There was this one quote I came across once upon a time (actually, not even that long ago), when I was doing some research for an essay. Of course, it was not school homework, or else I wouldn't be wasting so much effort on it. If my teachers want simplistic writing, I'll give them simplistic writing, because it seems like when I try to put a little more effort into it, my grades are actually lowered. I was tempted to say that I have no idea how that works, but I have my little hypotheses.
This one little quote has been bothering me for ages. It really shouldn't be, since my general opinion on quotes is that they are basically useless, except for the times when you dump them in your essays to make it look as if you know what you're talking about. Quotes on their own are full of assertions, never explained, never substantiated, just left hanging for people to interpret. I guess that may just be their purpose, but still, that just means that they bother me even more.
I'm assuming that people should know who Eleanor Roosevelt was, but just in case you don't for some reason, she was the longest serving First Lady of the US and wife to US's 32nd President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The succeeding President Harry S. Truman called her the "First Lady of the World" for her several human rights achievements. I don't believe the quote above has anything to do with a specific event, but a little history lesson never hurts anyone.
"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."
I don't exactly agree with this quote, mostly because I don't think these three areas of discussion - ideas, events and people - are mutually exclusive, like the quote seems to suggest. However, I can see why this quote may hold true. The lowest levels of discussion, which is more common-placed in discussions between females (as if I'm not one), is gossip and the spreading of rumours.
What do I think about rumours? Well, I don't like them and I try to steer clear of them, but I see them as not completely avoidable. What are rumours and gossips anyway? I would define them as speculations on another person's or persons' private and personal affairs. Basically, you are going off a hunch and you don't know the truth, yet you are spreading that speculation as a fact. To me, that is disgusting, but it doesn't mean I don't do it. It is, like I said, inevitable, because you can never know the exact truth behind every single affair. It is part of human intellect to make inferences and speculations, though I believe that latter, because of the lack of evidence, should be kept to oneself. What does it have to do with the quote? Well, most of the time, when girls gossip, while situations and events are described, what takes precedence in the discussion is the person in question. The gossip usually starts off as "You know I saw ___ doing ___ the other day?" and somewhere down the line of gossip, it becomes "I heard that ___ is ___ kind of person."
Often, the conclusion is an over-generalisation and, sometimes, even a completely unfounded accusation. I really want to use the example of the RGS girl who sued the school, but I believe I've written about that before. I am in no position to impose my judgement on others, because I'm not involved at all, but I still believe that some people are judging her a little too harshly. I would call their accusations of her as a "bad person" to be a gossip, because if you don't know her, I don't think it's fair to assume she's a bad person because of one thing that happened. I can say that what ever she did was horrendous and misguided, but I don't think it should define her as a person. This opinion of mine has been met with outrage, but I hold onto the belief that she may not necessarily be a bad person and even if she were, it's not even that important.
Why isn't it important? Come on, it does not matter whether she's a good or a bad person, because it does not make what she did any worse or any better. It's not a show of mercy, because judgements in court are not passed based on a person's character, but on a person's actions. To conclude so quickly about a person's character and pass it off as the truth, thus framing the entire person for life, isn't that gossip?
And then we move on to "average minds" that discuss events. You see that when people discuss daily happenings, whether in the news, on the radio, etc. I think the biggest differentiation to make between these kinds of discussions and the previous ones is that while both may start of with discussing events, the previous kind of discussion often shift focus onto individuals involved, rather than looking at the situation as a whole.
This then makes the final assertion of "great minds" easier to understand. Small minds are narrow minds, which focus on the small and often, not that significant, aspects of a situation. Average minds focus on the situation and sees the situation as it is. Great minds extrapolate every situation into a bigger idea, that develops as more deductions from various situations are taken into account. For example, the assertion that "Humans are inherently selfish" isn't an idea that just pops out of no where. It's the combination of everything a person has gone through that contributes to his/her perception of the world and forms an opinion, or a subjective idea. When an opinion is discussed with opposing minds, it becomes objective and forms a solid idea.
Why don't I agree with the quote then?
Like I've mentioned, the quote makes it seem as if these three where mutually exclusive. If you discuss people, you have a small mind; if you discuss events, you are just average; and if you discuss ideas, you mind is superb. I really think that the quote describes more of a process, rather than a classification. Often, discussions about a person and about a situation are not mutually exclusive and you often address both at once. While you discuss anything, your brain forms an opinion that is shaped by the discussion, the beginnings of an idea.
This sort of reminds me of the opening lines of Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. The game begins like a play almost, probably because of the quote at the start and it's this quote that emerges in my mind when I first saw that quote from Eleanor Roosevelt.
This may seem quite irrelevant, but I'm sure you can draw the little links yourself. The quotes are not identical, not at all in fact, but both contain three aspects (prophecy/idea, event, hero/people).
Also, another problem I have with the initial quote is that I believe that even among great minds, there are humanitarian minds and the more...scientific minds. If the idea has to do with people, then if your mind great or small?
That said, whenever people ask me about my opinions about another person, I wonder whether they are asking me from a narrow-minded (small mind) perspective or they are trying to build upon their own ideas (great mind). In time, I have realised that the faster a person is in trying to overturn your opinion, the more narrow-minded they are, naturally. I often try to give more unconventional responses, if I'm being genuine, and given the response the other person offers, I can then draw some opinion of my conversation partner. If they are quick to oppose, like when I said that RGS girl isn't bad person and got a glare, I know that they are looking for confirmation for their narrow-minded perspective on her, not really trying to develop an idea. If the person falls silent and looks like he/she is considering what you are saying, then you know you found a great conversation partner.
Even so, it's not like I can be picky about my conversation partners. Nowadays, my most common company (i.e. those who talk to me everyday without fail) are quite narrow-minded people, who will not hear my differing opinion without giving me the weirdest looks. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy their company because there is a time and place for everything, including arguments (I call them discussions, but whatever), so I try not to be disagreeable most of the time. They are great company for relaxation, but I want someone who will willing fight me. Most of the time I just end up coming home and writing stuff down everywhere, but it's like talking to a wall, you get no response.
This is probably why I walk away immediately when a guy I'm talking to agrees with my opinion despite having every reason to disagree. If you aren't going to offer me your genuine opinions, then I don't get why I should either. I think a wall is honestly better in those cases - at least they weren't meant to have an opposing opinion in the first place.
