Friday 18 September 2015

Weekday Rants #15

     So I was going to take a break today, but I ended up doing about 2 sets of statistics paper... What a huge divergence from the patterns I used to go through before - "Oh no, I was going to study, but ended up playing all day." It's not like I don't play anymore. I still watch Markiplier's videos, because I find a lot of motivation to be productive from him. I'll spare everyone of my massive fangirling, so I'll stop right here about him, but let's just say that I don't think my admiration of him is wholly exaggerated. There is some truth to him being a very inspiring person.

     But I've decided to start taking a break least until tomorrow morning, because hell, I screwed up my Math Paper 1, so I need to at least make up for it with Paper 2 now that I have 4 whole days to prepare for it. Not to mention that it is a statistics paper, which, in my opinion, was my weakness only because I completely did not revise for it the last time. In fact, any statistic topic requires clear theoretical understanding only and the solving part is up to the Graphic Calculator. And unlike a topic like Complex Numbers, which for the life of me, I still can't figure out the real-life application of it, Statistics is very real and should be much more logical.

     I think that after the A levels, I may abandon this blog. I mean, the entire existence of this blog represents something of the past and there is a desire in me to leave. I'm not deleting it; I find no reason to. I can always come back to it in the future, whether to see how much I have grown, or as a reminder of what kind of behaviour I should be avoiding. I'd probably start up another blog for more productive stuff, like my opinion on certain academic topics, or even fanfictions - although that one should be saved for fanfiction websites. No, I do not write smut because I find no pleasure in writing down certain fantasies I may have of popular figures. Instead, my fanfictions, which were quite popular before I abandoned writing them, revolve around an original character in a fixed fantasy universe, e.g. Elder Scrolls. It requires an extensive understanding of the lore, including things like the timeline and the development of separate races, but I find it quite a joy to be writing things like that.

     Well, the point is that, this may be a countdown to the last few posts I'll ever put on here. This blog has outlived its purpose, if its purpose was a well-founded one in the first place. I've also observed the pattern of views on my posts and the channel which they discover my blog through, so I think I'd be able to start and grow a better blog. After A levels, though. There's only 5 weeks left until the start of As and a little more than 2 months left before the end. If I can't even pull myself through that, then I should really not be getting into any job that require minimum commitment.

     Anyway, I'm going through a list of my favourite anime openings, for the older animes. No, not Tokyo Ghoul's Unravel. It was good, until everyone started getting on-board the "this song is amazing" train and completely undermining the value and meaning of the song with their absolute poor appreciation of the depth behind it. Unravel is a great song, and it reflects how disoriented and lost Kaneki feels and the kind of change he goes through. People who pay attention solely to the tune disgusts me...but that's because of how meaningful the song actually is. It is an insult, really.

     Here are the top 5 songs, in any case, in no particular order. I'll probably do some MBTI stuff after if there's still time before I go to bed. I'm going to start work at 8.30am everyday from now on after all.

1. FMA Brotherhood - Opening 3: Golden Time Lover

Translated English Lyrics:
I can't seem to concentrate, my body is still wandering
If I keep trembling, I'll lose my control and go slack
Neither the sun nor my luck are looking this way but
I whisper to myself that I just have to keep on going

The situation is bad but if i just run away it means I'm a coward
There's really no prospect, but I'll just have to clear it with guts
Find my target blindly while I restrain my impulses
What I need is excellent sake to bask in my pride of victory
Or maybe it's the troubled face after a defeat
But either way, the two together make a destiny I'd love to manipulate

A brilliant golden time, I'll grab it with these hands
A forced poker face and I'm ready to begin
Drag me into that world of illusion

A pressure game with no limits, I just slip through it
In order to jump over that halogen border line
How many? What's the price I need to pay?
Which is it that you'd rather not sacrifice?

2. FMA Brotherhood - Opening 5: Rain

Translated English Lyrics:
Time intrudes on the new morning
I finally found
The direction I face is not the future
I kept chasing after the past

Endless ringing
The merciless memories seem to have no intention of forgiving me
"It's about time"
Fumbling, my troubles spill down my tired cheeks

Will the rain ever stop, I wonder?
For a pretty long time now, it's been cold.
Why does the rain choose me?
I wonder if it's ok to let it cover me.

