Tuesday 21 April 2015

More MBTI Stuff #4: Actually Interesting This Time

     Before I start with anything related to MBTI, I just thought I should leave this video here. I know I have already expressed my intense obsession with Sakamaki Reiji, but I'm listening to this song objectively (or so I think), trying not to be biased. All the Sakamaki brothers have their own character songs, but I think the two that stand out the most for me are Kiss Mark by Sakamaki Shuu and this one - Toaru Yugensha no Unmei (A Certain Prophet's Fate) by Sakamaki Reiji. I think Reiji's character song is particularly attractive to me because Reiji's voice actor has a nice deep voice that is not unemotional.

     Anyway, today's MBTI stuff will be taken from a Tumblr page called "Confessions of a Myers Briggs-aholic". The author is an INFJ and I must say, most consistent Tumblr pages are ran by J types, simply because P types do things based on impulse. Sometimes, I just don't feel like it.

     Placing the blame on my P type personality, I'm unapologetic that this post will be a little messy, but I'll try my best with the headings. I'm reading the Tumblr page as I write this, so it's most likely not organised in any order whatsoever.

     Also, as usual, most of these posts (or all of them) will include INFP. I know I've posted something about me being INTP, but like I've said, it's probably just the facade I wear because being an INFP is a very vulnerable state of mind. I am, in fact, very emotional and although it does make me rather annoyed at myself during those times when I'm supposed to keep my cool but I'm crying up a storm, I'm not going to deny my identity as an INFP. INFPs aren't all the same though. I am an INFP who is a little sadistic and quite cynical. Also I do believe I'm more self-aware than other INFPs I know.

1. INFP and ENFJ Relationship
INFP: Fi Ne Si Te
ENFJ: Fe Ni Se Ti
With opposite functions in the same order, this couple processes the world very differently, although they may appear similar on the outside. Both are idealistic, future-oriented, and desire to improve the world around them. They both struggle with cold hard logic and facts, and prefer to deal with the emotional and abstract. Therefore the two may connect on similar interests and understand each other's motivating drive.
However, these types also have various difference. On the negative side, the INFP may see the ENFJ as fake, judgemental and too inflexible in their ways, while the ENFJ may see the INFP as selfish, private and unplanned. On the positive side, the INFP may admire the ENFJ's structure, natural diplomacy, and comfortableness with people, while the ENFJ may admire the INFP's spontaneity, conviction to their own beliefs, and calming introverted presence."

     This is completely true, at least from the INFP point of view. I can't speak for the ENFJ, but for me, I agree with all the points brought up. For the ENFJ I have in my mind right now, I have known for a long time that we are both very idealistic people, although it seems, to me at least, that I happen to get hurt a lot more because of that idealism. After all, INFP has the highest suicide rates in school while ENFJ is the happiest. Well, contradiction can only happen when there's a common ground after all.

     Also, I share some similar interests, although on others, I wholeheartedly disagree and would like to argue my way through it (i.e. "fight me in real life"). I do understand his views and the way he thinks, but there's a difference between understanding and accepting. Even if it makes sense to me, I usually don't find myself agreeing. My views, those deep and intrinsic ones, are often a direct contradiction and almost a mirror image of his views.

     That said, I do admire his ability to be very diplomatic and charismatic, in the sense that he can keep the peace with a large group of people. But that doesn't mean that I don't think he is selfish (judgemental), hypocritical (fake) and too close-minded (inflexible). So yes, I do think this person did an excellent job presenting the dynamics between an INFP and ENFJ.
     I think the most important takeaway from this is that while two people may have the most contradictory views about the world, in order for the contradictions to happen in the first place, there must be a common ground. I mean, you cannot compare two things when they are completely unrelated. Just like that picture up there. Black wolf and white wolf, these two usually symbolise very different things: black wolves symbolising the bestial, vicious and independent nature of a lonewolf, while white wolves symbolise pack strength, care for pack members and wisdom. They are contradictory, but they are both wolves (thus the common ground).