I was meaning to do a more serious post yesterday, but since I was "banned" from using the computer by an unexpected presence in the house, I couldn't find any time to do it. I was going to do it today, but my brain is in all sorts of mess right now, for no apparent reason. I didn't sleep late last night...well, not any later than I'm used to...but I woke up with a splitting headache. Probably from getting smacked on the head with a ball. Must have killed all the brain cells I have left too, which by any accounts, wasn't many.
So instead of being all deep and complicated, I decided to do something a little more an excuse to myself to not do work and procrastinate. I really hope that one day I'll get rid of that habit, but it's a trade-off for being stupidly efficient, I suppose. Not bragging, really, because I would rather waste away an afternoon on work than have absolutely no motivation to do it. Once again, my brain is using the "it's not really that useful" excuse and I must say, it's true. I could do much better than waste my time on that (pointless homework).
I'll probably have many of these top 10s every time I want to write on my blog (aka, avoid studying and not play so blatantly). I really want to go research and write more about INFJ, now that I've pulled myself out of the misconceptions about J-P. Apparently the usual stereotype still works for Extroverts, since their dominant functions correspond with the stereotype. It doesn't work for any of the Introverts however, and as much as I like to mention how my E-I differentiation is just 4-6%, I'm not going to dwell on that. INFJ seems so much more appropriate now that it answers: 1. Why I'm INFP and supposedly good at poetry, but I can't understand a word of it. 2. Why I have a fellow INFP...acquaintance, who has beliefs that I find so extremely selfish. It's not the selfish part that bothers me, it's more of the fact that I can't understand how we are supposed to be both INFP, but disagree on the most fundamental of things that two people of the same MBTI should agree on. No, it's not even disagreement. I can't even understand him. I would think that if I'm really an INFP, I would at least be able to comprehend his motivations.
It's rather difficult though, given how many people have the same misconceptions about how J-P works. Most people, excluding experts of course, are inclined to believe that INFJ is more structured and organised while INFP is laid-back when it's quite the opposite. Hey, but INFJ does get a better reputation, even when you take out the Judging stereotype. I already did a very, very long post on the INFP vs INFJ issue, so I'm not going to go through the whole thing again. The main thing to note is that whether a person is decisive is not related to J-P, but rather, whether their dominant function is N-S (perceiving functions) or F-T (decision-making functions).
Yes, I would very much rather be a counsellor than a hippie. It's true though, since INFP seek to find harmony within themselves more, rather than to find harmony within their tight group of friends (tight group = introversion). Also, INFP senses feelings through art and music while INFJ senses feelings through physical proximity.
I went off the tangent, again. Anyway, I'll do Naruto Epic music, Sad music, Bleach Music, etc etc in the future, but today, it's Pokemon. Since I'm not that in-tune with musical terms, I'll try my best to explain my preferences, but I'll probably still sound like an idiot.
#10. ORAS/RSE Regi Trio Music
The reason why this music is this low on the list is partially due to my dislike of this trio, but to a greater extent, the absolute repetitiveness of a quite monotonous tune. The music starts off with quite an epic feeling, with the drums that were so characteristic of RSE (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald) music. However, though the generally deep-pitch of the music and the steady rhythm of drums creates quite an epic atmosphere, it gets horribly boring immediately after the 1st minute. Considering that you'll probably be sitting there for up to 20 minutes per Regi, you'll get bored real stone. And what's the hype about the Regis anyway? They are trolls or ogres, I get it, but they just look like 3 hunks of rock, ice and steel!
#9. DPPt Lake Trio Music
The video says "Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire", I'm quite aware, but they did not remix the music for the new games, so it's still DPPt (Diamond, Pearl, Platinum). This is the kind of choice I have to make that makes me want to kick myself in the face. It's low on the list, yes, but this music deserves to be on the list. The build-up to the music is great, the resonance of a single "wailing" instrument in alternating channels (right and left ear) going in crescendo (I can only use piano terms) creates a kind of anticipation. The music that follows after creates an ominous atmosphere, with the background tune evoking a feeling of imminent danger. What makes this music so low on the list is the Lake Trio themselves. I don't dislike these three pixies, but with how adorable they look, isn't the music a little weird? "A little" being an understatement too. You would expect Giratina to pop out, or Darkrai, but you get three cute little pixie things.
#8. ORAS/RSE Team Magma/Aqua Boss Music
Although the first few seconds are a little anticlimactic, given that these two villains tend to appear and give epic speeches before their fights, the music builds up after the 25 second mark and begin to sound much better. Generally, I think that this version of the battle theme is a great remix of the old one, due to the inclusion of many appropriate background tunes and epic instruments. This music symbolic of the generation as well, not only because it's the final boss theme for the respective villain organisations, but because it was the music that best exemplified the use of drums in the RSE games. Why is it so low on the list though? Well, let's just say I played Omega Ruby (for Mega Mawile, Zangoose and basically all the old Ruby exclusives) and Maxie was a joke. On my first playthrough, I was using Gyarados as my Water type and the second time, it was Azumarill. I barely got to see 5 seconds of Maxie's Mega Camerupt before it got its asshole ripped apart by a Waterfall (Yea, Huge Power Adamant Max Attack Azumarill Overkill). Still, the nostalgia factor kept it above the other two.
#7. BW Final N Battle Music
I don't exactly love the music for the N fight and it doesn't exactly suit the battle either, but the only reason it's here is for respect towards the character. In my opinion, N is the character in the series with the most character depth. He is a Pokemon trainer who is "son" to Ghetsis and from a young age, only interacted with Pokemon. Thus, he is very awkward with humans, but has developed an ability to read the emotions and minds of every Pokemon he meets. Depending on the game you play, N fights on the side of Team Plasma, but is a guy with good intentions. He either seeks the truth of the world or its ideals, again depending on the game. He is the Hero of Legend who is the partner of Reshiram/Zekrom and at the end of the game, after meeting your character, he realises the world can only exist when opposing ideals coexist, not when they try to wipe each other out. He leaves you with the most inspirational speech in any Pokemon game and flies away on his Reshiram/Zekrom.
#6. BW2 Ghetsis Music
Starting from here are music that I have absolutely no complaints about. They are just lower than others because the others are better, not because they themselves have any flaws. For the sake of people who never played BW (Black, White) or BW2, Ghetsis is the main villain in both games. In the first game, he made use of N, a Pokemon trainer who grew up with Pokemon and can read their emotions, to rally support for his plan to "liberate" Pokemon. His plans, however, was to rid the world of people who owned Pokemon while keeping his own so he could overpower everyone and take over the world. Team Plasma, in both games, was under his command and was, by far, the best villain organisation so far (kill me please Genwunners, admit it, Team Plasma is better than Team Rocket). Ghetsis is an unrepentant and thoroughly evil character, which is one of my favourite kinds of villain (second only to the villain with a dark past, aka N). This theme suits him incredibly well, with the unusually (for a Pokemon game) dark tune and rhythm. The constant chanting in the background, fun fact, is repeated the word "Geechisu", which is Ghetsis's Japanese name. The battle against him is tough, unforgiving and certainly worthy of such music. I mean, look at his team!
