Monday, 9 February 2015

MBTI Stuff #3

Types Present With a Locked Door
ENFP: "BUT WHAT IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOOR???? Monkeys??? Jesus?? Cupcakes? Food? AHHHHHH"
INFP: "I wonder how the key got lost...where is it now..."
ENFJ: *asks everyone nearby where the key is*
INFJ: "How-how could this be...?"
ENTP: "I could pick the lock...but could I also find a better solution? Would it be cool to kick it down? But physics might not allow for it...hmmm..."
INTP: *picks the lock*
ENTJ: *takes the knob off the door
INTJ: "Not worth it"
ESFP: "Um...this door is locked. Moving on!"
ISFP: *paints the door*
ESTP: *kicks the door down* "KARATEEEE"
ISTP: *cuts down the door and uses the wood to make a battering ram in case another locked door is encountered*
ESTJ: "This is of no concern to me."
ISTJ: "The door is probably locked for a reason."
ESFJ: "Oh, no! What if someone's trapped inside???"
ISFJ: *slides food under the door in case an animal is on the other side of the door*

Types Getting Pulled Over
















Types as Greek Gods/Goddesses
ESTP: Ares, God of War (that's cool)
ISTP: Hephaestus, God of Fire, Metalworking and Crafts
ESFP: Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty
ISFP: Poseidon, God of the Sea
ENFP: Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, Wilderness and Animals (I like Artemis too)
INFP: Apollo, God of Music, Poetry and Archery (my favourite God in Smite too)
ENFJ: Hermes, God of Travel and Communication
INFJ: Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and Intelligence
ESTJ: Zeus, God of Law, Order and Weather
ISTJ: Hera, Goddess of Marriage and Empires
ESFJ: Demeter, Goddess of Agriculture and Growth
ISFJ: Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth and the Home
ENTP: Dionysus, God of Wine, Parties and Chaos
INTP: Hypnos, God of Sleep
ENTJ: Nike, Goddess of Victory
INTJ: Hades, God of the Underworld