2. Most to Least Authentic
10. INFP
11. INFJ
12. ISFJ
13. ESFP
14. ENTJ
15. ESFJ
16. ENFJ
     Wow, look at that. I'm #3 on the list, probably because I'm bloody straightforward with giving opinions. I'm that kind of person who, if you ask me for an honest opinion, I'll give you an honest opinion, whether or not it will sting. Look at those pretentious assholes though...why am/was I friends with so many of them. And once again, ENFJ proves me right. They are very pretentious and hypocritical and fake. In fact, they are the least authentic MBTI. That says quite a lot since even those at the top can practise being fake once in a while. ENFJs must be really, really fake then.

3. MBTI as Brides
ISTJ: Are very concerned with the logistics of the wedding, making sure all of their family's flights are on time, flowers are ordered, etc.
ISFJ: Is very romantic about their wedding, wanting it to be traditional and classic, and are very concerned with making sure all of the details are right
INFJ: Spends a lot of time sitting by themselves and considering their visions of marriage and the underlying emotions of their wedding
INTJ: Finds most of the festivities to be superficial and unnecessary, getting mad at people who botch up the to-do's of the wedding
ISTP: Enjoys buying fine items and clothing, but dislikes the overt emotion and attention put on them throughout the wedding
ISFP: Is very concerned with the aesthetics of their wedding, making sure everything looks beautiful for their day
INFP: Has a very romantic and fanciful view of how they want the day to go, spending a lot of time considering their emotions in the situation
INTP: Dislikes the expectations, overt emotion, and attention of the wedding, letting others make choices for them as long as they are mainly left alone
ESTP: Enjoys the excitement, especially their bachelor/ette party and wanting to live in the moment and having lots of fun at their wedding/party/honeymoon as well
ESFP: Loves the attention of the few days, wanting to make sure they look beautiful and having everyone's eyes on them
ENFP: Want to have more unconventional wedding, worrying mainly about the concepts of fun, love, and family and not so much all the details involved
ENTP: Have fun talking to people and having attention, but dislike all the details of the festivities
ESTJ: Are very direct in making sure their wedding planner creates a very traditional, classic wedding and gets all the details right
ESFJ: Become a little bossy making sure everything is the way they have envisioned it, also spend a lot of time connecting with all of their guests
ENFJ: Spend a lot of time connecting with their guests, having a romantic vision of how they want the day to go
ENTJ: Takes over for the wedding planner, spending most of the day directing everyone on where they need to go

     I must say, although I'm not a bride and will probably never be, because I don't want to be, this is quite accurate in the more general situation sense. "Has a very romantic and fanciful view of how they want the day to go" and this is immediately followed by "expectations are completely let down and goes into a period of depression". This basically happens every time something mildly exciting is going to happen - I have too idealistic a view of what's going to happen. I've learnt now, to not even have no expectations, I have to go in with negative expectations. If I go in with my flowery expectations, I'm just going to end up disappointed all over again. I thought I'm the only one, but apparently ENFJ is the same. Weird. I thought maybe ENFP, but I guess they are way too hyper and scatter-brained.

4. MBTI When They Like Someone (Romantic and Platonic)
ISTJ: Act very shy around the other person, but may also reminisce over shared memories and experiences
ISFJ: Constantly offer to help the other person with anything like chores or homework
INFJ: Keep their affections to themselves around the person, but mention them a lot to their friends
INTJ: They listen, debate and engage in intellectual conversations with the other person; if they find the other person interesting and listen to what they say
ISTP: Tease the other person with witty humour and jokes
ISFP: They feel comfortable sharing little snippets of their emotions or opinions with the other person
INFP: Get very embarrassed, flustered, and blush a lot around the person they like
INTP: Get overwhelmed with their feelings, trying to appear intellectual and figure out how to tease the other person without being mean or critical
ESTP: Act very over the top, pulling stunts, flirting very obviously, and doing anything to get the other person's attention
ESFP: Flirt classically, attracting a lot of attention to themselves and being extraordinarily charismatic and charming
ENFP: They become very nervous around the other person, being very friendly and charming but also flustered
ENTP: Tease the other person and debate with them, engaging them in conversations continuously
ESTJ: Worry about appearing respectful and traditional, while also attempting to tease and compliment the other person
ESFJ: Act even more friendly and perfect than usual to the other person, offering to help them out with things as well
ENFJ: Ask a bunch of questions to try to understand the other person's likes, dislikes, etc. and adjust their behaviour accordingly
ENTJ: Appear cool and collected the entire time they are with the other person, considering the best way to compliment and interact with the other person