#5. BW2 Rival Hugh Music
Hugh is undoubtedly my favourite one of the rival characters in Pokemon. His music is as unique as he is and at the same time, the combination of everything good about the previous rivals. He is the only rival that I emotionally cared about basically. He was someone you could empathise with and isn't just an asshole who wanted to best you at everything. He challenges you at every turn, but even when he gets defeated, he still congratulates you on it. He has Blue's competitive spirit, Silver's anger, May's friendliness, Barry's impatience and Cheren's helpfulness. I know many people will disagree with me and while Silver and Blue are my favourite rivals in the Manga, in the games at least, Hugh is the rival with the most depth. Silver's past just isn't that fleshed out in the games.
#4. DPPt Champion Cynthia Music
Just as a proof of how much love this music has gathered, this piece was actually remixed for the most recent Smash games for the Pokemon stages. Cynthia is my favourite champion in all the games. She is the one with the most competent team and is constantly helpful throughout your journey. She is also revealed as a fellow Pokedex holder, who started on her journey way before you, creating the feeling that she's your older sister. She constantly offers her assistance throughout the journey, if only to point you towards the right direction. Her design is incredibly cool as well, and her character design is meant to take after one of her Pokemon's - Lucario. I mean, look at her team, if you used her team laddering on Pokemon Showdown, I reckon you could get quite far too.
#3. DPPt Giratina Music
Giratina is the Pokemon equivalent of Hades, or whatever God of the Underworld. Giratina lives in the world parallel to ours, also called the Distortion World. The Distortion World is what happens to the world without Palkia and Dialga, without control of Time and Space. Everything is in chaos and it's only recognisable inhabitant is Giratina. It is a member of the creation trio, although his position may be swapped for Arceus, the God of Pokemon. He is said to be made of pure antimatter. This music suits Giratina superbly well. The very tune is chaotic and confusing at the start, with a sense of foreboding following it and then urgent danger. When this music plays in the Distortion World, you are acutely aware that you should not be there and you are intruding into a world that you don't belong in.
#2. ORAS/RSE Rayquaza Music
Rayquaza's music fits his status as the Lord of the Skies. Rayquaza is my favourite legendary, not only because it's a glass canon, like my other favourites, but because of how it is characterised in games. In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red and Blue, Rayquaza is the final boss of the game. He is an aloof, majestic and noble creature, living high above the clouds in Sky Tower, a dungeon only accessible via a powerful teleportation gem. Your motive in meeting him is to destroy the gigantic meteorite heading towards the Pokemon world, by pleading the great Lord himself to do it. Rayquaza starts off the fight with a quote I remember too well - "I am a being of the sky and you are but denizens of the ground. To which there is a world destined as their own!...Let there be no mercy for those who defy the laws of nature!" In ORAS, Rayquaza and his Mega form, are part of the Zinnia episode in which he is also to destroy a meteorite heading towards the earth. Rayquaza's music starts off strong, reflecting the both the grandeur and strength of the Pokemon known as the Lord of the Skies.
#1. ORAS Zinnia Final Battle Music
You finished the game and you thought Steven and his frigging Mega Metagross is hard, but oh, you haven't seen all ORAS has to offer yet. In the Special Zinnia episode, you meet a strange girl named Zinnia, who had been tracking you as part of the rival theme. She reveals herself as a Draconid woman, a tribe of Dragon trainers who have been protecting Hoenn for a long time. They had foreseen the falling of the meteorite and Zinnia's goal is to stop it, by collecting all the Mega Stones. When the scientists at Mossdeep created a machine for sending the meteorite into another world, Zinnia stops them, then reminding the main character that if the meteorite was send into another world, wouldn't that other world be destroyed, along with everyone that lived in it? She then brings the character to the top of Sky Pillar, where the legend of the Hoenn trio was inscribed and summon Rayquaza. However, the Mega Stones she collected were not enough to Mega evolve Rayquaza, but was finally successful when the small meteorite piece you were carrying throughout your whole journey reacted to Rayquaza. Seeing as Rayquaza has chosen you as its partner, she lets you take over her role. After you defeat Deoxys, which was disguised as the meteorite, you descend back to earth and finds that Zinnia is gone. The Whismur she left behind in her grandmother's care brings you a letter that says probably the most memorable line in the games, "I was finally able to bring everything to an end. I thank you for that. I think I'll spend some time now trying to find out if it's also possible to forge a new beginning for something once lost. Until we meet again."
Let's also not forget how Zinnia has Mega Salamence, the Pokemon immediately banned to Ubers after ORAS was officially released.
Oh my, I'm actually an INFJ. I just didn't know the difference between INFP and INFJ...rather, I had it all mixed up. Recently, I've learnt something about the MBTI that overturned my previous connotations. I would blame those misguided theories on the highly simplistic ways that the Internet tends to classify different types. While information on E-I, S-N and T-F are mostly true, it's the complicated nature of J-P that tends to throw people off. What the Internet Says Most simplistic readings on differentiating J-P tend to classify them as highly exclusive types. Js are known to be more orderly, decisive and are much calmer. Ps, on the other hand, are laid-back and absolutely hate having to schedule anything. Take, for example, ENFJ and ENFP. ENFJ is usually the charismatic leader who is good with people. On the other hand, ENFP is the hyperactive scatterbrain who is also good with people, but is much more haphazard in the way they deal with things. In other words, Js are the type that need to live with a schedule while Ps are the type that cannot deal with schedules. In general, there are more females that are Js than males.
The Truth
While it is generally true that J-P follows such a trend, in INFP vs INFJ especially, you see quite the opposite. This has to do with the fact that J-P do not function as separate entities from the others. They are a combination of all other three functions. What do I mean? Let's take the functions of INFP and INFJ into account.
As adapted from the Myers and Briggs website, this is the description of the J-P functions:
"The J or P preference only tells which preference the person extraverts. One person may feel very orderly/structure (J) on the inside, yet their outer life looks spontaneous and adaptable (P). Another person may feel very curious and open-minded (P) in their inner world, yet their outer life looks more structured or decided (J)."
