclusive and it really gives the game an edge, but no, I prefer Diamond. There's one Pokemon, in Diamond, that is my 5th favourite Pokemon of all time. Going by the pattern of my favourites, Blaziken, Greninja, Weavile, Absol,... you can tell the pattern, right? Apart from Blaziken, all of them are Dark types, so the Pokemon that makes the decision for me in this generation is Honchkrow. Yes, yes, yes. You can use Staraptor, but it's boring! It's that Normal/Flying type you get at the start of every game and it just doesn't appeal to me. Also, might I add, Super Luck on Honchkrow is OP in-game. I'm getting crits every 3 moves. You may say, hey, Salamence, but you don't actually get Bagon anywhere in the main game.
     I love crows and ravens and other black-coloured birds. I mean, that's why I love Dark types. It's a shame that Umbreon is so unusable in-game because it's way too passive and defensive, or else it would be 5 and Honchkrow would be 6. But oh my, even in competitive, every time I get off a Scarfed Brave Bird and watch that Moxie boost go onto my Honchkrow, I start giving off this evil laughter. Also, since I run hazards, my Honchkrow never dies to recoil. This is why when you build, you build around 1 or 2 Pokemon so that you can support them well. Honchkrow MVP!

     Also, Silver has a Honchkrow in the manga, who was a Murkrow in the Gold/Silver arc. Furthermore, you know that guy that gives you the Riolu egg in Platinum. Yeah, you know, Riley. His hat reminds me Honchkrow and he's a pretty cool guy. He stars in the anime even. He looks like a goddamn Honchkrow.

5. Generation V - Pokemon Black 2 vs Pokemon White 2 (BW Remakes)

a) Version Exclusive Pokemon (Final Evolution)
(i) Black 2: Magmortar, Heracross, Lopunny, Whimsicott, Grumpig, Mandibuzz, Gothitelle, Zekrom, Kyurem-White
(ii) White 2: Electivire, Pinsir, Delcatty, Lilligant, Camerupt, Braviary, Reuniclus, Reshiram, Kyurem-Black

b) Version Preference
     This is where I have to choose "which do I hate less". Honestly, I hated this generation with my guts and it's NOT because I'm a genwunner who thinks Generation I is the best. No, it's not. I liked Generation VI. I think one reason why I hated these games was because I just emerged from Generation IV, HGSS. I was all like "Where the fuck is my Pokemon? Why isn't it walking with me anymore?!" And then I go to my Generation III mentality and I gave more middle fingers I can count to whatever bullshit that is that replaced my Pokemon Contests. You know, those contests you grind on until Master Rank Beauty contest to evolve your Feebas into a Milotic? And then the Battle Frontier is gone too?! WOW. Generation V added nothing that I liked, and the Movie Star thing in BW2 was a waste of my bloody time (I was bored, Contests were at least fun), and it also removed everything that I liked.

     Everyone should witness my reaction when I finally pulled myself through this painfully boring game and saw Caitlin. I was all like "OMG, I remember you! You're the head of the battle Castle in Platinum, HG and SS!" I was like sinking into my sofa from boredom and I sat up straight for the first time since I started the game. Also, I hate the starters for useless, Meganium-level useless. Serperior with no Contrary and the rest makes them all PU tier.

     But yes, I have a decision to make, and it's so difficult to make because I like neither games. I do like Reshiram way more than Zekrom...even though I wished they changed the colour scheme. Black and red would be so damn cool. I hate how Reshiram is fully white like, seriously, don't you accidentally char your fur once in a while? So the deciding factor, is just Reshiram, I guess. I mean, this whole game was a pain and the only reason why I even entertained BW2 was because it had some of my favourites from previous generations. Like I had an Ampharos, I love Ampharos. So fuck your Lucario, that shit is repetitive, generic and frankly makes me feel like I'm licking every other Pokemon player's ass. It's that kind of Pokemon which is overrated as hell and doesn't even have sentimental reason because it was a pain in my neck to raise it up in Platinum. I had a stronger bond with my Garchomp than that piece of shit Riolu.

6. Generation VI - Pokemon X vs Pokemon Y

a) Version Exclusive Pokemon (Final Evolutions)
(i) X: Starmie, Pinsir, Houndoom, Mightyena, Aggron, Sawk, Slurpuff, Clawitzer, Xerneas
(ii) Y: Cloyster, Heracross, Tyranitar, Manectric, Liepard, Throh, Aromatisse, Dragalge, Yveltal

a) Version Preference
     People were all saying that BW sucked and then the fans attributed it to the rise of the genwunners. So how come there was less criticism for X and Y? Oh, I know. Because Generation V was absolute bullshit, but Generation VI added new things that were actually good and innovative. They did remove some things from the past and changed a lot, but what they added was welcomed and phenomenal. It was difficult choosing my preferred version, but just take a look at the legendaries. I'm sorry, a Dark type legendary? HELL YEAH. I mean I do like Xerneas quite a bit too, but it's a Dark type legendary! It's a mascot for my favourite type! Furthermore, ever since the days of RSE, my favourite Electric type was a tie between Jolteon and Manectric. But after Manectric got access to Overheat and Flamethrower, and a coverage with Hidden Power Ice/Grass (which I miraculously got every time I caught it), it became my favourite Electric type. And a Mega? HELL YES.

     Normal ability as Lightning Rod. It draws away Electric attacks in double battles, which is exceedingly common in ORAS, away from my Gyarados. Mega evolution ability as Intimidate, which with the exception of Bisharp, which is rarely seen in-game, is a very useful ability, considering my Gyarados is also an Intimidate-user. It was a beautiful team I hate. Double Intimidate, one on each type of attacker. Mega Manectric is also my most used Mega in-game as well as least until Bisharp became too popular to risk a Manectric.

     This Pokemon is absolutely beautiful. It is a Dark type. It is a legendary. And it's frigging ability is called Dark Aura. I just love Pokemon and characters based off evil and darkness as themes. Yveltal, if only I knew it better, could become my favourite Legendary, but for now, sentiment for Pokemon game prevails and Rayquaza remains as my favourite Legendary.

     Lastly, some Pokemon battle music, top 5 to be exact. I know I did this before so I won't comment on it. Also, I need to get back to work or go to sleep. Just don't expect anything to be from Generation V. On top of having a shitty gameplay, shitty story and all that, it also doesn't have good music. What on earth did it do right then? Also, must I say, for a female character, I frigging love Zinnia. I mean, Nintendo gave her a Mega Salamence and a full Dragon team. She earned a badge of badassery. I would have totally lost if I didn't have an Azumarill with Play Rough.

5. Pokemon XY - Champion Diantha Theme

4. Pokemon ORAS - Deoxys Battle Theme

3. Pokemon DPPt - Champion Cynthia Theme

2. Pokemon DPPt - Team Galactic Boss Cyrus Battle Theme

1. Pokemon ORAS - Delta Episode Final Fight Zinnia Battle Theme

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