    This time, I think I should reply to each MBTI accordingly, because I have something to say for all of them.

ISTJ: These are apparently the most normal people you will meet. They are shy, which is expected, but they don't do any weird shit that may scare the other person off. Typical drama girl, I suppose.
ISFJ: Where can I find a specimen of this MBTI in the opposite gender? I would very much like someone to do my homework for me.
INFJ: They are the second most normal people, except their friends probably want to slap the shit out of them.
INTJ: So these people basically become even colder. I guess if a person likes these kind of people, it works, but personally, while I do like cool and composed anime guys, in real life, it's quite the opposite. INTJs are oddly composed and very weird, not even in the endearing way, but they make good conversation.
ISTP: This is the guy I want to meet at a bar. So, yes please.
ISFP: In other words, they start dumping their shit on you? I don't mind it, but I think some people may find that quite annoying.
INFP: ...No I don't do this...
         Or even this...
        So, I don't know what you are talking about.
INTP: I think this is quite normal too, at least outwardly. These people are probably dying of inner turmoil though.
ESTP: Argh, these are the guys at the bar who don't know how to shut up and the more they talk, the more I deduct points from their assumed IQ. These are probably the guys in shows who are super good-looking and hot, but the moment they open their mouths, it's like "NOPE, SORRY". But, these people are insanely easy to ignore too.
ESFP: Depending on how they go about it, they can either be uber attractive or insanely annoying. I, for one, get wary of people who are charismatic, because they are probably hiding something. So most likely, 9 out of 10, I would dislike ESFPs.
ENFP: This is just the extroverted version of an INFP and frankly I must say, I love it, a lot. Sadly, I don't know any ENFP guys. Come on, the idea of a guy who is quite laid-back, hyperactive and scatterbrained that gets shy around the girl he likes. That's super adorable please!
             It's like Tamaki Suoh, minus his ridiculous flaunting and with just his hyperactivity. Cute~
ENTP: So they basically intrude upon your life and do not understanding the meaning of "Shut up and go away". 
ESTJ: These people can be very charming...but also insanely boring and typical.
ESFJ: One word, pretentious. Generally, the more a person extrapolates the positive parts of their personality and hides their negative parts, the more suspicious I am about their authenticity.
ENFJ: I don't even know, ok? If ENTPs are intruding upon your life by never-ending conversations, ENFJs are trying to take control of your life and dig you inside-out. ENFJs are basically the type that does not understand that people will tell them things when the time if right and they don't have to chase a person to the ends of the earth. Patience, please, and personal space.
ENTJ: Hmmm...probably quite boring, but still, attractive compared to the rest.

     Basically, if I have to choose 3 favourites and 3 most hated just based on this:
Favourites: ENFP, ISTP, ISFJ
Most Hated: ENFJ, ENTP, ESFJ (basically anyone who invades your life)

5. How to Make Them Hate You
NTs: Something close-minded, ignorant and idiotic
NFs: Criticising them in an unnecessarily harsh and personal way
SPs: Trying to confine them/make them conform to some prescribed set of values
SJs: Something unnecessarily radical and disruptive to their current situation

     Is that why I cannot take criticisms? My threshold for very personalised insults is extremely low. I can tolerate stupidity...because I'm bloody stupid myself. If someone tries to confine me, I'll just ignore it. Also, if someone radical happens, well, just adapt and let it happen.