But how can a person tell? Most people don't even know themselves that well. Fortunately, the website has that covered as well.
"Judging (J)
I use my decision-making (J) preference (whether it is T or F) in my outer life. To others, I seem to prefer a planned or orderly way of life, like to have things settled and organised, feel more comfortable when decisions are made and like to bring life under control as much as possible."
"Perceiving (P)
I use my perceiving function (whether it is S or N) in my outer life. To others, I seem to prefer a flexible and spontaneous way of life, and I like to understand and adapt to the world rather than organise it. Others see me staying open to new experiences and information."
Well, this may blow your mind but...I DISAGREE.
Of course I have evidence for this and it's a glaring evidence. Taking the first line you see "I use my decision-making (J) preference (T/F) in my outer life". Then take a look at the INFJ and INFP table above. Instead of having T or F as the dominant function for INFJ, INFJ has N instead, which is a perceiving function. Then look at INFP, it has a decision-preference instead.
Therefore, there is still an ounce of truth, though not much of it. To see whether a person is more inclined towards decision-making or leaving things open, you look at their dominant function. However, that does not define J or P. This is mostly true for most Introverts, but mostly for INFP and INFJ, which are very easily confused (I mean, I was confused, for a long time).
INFP vs INFJ: 5 Ways to Differentiate
There may be no types mistaken for each other more than INFJs and INFPs. And while they may look similar from the outside, they are very different creatures inside. Add to that, INFJs and INFPs are two of the personality types most interested in personality psychology, so an incomplete understanding of how these two types are differentiated can cause a lot of personal frustration, like the one I was having before. This has led to many internet arguments, since their difference defy the general consensus.
1. Their Driver Processes, aka Dominant Functions
The Driver process can also be called the "dominant cognitive function". It is the mind's first point of contact and the primary lens through which everything gets filtered.
For an INFJ, this dominant process is technically called Introverted Intuition, nicknamed "Perspectives". Perspectives is a learning function (technically called a perceiving function) and works by watching one's own mind form patterns. After years of use, eventually Perspectives begins to see the "pattern of the patterns" and understands that what is happening inside of themselves cognitively is also happening for other people.
INFPs, on the other hand, lead with a process called Introverted Feeling, which we call "Authenticity". Authenticity is a decision-making function (technically called a judging function), and works by being deeply in touch with how one is emotionally impacted by events. Decisions are made by "checking in" to ensure that they are in alignment with one's values and identity. There is a saying that the more personal something is the more universal it is. Over time, Authenticity understands that they aren't alone in their feelings. They are simply more aware of them than other types.
Both already have very different world views. What's even more confusing, is that while they are both quite indecisive, the indecisiveness is derived from different reasons.
For an INFP, because their decision-making process can take time, it can feel grueling to be pressured to make a quick call. Each decision needs to be in alignment with the INFP's values, and even a decision as simple as what salad to order can be a frustration if, say, their relationship with food has become a part of how they define themselves. That to me is actually quite bizarre, pointing out to me that I'm actually not an INFP. I find decision-making processes like this to be a sign of fetishism or obsession.
On the other hand, since INFJs are more removed from their decision-making process of Harmony, it's usually over time that they become frustrated with the inability to make a final call. Like in real life, I often want other people to make a decision on where to meet and what time, but if the decision isn't being made after a while, I get annoyed and decide upon it by myself. They are less likely to agonise over smaller decisions because not every decision is a reflection of their identity. In other words, if it doesn't involve me, I often don't care what decision is being made. Even if it involves me, decision is only made when people are starting to frustrate me.
I think one important thing to realise is that INFPs go straight into a situation, trying to make a final decision. INFJs are often more laid-back, allowing their decisions to change again and again. It is only when the Harmony factor (Extroverted Feeling) is compromised, that they utilise that auxiliary function and move in to take action.
2. Evaluation of Emotional Significance
The Harmony (Extroverted Feeling) person might ask themselves something like "What get's everyone needs met?" "How do I create harmony both within interpersonal relationships and the context/environment?" In order to know the "right" choice, other people's emotions become the most interesting piece of information. They're ultimately the feedback mechanism needed to determine a decision was the right one, because it's their emotions that tell you if their needs are getting met and/or if they're experiencing any form of conflict.
On the other hand, Introverted Feeling is nicknamed "Authenticity" because it's about the individual's emotional experience. It's about checking in with one's own emotions to determine if an action is the "right" one.
If offending others is more distressing than offending yourself, you are more likely using Harmony. And if you're willing to be a total pariah in behalf of your convictions, you're more likely using Authenticity. That is why I believe I'm an INFJ too. It's not that I'm super generous or anything, but I don't feel as in-tuned with my emotions as I'm supposed to be as an INFP. I don't possess the poetic abilities that INFPs possess and in fact, share a lot more in common with INFJ, since I often find myself feeling other people's projected emotions, but not really reflecting it back. I can feel their pain, but I can also feel distinctly that the pain is theirs and not mine.
Instead of seeing it as a variation of being true to oneself, it is more helpful to see it as "serving other's needs first in order to get your own needs met" (Harmony) versus "honouring one's own experience first in order to honour other's experience" (Authenticity).
3. "Absorbing" and "Mirroring" Emotions
This may be the biggest confusion between the two types. It's definitely the source of endless internet battles for supremacy of "who's the most empathetic type". The truth is, thought, that both INFJs and INFPs have an almost magical ability to understand the emotional human experience. The way they go about is what differentiates them.
I once heard a description for "empathy" as "Your pain my heart". For an INFJ, this couldn't be more true. INFJs absorb other people's emotional energy, whether they want to or not. If it's powerful and there -- friend or foe, intimate or stranger -- your pain is in their heart. I find this to be very true for me. One of the many occasions was a time when I was counselling my friend out of doing something absolutely stupid to herself. While she was crying to me, I could distinctly feel her pain, almost as if it were my own, because I felt the extent of the emotional pain physically -- you know, the sort where the emotional torment actually manifests as a pain in your body. However, the thing remained that I didn't cry at all, because somehow, I could still tell that the pain was hers and it was simply being shared with me. There was no reason for me to reflect her pain back. That's what makes me more INFJ, I suppose.
