Thursday 1 January 2015

More MBTI Stuff #2

     The last post was a bit technical, but in this one, there will be more rambling and fun stuff. These are all taken from Tumblr, so these are not made up by me in anyway. I will usually point out INFP, INTJ, ENFJ, ISTP, ISFJ and ESFJ.

1. MBTI Stereotypes Are Not Always True
     That's right. I don't cry all the time, alright? In fact, I don't cry often, especially not in front of people. The kind of embarrassment that comes with crying in public is awful. Though I do almost always cry in movies. I also get depression pangs that cause tears. Fine, I feel like crying a lot, but whether I actually do cry is another story.

     Oh, please. The poster must be an ENFJ, because anyone who knows an ENFJ knows that ENFJs love nothing more than digging into your deepest emotions. It's like they get some sadistic pleasure from seeing you squirm in discomfort. INTJs are evil masterminds. They can be nice, but still, they are almost always quite mean and unemotional. I do know an ISTP who does not understand sarcasm. I also know that my ISFJ friend is not trying to be my mom. Still...ESFJs are gossipy, it is true. But hey, just don't gossip about me.

2. MBTI As Third Wheels
     Well, in this case, I would say that INFPs and ENFJs are the opposite. I would actually make it even more awkward, because I'm feeling extremely awkward. Well, INTJs are very straightforward with stuff, but I think in this situation, we are assuming that they are being asked specifically to be a third wheel. I would want to say no, but as an INFP, I feel happy to be invited, so I wouldn't turn down the invitation. I would still inwardly complain about being put in an awkward situation though.

3. Truthful MBTI
     The words are a bit small, but deal with it. Let me just try to understand this. INFPs fall out of the sky, are raised by unicorns, will follow you like a puppy and will dissipate in water. I love how INFPs are always described in the weirdest ways. We aren't even human. We are so strange, we are a completely different species, not a normal species either. Some unidentified creature.

     I can agree with the ENFJ thing. They are very capable of making to think and care about things that I would not think or care about. It's very annoying when it's more convenient to skip that and not allow my decision to waver, especially since INFPs are prone to making last minute decision changes. INTJs are proud of being assholes, I agree. ISFJs are also the kind of friend who won't be very open about being extremely nice and all. 

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