Friday 4 September 2015

MBTI Stuff #12

     I decided to not study for about 2 days and people think I'm crazy. Honestly, how productive can you be slaving away 24/7 until the A levels? I'm sure as Economics students, we understand the Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns, or LDMR, which state that as more and more of a variable factor is applied to a quantity of fixed factor, there comes a point where every additional unit of variable factor added produces less and less. If you are going to continue devoting your time and effort (variable factor) while ignoring the human incapacity for long periods of concentration (fixed factor), there will, therefore, come a time when every minute put into studying gives less and less result.

     To be fair, I am taking too much of a break, but even that is rather subjective. After all, the average human attention span, specifically selectively sustained attention, lasts from about 5 to 20 minutes, depending on personality. The maximum is a shocking short 20 minutes, meaning that if you are planning to study 12 hours in a row, I can guarantee that at least 8 hours of it will be counterproductive. You might as well have spent the time sleeping or doing something else.

     Anyway, I was going to post MBTI stuff today, so I shall refrain from ranting too much.
     Look, I'm a uninspiring. I think the coolest ones are the symbols for ESTP and ENTJ and the NF row is quite pathetic as a whole. How depressing. You can burn someone to death with flames or kill them with an arrow...what can you do with a tree? Turn into hulk, unroot it and then bash someone with it? That's stupid.

1. MBTI Wings
INTJ: The flight feathers of these wings are sharp at the edges and will cut to the touch, but the underside is actually quite soft, though in certain places. The undersides are only downy enough to keep the owner of the wings warm, the outer feathers are lighter in colour and colder to the touch. Usually metallic in colour, they glitter in direct light and fly soundlessly. Usually silver in colour, they may fade into copper or gold at the tips of the feathers.

ENTJ: These wings are black, but only at the top and shoulder of the wing. The rest is a pure white colour with a bit of gold and rainbow iridescence to it. The tips of the longest flight feathers gradient slowly into a warm gold. The backs of the wings have soft gray, though sometimes black freckles edged in gold or silver. These wings have a long wingspan and aren't built for power, but more of a chilling and intimidating elegance.

INFJ: Black, or the darkest, darkest possible blue or purple with lighter blue and purple, sometimes even a dark magenta clouds and patterns across the black surface. Light yellow and pure white flecks cross these patches of colour, resembling nebulas and the night sky. These wings may emit a slight glow of the colour that appears most on them. Their colours may be "edgy", but the wings themselves are built mostly for warmth and comfort, though they fly silently. Some may have a warm gray or white fogginess to the, resembling a cloudy night sky.

ENFJ: Dark magenta and strawberry red wings, getting steadily darker and more saturated towards the tips and edges of feathers, giving them a wavy look. White freckles scattered across the whole wing, giving it a strawberry look. Like INFJ wings, these are very fluffy as well. May have the lightest pink or white blotches and patches, mostly on the shoulder and closer to the downy feathers, as the tips are usually dark red and magenta.

ISTJ: Any colour of grayscale, durable and built to last. Lightest on the shoulder, slowly getting darker and darkest at the tip of the longest feather. Slight blue-gray tinge making them seem steely. The feathers may be rough to the touch but are actually surprisingly good at keeping themselves and others warm.

ESTJ: Powerfully built wings. They make a lot of noise when in light, enough to warn that someone is coming. These wings are slightly scratchy, but only if you touch them too much. They are shades of brown with the tip of each feather a glittery golden. The feathers are very long, the longest flight feathers gradient down to white and the at the tips, but still retain the bright gold edge. Golden brown shoulders and gold ticking.

ISFJ: Pure white with a glossy shine, just as you'd expect angel wings to look. Soft to the touch. They have the barest amount of colour including: light brownish, yellow or even warm gray on the top and shoulder of the wings. Light yellow, pale pink, or blue at the tips and underside of the wings. Darker versions of these colours may appear as freckles, but only inside the coloured part. The white portion of the wings are as purely white as snow.

ESFJ: Puffy, extremely downy and warm, ultra soft to the touch. A white base colour with baby blue, pastel yellow, or creamsicle orange cloudy-looking markings. Sometimes, the top side of the wing is one of those colours and the underside is pure white. These wings may be noisy in flight but that's because they're so cozy to snuggle up in.