The combination of Perspectives (getting into other's heads) and Harmony (having other people's emotions on their radar all the time) seems to converge into this superpower (absorbing emotions), a gift that most INFJs would trade away if they could. Seriously though, I cannot deny it. It makes me too damn emotional. When people need me to give solid and objective advice, I cannot afford to have their pain permeating into me every second. Still, I have expressed my love of Charles Xavier's version of Telepathy -- which is more telepathy with empathy - and I must say, it is an honour to be able to have a "superpower" like that...though not to his extent. On one hand, I want to get rid of this, but on the other, I treasure greatly my ability to feel other's pain.
Since Authenticity is their Driver process, this ability becomes unconscious competence for INFPs and they may not even register when they're doing it. This is why Authenticity Drivers (INFPs and ISFPs) are easily the greatest actors and performers of all the types. Putting on a new emotion can be as easy as swapping jackets.
When in the presence of another person's strong emotion, it's not that the INFP is absorbing it, they're mirroring it. Since this is exceptionally easy for them to do, it's usually a surprise to discover that other people can't even come close to this ability. The nuance of their ability to mirror another person's emotional experience can feel like absorbing since it's so spot on. But, remember -- this isn't another person's emotion in the INFP's heart. This is years and years of the INFP mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencing.
If those aren't evidence enough that I'm an INFJ already, I have more information, answering my doubts all this time:
To absorb another's emotion, both the INFJ and the other person have to be together in real time. This isn't post-processing emotional experience, it's an emotion hitting the INFJ due to energetic proximity. I know I can sense another person'stranquillity, their panic and their guilt, and it's not because I can read certain signs. It's an "aura", as I like to call it. Everyone has their own "aura" and I have assigned colours to all of them.
For an INFP, it's about finding the emotion the other person is -- was -- or will be experiencing within themselves. The emotion can be bound through time via works of art, literature, journals and any/every other way we as people express our emotions. And this was what made me doubt my INFP analysis in the first place. I am, by no means, good at these things. I'm probably the biggest blockhead in class when it comes to understanding the emotions of the people in a text. I can't talk to them! I can't feel them! How am I suppose to know they are feeling frustrated? Literature is not my strong suit, neither do I particularly like it. Why waste time burying your face in books when you can be listening to someone else tell a better story?
4. Being Understood vs Being Validated
Both the INFJ and INFP personality types run into the problem of feeling misunderstood. For INFJs, the Perspectives process gives them an insight to other people that is unmatched, and it can be disconcerting to realise other people don't have the same superpower. The result is a lot of one-sided relationships. Wow, that was a low-blow! But I suppose...that's what happened, isn't it?
On top of that, the Perspectives process is itself quite mysterious to other people. Both INxJ types (INFJs and INTJs) learn to keep their speculations to themselves. "Just knowing" stuff feels like precognition to others and can make them uncomfortable.
INFPs face feeling misunderstood because no one could possibly know them as well as they know themselves. The Authenticity process is a deep pool of nuanced self-awareness, and it's truly impossible to communicate all the variety within themselves to another person.
If you peel back the layers, however, it's not that INFPs have a challenge in being fully misunderstood. If anyone else ever actually "fully" understood them that would actually be a bad sign -- it would mean that the INFP had lost some of their individuality or that they're dangerously close to being too similar to other people. This confuses me, really. While I do treasure my individuality as an INFP should, I don't think it bad if I become a little bit like the others. After all, aren't I part of this world too? If I become like them, I would understand them more, right?
INFJs aren't nearly as invested in others believing they have good motive. They are far more likely to be tuned into the motives and motivations of others to give a lot of thought about whether the other person believes the INFJ has a positive intent. That's true. I don't need validation for my actions, I just need you to know that I'm not about to hurt you.
Where an INFP can lose awareness of other people if they're really excited by a topic, INFJs never lose awareness of other people. Okay...wait. If you are excited but no one is there...then what are you being excited for exactly? In fact, that's why INFJs generally need more alone time than INFPs. The only real distance INFJs get from other people is when they're truly physically alone, and this is generally used to recharge their batteries for the next trip into the outer world. See, if I were an ENFJ instead of INFJ, I wouldn't need to recharge...
5. How Each Type Leads and Persuades
INFJs - using the Perspectives process - often solve problems and persuade others by offering alternative perspectives. In fact, they generally solve problems by shifting perspectives until the solution becomes clear. They offer these shifts as "a-ha" moments. So I'm not being indecisive...I'm just giving you some choices.
INFPs - using Authenticity process - are more masters of emotional Aikido. Since they understand how emotions flow within the self, they can use this to redirect the emotional energy in another person, getting them to feel what they want them to feel. Isn't this emotional manipulation?! Hello?! Isn't that a bad thing!
I think everything has been cleared up. I have another person I know who is an INFP, and all this time, he is the reason why I think I'm not one. I never felt any sense of similarity between us and in fact, I find him very emotionally selfish. The way he interacts with my other friend, the way he treats her, to me, feels extremely self-centred. Now that I realise I'm actually an INFJ, who thought she was an INFP. I really believed in the J-P thing before, but now I realise, INFJ is actually more flexible than INFP. Also, that means I'm not compatible with ENFJ, which is excellent. In fact, that explains why I think the scatterbrained ENFP is quite interesting. But, it also explains why I felt like I understood that ENFJ so much, because we share the same functions, just in different order (INFJ - Ni, Fe; ENFJ - Fe, Ni). I do understand him, I think.
Before I start with anything related to MBTI, I just thought I should leave this video here. I know I have already expressed my intense obsession with Sakamaki Reiji, but I'm listening to this song objectively (or so I think), trying not to be biased. All the Sakamaki brothers have their own character songs, but I think the two that stand out the most for me are Kiss Mark by Sakamaki Shuu and this one - Toaru Yugensha no Unmei (A Certain Prophet's Fate) by Sakamaki Reiji. I think Reiji's character song is particularly attractive to me because Reiji's voice actor has a nice deep voice that is not unemotional.
Anyway, today's MBTI stuff will be taken from a Tumblr page called "Confessions of a Myers Briggs-aholic". The author is an INFJ and I must say, most consistent Tumblr pages are ran by J types, simply because P types do things based on impulse. Sometimes, I just don't feel like it.
Placing the blame on my P type personality, I'm unapologetic that this post will be a little messy, but I'll try my best with the headings. I'm reading the Tumblr page as I write this, so it's most likely not organised in any order whatsoever.
Also, as usual, most of these posts (or all of them) will include INFP. I know I've posted something about me being INTP, but like I've said, it's probably just the facade I wear because being an INFP is a very vulnerable state of mind. I am, in fact, very emotional and although it does make me rather annoyed at myself during those times when I'm supposed to keep my cool but I'm crying up a storm, I'm not going to deny my identity as an INFP. INFPs aren't all the same though. I am an INFP who is a little sadistic and quite cynical. Also I do believe I'm more self-aware than other INFPs I know.
