Wednesday 29 April 2015

Top 10 Pokemon Battle Music

      I was meaning to do a more serious post yesterday, but since I was "banned" from using the computer by an unexpected presence in the house, I couldn't find any time to do it. I was going to do it today, but my brain is in all sorts of mess right now, for no apparent reason. I didn't sleep late last night...well, not any later than I'm used to...but I woke up with a splitting headache. Probably from getting smacked on the head with a ball. Must have killed all the brain cells I have left too, which by any accounts, wasn't many.

     So instead of being all deep and complicated, I decided to do something a little more an excuse to myself to not do work and procrastinate. I really hope that one day I'll get rid of that habit, but it's a trade-off for being stupidly efficient, I suppose. Not bragging, really, because I would rather waste away an afternoon on work than have absolutely no motivation to do it. Once again, my brain is using the "it's not really that useful" excuse and I must say, it's true. I could do much better than waste my time on that (pointless homework).

     I'll probably have many of these top 10s every time I want to write on my blog (aka, avoid studying and not play so blatantly). I really want to go research and write more about INFJ, now that I've pulled myself out of the misconceptions about J-P. Apparently the usual stereotype still works for Extroverts, since their dominant functions correspond with the stereotype. It doesn't work for any of the Introverts however, and as much as I like to mention how my E-I differentiation is just 4-6%, I'm not going to dwell on that. INFJ seems so much more appropriate now that it answers:
1. Why I'm INFP and supposedly good at poetry, but I can't understand a word of it.
2. Why I have a fellow INFP...acquaintance, who has beliefs that I find so extremely selfish. It's not the selfish part that bothers me, it's more of the fact that I can't understand how we are supposed to be both INFP, but disagree on the most fundamental of things that two people of the same MBTI should agree on. No, it's not even disagreement. I can't even understand him. I would think that if I'm really an INFP, I would at least be able to comprehend his motivations.

     It's rather difficult though, given how many people have the same misconceptions about how J-P works. Most people, excluding experts of course, are inclined to believe that INFJ is more structured and organised while INFP is laid-back when it's quite the opposite. Hey, but INFJ does get a better reputation, even when you take out the Judging stereotype. I already did a very, very long post on the INFP vs INFJ issue, so I'm not going to go through the whole thing again. The main thing to note is that whether a person is decisive is not related to J-P, but rather, whether their dominant function is N-S (perceiving functions) or F-T (decision-making functions).
Yes, I would very much rather be a counsellor than a hippie. It's true though, since INFP seek to find harmony within themselves more, rather than to find harmony within their tight group of friends (tight group = introversion). Also, INFP senses feelings through art and music while INFJ senses feelings through physical proximity.

      I went off the tangent, again. Anyway, I'll do Naruto Epic music, Sad music, Bleach Music, etc etc in the future, but today, it's Pokemon. Since I'm not that in-tune with musical terms, I'll try my best to explain my preferences, but I'll probably still sound like an idiot.

#10. ORAS/RSE Regi Trio Music
     The reason why this music is this low on the list is partially due to my dislike of this trio, but to a greater extent, the absolute repetitiveness of a quite monotonous tune. The music starts off with quite an epic feeling, with the drums that were so characteristic of RSE (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald) music. However, though the generally deep-pitch of the music and the steady rhythm of drums creates quite an epic atmosphere, it gets horribly boring immediately after the 1st minute. Considering that you'll probably be sitting there for up to 20 minutes per Regi, you'll get bored real stone. And what's the hype about the Regis anyway? They are trolls or ogres, I get it, but they just look like 3 hunks of rock, ice and steel!