The rain keeps falling today
As well knowing no end.
While we quietly nestle together
Under the umbrella I hold.

3. Bleach - Opening 11: Anima Rossa (I like this only because Byakuya...)
Translated English Lyrics:
If I could only fly like the swallows in the sky
Shooting straight towards the blue ocean
My pride wouldn't have left me lost on this path
But still, I can't sprout wings from my back

My legs will have to stumble down a long, long road
But I'm a man, I've gotta keep pressing onward
I only know where I'm going because I've got you by my side
Like a light shining on my feet, serving as my guide

Is this love? Is that what I feel when we're together?
All I know is my body, my heart, suddenly can't bear to leave you
I'll be up in the sky
Until the end

4. Bleach - Opening 13: Ranbu no Melody (Melody of Wild Dance) (This one for the GinRan pairing)

Translated English Lyrics:
Quietly, quietly, cut the curtains down
Blue flames are born on the dawn awakening

We walked and hugged, embracing a weakness that knows of no defeat
Let's carve an era with fangs

Quiet, quiet, cut the curtains down
Blue flames are born on the dawn of awakening

Until that day when I met you, the one I want to protect
I'd rather take down my enemies immediately than go for a long fight

So loved, so loved, that I don't need anything else
I watched everything from here, I'll finish it all and lead you there

Just don't let go, this melody of the wild dance
It will never stop echoing

5. Naruto Shippuden - Opening 5: Hotaru no Hikari (Light of Fireflies)

Translated English Lyrics:
Sha la la, someday, I'll hold it in my hands
The evanescent light gently burns in my heart

I have the urge to see you
So naive, I want to cry
A firefly that jumps in the summer fire
Never makes it out

Without a word
You leave me with a kiss
You nodded even though you were hurt
My life was so unsettled, it makes me sad

Sha la la, someday, I'll hold it in my hands
The evanescent light gently burns in my heart

Sha la la, my love, you can see it too
A radiant moon gently shines upon tomorrow
Dazzling brightly, brightly

(Now, I must apologise for Sasuke fangirling. I can't help it. I've liked him ever since I started watching Naruto 10-11 years ago. The fanbase for Sasuke has shrunk considerably as he becomes madder and madder, but really, Sasuke will always be Sasuke to me. Thus, a compilation of Sasuke from his youth to the end of the series [excluding future arc and movie].)

     Sigh, Byakuya from Bleach, Sasuke from Naruto, Hibari from KHR, Arthur (England) from Hetalia, Near and Light from Death Note, Levi from SnK, etc etc, I seem to have the habit of liking the INTJ guy from every generic Shounen. They all have the cool, detached and aloof attitude, and are presented as prodigies no matter the anime. Sasuke, though, has his INTJ personality examined the furthest since his power-madness can be attributed to the stress function of Se...which is a shared inferior function with INFJs. I mean, hell, it's even clearer ever since my shift to liking Suzaku more than Lelouch. Suzaku's an INFJ and Lelouch is an INTJ. ...Hmmm...

     Anyway, that makes a great segue into the MBTI section.

1. Stoned MBTI Types
ISFJ: Walking quickly from one side to another without speaking or looking at anyone.
     *Steps in front of her* Hey...are you sure you're okay? *Knocks her out and brings her home*

ISFP: Thinks that world is even more beautiful than usual.
     "The light is so round and brilliant!!!" .....that's the moon.

ISTJ: Feels that he/she is loosing control and really hates losing control so he/she just stays angry at a corner.
     Good, don't be a burden, thank you.

ISTP: He/she is probably so used to it that you couldn't even notice that he/she is stoned.
     Wow, nice~

INFP: Thinking about how strange life is and their own existence.
     Just don' anything crazy?

INFJ: So busy thinking about how he/she is feeling.
     Ain't nobody got time for that!

INTJ: Drugs don't affect INTJs.
     OH. IS THAT SO? Let me try then!

INTP: Conspiracy theories.
     Fascinating. Please, tell me more.

ESFJ: Gets paranoid and thinks that everybody hates him/her.

