Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Weekday Rants #16

     Did I not say that there will be Pure Math in Paper 2 and some bitch-asses told me that it's purely Statistics? No matter, the final paper for Prelims is over and it's the final lap, of exactly 5 weeks, towards A levels. I'll probably be revising the subjects in order of the A levels schedule, 1 week each. Of course, GP doesn't required more than 2 days and Literature, at most 4 days. History makes up for it though, for taking up 2 whole weeks because it's a subject that you can't combine Paper 1 and 2 together to revise. Both Papers are insanely content heavy too, I think even worse than Biology in some ways.

     But I'll be taking a break tonight, and starting revision again tomorrow. I know a lot of people are planning to take breaks after the Prelims, but really, we can all take a break after A levels. I'd rather not regret this since I don't have a "I'll study for the next one" excuse anymore. There is no "next" exam, at least for this period of my life. I can't wait though, to be done with formal school years, and actually explore the world with its hardships and challenges. I mean, even the most torturing moments will prove to be much more rewarding and impactful than the dullness and safety of school. I was never one to like fixed and rigid structures anyway.

      Anyway, I really fell in love with FamilyJules7X's music on Youtube. It's fantastic. Listen to this Golden Sun Isaac Battle Theme cover.

     Here's the original:

     And here's FamilyJules7X's cover:

      Today will be MBTI stuff since I really don't want to use my brain much today. I'm quite tired and I need to recharge for the 5-week marathon ahead. I'm so eager for the future to arrive and wash away the mistakes of the past, as well as the boredom of the present. "And today is a gift, that's why it's called the present"? Nah, Master Wu Gui, I think the future is the gift for mankind. After all, it is the knowledge that we can continue to progress and the desire to be better than we were before that propels humankind towards greater heights.

     I think I've said something along these lines before, but here are the exact quotes:

     And at this point, I'm very tempted to use a rival school's motto. I don't even know why the guys in my school are so childish when it comes to competition with that school...maybe because most girls in my school find the guys in that school to be more desirable. I mean, they may have lower grades, but they are more intelligent when it comes to things besides studying. They are also more like gentlemen and the guys in my school are all boys. I know it's mostly a pretence, but I think even if you made the guy in our school pretend to be mature, they can't do it. So, instead of ranting, let's just move on to MBTI stuff...I've missed some on Tumblr surprisingly.

1. MBTI Types as Oscar Wilde Quotes
ESTJ: "No man is rich enough to buy back his past."

ISTJ: "If I am occasionally a little overdressed, I make up for it by being always immensely over-educated."

ESFJ: "The nicest feeling in the world is to do a good deed anonymously-and have somebody find out."

ISFJ: "There are many things that we would throw away if we were not afraid that others might pick them up."

ENTJ: "There is no sin except stupidity."

INTJ: "A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it."

ENFJ: "You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear."

INFJ: "Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic."

ESTP: "I can resist anything but temptation."

ISTP: "One should always be a little improbable."

ESFP: "Some things are more precious because they don't last long."

ISFP: "Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter."

ENTP: "I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying."

INTP: "Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much."

ENFP: "Never love anyone who treats you like you're ordinary."

INFP: "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."

2. MBTI Liar Squads
White lies: ESFP, ESFJ, ISFJ, ENFJ
     How very dull. Most of the time, white lies are very easily seen through and just because I don't try to unravel it doesn't mean I'm not aware of it. The INFJ part of me feels bad for tearing apart a person's "kindness", but the more cynical part of me, resembling an INTJ, just wants to see how long the lie can last until it breaks and I get to laugh at it.

To get something: ESTJ, ISFP, ENFP, INTJ
     This is actually more interesting, because I can tell that these people are lying...but I don't know why they are doing so. So it's not so much that the lie itself is intriguing; it's that I want to find out what it is that they want and so I play along.

To hide what embarrasses them: ISTP, ISTJ, INFP, INFJ
     Hmmm...this is rather vague so I can't exactly vouch for it. If it's something about myself that I am willing to acknowledge and/or is extremely difficult to hide, then I won't even try. I don't "lie" to be exactly, I give "half-truths". I'll only give you half of the story, or half of the perspective. After all, there's no reason in giving information I don't think a person is worthy of knowing. 

To troll people: ENTP, ESTP, ENTJ, INTP
     Once again proving why I am so attracted to ENTPs. Trolling is an art. An art that requires wit, a sort of intellectual agility that a lot of people do not seem to possess. I like it when I can take a jab at a person and they can retaliate in a witty way. No, don't just take it on your chin - do you have no balls? Is your masculinity at 0? No, I don't want to hear you defend it, all flustered - that's just pathetic. Take a shot back, a difficult-to-dodge one and you will have my eternal respect.

