Thursday 10 September 2015

Weekday Rants #13

     Wow, I'm just completely hopeless, aren't I? Between today and the end of my JC life (for those in the US, that's the end of the regular 6-year college programme, I think), there's fewer than 3 months left. By right, 3 months is very short time and I should have no problem putting everything else down and focusing solely on studying. Then again, it's me. I can never EVER focus on only one thing, especially if it doesn't interest me. I know, I know. It's just 3 months and I can go off and do volunteer work, take a new course, continue studying Psychology, etc etc.

     So I spent the entire day watching Markiplier's playthrough of To the Moon. It isn't that bad, as in whether it gets in the way of my studying, because I am very used to studying while videos play in the background. Sadly, I seem to like Markiplier's videos a lot - whether it's because of the way he seems more sincere and more absorbed in the game, or as a person, or whatever other factors - and I keep looking back up from my work to replay certain parts. Also, the more important thing is that I have this nagging impulse to go learn some music pieces for the piano...because the song "For River" in the game is so damn good. And it's not that difficult either.

     No. Stop. Go and study. There's fewer than 3 months left. So come on. Focus. I know it's boring, I know it feels absolutely pointless - like am I ever going to use these in the future? - but you need it for your University applications. It's the Cambridge "A" Level examinations, not just another school examination, so I really need to stop doing other things besides studying. I am going to seriously screw up my Preliminary Exams already, but don't I dare screw up the final examinations. It's not as if it's the end of the line or anything, but I'd rather not choose an unnecessarily difficult route.

     The song, by the way. It's absolutely brilliant. Songs with amazing soundtracks are always much more immersive, eh? I mean, there's a reason why I love the Elder Scrolls so much.

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