ESFP: Laughs about everything, even about things that he/she doesn't understand.
     ...Oh. That's perfectly normal for ESFPs, isn't it? They are pretty damn stupid.

ESTJ: Feels that he/she is losing control and really hates losing control so he/she protest angrily to their friends.
     May I suggest joining your introverted cousins in the corner so you don't get in the way?

ESTP: Laughing and making jokes.
      Nice. The life of the party, I suppose, which is great fun.

ENFJ: Laughing at other's reactions.
     Okay. Literally nothing to say to that.

ENFP: Even more silly, crazy and spontaneous than usual.
     Definitely the person to go to to spice your day up even further.

ENTJ: Telling everyone else that he/she is the least stoned one.
     *Narrows eyes* Are you sure? 

ENTP: Speaking about crazy theories and laughing to their own jokes.
     *Puppy face* Can I join you? I realised that I do like ENTPs a lot. They are smart and are very witty...not too serious, not too dumb.

2. MBTI Types and Book Quotes
ISFP: No matter where you are, you're always a bit on your own, always an outsider.

ESFP: Life is a performance, I thought. Perhaps the word "illusion" would have meant more or less the same thing, but to me "performance" seemed closer to the truth.

ISTP: "Is it...dead?" asked Tom, his voice quivery with fright. "A town just ran over him", said Hester. "I shouldn't think he's very well..."

ESTP: My name is Celaena Sardothien. But is makes no difference if my name's Celarna or Lillian or bitch, because I'd still beat you, no matter what you call me.

ISTJ: In an age of rust, she comes up stainless steel.

ESTJ: What is they were allowed to choose their own mate? And chose wrong?

ISFJ: If you were to be lost in the river, Jonas, your memories would not be lost with you. Memories are forever.

ESFJ: People who are going to get along really well know it almost as soon as they meet. You spend a little while talking and everyone starts to feel this conviction, you're all equally sure you're at the beginning of something good. That's how it is when you meet people you're going to be with for a long time.

INTJ: No, I can survive well enough on my own - if given the proper reading material.

ENTJ: We gained control of many things. But we had to let go of others.

INFJ: They were satisfied with their lives which had none of the vibrance his own was taking on. And he was angry at himself, that he could not change that for them.

ENFJ: You can't save people from the world. There's nowhere else to take them.

INFP: Every time I look into his eyes, I just want to take the ice cream or whatever I've got in my hand and rub it into his face. That's how much I like him.

ENFP: Melanie thinks: when your dreams come true, your true has moved.

INTP: Libraries were dull of ideas - perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons.

ENTP: I'm not married, he said softly, because I can't stomach the idea of marrying a woman inferior to me in mind and spirit. It would mean the death of my soul.

3. MBTI as Virtues and Vices
INFJ: Caring but overly sensitive
INFP: Creative but uncertain
ISFP: Free but unstructured
ISTJ: Hardworking but stubborn
INTP: Theoretical but indecisive
ISFJ: Altruistic but unassertive
INTJ: Clever but insensitive
ISTP: Independent but reclusive
ENTJ: Enterprising but forceful
ESTJ: Productive but too assertive
ENTP: Bright but brutally honest
ENFP: Charming but overly idealistic
ENFJ: Imaginative but unrealistic
ESFJ: Friendly but too talkative
ESTP: Hilarious but blunt
ESFP: Enthusiastic but irresponsible

4. MBTI Superlatives
ISFP: Biggest hipster
ESFP: Best beer-pong player
ISTP: Most likely to have a sudden breakdown
ESTP: Most likely to buy an illegal (and faster) engine for their motorcycle
ISTJ: Most likely to become grumpy when old
ESTJ: Best eyebrows
ISFJ: Most likely to forgive a criminal
ESFJ: Most likely to become a soccer mom
INFJ: Most likely to rule an utopic country
ENFJ: Most likely to actually wrap someone with blankets
INTJ: Best eye-rolling
ENTJ: Most likely to join the Illuminati
INTP: Best conspiracy theorist
ENTP: Pun-master
INFP: School's cinnamon roll
ENFP: Most likely to go on a journey and never be seen again

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