1. INFP and ENFJ Relationship "INFP X ENFJ INFP: Fi Ne Si Te ENFJ: Fe Ni Se Ti With opposite functions in the same order, this couple processes the world very differently, although they may appear similar on the outside. Both are idealistic, future-oriented, and desire to improve the world around them. They both struggle with cold hard logic and facts, and prefer to deal with the emotional and abstract. Therefore the two may connect on similar interests and understand each other's motivating drive. However, these types also have various difference. On the negative side, the INFP may see the ENFJ as fake, judgemental and too inflexible in their ways, while the ENFJ may see the INFP as selfish, private and unplanned. On the positive side, the INFP may admire the ENFJ's structure, natural diplomacy, and comfortableness with people, while the ENFJ may admire the INFP's spontaneity, conviction to their own beliefs, and calming introverted presence."
This is completely true, at least from the INFP point of view. I can't speak for the ENFJ, but for me, I agree with all the points brought up. For the ENFJ I have in my mind right now, I have known for a long time that we are both very idealistic people, although it seems, to me at least, that I happen to get hurt a lot more because of that idealism. After all, INFP has the highest suicide rates in school while ENFJ is the happiest. Well, contradiction can only happen when there's a common ground after all.
Also, I share some similar interests, although on others, I wholeheartedly disagree and would like to argue my way through it (i.e. "fight me in real life"). I do understand his views and the way he thinks, but there's a difference between understanding and accepting. Even if it makes sense to me, I usually don't find myself agreeing. My views, those deep and intrinsic ones, are often a direct contradiction and almost a mirror image of his views.
That said, I do admire his ability to be very diplomatic and charismatic, in the sense that he can keep the peace with a large group of people. But that doesn't mean that I don't think he is selfish (judgemental), hypocritical (fake) and too close-minded (inflexible). So yes, I do think this person did an excellent job presenting the dynamics between an INFP and ENFJ.
I think the most important takeaway from this is that while two people may have the most contradictory views about the world, in order for the contradictions to happen in the first place, there must be a common ground. I mean, you cannot compare two things when they are completely unrelated. Just like that picture up there. Black wolf and white wolf, these two usually symbolise very different things: black wolves symbolising the bestial, vicious and independent nature of a lonewolf, while white wolves symbolise pack strength, care for pack members and wisdom. They are contradictory, but they are both wolves (thus the common ground).
2. Most to Least Authentic 1. ESTJ 2. ENTP 3. INFP 4. ISTP 5. INTJ 6. INTP 7. ESTP 8. ISTJ 9. ISFP 10. INFP 11. INFJ 12. ISFJ 13. ESFP 14. ENTJ 15. ESFJ 16. ENFJ Wow, look at that. I'm #3 on the list, probably because I'm bloody straightforward with giving opinions. I'm that kind of person who, if you ask me for an honest opinion, I'll give you an honest opinion, whether or not it will sting. Look at those pretentious assholes though...why am/was I friends with so many of them. And once again, ENFJ proves me right. They are very pretentious and hypocritical and fake. In fact, they are the least authentic MBTI. That says quite a lot since even those at the top can practise being fake once in a while. ENFJs must be really, really fake then.
3. MBTI as Brides ISTJ: Are very concerned with the logistics of the wedding, making sure all of their family's flights are on time, flowers are ordered, etc. ISFJ: Is very romantic about their wedding, wanting it to be traditional and classic, and are very concerned with making sure all of the details are right INFJ: Spends a lot of time sitting by themselves and considering their visions of marriage and the underlying emotions of their wedding INTJ: Finds most of the festivities to be superficial and unnecessary, getting mad at people who botch up the to-do's of the wedding ISTP: Enjoys buying fine items and clothing, but dislikes the overt emotion and attention put on them throughout the wedding ISFP: Is very concerned with the aesthetics of their wedding, making sure everything looks beautiful for their day INFP: Has a very romantic and fanciful view of how they want the day to go, spending a lot of time considering their emotions in the situation INTP: Dislikes the expectations, overt emotion, and attention of the wedding, letting others make choices for them as long as they are mainly left alone ESTP: Enjoys the excitement, especially their bachelor/ette party and wanting to live in the moment and having lots of fun at their wedding/party/honeymoon as well ESFP: Loves the attention of the few days, wanting to make sure they look beautiful and having everyone's eyes on them ENFP: Want to have more unconventional wedding, worrying mainly about the concepts of fun, love, and family and not so much all the details involved ENTP: Have fun talking to people and having attention, but dislike all the details of the festivities ESTJ: Are very direct in making sure their wedding planner creates a very traditional, classic wedding and gets all the details right ESFJ: Become a little bossy making sure everything is the way they have envisioned it, also spend a lot of time connecting with all of their guests ENFJ: Spend a lot of time connecting with their guests, having a romantic vision of how they want the day to go ENTJ: Takes over for the wedding planner, spending most of the day directing everyone on where they need to go
I must say, although I'm not a bride and will probably never be, because I don't want to be, this is quite accurate in the more general situation sense. "Has a very romantic and fanciful view of how they want the day to go" and this is immediately followed by "expectations are completely let down and goes into a period of depression". This basically happens every time something mildly exciting is going to happen - I have too idealistic a view of what's going to happen. I've learnt now, to not even have no expectations, I have to go in with negative expectations. If I go in with my flowery expectations, I'm just going to end up disappointed all over again. I thought I'm the only one, but apparently ENFJ is the same. Weird. I thought maybe ENFP, but I guess they are way too hyper and scatter-brained.
4. MBTI When They Like Someone (Romantic and Platonic) ISTJ: Act very shy around the other person, but may also reminisce over shared memories and experiences ISFJ: Constantly offer to help the other person with anything like chores or homework INFJ: Keep their affections to themselves around the person, but mention them a lot to their friends INTJ: They listen, debate and engage in intellectual conversations with the other person; if they find the other person interesting and listen to what they say ISTP: Tease the other person with witty humour and jokes ISFP: They feel comfortable sharing little snippets of their emotions or opinions with the other person INFP: Get very embarrassed, flustered, and blush a lot around the person they like INTP: Get overwhelmed with their feelings, trying to appear intellectual and figure out how to tease the other person without being mean or critical ESTP: Act very over the top, pulling stunts, flirting very obviously, and doing anything to get the other person's attention ESFP: Flirt classically, attracting a lot of attention to themselves and being extraordinarily charismatic and charming ENFP: They become very nervous around the other person, being very friendly and charming but also flustered ENTP: Tease the other person and debate with them, engaging them in conversations continuously ESTJ: Worry about appearing respectful and traditional, while also attempting to tease and compliment the other person ESFJ: Act even more friendly and perfect than usual to the other person, offering to help them out with things as well ENFJ: Ask a bunch of questions to try to understand the other person's likes, dislikes, etc. and adjust their behaviour accordingly ENTJ: Appear cool and collected the entire time they are with the other person, considering the best way to compliment and interact with the other person
This time, I think I should reply to each MBTI accordingly, because I have something to say for all of them.
