Wednesday 9 September 2015

MBTI Stuff #14: Animal Edition!

     Just a relatively short rant before I start on the MBTI stuff.

     I think it's hilarious that as this year is coming to an end and we are going to graduate soon, the contradictions within the INFJ personality and the rather "Tsundere" personality of the INTJ are starting to shine through. Apparently, it is very common for INFJs to "ditch" their friends once they deem that a particular period of their life is coming to an end - mostly because we think our job is done and we aren't needed anymore. Also, the inner softness yet extremely hard exterior of the INTJ also chooses this time to create evidence of their "Tsundere" personality.

     I'm actually very calm and quite welcoming to the change that is about to happen. Conversely, the INTJ who I know is desperately trying to harden and deepen the relationship he has, or intends to have, for the future. It's quite entertaining to watch him act completely out of his element and attempt to adopt the kind of emotions needed for deep friendships. It disgusts me, to some extent, because I admire INTJs for their superior intelligence and coldness, yet this one is rejecting these qualities. Meanwhile, as a type with Feeling as one of its stronger functions, I am ironically unshaken by the upcoming circumstances. If people want me to stay, they'll make it clear to me. If they don't want me to stay, they won't come and find me and I can just leave. If nobody wants me to stay, then I'll just have to find others now that I have more freedom to widen my social connections.

     It's bizarre that this INTJ is so desperately trying to make the best out of these last few months. I think if you are so dependent and clingy (the word "needy" is used for ENFJs, so that works too), unable to just let your friends choose their own way and play along, you should really have established that since the beginning. I'm opposed to such behaviour, since I think being a friend isn't just "being there when they need you", but also "giving them space when they don't need you". Well, this is what happens when an INTJ tries to do things like an ENFJ. In the first place, I detest badly developed ENFJs, because whilst well-developed ENFJs are one of the most desirable types, a badly developed one is on the other end of the spectrum - they scream to me "Stay away or trouble will come." So really, if this INTJ wanted to have these connections in the first place, then you should have made these friendships since last year.

     It is probably something to do with their tertiary function of Fi. INFJs have these moments of extremely cold, hard and rational logic-application, thanks to our tertiary Ti. I suppose it isn't surprising that INTJs will have their moments of intense emotional self-awareness with Fi. The problem is that they aren't naturally emotional types, so it is rather disorienting, for them and for others. But I think it's fair to say that if one type can understand an INTJ, it would either be another INTJ or INFJ. In fact, I was the only one that was close to being right regarding his circumstances. Nothing major has happened. It's just his sudden jolt of Fi. Like I've hypothesised, "No new problem has arisen. It's just increased sensitivity towards issues, making them seem like legitimate problems."

1. MBTI as Dog Breeds Part I
ENTJ: Pembroke Welsh Corgi

INTJ: Dogo Argentino

ESFP: Labrador Retriever

ISFP: Toy Poodle

ISTP: Boxer

ESTP: Viszla

INFJ: Rottweiler (A dog I wish to own, but too scared too...maybe like how others view me?)

ENFJ: Pitbull

INTP: Schnauzer

ENTP: Australian Shepherd (I think they are the most beautiful breed, because of their commonly-occurring heterochromia and merle fur)

ISFJ: Shar Pei

ESFJ: Shih Tzu

ESTJ: Siberian Husky (This is the most handsome breed, if Australian Shepherds are the most beautiful)

ISTJ: Scottish Terrier

ENFP: Highland Terrier (The most adorable little things...)

INFP: Japanese Chin

2. MBTI Dog Breeds Part II
ENFP: Rough Collie (Absolutely the classic way. I still think Australian Shepherds are prettier)

ENFJ: Bernese Mountain Dog (......Fine, I love the Bernese's colouring...but I generally like guarding dogs and herding dogs more than working dogs)

INFP: Shetland Sheepdog

INFJ: Border Collie (OMG, did I just win the lottery? YES! Smartest dog in the world!)

ISTP: Bullmastiff

ESTP: Rottweiler (LOL what the hell, aren't INFJ and ESTP exact opposites...?)

ESFP: Jack Russell Terrier

ISFP: Toy Fox Terrier

ISTJ: Dalmatian

ESTJ: Doberman (I love Dobermans too! ...I seem to have a liking for dogs known for aggressiveness)

ESFJ: Labrador Retriever

ISFJ: Spaniel

INTJ: Weimaraner

ENTJ: Giant Schnauzer

INTP: Australian Kelpie (There isn't a person who doesn't love Kelpies...they are cute yet brave little dogs)

ENTP: Wheaten Terrier

3. MBTI as Cats Part I
INFP: "Excuse me, why have you disturbed me sir?"


INTP: "Nope."