INTP: Silver or dark grey, good for gliding high and low and tuck easily into the side to squeeze through small spaces. May have blue or indigo gradient down the tips of the feathers, and dark red freckles or ticking closer to the top of the wings. The underside is darker, but with lighter ticking. These wings look intimidating at first, but are actually fluffy to the touch.

ENTP: These wings are light and fast, small and hummingbird like and able to move at extremely high speeds as they check out all sorts of interesting things they can find. They come in bright yellows, greens and sky blue, sometimes with all three of these colours swirling and blending into each other, with black or white stripes along the flight feathers.

INFP: The top of these wings are baby blue, the underside a snowy white. Other pastel colours are swirled into the blue base, and when light hits the feathers, colours are often scattered onto the ground or around the room they are in, like stained glass. These wings are quiet in flight, and although they look crisp and sharp, they're actually extremely soft and rounded to the touch. The undersides are very downy. The shoulder of the wings have silver and gold flecks and freckles, which are very reflective as well.

ENFP: These wings may look fluffy and cloud-like, but in flight, they are not as light as they appear. They are capable of reaching high speeds, and high heights as well. Their plumage is typically bright sunset oranges, reds and pinks with a dash of yellow here and there. There may be light or dark blue patches at the feather tips and at the shoulders, as well as soft browns and golds swirled into the orange and yellow.

ISTP: These wings are built for quiet and speed, quick turns is also one of their strong suits. The surface of their wings are quite reflective and can make them hard to see or make out, but they do have a certain shine to them. The feathers are relatively soft to the touch. These wings are easily visible at night, and come in most brown colours, occasionally dark gray. They may have white freckles along the top, though typically not close to the shoulder.

ESTP: Pitch-black with glossy iridescence of red or blue, bright pinks or other neons striped across the longest feathers. Often with brightly coloured feathers that trail behind them, these wings are built mostly for showing off, though are also good for speed when they need it.

ISFP: White or light-brown, slowly getting a darker, but still soft brown colour at the tips of the feathers. Light brown tickling/freckles, downy and good for keeping others and themselves warm. Relatively quiet but still able to be heard, more like a small whisper on the wind than actual flapping of wings.

ESFP: Typically bright purples, pinks and greens or even orange with flecks and freckles of another softer colour that pop out against the background colour. These wings are good for multiple purposes, but mostly just look attractive. They're soft and sleek to the touch.

2. MBTI Making Compromises
ENFP: Will make a compromise if they have to, but they will never change their mind...and getting to that point is going to take a long time.

INFP: They an be surprisingly stubborn if whatever it is doesn't live up to their moral code. They'll only make compromises that fit their beliefs.

ENFJ: Will it make other people happy? Is it the more ethical approach? They're willing to compromise for the good of others.

INFJ: They probably won't want to...but if it's for a good cause, they will.
     And I think this is the greatest different between ENFJs and INFJs. ENFJs do things for others, but what if there are more than one party involved? Who then, do you compromise with? If you compromise with every single one of them, then nothing gets done and ENFJs are surprisingly fine with that. INFJs, on the other hand, compromise towards a greater goal - as long as it's not an obstacle to the betterment of humanity.

ENTP: They come into the argument a little too strong. They're only willing to compromise because that's what they actually want.

INTP: Mehhh...honestly they don't care as long as it doesn't distract them from whatever it is they're focusing on currently.

ENTJ: Lol. They don't (unless it's completely sensible...which it probably isn't)

INTJ: They'll only compromise if they're done arguing. Until then, good luck.

ESFP: They compromise too soon to avoid conflict and try to patch things up before it even plays out - possibly ending up worse in the long run.

ISFP: They won't be about it (not that you'll know) but they'll compromise if it means everything works out.

ESTP: They'll compromise if it's a better deal for the time being.

ISTP: What's in it for them?

ESFJ: If it makes you happy, they're willing to make a compromise. However, they oftentimes know what's best, so you better listen.
     At least, AT LEAST, ESFJs, unlike ENFJs, seem to have some sort of a personality when it comes to this kind of things. They don't bend over to everything and end up bending in all sorts of direction because in reality, you don't just compromise with ONE person. At least ESFJs have an opinion already. 

ISFJ: They'll compromise, but probably resent you if it's something they believe is the wrong choice.
     I can hear the "Do what you want" and see the judgemental look already.

ESTJ: They're not going to change their mind no matter what. Don't even try.

ISTJ: Does it make sense? Yes? Yes.