ISTJ: These are apparently the most normal people you will meet. They are shy, which is expected, but they don't do any weird shit that may scare the other person off. Typical drama girl, I suppose. ISFJ: Where can I find a specimen of this MBTI in the opposite gender? I would very much like someone to do my homework for me. INFJ: They are the second most normal people, except their friends probably want to slap the shit out of them. INTJ: So these people basically become even colder. I guess if a person likes these kind of people, it works, but personally, while I do like cool and composed anime guys, in real life, it's quite the opposite. INTJs are oddly composed and very weird, not even in the endearing way, but they make good conversation. ISTP: This is the guy I want to meet at a bar. So, yes please. ISFP: In other words, they start dumping their shit on you? I don't mind it, but I think some people may find that quite annoying. INFP: ...No I don't do this...
Or even this...
So, I don't know what you are talking about.
INTP: I think this is quite normal too, at least outwardly. These people are probably dying of inner turmoil though.
ESTP: Argh, these are the guys at the bar who don't know how to shut up and the more they talk, the more I deduct points from their assumed IQ. These are probably the guys in shows who are super good-looking and hot, but the moment they open their mouths, it's like "NOPE, SORRY". But, these people are insanely easy to ignore too.
ESFP: Depending on how they go about it, they can either be uber attractive or insanely annoying. I, for one, get wary of people who are charismatic, because they are probably hiding something. So most likely, 9 out of 10, I would dislike ESFPs.
ENFP: This is just the extroverted version of an INFP and frankly I must say, I love it, a lot. Sadly, I don't know any ENFP guys. Come on, the idea of a guy who is quite laid-back, hyperactive and scatterbrained that gets shy around the girl he likes. That's super adorable please!
It's like Tamaki Suoh, minus his ridiculous flaunting and with just his hyperactivity. Cute~
ENTP: So they basically intrude upon your life and do not understanding the meaning of "Shut up and go away".
ESTJ: These people can be very charming...but also insanely boring and typical.
ESFJ: One word, pretentious. Generally, the more a person extrapolates the positive parts of their personality and hides their negative parts, the more suspicious I am about their authenticity.
ENFJ: I don't even know, ok? If ENTPs are intruding upon your life by never-ending conversations, ENFJs are trying to take control of your life and dig you inside-out. ENFJs are basically the type that does not understand that people will tell them things when the time if right and they don't have to chase a person to the ends of the earth. Patience, please, and personal space.
ENTJ: Hmmm...probably quite boring, but still, attractive compared to the rest.
Basically, if I have to choose 3 favourites and 3 most hated just based on this:
Favourites: ENFP, ISTP, ISFJ
Most Hated: ENFJ, ENTP, ESFJ (basically anyone who invades your life)
5. How to Make Them Hate You
NTs: Something close-minded, ignorant and idiotic
NFs: Criticising them in an unnecessarily harsh and personal way
SPs: Trying to confine them/make them conform to some prescribed set of values
SJs: Something unnecessarily radical and disruptive to their current situation
Is that why I cannot take criticisms? My threshold for very personalised insults is extremely low. I can tolerate stupidity...because I'm bloody stupid myself. If someone tries to confine me, I'll just ignore it. Also, if someone radical happens, well, just adapt and let it happen.
6. MBTI as Teenage Guys
ISTJ: Quiet kid who does all of their homework on time and can have poor social skills
ISFJ: Is the "quiet friend" in his group of friends, always does his homework and is very sweet
INFJ: Very quiet kid who spends their time watching the other students and psychoanalysing them
INTJ: The arrogant brainiac who complains all the time about how idiotic the classes or other classmates are while solving math problems in the corner of the room
ISTP: Guy who is obsessed with his car and doing repairs on it, very independent
ISFP: Artsy student who's fairly quiet and sweet but also hits up all the parties every weekend and smokes a lot
INFP: Part of a bunch of activism and writing clubs, very committed with their causes
INTP: Quiet kid with a secret hilarious sense of humour and incredible intellect
ESTP: The star jock who is a bit of a douche; very cocky; arrogant; and probably dates a lot of different girls
ESFP: Really outgoing kid who goes to every party and is adores by all of the girls
ENFP: Kid who plans on living in a hut in Guatemala in their gap year before college; often forgets their shoes when coming to school
ENTP: Kid who spends each class arguing with the teacher
ESTJ: Kid who takes over every school project and makes sure all the other kids are following the rules at all times
ESFJ: Guy who knows everyone at the school, is loved by almost everyone, but can be a little judgemental at times
ENFJ: Wins most likely to save the planet; very well liked and popular but also good academically and very driven
ENTJ: President of the student council and a dozen other clubs; extremely popular but also fairly aloof and unemotional
This is weird, because I generally hate all the Extroverts in this case, but my favourite is an Extrovert - the clumsy scatterbrain with way too much refreshing energy.
ISTJ: Probably a nice person, but too quiet for me to take particular interest in.
ISFJ: "Very sweet" is the best selling point here. This implies that this guy can be quite clingy at times, but will always be kind and considerate. I can tolerate that, especially since the Extroverts are pieces of shit.
INFJ: I would love to befriend one, except that getting too close is probably dangerous.
INTJ: Corner of the room? Please stay there and don't come back, jackass.
ISTP: Weird kid, not in the good way.
ISFP: The first part was fine, until it got to the smoking.
INFP: What can I say? I love my own MBTI? No, but really, if the INFP happens to have the same beliefs, this ship is sailing awesome, but if our beliefs are incongruent, the ship doesn't exist.
INTP: My favourite out of the Introverts, really. A guy who is smart and witty, but doesn't flaunt it around like an idiot Extrovert.
ESTP: The typical kind of guy that I know how to avoid and thus, don't mind.