6. MBTI as Teenage Guys
ISTJ: Quiet kid who does all of their homework on time and can have poor social skills
ISFJ: Is the "quiet friend" in his group of friends, always does his homework and is very sweet
INFJ: Very quiet kid who spends their time watching the other students and psychoanalysing them
INTJ: The arrogant brainiac who complains all the time about how idiotic the classes or other classmates are while solving math problems in the corner of the room
ISTP: Guy who is obsessed with his car and doing repairs on it, very independent
ISFP: Artsy student who's fairly quiet and sweet but also hits up all the parties every weekend and smokes a lot
INFP: Part of a bunch of activism and writing clubs, very committed with their causes
INTP: Quiet kid with a secret hilarious sense of humour and incredible intellect
ESTP: The star jock who is a bit of a douche; very cocky; arrogant; and probably dates a lot of different girls
ESFP: Really outgoing kid who goes to every party and is adores by all of the girls
ENFP: Kid who plans on living in a hut in Guatemala in their gap year before college; often forgets their shoes when coming to school
ENTP: Kid who spends each class arguing with the teacher
ESTJ: Kid who takes over every school project and makes sure all the other kids are following the rules at all times
ESFJ: Guy who knows everyone at the school, is loved by almost everyone, but can be a little judgemental at times
ENFJ: Wins most likely to save the planet; very well liked and popular but also good academically and very driven
ENTJ: President of the student council and a dozen other clubs; extremely popular but also fairly aloof and unemotional

     This is weird, because I generally hate all the Extroverts in this case, but my favourite is an Extrovert - the clumsy scatterbrain with way too much refreshing energy.

ISTJ: Probably a nice person, but too quiet for me to take particular interest in.
ISFJ: "Very sweet" is the best selling point here. This implies that this guy can be quite clingy at times, but will always be kind and considerate. I can tolerate that, especially since the Extroverts are pieces of shit.
INFJ: I would love to befriend one, except that getting too close is probably dangerous.
INTJ: Corner of the room? Please stay there and don't come back, jackass.
ISTP: Weird kid, not in the good way.
ISFP: The first part was fine, until it got to the smoking.
INFP: What can I say? I love my own MBTI? No, but really, if the INFP happens to have the same beliefs, this ship is sailing awesome, but if our beliefs are incongruent, the ship doesn't exist.
INTP: My favourite out of the Introverts, really. A guy who is smart and witty, but doesn't flaunt it around like an idiot Extrovert.
ESTP: The typical kind of guy that I know how to avoid and thus, don't mind.
ESFP: I have a feeling I'll hate this guy just because he is popular, but because he is insanely sweet and all, I would probably like him anyway.
ENFP: Once again, my real life preference for clumsy guys who seem to have their brains screwed on the wrong way. Oh why do I not know an ENFP guy? They are probably hunting whales in the North Pole or something.
ENTP: Seriously, shut up. There's a lesson to finish and if you want to argue, leave it for after class. I dislike class, but I dislike your voice more.
ESTJ: Boring.
ESFJ: I would find this guy a jackass.
ENFJ: Because of his popularity, I'd probably hate the shit out of him. Still, because he's going to save the planet, I have some kind of respect, albeit kept to myself.
ENTJ: The king of boring.


     Conclusion of the day? Well, I think I may like ENFPs, but I've never actually met one, at least not a male one. ENFPs are outgoing and sociable but very scatterbrained and clumsy. They usually radiate with bright energy and are typical Shounen main characters. For example, both Edward Elric from FMA and Uzumaki Naruto from Naruto are speculated to be mostly ENFP. 
     As much as I prefer the cooler and colder characters in Naruto, I think that in real life, I would like Naruto more. He seems like someone who will be very supportive, in terms of protecting someone physically or brightening up their day. As an ENFP, he may not be as intuitive or good at understanding emotions as an ENFJ, but compared to an ENFJ, an ENFP has a much brighter personality and it's that personality of theirs that make people like them, despite their weirdness. For me, that's what makes me think that while INFP is theoretically best matched with ENFJ, I want to know an ENFP instead.

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