ENTP: "World Domination: Initiated"

INFJ: "I hear there was a party! Okay, that's enough. Goodbye." (Holy crap, that's adorable)

ENFJ: "My kitty. Good kitty."

INTJ: "Excuse me human. I do not want that." (Hahahahaha, it's so Tsundere)

ENTJ: "Mwahahahahahaha"

ISFP: "Hi, ummm... Oh.. Hey!"

ESFP: "Pet me. Right here. Hey! Heyyy. Okie thank you." (What. The. How did you train it?)

ISTP: "Parkour Cat." (This cat is going places.)

ESTP: "Don't screw with me!"

ISFJ: "There you go. All better." (That's...that's adorable)

ESFJ: "Don't you worry about those other kitties. Momma's here now."

ISTJ: "No, GTFO. Punk." (Get bitch slapped)

ESTJ: "You will obey me." (It's like that cat from Cats and Dogs)

4. MBTI as Cats Part II
ESFP: "The Hedonist"
The social cat.
Wallows in petting. Lies in the sun on the driveway.
Promiscuously affectionate, even with cat-haters.

ESTP: "The Tomcat"
Comes back after three days with scabs on his nose and ears.
Fathered too many kittens to count.
Will enjoy you while he's there, but not loyal.
With other cats, doesn't know when to stop "playing".

ISFP: "The Snuggler"
Inside lap kitty. Has a favourite lap, a favourite windowsill.
Spreads her favours around nonetheless.
Warm and loving, but don't try to make her do anything.
Purrs a lot.

ISTP: "The Problem-Solver"
This is the cat that will figure out how to get the giblets
Out of the bottom of the garbage can
Without knocking anything over.
Appreciates his pleasures but not a glutton.
Stand-offish, but will put up with an occasional petting session.

ESTJ: "Bossycat"
A cat with an attitude.
He'll hiss at a German Shepherd
And the dog will back down.
Knows his territory.
Catches birds to show he cares, but won't be openly affectionate.

ESFJ: "Mommycat"
Even if kittenless or male, adopts everything
Including her "owners"
Grooms you until you've got a rash.
Grooms other cats until they get snapped at.

ISTJ: "Mr Fastidious"
Won't eat unless the kitchen floor is newly waxed.
Will glare at you until you clean his litterbox.
Likes to scratch - and it's the same place over and over,
So you'd better get a scratching post right away
If you want to keep your furniture.

ISTJ: "Spoiled cat"
Only the best will do. This is the cat in the "Sheba" ads.
Will sink into depression if you forget to trim her claws,
Or if her coat is marked.
Strategic meowing - not for conversation,
But to get what she wants.

ENTP: "The Great White Hunter"
King of imaginary bug-chasing.
He talks a lot - maybe to you,
Maybe to something only he can see.
Likes to be petted, but only for short periods of time;
He's off as soon as the next synapse fires in his brain.

ENTJ: "The Little General"
Assumes control of the family and house.
He'll kick you out of his chair and demand half the bed.
Doesn't purr, but glares while being petted
As if you're only doing your duty.
Yowl rather than meows.

INTP: "The Flake"
Will play with toys, but bored quickly.
If you give in, you'll quickly have a closet full of cat toys
He won't touch anymore.
He'll sit, apparently doing nothing, then be off on a tear.
Will suddenly sit down and groom.

INTJ: "The Limit-Setter"
If you have to be around, fine, but he'd prefer that you just show up once a week with food.
If you stay home sick, he'll glare at you
Since after all it's his scheduled day
To have the house to himself.

ENFP: "The Happy Slob"
Playful cat that will leave food smeared all over the kitchen floor
And track litter granules onto the carpet.
Favourite game is peek-a-boo.
Likes to be petter, but won't sit still for long.

ENFJ: "The Ringleader"
Will organise the other cats into games.
When you get home to find the dining room chandelier swinging back and forth
And all the cats are sitting in the living room.
It was this cat's idea.

INFP: "The Little Angel"
Will look at you sweetly two seconds after she's shredded the new curtains.
Can't resist the kitchen counter.
Likes some lap time,
But only on her terms.

INFJ: "Skitty Kitty"
Wants to be affectionate, but never quite overcomes nervousness.
"Intrepid" is NOT her middle name.
Likes to watch the proceedings from a safe spot,
Such as the top of the staircase.

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