ESFP: I have a feeling I'll hate this guy just because he is popular, but because he is insanely sweet and all, I would probably like him anyway.
ENFP: Once again, my real life preference for clumsy guys who seem to have their brains screwed on the wrong way. Oh why do I not know an ENFP guy? They are probably hunting whales in the North Pole or something.
ENTP: Seriously, shut up. There's a lesson to finish and if you want to argue, leave it for after class. I dislike class, but I dislike your voice more.
ESTJ: Boring.
ESFJ: I would find this guy a jackass.
ENFJ: Because of his popularity, I'd probably hate the shit out of him. Still, because he's going to save the planet, I have some kind of respect, albeit kept to myself.
ENTJ: The king of boring.
Conclusion of the day? Well, I think I may like ENFPs, but I've never actually met one, at least not a male one. ENFPs are outgoing and sociable but very scatterbrained and clumsy. They usually radiate with bright energy and are typical Shounen main characters. For example, both Edward Elric from FMA and Uzumaki Naruto from Naruto are speculated to be mostly ENFP.
As much as I prefer the cooler and colder characters in Naruto, I think that in real life, I would like Naruto more. He seems like someone who will be very supportive, in terms of protecting someone physically or brightening up their day. As an ENFP, he may not be as intuitive or good at understanding emotions as an ENFJ, but compared to an ENFJ, an ENFP has a much brighter personality and it's that personality of theirs that make people like them, despite their weirdness. For me, that's what makes me think that while INFP is theoretically best matched with ENFJ, I want to know an ENFP instead.
Sakamaki Reiji (Diabolik Lovers) I'm usually not a fan of reverse harems and I'm certainly not a fan of this one. I know what exactly it is about them I don't like and no, it's not because of the Shoujo category. Before I go on to explaining this preference of mine, here are some definitions for people who don't really have an affinity for anime and thus, don't understand the terms. I will be explaining other terms as I go on.
Reverse Harem: Reverse Harem is, as the name suggests, the reverse of Harem. In Harem, there is the main lead, who is always a male, surrounded by females. Thus, the opposite is true in Reverse Harem, where a female is the main character and she is constantly surrounded by good-looking men, i.e. Bishies. These men will compete for her affections for the most part, though this is not always the case.
Shoujo: "Shoujo" or "少女" is a term in Japanese that refers to girls between 7-18 years old. The genre of Shoujo in anime thus refers to any anime whose main intended audience are teenage girls. Common themes of this genre are romance, friendship, comedy, etc. with romance being the most common theme.
To make this more interesting, instead of pointing out the character blatantly like I usually do, here's a video of the anime's opening theme. It reveals the main characters, albeit very briefly, so you can form your opinion about them first. Also, you can guess which one I like.
In order of appearance, the male characters are Sakamaki Ayato, Sakamaki Kanato, Sakamaki Raito, Sakamaki Shuu. Sakamaki Reiji and Sakamaki Subaru.
Yes, this is an anime about vampires, as you can clearly see from the fangs on Reiji. It's nothing like Twilight, I assure you, or I'd rather gouge my eyes out before I watch even a minute of this anime.
It doesn't surprise me at all that I like Reiji, given the anime stereotype that he fits in so well with. In fact, in anime, there is a character stereotyped accurately named "Spectacled Sadist". Reiji isn't just a Megane (Spectacled) character, but is also one of the biggest sadists. Well, all the Sakamaki brothers are sadists to some extent, but Reiji is that kind of hidden sadist, who is extremely prim and proper on the surface, but has some very, very strong sadist habits.
Well, a little more on his character, from the Wiki page:
"Sakamaki Reiji is the second eldest son of the Sakamaki household. Reiji and his older brother, Shuu, are the sons of Beatrix, second wife of Karlheinz, the Vampire King.
Reiji has refined manners. Though he might have a polite, sophisticated way of speaking (which the creators describe to be "butler-like"), his words tend to come with a biting edge. He values rules and demands that they are followed by others, but he creates many strange rules. Despite how rigid he may seem, he still has some sense of humour (albeit a dry one).
Although Reiji is the second son, he takes it upon himself to keep the house tidy, to manage household affairs, and to keep his brothers in line. His role in the family combined with his seemingly polite, gentlemanly posture often causes him to appear more like the eldest instead of his older brother Sakamaki Shuu.
Shown by how he values rules, Reiji is a strict person towards both himself and those around him. He is an arrogant, prideful person who demands perfection and dislikes submitting to weaknesses. Though his words may be harsh, they shouldn't always be taken at face value. He is an extreme sadist, like the rest of his brothers, and his particular phrase is schadenfreude (pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune). Sometimes, he does or says something in order to get a reaction that amuses him.
Along with his passion for experimenting and making potions/drugs, he loves to collect tea sets and kitchenware. His brothers sometimes use Reiji's love for kitchenware to coerce him into cooking for them by saying that they'll use the kitchen themselves - his brothers have a penchant for destroying it when they use it. Due to his love for collecting, Ayato often called him a tableware otaku."
The problem with the anime is that, in a Reverse Harem, you would expect that at one point, every male character will have a sexual encounter with the main character. As a part-Yandere, that pisses me off.
Yandere: A combination of the words "Yan" and "Deredere", which means "Sick" and "Infatuation". Yandere refers to an anime character who is extremely affectionate, loving, merciful and gentle to the one they love, but can be brutal, psychotic and deranged. They are often easily jealous, leading to extreme acts of brutal murder.
In other words, when I see this...
I become like this...
In other words, I would love to watch Diabolik Lovers to its finality, staring at Reiji the whole time with tons of fantasies in my head, but I would go batshit insane if Yui goes one step close to him. I don't know why but I have stronger Yandere tendencies towards anime characters than towards real-life people. Probably the fact that I can own an anime character in my mind, but not a real-life person. Am I Yandere? Partly. Though I can be quite Tsun too.
Still, I really want to watch the anime, because when this happens...
Only in anime: Megane characters look good without their spectacles.
I'm basicaly this person...
Well, I'm basically done, so what's left is just me spamming pictures and Tumblr stuff related to Reiji.
That's basically how I felt, except that I knew that I have an obsession with Megane and sadist anime characters. Therefore, I don't feel that bad about it.
That is the face of a sadist thinking dirty, sadistic thoughts. As much as I fancy myself an S (sadist), Reiji is probably one of the few I would go M (masochist) for.
OMG, I'm officially married to Reiji! My life's purpose is fulfilled! Not.
Now that you mentioned it...*stares*...MMMM...nope, you're not the only one.