#9. DPPt Lake Trio Music

       The video says "Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire", I'm quite aware, but they did not remix the music for the new games, so it's still DPPt (Diamond, Pearl, Platinum). This is the kind of choice I have to make that makes me want to kick myself in the face. It's low on the list, yes, but this music deserves to be on the list. The build-up to the music is great, the resonance of a single "wailing" instrument in alternating channels (right and left ear) going in crescendo (I can only use piano terms) creates a kind of anticipation. The music that follows after creates an ominous atmosphere, with the background tune evoking a feeling of imminent danger. What makes this music so low on the list is the Lake Trio themselves. I don't dislike these three pixies, but with how adorable they look, isn't the music a little weird? "A little" being an understatement too. You would expect Giratina to pop out, or Darkrai, but you get three cute little pixie things.

#8. ORAS/RSE Team Magma/Aqua Boss Music

      Although the first few seconds are a little anticlimactic, given that these two villains tend to appear and give epic speeches before their fights, the music builds up after the 25 second mark and begin to sound much better. Generally, I think that this version of the battle theme is a great remix of the old one, due to the inclusion of many appropriate background tunes and epic instruments. This music symbolic of the generation as well, not only because it's the final boss theme for the respective villain organisations, but because it was the music that best exemplified the use of drums in the RSE games. Why is it so low on the list though? Well, let's just say I played Omega Ruby (for Mega Mawile, Zangoose and basically all the old Ruby exclusives) and Maxie was a joke. On my first playthrough, I was using Gyarados as my Water type and the second time, it was Azumarill. I barely got to see 5 seconds of Maxie's Mega Camerupt before it got its asshole ripped apart by a Waterfall (Yea, Huge Power Adamant Max Attack Azumarill Overkill). Still, the nostalgia factor kept it above the other two.

#7. BW Final N Battle Music

     I don't exactly love the music for the N fight and it doesn't exactly suit the battle either, but the only reason it's here is for respect towards the character. In my opinion, N is the character in the series with the most character depth. He is a Pokemon trainer who is "son" to Ghetsis and from a young age, only interacted with Pokemon. Thus, he is very awkward with humans, but has developed an ability to read the emotions and minds of every Pokemon he meets. Depending on the game you play, N fights on the side of Team Plasma, but is a guy with good intentions. He either seeks the truth of the world or its ideals, again depending on the game. He is the Hero of Legend who is the partner of Reshiram/Zekrom and at the end of the game, after meeting your character, he realises the world can only exist when opposing ideals coexist, not when they try to wipe each other out. He leaves you with the most inspirational speech in any Pokemon game and flies away on his Reshiram/Zekrom.

#6. BW2 Ghetsis Music

      Starting from here are music that I have absolutely no complaints about. They are just lower than others because the others are better, not because they themselves have any flaws. For the sake of people who never played BW (Black, White) or BW2, Ghetsis is the main villain in both games. In the first game, he made use of N, a Pokemon trainer who grew up with Pokemon and can read their emotions, to rally support for his plan to "liberate" Pokemon. His plans, however, was to rid the world of people who owned Pokemon while keeping his own so he could overpower everyone and take over the world. Team Plasma, in both games, was under his command and was, by far, the best villain organisation so far (kill me please Genwunners, admit it, Team Plasma is better than Team Rocket). Ghetsis is an unrepentant and thoroughly evil character, which is one of my favourite kinds of villain (second only to the villain with a dark past, aka N). This theme suits him incredibly well, with the unusually (for a Pokemon game) dark tune and rhythm. The constant chanting in the background, fun fact, is repeated the word "Geechisu", which is Ghetsis's Japanese name. The battle against him is tough, unforgiving and certainly worthy of such music. I mean, look at his team!

#5. BW2 Rival Hugh Music

      Hugh is undoubtedly my favourite one of the rival characters in Pokemon. His music is as unique as he is and at the same time, the combination of everything good about the previous rivals. He is the only rival that I emotionally cared about basically. He was someone you could empathise with and isn't just an asshole who wanted to best you at everything. He challenges you at every turn, but even when he gets defeated, he still congratulates you on it. He has Blue's competitive spirit, Silver's anger, May's friendliness, Barry's impatience and Cheren's helpfulness. I know many people will disagree with me and while Silver and Blue are my favourite rivals in the Manga, in the games at least, Hugh is the rival with the most depth. Silver's past just isn't that fleshed out in the games.