3. MBTI Paradoxes
INTP: Brilliant with facts, stupid with life

INFP: Tons of dreams, no realisation

ISTP: One with systems, just not social systems

ISFP: Everybody should express themselves to others, just not me

ENTP: Has 20 project ideas, finished the stupidest one

ENFP: Incredibly open-minded, and stubborn at the same time

ESTP: Knows they shouldn't, still do it

ESFP: In tune with their environment, oblivious to what's really going on

INTJ: Everything planned, nothing solidified

INFJ: Helps everybody else, can't held themselves

ISTJ: "The system has obviously accounted for our specific problem"

ISFJ: ISFJs are actually pretty consistent

ENTJ: Their plan is intrinsically better than yours

ENFJ: Their feelings are intrinsically more important than yours

ESTJ: Would prohibit whining at a hospital

ESFJ: Takes 5 minutes to gather everybody for a 1 minute group project

4. MBTI As Stages in a Relationship
Honeymoon Phase: ESFP, ESTP, ISTP, ISFP
     Why can I not be this light-hearted, passionate and loving phase?

Accommodation Phase: ESFJ, ISFJ, ISTJ
      Calm down. I agree with you alright...sheesh.

Challenge Phase: ESTJ, ENTJ, INTJ
     Oh...that's a pretty shitty phase to be.

Crossroads Phase: INFJ, ENFJ
      Wonderful. Someone tell me why I can't be in the honeymoon phase again? It's not fair.

Rebirth Phase: ENFP, INFP, ENTP, INTP
      Okay, I don't get this.

5. MBTI Receiving a Rose on Valentine's
INTJ: "Um, wtf? Okay? Thanks?" (is secretly very pleased)
     Tsundere alert!

ENTJ: Is surprised, but managed to thank the giver politely.
     ......Well done I guess. *Hisses* I don't like your type very much.

ISTP: Stuffs it in their gym bag and discovers it there, wilted, at the end of the school year.
     Wow, heartbreaker #1.

ESTP: Keeps it in their locker; forgets about it shortly after.
     Heartbreak #2 + forgetful retard.

INTP: Takes it home and tries the DIY rainbow rose thing they found online.
     That's cool, but could you appreciate it a little more than just using it as an experimental tool?

ENTP: Thanks the giver whilst trying to sound uninterested
     *Smirks* Hmmm...what are you interested in? What do you think this rose means?

ISTJ: Neatly lays it out on their desk at home and leaves it to wilt.
     ......I should give them a Rafflesia instead. See how they leave it on their desk.

ESTJ: Stiffly says thank you, suppressing glee.
     You are like...a less awesome Tsundere.

INFJ: Puts it in a vase and surprisingly keeps it alive for one month.
     One month? You underestimate my ability to keep your love/friendship/whatever the rose represents alive.

ENFJ: Gives it to their mother when they arrive home.
      *Speechless* YOU RUDE ASSHOLE. When people gave you a gift, you keep it because the feeling is meant for YOU. You know the song Last Christmas? That song is dedicated to all the ENFJs out there - "Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. The very next day, you gave it away." WHAT THE HELL.

ISFP: Makes a flower crown out of it. people are adorable. But I shudder to think of how a male ISFP is like...I do like people with strong and slightly assertive personalities.

ESFP: "Aww...thank you!" *struggles carrying 100 other roses received earlier*
      Playboy, maybe, but it's still a million times better than what that ENFJ jackass did.

INFP: Write a short poem about it and falls in love with the giver 3 days later.
     Oh dear. I mean it's sweet and all but, you will get so broken, my friend. To quote my ISFJ friend, "Bitch, don't do it."

ENFP: Hugs the giver and gives them a chocolate bar in return.
     *Stunned* ....*sniffs* WHERE IS MY ENFP?! SOMEONE GIVE ME AN ENFP BOYFRIEND. That's so unbelievably cute, that kind of child-like innocent romance. Reminds me Haru from My Little Monster...he's bloody adorable in that way too.

ISFJ: Keeps it compressed in their favourite book, discovers it still there 10 years later.
     That's cute too...if the ISFJ is a girl. If it's a guy, I'll probably stare at him weirdly...thinking its sweet but extremely feminine.

ESFJ: Is overjoyed because for once isn't the one giving roses.
     Awww...If you want one, just ask me. I'll go get you one.

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