3. MBTI as the Five Senses
     I think this may be my weakest, since it is very much linked to Se, my inferior function. I tend not to notice things. You may raise an eyebrow at that, because I seem to be aware of little details. But that kind of knowledge doesn't come from sight. I seem like I'm watching people, but I'm just trying to sense things with intuition. For example, if I'm watching 2 people interact, it's because I sensed something from them first. That's also why I tend to trip over things easily.

     Totally not me. I can never seem to hear what people are saying to me, but when it comes to eavesdropping, I seem to develop oversensitive hearing - I hear what I don't even want to hear. But dear lord, you try to say something to me and more often than not, I will be like "What? Sorry, can you say that again?"

     I do have talent in this area, but I'm not too sure. I am very sensitive towards things that taste "off" and I can tell exactly what is wrong about it. Also, from the moment I started consuming wine, I could differentiate its contents with taste, same for chocolates. It's quite impressive, actually.

     I was expecting myself to be under this because my nose is really sensitive, despite where I've grown up. I cannot take smoke, it makes my stomach turn. I can smell and distinguish food from a mile away and I used to think that if reincarnation was really a thing, I may have been a bloodhound before - the best tracking dog breed.

      Like seriously bro, don't touch me. I'm that kind of person who, if you just touch me somewhere i find to be uncomfortable without me anticipating it, I'll flip my shit. I will retaliate by "touching" you too, i.e. beating the crap out of you before I even realise what is going on. My automatic response to people touching me without permission is to DEFEND through ATTACKING. I'm like a Rottweiler or something.

4. MBTI as Quotes from Real People of the Types
ESTP: "If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill

ISTP: "No man is hurt but by himself." - Diogenes

ESFP: "People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream." - Paulo Coelho

ISFP: "Good is the enemy of the great." - Jonathon Ive

ESTJ: "Leadership is the capacity and will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspires confidence." - Bernard Montgomery

ISTJ: "It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one." - George Washington

ESFJ: "Do not give up your dreams of a more just world." - Pope Francis

ISFJ: "You must never be fearful of what you are doing when it is right." - Rosa Parks

ENFP: "Be yourself, everybody else is already taken." - Oscar Wilde

INFP: "Not all those who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien

ENFJ: "Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again." - Nelson Mandela

INFJ: "Be the change that you want to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

ENTP: "True wisdom come to each of us when we realise how little we understand about life, ourselves and the world around us." - Socrates

INTP: "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we had when we created them." - Albert Einstein

ENTJ: "Most people have achieved their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure." - Napoleon Bonaparte

INTJ: "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Friedrich Nietzsche

5. MBTI Habits
xSTP: I can do this! Don't try me! No, I can! WATCH!
     My mom, every single time I tell her "don't do it" or "you can't do that". She immediately goes all childish and me and does EXACTLY what I told her she can't do.

xSTJ: I'm never wrong, I know when I'm wrong and it's never.
     OH. Do you want me to prove you wrong? I'm eager to do so.

xSFP: Okay, I know they SEEM mean but you don't really know!
     ...Yes, yes I do really know. It's pretty damn obvious you brick-head.

xSFJ: I promise you __ is bad, watch and see. I swear, why does NO ONE ever listen to me? I TOLD YOU SO.
     *Sheepish grin* Nothing to say for this one, because it's pretty much true. I can't hear the "Bitch, did I not warn you?" and "I told you so!" in my head right now.

xNFP: I'm so deep OMFG, you don't even know. Look at that hole. I'm deeper, no, not literally.
     Please, please be that deep literally. Oh, and also, don't come out of that hole.

xNFJ: Your sins are my sins. Your life is my life. Your face is my face. Your dog is my dog.
     What. That went weird real fast. I mean it's cool if your dog is my dog, that's totally awesome. I do not do things like that, probably because I'm an INFJ who has learnt her lesson about being too involved with people. This is pretty hilarious though.

xNTP: Of course i named all my technology, don't you? WTF, WHY NOT?
     I'm starting to think that this is more for INTPs because ENTPs aren't as obsessed over technology.

xNTJ: I DO NOT LIKE THAT. I'm not into that. I would never. Why do you think I'm into BDSM.
     Really? So why is it that ENTJs strike me as the most likely to be interested in BDSM, particular of the Sadist role?

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