#4. DPPt Champion Cynthia Music

      Just as a proof of how much love this music has gathered, this piece was actually remixed for the most recent Smash games for the Pokemon stages. Cynthia is my favourite champion in all the games. She is the one with the most competent team and is constantly helpful throughout your journey. She is also revealed as a fellow Pokedex holder, who started on her journey way before you, creating the feeling that she's your older sister. She constantly offers her assistance throughout the journey, if only to point you towards the right direction. Her design is incredibly cool as well, and her character design is meant to take after one of her Pokemon's - Lucario. I mean, look at her team, if you used her team laddering on Pokemon Showdown, I reckon you could get quite far too.

#3. DPPt Giratina Music

      Giratina is the Pokemon equivalent of Hades, or whatever God of the Underworld. Giratina lives in the world parallel to ours, also called the Distortion World. The Distortion World is what happens to the world without Palkia and Dialga, without control of Time and Space. Everything is in chaos and it's only recognisable inhabitant is Giratina. It is a member of the creation trio, although his position may be swapped for Arceus, the God of Pokemon. He is said to be made of pure antimatter. This music suits Giratina superbly well. The very tune is chaotic and confusing at the start, with a sense of foreboding following it and then urgent danger. When this music plays in the Distortion World, you are acutely aware that you should not be there and you are intruding into a world that you don't belong in.

#2. ORAS/RSE Rayquaza Music

      Rayquaza's music fits his status as the Lord of the Skies. Rayquaza is my favourite legendary, not only because it's a glass canon, like my other favourites, but because of how it is characterised in games. In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red and Blue, Rayquaza is the final boss of the game. He is an aloof, majestic and noble creature, living high above the clouds in Sky Tower, a dungeon only accessible via a powerful teleportation gem. Your motive in meeting him is to destroy the gigantic meteorite heading towards the Pokemon world, by pleading the great Lord himself to do it. Rayquaza starts off the fight with a quote I remember too well - "I am a being of the sky and you are but denizens of the ground. To which there is a world destined as their own!...Let there be no mercy for those who defy the laws of nature!" In ORAS, Rayquaza and his Mega form, are part of the Zinnia episode in which he is also to destroy a meteorite heading towards the earth. Rayquaza's music starts off strong, reflecting the both the grandeur and strength of the Pokemon known as the Lord of the Skies.

#1. ORAS Zinnia Final Battle Music

      You finished the game and you thought Steven and his frigging Mega Metagross is hard, but oh, you haven't seen all ORAS has to offer yet. In the Special Zinnia episode, you meet a strange girl named Zinnia, who had been tracking you as part of the rival theme. She reveals herself as a Draconid woman, a tribe of Dragon trainers who have been protecting Hoenn for a long time. They had foreseen the falling of the meteorite and Zinnia's goal is to stop it, by collecting all the Mega Stones. When the scientists at Mossdeep created a machine for sending the meteorite into another world, Zinnia stops them, then reminding the main character that if the meteorite was send into another world, wouldn't that other world be destroyed, along with everyone that lived in it? She then brings the character to the top of Sky Pillar, where the legend of the Hoenn trio was inscribed and summon Rayquaza. However, the Mega Stones she collected were not enough to Mega evolve Rayquaza, but was finally successful when the small meteorite piece you were carrying throughout your whole journey reacted to Rayquaza. Seeing as Rayquaza has chosen you as its partner, she lets you take over her role. After you defeat Deoxys, which was disguised as the meteorite, you descend back to earth and finds that Zinnia is gone. The Whismur she left behind in her grandmother's care brings you a letter that says probably the most memorable line in the games, "I was finally able to bring everything to an end. I thank you for that. I think I'll spend some time now trying to find out if it's also possible to forge a new beginning for something once lost. Until we meet again."

      Let's also not forget how Zinnia has Mega Salamence, the Pokemon immediately banned to Ubers after ORAS was officially released.

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